53 thoughts on “New Cybersports Map

  1. Wouldn’t mind this one making it to the normal version aswell. Looks mirrored and simple enough to be competititve.

    • Prochorovka – good
      Erlenberg, Fisherman’s bay, Redshire, Highway, Swamp – uhm, well, ok
      Rest – bad

      • LOL for arty you mean.

        There is nothing wrong with a covered approach for attacking, its maps with a magical forest you need to avoid making.

    • Both kind of maps are fine, as long as they’re in similar numbers. The problem with WoT is that they’re turning everything into the second style of maps..

      If some kind of connexion with real tank warfare was intended, most maps would be open, but a number of city or corridor maps give diversity. I love Murovanka now because it offers something unique: the forest. Now they are turning that forest into another corridor area…

    • Honestly in team battles what I’ve seen open maps with some cover means lot’s of camping. Provorovka ( Fiery salient ) being an example of a map that was unusually camp heavy in the last big tournament that I watched and the one before that. Maps always need some (semi)covered approach otherwise it just becomes a boring campfest.

      That said, this map looks awful to play in random battles and I’d rather not see it in teambattles too much, It just seems too constricted and too unnatural at this point in time. Tunnel maps need to die though, I have no problems with maze type city maps, they are fun especially in fast vehicles which don’t do well in completely open maps.

      Half city half open maps usually have the open part ignored just because everyone knows a TD is sitting invisible at the other side waiting (Sometimes the entire game i.e. camping) to blast you to bits. This is because there is poor hardcover there more of the time and when there is too much cover (i.e. cityblock /village in the middle) it isn’t fun either. Wargamming seems to not know how to balance cover and open area’s and always go for the extremes.

      Some city maps suffer from massive tunnel syndrome too, having large unaccesible area’s creating needlessly static gameplay and stalemates far too often.

    • Opinions opinions.
      My favorite maps are city maps or a mixture of open and city, simply because artillery is neutralized.

        • All the maps have enough cover from arty. But you’d actually have to know to how to take cover from arty… which is hard for most of the players with the “arty=cancer” mentality.

            • SPG should be removed from the game,it ruins it.Wargaming probably thinks they are tanks too,so they have to be in game;but they ruine the game experience big time!!!

              • Arty doesn’t ruin my gaming experience. Not when I play arty and not when I play other tanks. It’s a perfectly integrated part of the game right now. If you get hit by arty at 70 km/h, guess what, you were going in a straight line and the arty (not being your average tomato) knew how to intercept you.

                Sure, they do score hits but that’s part of the game. Complaining about arty damaging your tank is like complaining a medium managed to damage you. They’re meant to deal damage. They only do damage if the player behind the keyboard knows how to play. Tomatoes will only get a few lucky hits since we all know that RNG favors them.

                That’s it about arty. I could say I’m annoyed by all the whiners but I’m not. I got used to them and I’m ignoring them most of the times. I bet WG is doing the same. Which is good.

                One more thing. You think a majority of the players is against arty. Guess again. it’s just that those players are the ones that take the time to post about it on forums. The real majority doesn’t give a shit.

                I’m not pro when it comes to arty but I like my arties. Of course, I hate it when a scout gets past my tomato team and gets to me but I also enjoy when I manage to one shot a tomato WT that’s sitting in plain sight.

                • Arty is broken and WG is too stupid to fix it, anyone with half a brain knows its broken. There have been enough posts throughout various forums detailing why and how its broken, yet deniers just continue to spout rubbish but are unable to address any of the facts brought up about why arty is broken.

            • Funny how any unicum agrees on one thing, since gold rounds are for silver there is no need for arty whatsoever. And another funny thing I noticed on arty heavy matches, TDs had 75% of damage, yet every “pro” player says arty counters camping, yet every single arty heavy game turns into a campfest ’cause guess what, arty can’t shoot invisible targets(TD – which a usually spotted last cause no medium/light wants to be blasted at 60km/h by an arty). Haven’t had 1 single game in which arty countered TDs, only the scouts, yet everybody says arty are so beneficial to the gameplay.
              I don’t really hate arty, but I don’t find it “balanced” when he snapshots you into oblivion at 400 meters at 40km/h, or when he splashes you for 500 damage and kills half of your crew and half of your devices.

            • Some people still cry about it because it’s fucking frustrating, for both the guy who plays it and the one who is one-shot/crippled by it.

            • “There will be no submarines in World of Battleships. You know and I know and every gamer knows what will happen when players go beyond random battles and begin to put together their own rosters. Everyone will get into a submarine, one poor bastard will get into a boat, the boat will die a horrible death and everyone else will have no one to shoot at. It just makes the game unbalanced, unplayable, and not friendly…If you have a sniper sitting in a tree, killing everyone off, and no one knows where he is, that’s not fun. And that’s the submarine.”*

              *Wargaming Lead Developer on World of Warships in 2011

              Now replace “submarine” with “artillery” and there you have their opinions on arty.

          • Mao, if you send all those players in the so-called “arty cover” spots you won’t have any matches left, only campfests. And don’t forget that a lot of tanks aren’t made for sitting in those spots.

    • When I read “cybersports map for tournaments” and then look on the pictures, my first impression was; hm… they make CS 1.6 maps for competitive games? :D
      Fast, put a brown bag on 13 90′s back and run to the bomb site!

  2. Why can the fucking cybersport have flat maps, and the normal gamemaps look like they are located in the age of the dinoaurs with hills ever 5 meter?

    • Look closer, the screenshots do have hills, the city is just ridiculously flat. ( I’d say it’s like a dutch city, but it’s on a hill and hills in the netherlands… )

    • Lost Temple: flattest map in cybersport since 1999. WG’s just staying true to the traditions.

    • because flat maps allowed people to sit comfortably and snipe and trying to reach the enemy was punished by invisible snipers.

      So they reworked every map to have at least few hidden approaches to the enemy position, completely fucking up the role of the scouting in a process.

      Look at Malinovka – scout from south base was able to spot north team climbing up the hill and south team could do tons of damage on the approach.
      Now north team can safely go behind the ridge.

      “Sacred field of Malinovka” was an instant death if you tried to cross it – so they added a corridor on te west side were you can go safe from all the snipers except right in front.

      There are still some positions for spotters, but the best ones are removed.
      The same went with Komarin, Swamp, Prokhorovka and many others.

      Scouts were very useful cause allowed their team to snipe unspotted from far away.
      Now more and more often both teams clash at distance close enough so everyone spots for himself.

      Reviving light tanks shoul be not about buffing them, but reducing their battle spread, increasing their chance to play the maps that are good for spotting and decreasing their numbers on maps like himmelsdorf, kharkhov or abbey and changing spawn positions for light tanks – giving them advantage at the start of the battle so they can get unspotted too much better places.

  3. The map design is mirrored and looks cool.
    But what the fuck is with that ground texture?
    They either were drunk when they added it or they done it in paint…
    Otherwise, hopefully, it’s just a placeholder…

      • It’s not about how the ground textures looks, detail-wise (those are the same as in all other maps), it’s about how it’s placed, it looks, as Qrmu said, like it’s copy-pasted right from Minecraft.
        Straight borders, no combination between the textures.Just some squares of grass, one line of stone bricks, some bigger squares of sand and some “S” lines of dirt.
        Makes me think of the map building games back in 1995-2000…placing some random textures there and there.

  4. wish wargaming would just give up trying to make this an esports game. it’s never going to work. it’s not a blanced RTS, or MOBA, it’s not a fast-paced tactical FPS. it’s just a slow, boring game to watch unless you’re playing.

  5. Honestly, looks like this map was the first production of someone who just got hired and got no clue what he’s doing..

  6. If there’s a desert and a summer region, will you need different camo paint for different regions of the map? In that case choosing your camo paint will depend on your team’s strategy.