9.3 Test: Abbey Bug

Hello everyone,

when driving in the 9.3 test on the Abbey map, be careful. There is a new, nasty bug, that causes players to fall through the world. Check this out (thanks to Baubau from US server for the screenies). Let’s hope they fix that before it comes out.

If you are wondering, why I am posting about an individual bug – simple: first, it’s a gamebreaker and it can destroy your battle (it was recently written that 90 percent of players never go there – which means that 10 percent do). Secondly, to give it some publicity, so it does not get ignored (like it sometimes happens, check the RhB WT collision model with a hole in the armor since 9.1 or so).




38 thoughts on “9.3 Test: Abbey Bug

  1. FFS! Every decent light/medium scout goes there! So yeah, only 10% but because that spot is role specific…. No heavies/arts or TDs will ever go there. Whenever i am playing my lights or fast meds that place is a must to check what is on the flank to spot/side shoot.

    If this gets through into production game it will make 1 team loose at least 1 scout every god damn game.

    So, the insider dev said this was a dumb place? I call his bullshit knowledge of the game.

    • You dont need to go there to spot what goes trough that corridor actually… You go there to shoot on tanks that come out near your or the oposite base or to shoot a tank that is down with a decent gun depression tank. If you are not carefull enough then a fast autoloader might catch u unprepared and you are mostly done.

      • There are other things you can do from there. Shoot enemies on the 8/9 line, support 2 line.
        But as the insider said, only 10% or less, in other words people who actually know more of the maps aka good players, goes to these places. The other 90% will go to the usual arty safe spots.

        • actually no, i never go there, a lot of people i know dont like going there, it’s not where “good” players go, it’s where yellow to green go with an occasional blue/purple when it is NEEDED, most generally won’t go there without a reason to do so.

  2. lol i’ve done that and sank down their, then 2 minutes later i could break free.
    EDIT: sounds like WG EU made this up

  3. When the hell did they break this? Honestly, for fast meds and lights it’s a good spot. Especially if there are tanks in the valley below, you can jump over the side and flank them if need be.

  4. Again WG prove they absolutely do not understand what they are doing with this game!!!

    This spot is crucially important. Must be fixed and the moron who said “only 10% of people go there” to be fired immediately. I bet less than 10% of people play light tanks, but a good LT can make or brake the match.

    • Of course it will be fixed. But it’s true that 90% of players don’t go there. 10% of a game is three players and you never see 3 players sitting in that one spot unless it’s two tanks swarming a cornered player.

      Just because 10% sounds like a small majority doesn’t mean that most of the time in a given match only one tank out of 30 will ever go to that spot.

      • That may be true that only 10% of players go there per match but that spot is used every single match of Abbey. It is vital for spotting a late push through the valley plus it is a covered position for when a player is trying to secure the abbey.They need to fix this.

      • Dude you misinterpret my words.
        I mean that 10% may sound like its really small number but those 10% are really important in reality.

    • The ‘moron’ who said that was an ex-employee talking about the supertest system isn’t doing very well because too few people can adequately cover all the nooks and crannies of the map. Only 1 in 10 people will go up there and THAT is why they failed to spot it until the common test.

      The comment had absolutely nothing to do with trying not to fix it.

  5. 90% doesnt got there
    obviously meds and lights dont go there to spot or shoot target of opportunity obviously
    GG WG
    but the quetion is what the fuck did they touch at the map??if there is no reason for HD rework yet

  6. I destroyed a tank from that perch last night in a battle, and slowed down an advance. They definitely have to fix this.

  7. Ohh shit, thank you for this information, a am driving lights and meds and i am going there a lot…
    Thanks & GL HF

  8. Well they only need to divide the number of times Abbey is played by 10% to figure out it’s probably somewhere near 100,000,000 people who have gone there…..

  9. You can snipe the river road advance from that spot. Certainly you can win the game without going there, but every tank that goes into the Abbey proper goes there at some point to peek over.

  10. Only 10% of players go there? Allright, that is an average of 3 tanks per match on that map. Nice calculation there, wargaming :)

    • That was an ex-developer ranting about how the supertest system has a hard time catching bugs because they have so few testers. The abbey bug was an example of how the supertest can’t catch all the game screwing bugs in every nook and cranny when not enough people can supertest the places where few people go.

  11. I’ve tested this out with some others yesterday and indeed got stuck but I wouldn’t classify it as falling through the world. In a way you could say that what you see doesn’t actually exist as when you go in sniper mode once you sink you can see it is normal grassy terrain that is possible to get out of with some moving. This same issue occurs on the Province map as well at the edge of the partially enclosed courtyard in the north. Both are possible to get out of but obviously it’s just stupid to have.

    • Been there, done that. While that place on Abbey may not be used that much, certainly at least one tank goes there on Province every battle. AFAIK both buildings are the same.

  12. its right next to the steps you use to get over the wall and out of the Abby on that side ….

  13. I just want to know how did this happened. How did they managed to screw it up. What were they doing with Abbey map texture files to do this. I just wanna know their magic tricks to fuck up something that has been ok for years.

  14. Talking about a bug..
    The tracks of 9.3 Kv1S appears in black in my hangar. they have no texture.. :/

  15. aw come on,, what did you do to the script again WG? even when there are no updated thing on Abbey you still screw it up anyway ==”