World of Warplanes Development in Danger?

Hello everyone,

I am sure all of you are aware of what’s going on in Ukraine. Well, at least in general terms, as the actual situation seems to be very… fluid. In any case, you are probably also aware that as a retribution for Russian aggression, the European Union and the USA imposed various trade restrictions on Russia, which were recently confirmed to be in further effect.

As a part of the entire restriction, according to this Ukrainian article (and other sources), the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine (the government) approved series of anti-Russian restrictions, which came into effect on 12.9.2014.

These restrictions include several points, but one point in particular (which was highlighted by Yuri Pasholok on his blog) is very relevant to Wargaming operations:

заборони передачі технологій, прав на об’єкти права інтелектуальної власності резидентам Російської Федерації та особам, які прямо чи опосередковано контролюються резидентами Російської Федерації або діють в їх інтересах.

“The prohibition on the transfer of technologies and rights to intellectual property to residents of Russian Federation and to persons, directly or indirectly controlled by Russian Federation residents or acting on their behalf.”

As you also probably know, the World of Warplanes studio is located in Kiev. So I have to wonder – will this influence the World of Warplanes development? Yuri Pasholok mentions “thousands of outsourcers, 3D-modellers and artists, who are not responsible for who took control of Ukraine”. On the other hand, he probably means other Ukrainian outsourcers, working for Russian companies directly. I asked the resident of Kiev, Edrard and his opinion is that this change should not affect the business with Wargaming, as it technically is a British company and Big Boss Victor Kislyi (company CEO) is Belarussian.

So, let’s hope the politics don’t mess up “the favourite game of us all” :)

Hmmm… I wonder if WoWp wins the Golden Donkey Joystick this year. If it does, well… I don’t have to finish that sentence, do I?

122 thoughts on “World of Warplanes Development in Danger?

    • No one cares about world of shitplanes. War Thunder is better for planes.
      Tho WoT >>>>>>>>>>> WT tanks

      • I’ll have to disagree on that. I don’t do any camping, I rush around the battlefield and I’m not in fear of getting the crap shot out of me by camping TDs as soon as I move because I know there is no good sniping position, and it makes the game a lot more fun.
        Still, bouncing noob kv-1 shots in my jumbo is still a lot of fun.

          • I’m sorry, I also have to mention I don’t play high tier WT GF games. I only include low tiers.

            • Yeah, top tiers are basically camping because as soon as you’re spotted you’re oneshot by something of a large calibre. You can own in T-50, but IS oneshots a Tiger and vice-versa.

          • The main thing that WTGF has going for it over WOT is…
            It’s not immensely frustrating to lose, because if you personally did well, you still get a decent reward. Whereas in WOT, if you lose you get jack shit.
            Also it’s not as frustrating being killed because you can respawn. That and I find without an arbitrary hitpoint system there’s less incidences where some noob can just fucking YOLO derp you because he’s camped all game and preserved his health pool.
            That being said I still play WOT more, but that might change when WTGF adds more interesting tanks (USA at the very least).

              • You can get one-shotted in WT, that is true, but you can tank too. A Pz III L is a bastard to kill. I know because I like(d) to drive them around and troll all those poor T-34s with driver hatch shots – instant T-34 popping. :D

      • Ill have to agree on that one, nobody cares if world of warplanes dies so developers can put the time into the real game, WoT

        but WT is the way to go for planes, not tanks

  1. I really think WoWP is more in danger from the fact that nobody is playing it than anything else. With unpopulated high tier battles there is no reason for anyone to spend money on it. At some point WG will realise it is costing more than it brings in and that will be the end.

  2. From the title I figured WG realised the colossal fuckup this thing is and are looking to abort development completely.

    Tho this whole deal might just help them do that without any PR trouble.

    “Not our fault we can’t continue pumping cash into this corpse to make it look alive, it’s politics!”

  3. Russian aggression? That must be a typo because what we saw is EU and US aggression and overthrow of democratic Ukrainian government. After that it’s Russian self-defense. Of course the dollar won’t give up without a battle.

      • I watched alot RT tv (russia today, 2000 employes worldwide) recently : OMG, what a nice propaganda tool. Also, afaik, all you TV media in russia are owned directly or indirectly by the kremlin right ?
        So I’m pretty sure all people there are nicely brainwashed.
        They have fox news in the us but at least, there’re plenty choice there.

              • So, in a conflict where Russians are sending weapons and soldiers into Ukraine (7 paratroopers were lost my ass), obviously the first step for the Ukrainian government would be to shoot down a civilian plane over their airspace.
                Because reasons.

                As for Russians, well they have a history of shooting down civilian planes flying over what they claim to be their airspace too.

                • What, much indoctrination here. Russians have a history of shooting civilian planes? No they don’t, unless those planes enter unauthorized military no-fly zones. Meanwhile, both Ukraine and USA have shot down civilian planes just like that, but you don’t know that because – indoctrination. Google it up.

                  As for 7 paratroopers being lost – the border is not marked. Ukrainians end up on Russian side all the time even with vehicles. When you travel from Ukraine to Russia in a car you dunnot know when you enter Russia (travel report). Why would 7 paratroopers enter Ukraine to fight Ukraine and having ID’s with them, and why would they enter Ukraine at a place controlled by Ukraine when they could enter at DNR border? No logical explanation but it’s good material for propaganda no doubt.

                  Why would Ukrainian government shoot down civilian plane? If you can’t think of any reason you’re terrible at strategy. Why did they shoot police and protesters at Maidan? Same reason. It’s called politics.

                • @exocet
                  ”As for Russians, well they have a history of shooting down civilian planes flying over what they claim to be their airspace too.”
                  Not Russians. Soviet Union, including Russia AND Ukraine.
                  ”So, in a conflict where Russians are sending weapons and soldiers into Ukraine ”
                  The paratroopers are not a prove for russian troops in Ukraine.
                  By the way, it’s completely possible there are russian mercenaries in Ukraine, like there are american mercenaries (Academii) and polnish mercenaries (Ex-GROM).
                  BUT: Western governments aren’t responsible for jihadist fighting in Iraq/Syria. Russian government isn’t responsible for russian volunteers fighting in Ukraine as well.
                  There are 2 possibilities in my eyes:
                  Plane was shot down by accident:
                  It could be that this were pro-russian separatists, who captured Soviet BUK from Ukrainian Army, or it was a mistake made by the Ukrainian Army, but this is highly unprobable.
                  Second possibility:
                  It was done intentional.
                  After asking Cui bono, you can exclude Russian Army and separatists.
                  It could be a false-flag action by third-party mercenaries (USA for example), that want to harm Russia, or it could be ukrainian gouvernment that proved to have no mercy even with it’s own civilians in order to get military help from Western countries.

    • @Dongfeng_division

      Indeed, if you research just 5 minutes outside of places like BBC and mainstream media, you’ll realize what’s really going on.

      Russian Aggression my ass. There is absolutely no and NULL evidence that Russia has done anything. All the public got so far, is statements from facebook and badly photoshopped ‘aerial’ photographs.
      But people believe this shit, because “Someone on the news said” it.

      • Main problem with people who dismiss BBC and mainstream aka Western media as propaganda is that they don’t hold RT to the same exacting standards.

        Use your brain and explain to me how the annexation of Crimea isn’t Russian Aggression.

        • Crimea was clearly on the verge of launching a war of fascist aggression and the Russian liberation was based on the purest motives.

    • Yes, yes… Russia defends itself (inb4 most Ruskies consider Ukraine to actually be Russia, yo!) by annexing a part of another state.

      Such self-defense, so Rusky brainwashing, wow

      P.S.: Not gonna comment any further, it’s futile to engage in any discussion with brainwashed fascist-commies

        • Vae Victis

          Excuse me while I take delight that my country also joined NATO & EU after initially being a part of the Soviet bloc

          P.S.: It’s not aggressiveness by any means, it’s just natural expansion. Those 12 countries WANTED to be a part of NATO. I can also bet that those 12 countries did NOT want to be under the USSR.
          So who is the aggressor here? A military-political organization that welcomes those who want to join them because in the past they have been raped by the Russian bear?
          Special K

          • Instead of trying to build up a friendship with Russia, greedy countries used the ”fear” pretext to enter NATO and after this EU.
            Please tell me… what was the sense of the NATO after 1994? There was no enemy!
            But, instead of dissolving the NATO, they provocated Russia again and again ”hunting” in it’s zone of influence.

            • Oh yes, poor Russia is being “provoked”, top lel

              Yes, of course, there was no reason for NATO to exist anymore… oh, let’s forget that Russia STILL has the world’s biggest nuclear arsenal.

              Also, “greedy” countries?!? “Greedy” for wanting economical development and out of the strangle of the USSR?!

              P.S.: No one wants to be friends with Russia. Because Russia cannot be friends with anyone, it’s completely in their nature to behave like drunken douchebags who think themselves kings of the world or something when, really, they’re just another shit country.
              How DARE those INDEPENDENT & SOVEREIGN countries do what they want and join someone else?
              Psychotic boyfriend behavior much?

              • Well, I have not much time to reply to you right now, but if Soviet Union wouldn’t have liberated your country under high losses, nazis would have ”cleared” your country of non arians. Probably you wouldn’t exist, or be a sexslave/working slave for germans.

                • You mean the same Nazis that they cooperated with to start the WW2, the same Nazis that they sponsored and the same Nazis that they trained?
                  Also, in Soviet Russia occupation is called liberation apparently. Probably next to “fascist = Russia’s enemy” in the dictionary.

                • “but if Soviet Union wouldn’t have liberated”

                  The Soviet Union did not LIBERATE anything, all they did was rape & pillage every country their stinking boots have walked on, leaving behind only famine, destruction, poverty & desperation.

                  Us Romanians will NEVER forget what the Red Army, the worst terror from Genghis Khan onwards, has done to us.

                  “Der, die, das” – forever better than “davai ceas!”

      • Fedajykin89: “Yes, yes… Russia defends itself by annexing a part of another state.”

        Is there 1 sentence you ever wrote that is of any worth? Everything I see you write is trolling or complete BS with standard “trololo haha hihi” deranged 12yr old style.

        Just so others see what nonsense you type, I’m going to reply to this. First, Crimea voted for independence and to join Russia. And according to International Court of Justice that is not against international law.

        Second, even if we put that aside, you are completely clueless about history. Almost every country defended itself by annexing a part of another state. Poland in WWII defended itself by annexing a part of Germany (still annexed). France defended itself by annexing a part of Germany. Israel defended itself by annexing Golan Heights. Right now the West has toppled the government in Kiev, and is attacking Russia through a proxy.

        You are extremely lucky that Russia is not like China, and that there’s no half a million Russian Volonteer Army in eastern Ukraine. The Chinese have zero tolerance for this kind of belligerent behavior near their border.

        • “First, Crimea voted for independence and to join Russia.”
          Which was totally legit, especially with those armed green gentlemen around.
          “you are completely clueless about history. [...] Poland in WWII defended itself by annexing a part of Germany”
          “Right now the West has toppled the government in Kiev, and is attacking Russia through a proxy. ”
          Now this is good. Apparently Ukrainians all “work for the West” because they didn’t like Putin’s puppet as a president and told Russia to fuck off. Why don’t you go further, something like “I bet the Jews did this”?
          “You are extremely lucky that Russia is not like China, and that there’s no half a million Russian Volonteer Army in eastern Ukraine.”
          THANKS PUTIN for not flooding the country with millions of drunk Russians, only with drunk Russian soldiers. Putin is truly the greatest, the most honorable, the most understanding, the most merciful and the most generous leader of the world.
          Looks like you completely replaced your brain with the Russian flag.

        • “Just so others see what nonsense you type, I’m going to reply to this. First, Crimea voted for independence and to join Russia. And according to International Court of Justice that is not against international law.”

          No, Russian troopers invaded Crimea and then faked the referendum (which featured only 2 choices, either side with Russia or become independent, absolutely no choice of a status quo). Absolutely no sane person in the world would hold that referendum as valid, since it was done under a foreign occupation and under Russian guns.
          And yes, those WERE Russian troops, later decorated by Putin himself

          “Right now the West has toppled the government in Kiev”


          No, Ukrainians have toppled over a extremely corrupt dictatot-wannabe called Yanukovich, who was elected AFTER PROMISING TO SIDE THE COUNTRY WITH THE EU and instead forfeited that trade agreement and started siding with his puppet-masters instead.

          But go ahead, do please continue proving your brainwashed state of mind and declare that the West ALSO toppled over the Romanian regime in 1989. Of course, the Ukrainians themselves (about a few hundred THOUSAND people in the streets in Kiev) had nothing to do with this, every one of them were “foreign agents”. Once again, Special K.

          “You are extremely lucky that Russia is not like China” – no, RUSSIA is extremely unlucky that Russia is not like China, because so far Chinese have evolved past the 18th century mentality and have successfully joined the world economy game, with great success might I add.
          Oh, and it’s also able to develop economical & political relationships with the rest of the world.

          But go on, don’t stop from your “RUSSIA STRONK!” blabbering

    • I don’t see any one from the EU or US in Maidan square overthrowing a Russian proxy. I saw lots of Ukrainians doing that. I saw it with my own eyes.

      If you think that this is anything other than Russia trying to give itself a controllable buffer between Europe and itself, you’re naive and clearly need to look at your history.

  4. “Hmmm… I wonder if WoWp wins the Golden [Donkey] Joystick this year. If it does, well… I don’t have to finish that sentence, do I?

    Frank, I miss the last year’s Golden Donkey contest :))

  5. “So, let’s hope the politics don’t mess up “the favourite game of us all” :)”

    Political at this level (sovereignty of a whole country, hundreds of civilian casualties…) are much more important than any game (and this is a crappy one btw).

  6. Well, now they have an excuse to close this project…

    PS: all those “poor outsourcers”, my ass… Yet, when Putin takes over, Pasholok will be praising him, no matter what happens to outsourcers.

  7. Developers should just abandon that WoWP fail and get the hell out of Ukraine is the danger is too high.

        • That’s why most Russians still support criminals like Lenin & Stalin, along with being nostalgic after the criminal regime called the USSR

          P.S.: So anyone who hates commies and has fought against them are war criminals? Top lel. ESPECIALLY after what Russia/USSR have done to Ukraine in the 30s
          How DARE you not love Mother Russia?!?

  8. This whole article is useless since everyone knows that Wargaming is not a Russian company. Just shows stupidy of SS.

    WoT wise SS is really a resourcefull guy. However politics wise SS is a stupid rusophobe. Pitty he keeps scratching that off topic wound that has nothing to do with FTR or WOT. Reminds me of intellectual level of red and orange players in WoT (keeps repeating the same mistakes, does not improve and stays stupid).

      • I don’t care what you think. Actually i was being very polite. Much more than in random when i play with reds and oranges and SS cleary falls in that category.

          • And you are a local troll. Trolls think they are clever too so we belong to the same category.

              • Which level?
                Of being a popular troll on some obscure game blog?
                Or meddling into others responses without anything constructive to say just because you feel this is “your” place?

                • Then why are you here in this “obscure” blog? :D
                  Popular? More like “He will shoot gold at me in randoms, because he have no skill”.

                • Because i play WoT and, as i stated above, SS really does a great job on collecting all the data at one place. Considering only few % of players visit WoT forum i can imagine that this blog is nothing more than obscure for majority of wot users, let alone internet users.

    • Rusophobe? Didn’t you mean “fascist”? After all, according to your agenda everyone disagreeing with Russia’s politics is a “fascist dog”.
      Also, how terrible.

        • I was just trying to get into your simple mindset, m8. How do you call someone that sees rusophobes everywhere? Will “retard” suffice?
          We all know the story – poor Russia (which never in its history did anything wrong and people are just being mean and full of hatred) is being terrorized by the evil West, yadda yadda. Fukken rusophobes!

          • “We all know the story – kind, good West (which never in its history did anything wrong and people are just being mean and full of hatred) is being terrorized by the evil Russia, yadda yadda.”

            With you it is impossible to engage in dialogue because of similar juggling, that’s all.

            West believe oneself fucking Saints – great.

            No dialogue, just do not listen to what they say Russian – IT’S ALL PROPAGANDA! Why do we need a dialogue, if there are sanctions and military methods.

            “Fuck the EU! – Exactly!”


          • Enough articles from SS that point to that direction. And even this article is good enough since it has no other informative purpose because SS himself states that the game is not Russian. So why would he make article like this anyways?
            What does the Russian aggression have to do with the company from Minsk? I mean this is totally pointless piece of shit writing.

            And speaking about Russian aggression i did not see SS mention Ukranian aggression and slaughter of civilians in Donbass done by the Ukraninan army and national guard. But we don’t want to get deep into those questions because as i ive told you, you get only a fraction of data that happens (assuming that you live in one of those EU countries or a country where NATO propaganda is high e.g. not China, most of South America, most of Africa, most of Asia).

            Educate yourself and stop being NATO or EU centric, because they are not the whole world (even tho they pretend they are).

            • I do hope you realize,zapatista,that all the arguments you put against us can very well be applied to you as well.Also,spell “Ukrainian” right for once. :D

              • My arguments are intended as example to prove the bias of others. I don’t intend to go into discussion about that conflict on this blog. My point was to prove that this whole article of SS is a big BS.

                And regarding my spelling, If i write fcuk you, you still know what i mean, don’t you?

    • You faggots nearly killed us all in last century.

      Now I wish it happened, ’cause I hate faggot Russophiles like you.


      • “we faggots”, “killed us”, “death” wtf are you talking about?

        Could it beone of the following:
        - “insert any US war/massacre in last 100 years here”
        - German killing of the Jews and other untermenschen
        - Japanase massacres in China (and other colonies)
        - Turkish massacre of Armenians
        - Rwandan massacre
        - etc etc

  9. For a second I was scared it said “World of Warships ” then I read it again and went back to normal

  10. I hope WoWP won’t be in danger any time soon, I still like to play it and it got me 9 months of premium, 170k free xp and a lot of premium planes. Also I have to stay away from WoT at all costs.
    BTW, how is WG a British company?

  11. that game is trash anyway. and soon wows will be a fail too. WG is wasting money with them.

  12. WoWP sucks anyway so who cares?

    Also, guys do not talk politics because 90% of you do not realize that its a war between the US and Russia, and the US choose Ukraine to be the ground for the dirty games. Welcome to the 21st century. Yeah i almost forgot, BLAME OBAMA!

  13. I honestly don’t know about whether Wargaming will be affected, as on the one handed, Wargaming is based in Belarus, not Russia, but on the other hand, Belarus is basically Russia’s bitch when it comes to foreign policy (their sole job seeming to be to agree with everything Russia does, basically a similar one to the UK’s role in relation to the US’ foreign policy but taken to its logical extreme), and their biggest market is Russia, so…hmm…I’m not sure.

  14. Greeting to all!

    How likely is this scenario to happen to War-Gaming LTD company in general?

    In worst case scenario, if Belarusia would have such conflicts as Ukraine, would “World of Tanks” close down all the servers including Eu, Na, and others, leaving all World of Tanks accounts offline/inaccessible?

    Would appreciate if someone with adequate information and facts reply to my questions as to assure the likelihood of such scenario ever happening to World of Tanks!

    Best regards,


  15. II recommend all of you NOT TO invest money in these Russian games as we enter a new cold war, Russia will become more isolated. You might think what has Russia to do with Belarus. Well, if you know a lot about politics you would not say it.

    Belarus was considered by EU the most dictator country in Europe. A lot of Sanctions have been put on Belarus for human rights abuse. Soon or later Belarus will face more of these sanctions and that will include anything to do with profit.

    SerB mother fucker is delivered.

    Do not waste any money on these games. World of Tanks, Plains or ships.

    I am sure, very soon these games will be terminated by the western politicians. They don’t want you me or us to make Russians rich.

    That fat SerB fucker is more drunk than Putin. Soon you’ll see him with Putin shaking hands.

  16. I have only one thing to say… Glory to Russia and stop the Ukrainian Nazism!!!
    Слава России!!! Живут Цар Руски Путин!
    Serbia is with Russia, Serbia, together with her mother Russia URAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
    :) :) :)

    • Serbia?

      Since when does Serbia exist?

      It came violently in Europe and killed many people in the Balkans and occupied the territory. Now you claim that land is yours?

      All Serbian hero’s are war criminals (Arkan and many others) even your president is a war criminal Slobodan!

      Leave Europe, Leave Balkan and go back to SIBERIA!!!

      You Siberian scum!

      Glory to Ukraine!

          • A serb never admits he stole something, because then he knows it never belonged to him. Dardania is the land you stole. Those dardanians have been massacred and their name was changed by force in 1389 by serb cetnikcs, who attacked ottomans then the dardanians. Now you call it kosovo. Destroyed their history, killed their children, and raped women. You dont admit these, google serb cetniks and massacres, you see serbs talking about their horror. But its no surprise you dont admit these crimes, because you enjoy killing innocent dardanians, bosnians, croats and hungarians. Now you claim dardania is serbia? Since when? Kosovo and serbia does not exist the land belonged to dardanians ( the people of Kosovo now) those are now been killed by serbs even in ww1and 2 u killed Nothing new. Read Srebrenica crimes! You deny them, because you are siberian! You do not exist as good, but evil. Evil never admits its shadow path as light doesnt reach there to reveal your evil thoughts, but facts are on the ground. This is why nato bombed you. You siberian fuck!

            Guess what your brother russia did in 1999? Smiled at you and admitted you killed a lot of dardanians. Even slobodan admited giving orders of killing women children in dardania!

            Dont forget gotovina, pavelic and what they invented!

            You russian (serb) scum dont you dare post something here with your hands full of blood from dardanians/croats/bosnians! Go wash your sins before you post here, you sick siberian fuck!

  17. Pingback: WOT: from map changes in 9.4 as reported by FTR, and WOWP a casaulty of Ukraine war? | Mal's Maps

      • Oh, you’re so retarded, mom dropped his head several times after birth,maybe ur uncle anal satisfy you hahahahah… what a Nazi dick!
        Look at this bitch,and do not try to steal other people’s history: PS.I’m done with giving lessons retarded children! Whole Balkan is of Serbian origin, and you drop dead with envy :) Da ti jebem mater strokavu Ustasku :)

        • Whole balkan is of serb origine? You filthy dog!

          Serb origin is from siberia you scum!

          Serbs invaded with force balkan in 6th century, destroying the illyrian tribe called dardanians, which is now renamed by force to serbia!

          You call balkan your home, when your text is from russia?
          Your whole history, dna and genetics from ivenom laberatory was concluded that serbs are immigrants from siberia. Bosnians, croats have 20% siberian blood, the rest is germanic and or illyrian by 30%. I studied european dna and its historian origin for 5 years.

          Ukraine, never belonged to russia free wilingly, and you dare come here and say glory to russia? How dare you serbian cetnik! Filthy race that has history full of war criminals!
          All but none, except all your heroes have commited murder, genocide and theyre all liars. I heard slobodans speech of the killings in bosnia, kosovo, all he said was that my army massacred them, he never ordered such! Serb people are all liars, the commander of serb army said he was ordered to massively cleanse ethnic dardanians (albanians) in kosovo and bosnians in srebrenica. Guess who killed slobodan? Your own people killed him! Why, because you like the truth never to come out!

          Do not comment again about russia here being right and so on, you are not here to comment as you yourself has a brutal history of massacre of children, stealing land, and poisining other nationalities in school to keep them away.
          Go to siberia and take your filthy russians who are in baltic states and east ukraine with you, oh yeah also crimea, filthy siberian scum!