9.3 – How the “Tanking” Reward Works

Thanks to Imperatore_of_Destiny for the picture (as well as the others who sent me different picture showing incidents such as this).

Hello everyone,

as you already probably know from the patchnotes, in 9.3, a new mechanism is introduced, that rewards the so-called “tanking” (MMORPG players are likely familiar with the terms), eg. protecting the rest of the team by attracting enemy fire and deflecting it with your thick armor. The exact definition of the “tanking” is (as per English patchnotes):

Added bonus to Combat Experience which rewards vehicle non-penetration/ricochet, applicable only when an enemy shell hits the vehicle’s hull (original trajectory of the shell must cross the hull), but does not reduce its HP.

Please note that this is NOT the same as “potential damage recieved” (turrets hits do not count for example). So, how exactly is it working? Well… strangely. Check this out:


This is not the first strange result I’ve seen from the 9.3 test. 1375 damage and 2400 damage blocked by armor, 3000 base XP… sounds legit. My theory is that there is exactly one faulty element of the “tanking” equation, that is under certain circumstances causing these wild results. I tried to re-create it, but only had a limited success with it (Maus – cca 5000 potential damage, cca 500 damage done, resulted in cca 900 XP reward and top 3 in XP).

Well, let’s hope they fix it until the release. No, scratch that, let’s hope they don’t :P

55 thoughts on “9.3 – How the “Tanking” Reward Works

  1. Strange? Why strange?

    In better clans the FIRST thing you will learn for CW (and which you don’t know from public) is to COVER teammates with lower HP pool remaining. Because every second they will survive, the chance to deal more damage raise.

    It is definitely not strange.

    • Rules in CW and public are completely different. You need to cover your allies in CW, because they will most likely be usefull and more guns contoled by skilled players is always better. On the other hand, in public you get bunch of idiots and by covering them, you only loose your HP which you could use later in the game in order to win.
      This case is strange, because getting 3k XP for doing 1,3k damage and blocking 2,4k(thats not that much) is just stupid. I bet you wouldnt get 3k xp even after doing 10k damage

        • I think what he means is, that in random u will have not one gun more after shielding a low HP tank, but one useless tomato player who doesnt know how to dmg the enemies more and one skilled player with less hp, which will more or less increase ur chances of losing than ur chances of winning.

          • Exactly. No point in covering tomato player. He’s not gonna be usefull anyway and its better to save your HP

                • oh I remember a battle when i was playing IS-4 and shielded to frenchies 2 tiers lower. We won easily and frenchies killed all the enemies stealing me all frags :D

                  but they thanked me so i made it worth, it was really fun to cooperate so well

      • I tend to do it in public games, too. When driving well armored tanks, like the VK45B, at least. I even get the occasional “Thank you”.

        • Ironically every time I do it, I get a “hey, quit blocking me, noob”

          Even though I just bounced ALL of the enemies shots to allow for safe return fire

    • The strange aspect isn’t the basic idea of receiving exp for tanking but rather that the E100 received over 3k of base exp for taking an amount of damage that isn’t particularly unusual and the situation could not be replicated.

      On that note, my guess is that it’s related to a certain type of damage (eg. HE damage or a module) or the E100 chassis itself (maybe something to do with the spaced armour). In either case I hope it makes it through to the live server, I could certainly use the crew exp haha :)

  2. Why would only hull count though? It doesn’t make any sense. This way American and British tanks are being screwed over…

    • I couldn’t agree more. Regardless of whether a shell bounces off the turret or the hull it’s still damage deflected and tanks like the T30 or IS-7 rely on their turrets to take the hits. Even the Maus and E100 take a lot of hits on their turrets, hence the need to properly angle them. Either way it’s still damage not being directed at the more vulnerable members of your team and you should be rewarded for that.

    • My guess would be to prevent tanks from getting in hull down positions and getting XP from that.By “tanking” you’re supposed to protect your team mates from incoming fire,getting hull down in a crater and bouncing hit after hit won’t protect any team mates.

      • Of course it will. Having one or more enemies wasting time to engage you, regardless of how you do it, means they are not focusing on anyone else. And so, they do not pose a threat to your team mates as long as they waste time shooting you.

        • Or in other words, if you are fighting against a potato that is trying to beat your hulldown T32 over and over instead of changing spots/flanking should be rewarded so there is no real reason why turret doesn’t count.

          • in most cases where you WILL be rewaded in current system it will also be for being shot at by a tomato not for protecting teammates.

            Personally I think less ten 10% of your influence to the game by any kind of tanking is blocking shots that were aimed by your teammates, most influence goes from making opponents busy with ineffective attempts to deal damage to you.

            So dodging, scraping with tracks or with turret – all that is usefull AND common while protecting allies with your hull – useful but extremely rarely done on purpose

  3. i already see all the meds, lights and artys whining because heavys will get huge xp bonus from that not to mention ST-I, IS4 and IS-7 probaply E-75 and E-100 as well…

  4. Surely this whole idea is bad. You get a bonus for effectively just having strong armour and taking hits, which is your role anyway. Its unlikely to promote any of the type of game play in random battles that are used in CW, CB and TB as mentioned above. It seems more likely to encourage more people to drive slow heavily armoured tanks and well start seeing games with 10x E100 or Maus per side

    • this! Especially as it more rewards having stupid enemies that dont know weakspots/how to flank or have bad luck whit rng than it rewards the tanking tank for playing sooo awesome.

    • You could wery well said same thing on anyone with autoloader or high pen gun – they are getting more xp by doing more damage cuz of better gun. In other hand, some tanks got shit guns but decent armour and its their way of earning XP.

      If game promotes people for damage done, they should promote people for blocking damage. At the end – its easier to empty clip on other tank being in WTF E100 or T57 rather than block all that damage which is close to impossible if damage dealer got at least half brain.

    • Some tanks are damage dealers,others are meant to take a lot of damage.Knowing how to angle your tank is something that you have to learn and it’s different for every tank.
      This “feature” is most welcomed and should’ve been implemented a long time ago.
      Also promoting slow and heavy tanks is exactly what this game needs since it seems like,with the power creep,nobody wants to play those tanks anymore.

    • Hey, there was an amazing anti “standing still while letting armor bounce everything’-mechanic in the game. Wanna know what it was called?

  5. I once took 7500 potential damage in an AT-1 and that was before I installed a spall liner. It regularly clocks up 3x its health pool in blocked damage. Doom turtle lite.

  6. i dont know …finaly heavy tanks with armor have somethiung that is better than they low armor big gun opponents ;) since armor is useles these days with noob ammo

  7. Hm…
    Now bots and afk-ers can earn more XP….
    The game doesnt consider if you protect anyone with your armor (afaik), so you also get XP if you just stand on spawn and a noob shoots you 20 times (and you survive)….

  8. SS, there is already a hidden rule for teamdamage, when you can shoot you teammate number of times and not get blue (and banned in consequence) if he stays in line between you and enemy – so that shot is counted as “accidental”.

    Since mechanics and code is already inplemented ingame i wonder if they use it for tanking too – so you earn if YOU stay in line of fire between shooting enemy and your teammate. They could even implement secondary virtual penetration check for the teammate you supposedly saved – if it was to be really a pen or not, so they can award you or not; that would stand to reason and eliminate stupid pseudo-tanking and exploiting this mechanics (or plainly rewarding stupid players doing this by accident).
    You have some worms in WG already, ask them.

    • THIS

      This is what they should do.But if it would be this way it should also work for the turret of the tanks not only hulls.And if this system would be implemented the rewards should be significant.

      • Yea, i forgot about turrets :( . They are important part of tanking in many tanks and there’s no reason why they shoud be excluded in mechanics i described. Still, WG, so better ask them.

  9. Managed to get 4k base xp in my STB-1 when I managed to get 5k damage blocked by armor (all the bounces were on my turret). Thought it must have been a glitch

  10. 3k base exp…wait….WHAT?!


    No comment…Wargaming…(Wonder what would’ve happened if they included the non-penetrating track hits in the ecuation…)

  11. so, no shoteating tracks either?

    noticed that this wont get shown as “potential dmg received” 1 or 2 patches ago.

    which is kinda stupid. you end up with 15 hits received, 10 of them pens and 0 HP lost, by clever use of game mechanics, yet its not blocked by armor

    its the same as arguing if wheels belong to the car or are something extra. The rubber is something different than the chassis, yet without a car wouldnt drive

    and did i understand that right? Turret doesnt count either?

    • Track damage soaking I can understand, not sure why you can’t.
      But no turret blocking is ridiculous, the patch is still not out yet so I’ll keep my hopes up.

      • i know that logically its not the tank itself, but you took a hit that would otherwise reduce your HP and makes the enemy defenseless for his reload time
        and for good players its intentional to do that thing, yet you wont get rewarded

  12. As I posted before, when the first news about tanking appeared.

    Tanking is not a reward for engaging enemy, so it focuses on you, instead of your fragile allies. It is not a reward for smart deflecting shots. It’s not a reward for calculated trading own hit points to the best effect.

    Tanking is a bonus for all these fucking idiot heavy tank players who drive in the open and die in the first 2 minutes. By the nature of RNG some shots WILL bounce off their hulls so at least they will earn a little exp before dying.

    Customer service at it’s finest.

  13. Yesterday I was just extremely surprised when I got 1472 base XP on E 50 M on test server.

    Actually I am still baffled what actually caused that I got the most XP of everyone. I did only 2050 damage, 200 assisted and only 390 damage (1 shot) blocked by armor.

  14. Does spaced armor also count?
    If it doesn’t then it’s kinda useless for tanks that relly on spaced armor (SuperPershing).

  15. It would be good news for my T95 if not for the fact that everyone with at least 2 brain cells is shooting at gigantic cupolas weak spots and everyone else is just spamming gold shells the moment they see me.
    I predict with this xp bonus, KV-1S “rebalance”, T-18 and Hellcat nerfs, the KV-1 will be again 1st choice for stat padders.