World of Warships Video – Classes Explained

Hello everyone,

a new part of the developer diaries is out and with it, the explanation of how classes of ships work in WoWs. Enjoy!


53 thoughts on “World of Warships Video – Classes Explained

  1. Paper, rock, scissors failed in WoT, and it looks likely to fail in WoWS.
    They are making same mistake as in WoT – triad battleships-cruisers-destroyers will be extended with aircraft carriers, like in WoT HT-MT-TD was extended by artillery.
    Then to counter artillery light tanks have been introduced, like T-50-2, and everything got fucked up to the point of massive rebalance of everything.
    Now they are going to walk the same path in WoWP.

    • In what way did the Rock-Paper-Scissors fail in WoT? if you ask me, the game is pretty well balanced between the classes.

      • The game cannot be balanced until some ground mechanics are reworked (spotting and arty). At the moment it is quite hard to balance to to spotting being erratic.

      • First of all – in the fact that there aren’t only paper, rock and scissors, but also artillery and light tanks in WoT and aircraft carriers in WoWP, which will break the balance between the first three.

      • Heavy Tanks = Rock
        Medium Tanks = Paper + Scissors
        Light Tanks = Paper + Scissors
        TDs = Rock + Paper + Scissors
        Arty = Rock + Paper + Scissors + Lizard AND Spock.

        “Rock Paper Scissors” does not work in WoT. You have classes that can only effectively be countered by themselves, classes that counter everything and classes that are countered by everything.

    • I’m an alpha tester and I have to say that cruisers are a tiny bit up but the rest is fine I have to say you ;)

      • rock paper what?? do our ANCESTORS think like: “ow! we are riding a LIGHT TANK. we must run away to a invading Heavy tank and let them fck up our country.”? LOL.

        how broken.


        btw. as this game portrays too much Japanese warships. feels great. :v

    • I think the translation is wrong and that it should anti-aircraft cruiser. Because cruisers were designed as stable gun platforms and they had the space they could be up armed with additional AAA to protect battle groups against air attack. The Admiral Hipper spent much of its war in home waters as a AAA platform.

      If they do plan to have guided missile cruisers …. why not nukes?

      • The US had dedicated AA cruisers, too.

        The Atlantas, which were originally intended to serve as destroyer leaders, became dedicated AA boats when it was realized that the 5″/38 was a badass DP gun. Later cruisers like the Clevelands and Baltimores all had pretty much identical secondary batteries to the North Carolina, South Dakota and Iowa-class battleships, so they were heavily outfit for AA as well. The 6″/47 on the Brooklyns and Clevelands had an AA round as well (Lol 6″ AA!) and the Worcester used the same gun in a dedicated high-angle DP mount. Worcester was basically a super-Atlanta.

        American AA should be the best in the game.

    • According to wikipedia, the first SAM systems were deployed in the early ’50s — so maybe high-tier cruisers get hypercharged AA capabilities.

      Although, when the video discusses how cruisers can specialize in different roles, as the narrator discusses specializing in guided missiles there’s a clip of a cruiser launching a seaplane… maybe WG’s translator screwed up in the most epic way possible?

  2. I wonder if there would be different mixes of types in games. There might be a carrier group battles where the main capital ships are aircraft carriers and only one battleship or cruiser. I can see that there will be “carriers break the game” whines.

  3. I miss the secondary batteries in BBs… lol these batteries usually where stronger than DDs, strange but we can see suicide rides of DDs VS BBs with succes??? launch torpedos at range OK but if a DD can close range over BBs and lauch in short range… i can laught a lot, even in WWI do this was very complicated for DDs.

    Missile cruisers… maybe they refer to the CL designed as AAA cruisers… with guns of 127-150mm as clasic guns or AAA guns but i dont see a lot sense on this… light AAA in CA/CL/BB are more than enough to deal with CVs planes, i dont think we can see heavy bombers or med bombers in game… or CVs can load things like B-25/JU-88/betty or similar bimotor bombers as torpedo planes??? if we only see single engine planes… well all depend of how they manage to deal with air attacks could be epic fail that 127 AAA guns be effective… i remember tha USA CVs had in initial war this guns but were removed because were useless and lower caliber guns with faster fire show a lot more effective VS divers.

    • Seeing as YamatO will be a tier X, which sets the time period available in the game (well not really; Maus vs Leopard for example), guided missile cruisers seems too advanced (like smoothbore guns).
      Also, they mentioned that missiles of the era (40s) in general were too weak too take out ships.
      Fritz X anyone? Then again, launched from bomber, not ship.

      What would be the correct translation though?

  4. DD taking out a Battleship. They have to be kidding. BB had light secondary armament (10+ 125mm guns) that would shread a DD long before torpedo range unless it was crippled.

    The Yamato was sunk by being hit by over 200 bombs and 7 torpedos. If memory serves the torpedoes DD’s carried could not penetrate the belt armor of a modern BB. I think a sub finished the Yamato off long after it was a floating wreck. (I might be wrong here, been a long time since I read about the battle)

    Carriers usually were 200+ miles away from the conflict. Adding them to game is a mistake IMO. If I want to simulate WW 2 in the pacific I would play Carriers at War or the HPS game midway. The golden age of the BB ended in the 1930′s. It died the minute modern aircraft carriers came on the seen circa 1939 or 40. (Pearl Harbor kind of shows how useful the BB was in the pacific)

    I will try the game because the ship models look cool and WG might come up with something interesting. They usually do.

    • Even wikipedia did not say anything so insane. Torpedoes do not target battleship belt armour, which is from above to slightly below water line level. Torpedoes go a few metres under the water for the most part.

      The ship capsized enough for ammunition to tumble down inside the magazines and blow up. Then it sank.

    • The secondary battery varies in calibre and number of guns across all nations.
      Yamato was sunk by at least 11 torpedoes and six bombs.
      Torpedoes aren’t meant to penetrate, but to blow a hole in the side of the ship. Which was still achievable, despite counter measures.
      Yamato capsized from a list given to her by torpedoes.

      • Yamato’s damage control was also horrible. Japanese damage control in general was horrible. It wasn’t uncommon at all for the ship to take some light damage and the damage control chiefs commit ritual suicide for their failure even while damage control was still under-way.

        This is exactly what happened to Kongo.

    • Iowa class will be in game, and were tier 9 when last mentioned. There are threads on the NA & EU forums dedicated to what we know in regards to which ships will be where.

  5. Knowing all of the famous Japanese warships are in-game, I predict that many, many KanColle fans will be collecting them all

    I sure as hell am definitely hanging onto the Takao (now if we could buy specific labels for ships I’d slap a gold “Atago” on the name tag as soon as inscriptions went for 75% off), Shimakaze, Fubuki/Akatsuki/Shiratsuyu (represents starter destroyer) and a few other classes. I predict they will also be hugely popular in Japan.

  6. I would like to see my famous Kitakami torp bitch. Can’t wait to spam the metal dildos all over the place. I can hear the Torp noob whines already. CV will be interesting though. I’d say the better the scout work the better chances will have your team. Much like NF1.