Kick the Cheater, Burn the Botter, Purge the Unfair!

Hello everyone,

recently, Wargaming started fighting specifically one odd thing: rigged games.

In a post on Russian portal, WG RU explains, that “rigged games” are battles, the result of which is pre-determined by the agreement of both sides. They typically appear in clan and company mode, where the games are more organized than in “random”. Wargaming considers typical reason for rigging battles to be faster vehicle grind for one party, statpadding (SS: a term, which means artificial inflating of player statistics, so the player appears better than he is) or attempting to get a rare ingame medal.

Rigged battles are considered to be “unsportsmanlike behavior” and are against the rules.

Wargaming decided to crack down on the riggers and withing the space of one month, 5000 people on RU server were investigated and punished by a one month ban. It was confirmed that should the offense repeat itself (or, for second time offender), the ban gets to be permanent. Wargaming explains that this is just the first step in fighting the rigged battle phenomenon. The list of banned game riggers was openly published as well.

In other news, it was confirmed that Wargaming indeed has an effective algorithm to fight bots.


Here, a banned botter “tested” the infamous Tank Leader bot. After only 5 battles, he was banned – this time for 45 days. This is an automated proccess, that was confirmed to work on RU server. The punishments seem to vary – and here’s how I know: me and a friend of mine ran a test on Russian server some time ago. He did set up an account with a Tank Leader bot. It was permabanned within 1 day or so. So, beware, botter – Wargaming is on to you!

Well… okay, not always, he ran the same experiment on EU server and nothing happened…

38 thoughts on “Kick the Cheater, Burn the Botter, Purge the Unfair!

      • well, i wonder who spends more bucks on this game… is it the germans, the brits, the italians, spanish, french and so on or the russian drunkards?!
        well, the stupid europeans have so much money to spend (i include myself in this category) and they´ll do it anyhow, regardless of the way we treat them. so why not frack their asses from behind? let´s drink to that!

        • If you are looking as a total, its RU spending the most. Per capita NA spends the most. If the NA server had the population of the RU server WG would treat the Russians like they currently treat you on EU.

          • One of the Russian videobloggers claimed last year that RU cluster is merely in 4th place by per capita income behind US, EU and even China (or was it East Asia, i don’t remember). But RU cluster generates biggest overall income thanks to much greater total number of players (and as a consequence more paying players).

            The reason why WG can get away with ignoring entire regions of paying customers is because they know that no matter how bad you treat them there will be no “organized revolt”. Like “let’s not spend any money on this game for X months”. Initiative like this will never get enough supporters to make impact.

      • Its funny because on average an EU player spends more money on WoT than anywhere else in the world. Yes that is right, EU is a cashcow, wg shit on us and take our money. That is why our opinion doesnt matter, because we already pay, they want the americans to start spending money so they listen to americans more.

          • But the average profit per player is highest on EU. They cant really peak wot’s popularity so increasing the earnings from the current userbase is their goal. And since EU already pays way more on average per player, EU is not a priority.

            Meaning that EU wont get shit and our voices are worthless. We the EU players are nothing but cattle, in WGs eyes we are subhumans.

    • After seeing tons of EU replays it will be kinda hard to differentiate a bot from your normal players.

  1. sounds like a step in the right direction. However i wonder how long until tankleader will manage to remain undetected again. Bots and cheats have the habit to find new weaknesses fast

  2. They really don’t give a single fuck about EU, don’t they :D
    Maybe you and your friend should make an experiment on NA too.

  3. That’s way overdue. I.e. most of Raseinai Heroes’ medals actually come from rigged tank companies (you could get epic medals there pre 8.8). They should just remove them from those cheaters and apply an extra of 100 games worth of 0 damage to statistics to even things out :)

  4. If bots are banned on RU, they will probably migrate to EU as here no one cares whether the game is broken and full of bots, they still get their money.

  5. Here, a banned botter “tested” the infamous Tank Leader bot. After only 5 battles, he was banned – this time for 45 days. This is an automated proccess, that was confirmed to work on RU server. The punishments seem to vary – and here’s how I know: me and a friend of mine ran a test on Russian server some time ago. He did set up an account with a Tank Leader bot. It was permabanned within 1 day or so. So, beware, botter – Wargaming is on to you!


    Well… okay, not always, he ran the same experiment on EU server and nothing happened…


  6. “The list of banned game riggers was openly published as well.”

    That developer’s avatar is perfect for that post!

  7. +1 to WG for taking action against such things

    -1 to WG for the EU office sucking as usual

  8. I just watched a few videos of people using it on Youtube, some on RU cluster with their IDs in plain sight too. x) How can people accept to pay 25€ for the disaster of a bot Tankleader seems to be ? My cat could code a better bot than this, and there’s little evolution to be seen regarding in-game behavior between early 2013 videos and recent ones. Those users really should get a life and stop playing videogames if they “just can’t play without premium” and don’t want to learn. I’ve heard being a selfish ass doesn’t go well with teamplay-based games !

  9. SerB protects!
    P.S. Извините, ребята, прочитал заголовок и не удержался)

  10. but if it’s ok not to enter the battle at all and give technicqal victory to an ally (banning for that would make cw riddiculous) then why going into battle and losing on purpose is a problem?
    I’m not talking about cheatfarming fame in campaign – ok, ban for that.

    But often the result of the battle we desire depends on the outcome of another battle that goes on at the same time.
    So 1 player from each clan enters, we wait till the other battle is over and then 1 guy suicides – so the alliance gets the desired outcome.

    It’s a core of any MMO, finding a way to get such things done. It’s much more elaborate version of 1 token delays, that requires some effort and to devise and use correctly.
    I hope WG is not going to hunt and ban for such battles