Hello everyone,
some kids take World of Tanks too seriously. Check this out – this russian kid got angry that he got killed in his Hellcat by a 46 percent winrate KV-1S driver and goes mental. Important Russian words for the video:
“blya” – fuck
“yebat” – fuck (verb)
“yebanutyj/yebanutovo” – fucking (adj.)
“suka” – bitch/whore
“nyeprabil” – didn’t penetrate the armor
“kvas” – Russian drink, also a Russian nickname for the KV-1S
“pizdyec” – fuck (yes, Russian language is very creative when it comes to insults)
“Kak suka neprabil yevo” – how the fuck didn’t I penetrate his armor
“Nyeprabil kvasa yebanutovo” – didn’t penetrate the armor of that fucking KV-1S
This is how I always imagine the “OMG GAS CHAMBER JEW POLAK SHIT FFS” Hall of Shame members :) (And then they blame me for not taking them seriously… would you? :D)
Oh look he is blue in Garage. :)
i see what you did there ;)
And what’s wrong with this? IMHO teamkilling penalties should be deactivated once you reach 55% WR – you know what you are doing and you aren’t a bob, so you should feel free to kill every half-wit you encounter.
BTW, this is his account – http://www.noobmeter.com/player/ru/merkava350/14884903/
While not being the very best player on RU, he has 2k WN8 and 60% WR for last thousand battles.
So this is apparently an average EFE member.
WTF you mean if somebody is better than the avrage player he can do whatever he wants?I saw unicums tk’ing becaus no reasons
Well, not exactly. My idea may be somewhat off. After reconsideration, I think I would change it so that everyone could freely kill players below 48% WR.
Well, I think that targetting unicums is a viable tactic as well… :)
How terrible.
Yep because making this game an elitist game is the way to go!
I think it’s better if you don’t be an elitist prick. Especially for a game. That is pretty sad.
Oh, that’s exactly what nazis had in mind! It was called Action T4 – murdering everyone, in their eyes, not worth living.
There is always a reason. Trust me.
Statistically he is a good player, but I don’t care how good he is if he acts like that for a defeat. He is so Immature and probably so antisocial he deserves little to no respect…
He’s a kid, kids tend to take things more seriously than adults. Have you ever been one or have you been born an adult?
Sorry, that kind of result is still shit.
3000 Damage in Hellcat and Lose, better cry. :D
Good point, I’ll rewrite the text :)
he got his WN8 and WR playing hellcat. It doesnt say he ll do good in t10′s. So obviously, he is a noob
Average EFE player last 1K battle WN8 is … 2977. That’s more than you will ever achieve, Lorraine.
Angry little Russian smurfie .:D
Actually – it was me :D
And the KV-1S driver: “How terrible.” :trollface:
yep he is blue. i see what you did there xD
does he even know that wot is 13+ ?
Either that or it’s a girl playing WoT and not taking the loss very well…..
Sadly, wot it’s 7+…
ESRB rating is T, which is 13+.
Oh well, on http://worldoftanks.eu/ at bottom says 7 but from pegi.
Its +7 , WoWp is +12
As the kid on the video is complaining about low winrate of the player whose KV-1S he didn’t penetrate, obviously the author’s winrate is no less than 50.
50.35% to be precise….
nope, he’s a 50% WR player. with average stats.
And since when do overall stats define player’s skill? Have you even bothered to take a peek at his recent results?
Since he grinds them on OP vehicles such as Hellcat or KV-1S on which he’s got 600 battles alltogether.
Look at other vehicles winrates: 47% on T-34-85 in over 700 battles – hell, I also was a noob when I grinded my first branch, but 47% on KV-5 from 400 battles or 43% (!!) on the OP T-54 noobtank, 47% on Ob.140?
Yes, he is a nup-player who just used OP Tier 6 for statpadding and gets absolutely fucked by the 9.3 nerf. Let’s see his butthurt after patch release, haha.
Hah! After first 300 battles I’ve never had below overall 50% WR.
I’d like to thank all of those players with 45-49% WR, you’re the real MVP. Without you, some of us would not be able to have higher WR.
meh. 49% WR is the true average WR since draws (wich are probably something like 1% of the battles) count as a loss.
so at 50+% you are higher than average.
Now you can proceed to laugh at my stats.
Nah, I don’t laugh at your stats if you’re at least trying to play.
Those who have 48%WR, drive OP tanks and die first and then start shouting at me for “not covering me n00b!” are the one I laugh at.
I would like to see leagues like in LoL, so bad players would play with players like them and unicums wouldn’t have to see us mortals.
Nah i didn’t give a fucker about it. Just copypasting the url without much inspection…
He is raging, I guess, because of the fact he has 9 kills and didn’t get the Pool-Medal.
I didnt get Kolobanov last night, dying of arty shot. And in my clan TS I was like: meeeh…shit…almost…guys…anyone wanna go Stronkholds?)
This remind me the infamous video with a German kid raging on Unreal Tournament.
We Germans don’t rage…we BURN THE WHOLE FUCKING WORLD :D
Correct, you do not rage, you whine like lost puppies.
Always better than raging though.
Which btw isnt serious but a joke from some artists ;)
Really ? As my flatmate can have nice moments of raging ( He really love the IS-7 :D ) I don’t think you need to be an artist for that.
“Russian language is very creative when it comes to insults”
Hungarian language has a ton of synonyms to the phrase “damn it!”
I’m not native Russian speaker, but I speak a bunch of Slavic languages (Serbian, Croatian, Bosnian, Slovenian, Montenegrin) and think that pizdyec is closer to “pussy” than to “fuck” :)
Not really, you don’t swear with the word “pussy”. “Cunt” would be closer, but still, it’s pretty much untranslatable.
Lol so I wasn’t the only one to pick up on that, add Romanian to that list as well :).
Russian is a bit different. In Russian “Cunt” is “Pizda”, but “Pizdyec” isn’t like “Cunty” or “Cuntness” ;) It’s more logical to be a simple “Fuck”
Actually the top 3 languages by the number and rudeness of insults are Romanian, Turkish and Russian. I can’t really tell the order but these are the languages. By severity the Romanian language takes top spot, by number I think the Turkish one.
And pizdyec is a slang and vulgar word for pussy or cunt.. Yes we East European countries swear with,, cunt ” :) .
Source : I am Romanian.
Q: Do all russian kids have such a high voice? Am I a bad person for laughing at this?
A: Yes.
P.S. His mummy gave him money for premium, how cute! Is still wonder why he was blue :P
thanks SS! this made my day.
Yea, czech language is pretty creative for insults too ;)
for west europe the whole language sounds agressive and insulting xD
He didnt pray enough to temple of SerB
Lol, SS found this video)
Can’t imagine, how funny it is for non-ru-ears, but ..seems to be funny a lot)
p.s., actually, I can feel this guy’s rage. If I fucked up with Pool medal at last shot, I would.. no, I wouldn’t screaming like him, but I’ll be very sad)
You know us from stronk europe can’t even make out a word of what he said, maybe eastern europe can but it’s semi russia according to everyone but eastern europe.
Well, time to learn the language :)
Some very important words and sentences:
“Pazhyalsta, ne strelyayte!” – Please, don’t shoot
“My zdayemsya” – We surrender
“Belyj flag” – white flag
These are the only russian sentences the french need to learn.
Why everyone think French surrender whitout fighting ?
Well if you want a live example of how we hear them, just remove all blank spaces between the words ;)
Haha, that was great. Hopefully the renewed (camouflaged) red tide will not reach here
Time to learn the language since Russia is exporting it quite aggressively.
Slavic language family – might be. But you cant understand anything up north from Poland :D
You mean like Sweden where I live? : D it’s super easy, shares a lot with German and English since they all are based of north Germanic.
Cant understand shit :D
But you can pronounce it at least : D
I’m from Finland and they teach Swedish in every schools for 7 years for every student and I still can only understand few words in written and pronounce them correctly. I can swear and manage my to buy groceries but that’s all I can do in Sweden. :D
Russian? Creative? With insults? Repetitive, at best. Get on my level
Russians have a swear words dictionary.
Your level is pretty low.
Not kids’ business to know many of them, but yes – probably biggest curse word dictionary of all the languages, tvajumat :D
No worries, we got one to. You can get it for around 1 euro.
Must buy to insult random idiots! With style!
check this…
Best religious insults ever :)
what the hell is that ??? d u really speak this way? I mean ,,I fuck your mom on your dad,, :D :D :D
It is strange how people differently transiliterate cyrillic :)
Stranger still when proffesional translators do it. Know for a fact since my wife got her documents translated. She needs to specify every time to them what transcrption she wants of her name so the documents match up.
The best part is when they try to use that untranslatable symbol :)
I use it as Y only for that, SS use Y to all that sounds like it :D
I rofled how much word russians have to “fuck” . Well this kid is like those EFE and other “epic” members from hall of shame.
They don’t all translate to the word fuck in the true definition of that word.
Russian swearing? Please, Poles are kings in this regard. Take a swear word and you have 10 different prefixes that will suit all your possible needs with every single one of them conveying a different message. And you can do the same thing to virtually any swear word, which we have plenty. :D
You sure “pizdyec” doesn’t actually mean “pussy”. Romanian has a similar word and the meaning isn’t “fuck” :)
i was thinking about that too:))
i’m romanian too:)
‘Cunt’ would be closer, as ‘pussy’ is more of a form of mockery than an angry insult.
Someone should do a video of this kid in this style: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AvnjmBJOYRs (Earrape warning)
Hmm…he(she?) has some interesting parents if they agreed to give such specimen the cash to buy so many premiums…
Either that or he(she?)’s a mommy’s wallet thief.
But I wonder about one thing: Did the phone survived?
Xensation, why you record yourself?
Someone should send that KV1S driver a link to that video so they get the pure satisfaction of that kids rage-crying…LMAO
Remember these words, guys. This you may need to use. Some russian students/young people (or just drunken turists-morons) have a nasty way is to ask the foreigner to say any of these words in relation to ourselves. I saw a few videos from America, where such idiots “pinned” over the americans, considering it to be very funny. Remember these words and if you sometime get to meet young russian asshole, who decides to laugh at you – you will know what to do with him)) The same applies to the chat and other correspondence. (on the test server a lot of young russian-speaking bastards, who are trying to provoke).
i think all of us would rage if a seemingly epic battle is ruined, because the last shot (probably gold) bounced off…
but why would you record and upload it? lol
Sounds like a girl
And hows the hell he records the screen while raging?
not smartphone anymore. maybe smartwreck or something. he was hitting his desk with the phone at the end:))
R.I.P whatever kind of smartphone he’s using…..
Stupid little russian kid; he could use a dose of communism, he probably wouldn’t bitch so much.
Actually, the only thing he is repeating (along with swearing) is How could I have not penetrated his armor? How? Basically a GBR (Great Belorussian Random) screwed with the kid and the kid blew his top. In similar situations (VK3601 bouncing off side of Hellcat or Cromwell), I punched walls:-), but they are brick so it is okay.
I only see an attention whore. If someone else had recorded him whining i might’ve believed it, but recording your self doesn’t make it believable, unless he is stupid.
Being stupid is the only thing that would explain why someone would record them selves whining like a bitch and put it on the internet.
WOT-game for idiots……
It sounds like a girl actually
lol… just lol
Just another spoilt lil kid craving for attention that mummy obviously failed to give him or her, Or they really know how suck you mothers in i mean really 100 replies to this shit. We all film ourselves playing WoT dont really ffs. Intelligence levels are stronk in these replies
i meet these kind of kids in SEA everyday. except they’re silent, and they suck really bad they must’ve jockeyed/bought/paid their way up or something. damn rich kids.