Developer Diaries – Hangars

Hello everyone,

new Wargaming Developer Diaries are out, this time on the topic of hangars. Bad news: only in Russian for now. Good news: there are English subtitles. So check it out.



25 thoughts on “Developer Diaries – Hangars

  1. In fact there is a English Version, But WG spells Hangar to “Angar”, including the video itself make the same mistake as well.
    It lasted for about 16 minutes. R.I.P Angar.

    • the nerds with 64gb ram in their pc who want everything to be “pwetty” when they play

      • Yes i care about the square sever range and about the spotting mechanics, but on the other hand, i also care about the hangar. You really don’t understand how much that hangar matters to a lot of people. A friend of mine plays WoT mostly to see his tanks in his hangar and spin around them. He’s up to tier 9 and a 48% WR, but viewing his tanks in the hangar is what he cares more about than the actual game.

  2. So they admit to have a separate department just for the garages? They needed that for the disaster they created with planes warping inside buildings and cars entering the wall towards Hogwarts…

    • Did you heard what they said about crazy brainstorming or ideas? Like planes takes off then hit something then crash to the sea? Well they did something more crazy, that’s how planes warping inside garage is born.

  3. I feel guilty now for not paying attention to all the details, love you wargaming hahahaha

  4. I’m starting to think that they’re spending more time on these CG clips for the videos than they are the game graphics.

  5. FFS, developers make whole games and they are not jerking off about it and WG has to make 10 minute long documentary on making stupid garage. What the fuck…

  6. Why is it so hard for them to implement an ‘afk’ zooming camera over the garage like they do in the video? It’s just great to look at. Also, can we finally have more camera control when looking at our tank or around the hangar as a whole?

    And Storm can go suck it with 300 tanks. You can have a selection of ~20 tanks, maybe those that you tag as ‘primary’ show up somewhere in the background at low LOD levels. It really isn’t that big of a deal.

    And when can we finally have fucking purchasable garages. I’d pay 1k gold to switch my garage to something else.. hell, even switch my garage to a standard garage when i’m subscribed.

    • Why is it so hard for them to implement an ‘afk’ zooming camera over the garage like they do in the video?
      Official response was, that from other points of view, the hangar will look wrong with unprecise lighting, because to save resources, it was created to be viewed from only that one point.

      • Download Hawken for free off Steam, just check the hangar for mechs.

        In my opinion, Wargaming are just poor developers.

  7. Damn…I didn’t know the standard garage had all that extra detail that the premium garage is missing out on. Would be nice to let us swap between them!

  8. Useless video about useless feature.
    Unfortunately I was unable to find black garage for 0.9.3.