War Thunder “Victory is Ours” Trailer

Hello everyone,

say what you want about War Thunder, dislike or like the game as much as you want, but whatever your opinion on Gaijin vs Wargaming is, there is one thing that Gaijin is absolutely undeniably superior to Wargaming: epic game trailers. While Wargaming trailers are usually relatively boring (comes with having no men in them), Gaijin on the other hand produces this… and it’s a beauty.



To be quite honest, I think this is definitely one of the best game trailers I have EVER seen, for ANY game. Enjoy. And Wargaming, you have some catching up to do.

159 thoughts on “War Thunder “Victory is Ours” Trailer

      • A shame their game isn’t better though. If they can spend enough money to make this trailer, they should pay their programmers to stop making bugs, glitches, and fix their horrible balance and flight/driving models. WT has the potential to be a better game than WoT can ever be, but Gaijin is terrible at realizing that potential and managing a game, which WG (HQ, not EU though) is fairly good at.

        • I don’t think WTGF can be better than WoT, it’s approach to tank combat is just way too different.

          Personally I’m hoping that 1.43 will make the SB mode playable, because frankly spoken AB will never be a better arcade game than WoT and RB has the same problems SB has.
          (Examples: UAV minimap, Arty 3rd person view, no maps for tanks above era II)

          Sadly the long development time for this patch can be both positive and negative.
          Either it takes long because Gaijin is trying to make everything work smoothly and fix all the major problems, or it’s because Gaijin is constantly running into problems that they can’t fix.

          Well, time will tell.

          • Warthunder is having problems because of its “having its own cake”-driven design. Trying to be both an arcade and hard-sim while making them stand on the same engine, hit detection system and physics, only altering properties from a distance leaves the whole thing feeling unfocused.

            And I think it’s pretty much an unreconcilable thing ; you can’t have a finely crafted sim experience in 20 minute fights over a matchmaker and the attention deficit crowd will always be the more numerous and therefore more important to the developer. Which is why the airsim people are getting thrown under the bus.

            • This video is actually showing quite some symptoms of this schizophrenia between hardcore sim and casual arcade fun for the masses. It is very well shot, gory and realistic. But then there is Lavochkin outclimbing a Gustav, that just dived on him… IS-2 shooting on full throttle… Tiger turning around like a ballerina.

              Not to mention another fail here. This video was dedicated by Gaijin do the “heroic defense of Moscov”. But it features vehicles from 1944 and was released in early October, when 1941 German attack on Moscow was just starting, and Wehrmacht was still 350 kilometers from it.

              • Too bad you can’t read .
                “In October 1941, the German Army bla-bla-bla… after the Battle of Berlin, Germany signed the capitulation.

                !! To commemorate the heroism of all the participants of the Great Patriotic War, we dedicate our new video to them.!! ”

                + about dogfight: its LA-5FN vs Bf.109G-6, Gustav is a bit heavier+bomb, at altitude of 2000-2500m (best for LA, surprise!)…

                stronk bias is stronk
                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0sfA-NsbzJY – stronk british/murican bias !!11 dam commies
                https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzgPXOw2plI – OMG WTF ultra stronk NAZI/murikan bias

                Are you all from poland or somewhat else retarded?

          • part of the reason 1.43 is taking so long is they actually managed to get over 2000 players on the DEV server when it opened to the general public, and as a result, bugs actually got identified this time around. as such, they are currently working to fix the issues before they release the patch this time around

        • This game has the potential to be the best ww2 vehicular combat game of all but the developers not listening to the community is what has screwed it for them an also their hunger to get players to hand over money in return for 1 or 2 premium vehicles which they were doing for months with the GF alpha.
          The best patch for war thunder ever imo was 1.29 it wasnt a MASSIVE grind to get money (without premium) and the 20 tier system was still there an there were less broken flight models (some of which still havent been fixed over a year later) there were less bugs and im pretty sure that was 1 of the last patches which ramjb was still playing on etc.
          now i use war thunder to test my ping for when i play world of tanks which is sad because a game which could have been epic i know play once in a blue moon.

        • Totally agree. I like playing WT but only for about 30 min. Its just not fun flying around for 10 min waiting for combat, then getting one shotted by something you cant see or firing at something until you run out of rounds.

          As far as the tank play goes, Tigers don’t get one shotted by T-34s from what I’ve read.

          Indestructible Rus planes is another issue I have with WT. That final scene with the 109 is aptly descriptive of Russian programming in Wargames.

          One Brilliant move That WT did was take the Arty issue out of the game. Instead of being killed by another player, its an AI mechanism that you can call yourself. That was just Brilliant imo.

        • I really think the first one that makes a customizable tank skin or hull options that we WANT and can be seen by everyone, not what Serb believes is historically accurate in SerbWorld, is going to have a huge, but short advantage. Everyone wants to make his tank or plane to his own taste. Id like a 5th Wiking Panther without side skirts for example.

          Another feature im waiting for is Randomly generated maps. Not Radomly selected, Generated. Say from 8 different blocks to be simplistic.

          That way your getting a new map everytime.

          A Stug Maus or Stug E100 in a Randomly created city map, omg, I’d be in heaven!

      • Too bad, that Star Citizen is plagued from Overinflated Budget Hunting Syndrome, as well as Unfocused Work Syndrome and chronical Release Delay Deficit.

        • IKR. Starting to regret giving them money. Diving: Original Sin, Strike Suit Zero and some other KickStarter’s I’ve funded delivered actual results and the rest which are still in dev seem to have a stronger grip on reality.

          • Star Citizen has megalomaniac plans that are unfortunately going to fail. Iam very afraid by the money powrcreep. Atm you can buy a fucking 300 Euro monester ship that will roflstomp anything early game. Also the plans for making a first person module when you leave the ship? I mean srsly lol… I dont need to Nostradamus to see how that is gonna end rofl. What I saw so far is nothing special and iam not impressed by the slightest tbh.

    • I would like to see the German perspective. It’s been almost 75 years since the end of WW2 and now the Russians are our adversary. I’m not sure if this is a pitch vid to the Russian market or what. That Ruskii was flying a p40 vs that Me-109?

    • agree there eve online one is better for me.. mainly because space ships>>>>>>>>>>>>>tanks for me even though i stopped playing eve online(after playing for 7years) and playing WoT right now…

    • As a player of both games I feel I can barge in this important internet forum and give my most important pixel-laden opinion.

      EVE’s beautiful spreadsheet-loaded UI and amazingly fast paced gameplay in which you have to be in-game for hours to kill a single Purifier on a gatecamp (that is, if you’re lucky) or get killed by the roaming 256-neackbearded nerd fleet ASIDE, I do have to say EVE has not produced a single creative trailer since the Crucible trailer (and that one feels quite lazy and cheap too btw). All those that followed are poorly acted or scripted and would generally feel like ‘novelty’ about 15 years ago. Maybe the Odyssey Trailer one, mostly because it’s tight, short, and with a great message. Not to mention the fact that most gameplay shown by CCP is a hoax, at best with no meaningful connection between the infantry and the space aspect of their single sharded world.

      Now, as far as War Thunder goes, I did feel like it was a great trailer, maybe even as meaningful as it was The Butterfly Effect for EVE. It shows actual gameplay (getting aside the infantry part as a necessary drama addendum) and it even avoids getting hopes too high by not including the ships part they want to add! Not to mention that you see your actions can be meaningful and have good or bad repercusions, hear an inspirational tune and enjoy great edition and photography.

      So, WT: Hot. CCP: Not! (It’s coooold maaaan)

      Anyway, my 1 mill $ opinion in this reputable corner of the interwebs…

  1. Sorry, WAY too biased for me.

    Them evil, faceless Germans, we must antagonize them to eternity!

    • What?

      Where was the bias? Where were the EVIL faceless germans?
      All I saw was a battle from the view of soviet soldiers.

      “Antagonizing them to eternity” would’ve been the Hollywood style of the evil nazi SS officer trying to “have his way” with a beautiful lady when suddenly the american/british special forces unit blows up the door and saves the damsel in distress from the monster…

      Seriously… there is a quite big difference between biased and focusing on one point of view.

      • Don’t try to debate bro.
        Fedaykin is biased himself, because he’s from an Ex-Soviet country and believes the ”Behd Russia” propaganda.
        For him, everything soviet/russian is EVIL.
        You can’t talk with those people like with normal people, they are like kids.

        • I agree with SS about trailer. It is very nice one.
          As for “he’s from an Ex-Soviet country and believes the ”Behd Russia” propaganda” – we saw such ONE-SIDED TRUTH proclamations every day, so, sorry, but we more or less allergic to this.
          Russia in his popular mind is STILL IN WAR despite so many years passed.

        • Well, it might be futile to debate, but without atleast attempting to do so it’s impossible to tell.
          And from my experience it’s always the best action to talk seriously with everyone I wish to discuss things with.

        • Russia is capable of making its own bad press, no need for propaganda to help. It’s been one of their main exports lately.

          As for the trailer, it’s ‘common russian soldiers overcoming the faceless monstrous nazis. We see the human side of the red army, while the germans are just a looming threat to be overcome, soulless machines, and as such we are drawn to feel sympathetic to the russians. It’s subtle, but it’s not objective in any way, hence biased. Certainly nothing to cry foul about, since that’s been a common trope for war movies everywhere, and the G need to mind their main audience, but it’s indefensibly biased.

          As for the ‘Evil nazi officer yadayada’, there’s a whole spectrum of possibilities between ‘not biased’ and ‘cartoon villain evil’.

          All in all, a nicely rendered trailer, very emotional.

          • Why should it be ”objective”?
            Seriously, all the german soldiers that died at the Eastern Front fully deserved to die.
            You always have a choice. Their choice was to commit a genocide on 15,2 million soviet civilists.

            • It may just be my opinion but I disagree with your reason.
              They “deserved” to die because that’s what it means to be a soldier.
              It’s what they accepted when they put on the uniform and picked up a gun that someday somewhere someone might kill them.

              In my opinion there is no such thing as a justified or good killing of people.
              A simple every day example:
              You’re a security guard.
              A robbery occurs and the suspect stands in front of you, both of you are taking aim with guns and you end up killing him.

              Was that a “good” kill?
              It sure was just in terms of the law, but was it a good thing in terms of ethics?
              After all you just killed a person, sure he would’ve killed you if you wouldn’t have been faster, but the simple truth is still that you killed someone.
              Nothing more, nothing less.

              I guess since ethics differ from person to person it really just depends on one’s personal point of view, but in general I think killing (or hurting) someone is never a good thing.

            • 121 you are seriously a stupid retard if you believe all german soldiers on the eastern front chose to fight just to kill civilians… No doubt german command and many soldiers shared the same belief, but if you say redneck hillbilly shit like this, nobody will take your other comments serious – Not that anyone necesarily did before ofcourse…

              • Your logic is fucked up.
                Many of the new ISIS fighters, that come from the occupied Syrian/Iraq territory were told that if they don’t join ISIS, their familys would be killed.
                Still, I’m sure that you would claim that ALL ISIS campers are evil bastards killing poor american journalists.

                • Funny you should mention ISIS, since they don’t hold a candle to russian atrocities commited in prussia and pomerania by the glorious red army. It’s still less than what the germans did, yes, but war crimes are war crimes.

            • @121

              That number you stated… 15,2 milions. They are a bit off. They are the total death number during the war, not deaths due direct action of the Germans. They include natural deaths, starvation, victims of the Stalinist regime… According to some revisionists in Russia at least that do not accept the official comunist figures. How reliable that is… i do not know but i certainly would not trust much any “official” figures from the soviet era.

            • To be fair, stalin killed more soviet civilians than the germans. However, there is nothing biased in the trailers. The tigers WERE monsters, until is2s can show up and blast them with their 122mms. That bf 109 just outflew his plane literally to the best he could control, but the la5 pilot undeniably got lucky that he had the energy advantage over the bf. In fact, the la5 pilot kind of looked like a momster to me, grinning like that as he killed someone. But thats war, gaijin depocted it wonderfully, snd in war, bith sides are wrong. One side is just less wrong that the other.

            • “Seriously, all the german soldiers that died at the Eastern Front fully deserved to die.
              You always have a choice. Their choice was to commit a genocide on 15,2 million soviet civilists.”
              Seriously, just for this comment YOU fully deserve to die.
              How about I giving you the choice:
              Kill someone you hate (because strong propaganda). There is no penalty and it’s totally ok (because of different morality in war). And if you still have doubts you get motivated by the fact that you get executed or imprissoned for the next 20 years if you refuse.
              So how is your decision? Like to be executed on the spot? Most people don’t.
              Oh yes, but there was THAT MUCH CHOICE for soldiers…
              You are the prime example for human stupidity.

              • Next thing and we learn that some mysterious Nazis invaded from Mars, took Germany and they spread the war all over the world, while poor Germans all stayed at home…

                • You do understand the difference between an “officer” and a “common soldier”, yes?
                  Hint: One is a full-blown Nazi, the other one is either a Nazi, joined the military because he believed the lies or was simply forced to become a soldier. Just like in every other country ever, except that you have to exchange the “Nazi” part for another fascist regime.

                  And the comment you replied to obviously referred to the latter two groups, in case you still can’t figure it out.

                • Fun fact, many of the ‘germans’ on eastern front were conscripted Poles, Czechoslovaks, Belarussians, Ukrainians, Russians themselves, as well as Finns, Romanians, Italians, etc. Out of what’s left, there were many Germans fighting not for ze Fuhrer, lebensraum, racial purity, the elimination of ‘subhumans’ or crap like this, but for their country and because they were told to, Just like the poor sods on the other side of the front. Those that did succumb to the nazi ideals were usually part of the ss units, and those weren’t exactly the majority of Wehrmacht forces…

                  And inb4 talking about being a brainwashed German, I’m Polish.

                • Cron: there is a difference between “we take from them” and “they take from us” and it affects attitude even of a common soldier. That is what is now happening in Russia vs Ukraine.

                  Grumpy, than show me these Poles.

                • “Although the Waffen SS on the Eastern Front contained a sizable number of non-Germans, no Polish unit was ever formed. ”

                  “Berlin, however, expressed no interest in re-establishing the Polish Army. In early 1940 Joseph Goebbels met with Studnicki, telling him that such units were not considered necessary.”

                  “It is not known what Hitler thought about Poles as soldiers, but one fact is certain – he distrusted them. ”

                  “On March 30, 1943, SS Headquarters refused to create Polish units, citing among the reasons that thousands of Poles fled both the German and Austrian armies in 1917–1918; that the creation of Polish units would mean that Poles and Germans should be officially treated as equal; and the fact that the Poles themselves were not willing to fight for Germany.”

                  While i agree that many Poles and other ethnicities of former-Polish origin were force-conscripted via volksliste, majority of them fled to the west, which even your link says.

                • What you quote tells three things- no Poles were a part of the Waffen-SS units (nothing about Wehrmacht though), they did not have dedicated military structures, and they were distrusted by the Nazi brass. At the same time, the Polish version of the entry states that signing the volksliste was not allways necessary for conscription, and has this passage:

                  “Wspomnienia i relacje mieszkańców ziem wcielonych do Rzeszy zgodnie podają, że otrzymanie karty powołania do Wehrmachtu traktowane było jako największe nieszczęście i najbardziej uciążliwa konsekwencja podpisania volkslisty. Szczególną grozę budziła zwłaszcza perspektywa skierowania na front wschodni. ”

                  Loose translation: “From the memories of people living in areas annexed into the Reich, being conscripted into the Wehrmacht was regarded as the biggest misfortune and the most dire consequence of signing the volkslist. Especially terrifying was the prospect of being sent to the eastern front.”

              • You forgot the part where you not only get executed or imprisoned, but your family at home also gets a nice train trip to Auschwitz.

              • In my country, many people hided in forest, because they didn’t wanted to join Wehrmacht.
                So, yes, you always have a choice.

        • Yeah, for most ppl from Ex-Soviet countries everything soviet/russian is EVIL.
          Guess why? [and pls. dont try the crap excuse of "propaganda"... 50+ years of soviet propaganda didn't worked]

    • Awwww, poor Hitler’s Willing Helpers. :-(

      My heart, like, totally, bleeds for them. Any minute now…

      • Awwww, poor Stalin’s commies, being threatened both by the completely human-less Germans (we all know those tanks & planes were flown by Skynet, right?!) AND by their retarded NKVD commissars.

        No sympathy for either Nazis or Commies, I hate them both to death.
        BUT if you want to show a ACTUAL, REAL HISTORICAL CONFLICT, how about you show the humanity on both sides, not only from the point of view of your “glorious great patriotic war”?!

        No, really, not ONE German soldier shown through this entire political-BS propaganda video. Of course, the brave Russian tanker remembers his family at home, with a photo inside the tank, then proceeds to obliterate the evil AI-driven German tanks, that clearly did not have any crew who also had families at home whatsoever.

        Fucking disgusting.

        • Maybe if the Germans were so concerned about their homes they shouldn’t have tried to invade everybody else in Europe.

          • First skynet, now apparently the whole Wehrmacht consisted of lab-grown Hitler clones. Wasn’t he a bit short to be a sturmtruppen in the first place?

  2. We all know it’s just *Sovietstronk* propaganda, at least this thing got some heroic and meaingful stuff in it.

    And of course it’s also due to the situation in HK as well. A theme really matched HK today….

    BTW, HBD SS.

  3. Sorry but this is only trailer :/ you can make good trailer but game still stays a crap.

  4. music way gay….and somehow that 1v1 rusek nazi plane fight seemed a little….”we are russia and we are stronkest and bestest ever!”

  5. Haters gonna hate. For all the Haters and the know-it-all’s! if you can do better, show it! Make a video better than this, and post it here.

    I personally don’t like playing WT, I don’t like to fly and don’t like the gameplay of the tanks. So I will stick to Wot. But, this video is simply Awesome!!!.

  6. Yeah, I can agree with that. Gaijin’s trailers are better, their engine is better too. Just why WG didn’t buy Gaijin before even having started WT development? WG bought bunch of useless studios, but they should have just bought Gaijin and gave them the task of making World of Warplanes. Instead they gave it to Persha along with obviously low budget, old engine and WoT concept that didn’t suit WoWp.

    • Honestly, I don’t think it’s true to say Gaijin’s engine is better.

      It’s certainly better from the perspective of a flight game but using that same engine for GF may not have been such a great idea. The terrain at GF level is pretty blocky really.

      Honestly, I think about 90% of what makes WT look good is simply hi resolution textures. As much WG yammers on about HD textures being optional, part of the reason why WoT looks so ugly is because the terrain textures are all pretty low-res compared to those of the vehicles (SD, nvm the HD vehicles)

    • I’d actually have to agree with you on that one. It’s almost funny how a game trailer manages to get a better atmosphere than most high budget Hollywood movies.

  7. Nice trailer!

    And WG should just put a stop on WoWp and call it a day. Waste of resources. Same as with WoWS. Two fail games.

  8. JaBo 109 should drop the bomb before entering aerial combat, then probably would get the La.

    WoWP is cool – it gave me 6 months of premium account and crapload of free gold :>

  9. My OCD senses are tingling at the fact the shell that the IS-2 fires is spinning the opposite way to the rifling in the barrel :P

    • And the rifling of the barrel is correct when the round is first loaded, but in the next sequense when its fired, the rifling goes in the opposite direction.. So it was correct at first but then someone messed it up :D

        • When the shell is loaded the barrel has clockwise twist looking from the front. Next scene the shell is fired from a barrel with counter-clockwise twist but the projectile leaving the barrel has a clockwise twist looking from the front.

    • Well, I missed that, but what’s bothering me is that angle of the gun vs the distance to target – that is some serious ballistic curve :))

  10. I love it…that’s some effort in the making..

    Can some one work out what the music is please?

  11. Trailer is epic. Song is excelent. Off course for those who understand russian. Polish community might remember that this song originally was performed by Anna German, a german/russian singer that lived in Soviet Poland and performed songs in many languages.
    Cover by the band “Murakami” is brilliant though as well.

    p.s. and no russian bias here at all. I`m saying that being from ex-soviet country. I hate Cremlin, but not russians as people.

    • ^^^ this
      Hate russia, or soviet as much as you like but don’t hate people.

  12. Russians are good at propaganda? They should be with so much practice. I suppose authoritarian governments are good for training marketing departments.

    • Following WG’s example I can only imagine Belarusian propaganda as not being up to Russian standards.

    • Have you heard that song about “…*something I can’t remember* America, where at least I know I’m free”?

      The moment you KNOW you are free you have been hopelessly enslaved by that conviction and wouldn’t know freedom if it bit you in the ass. It’s like how fanatics know they must be doing the right thing. You can think you’re free, but you can never KNOW, because then… Freedom is slavery.

  13. The bags of misery you get on here. Always dragging things down to the political level.
    Gaijin have nearly cracked the lifelike skin problem that has troubled developers for a long time. Look how it is at even a level above even the newest assassins creed trailers, fantastic job.

    • Ofc they have “cracked the lifelike skin problem” in this trailer since they used real human actors and mixed them in with CGI. You don’t honestly believe that EVERYTHING in this trailer is computer animated?

      • No, but I was trolling to see the first angry nerd, you win.

        Green screen, actors and a post production glaze when mixing in the CGI did the job. Somewhat similar to red tails except more believable TROLOL

  14. Ok, like SS, this is one of the best (maybe the best) trailer I’ve ever seen. Just the music coupled with the action rythmes put me in trance…

  15. This anti-soviet butthurt has reached intolerable levels.
    It’s as stupid as accusing Saving Private Ryan to be american biased.

    • Indeed, bias works both ways.
      Both the US and RU are very insular countries who have to propagate a “foreign enemy” for public consumption.

      Thats an excellent advert though, very well made with an emotional overlay.

      Shame no actual gameplay ever comes close to the advertising trailers!

  16. Dunno… they pull the blue and orange way too up, most likely because it is popular these days. Also playing the sentimental note.

    But cannot deny that the song and the aerial sequence are really nice.

  17. How exactly were the flak guns aiming through the clowds?
    And for a game praised for its models – why is the Tiger in WG colours instead of the genuine Panzergrau or Dunkelgelb?
    Why were there IS-2s with the Berlin bear and stripes in an obvious Kursk setting?

  18. A big “fuck all europeans for their history in WWII” by Gaijin… I’m expecting WG’s STRONK videos.

  19. Lovely trailer and CGI… But why the hell are they talking about Moscow ? Most vehicles shown here didn’t even exist by the time of its defence, 1941 IIRC. :/

  20. As active S.T.A.L.K.E.R. player, I do know that perfection is not achieved by something just looking fancy.

    I still prefer WoT over WT at any time, since I have learned that you just have to ignore some of the flaws a game has. WT also has its own flaws, just as WoT, and while the latter might not look as cool, its gameplay is still far, far better than War Thunder’s, in my opinion.

    Go ahead, hate, ignore, flame or whatever this comment, I just stated my opinion to all of this, and I am totally OK with that.

  21. That is truely a great trailer. I makes those from some so called AAA titles look sloppy. It isn’t just the cinematics but also the soundtrack – too many game makers sideline the music and sfx even though they are, IMO, far more important to atmosphere than graphics can ever hope to be.

    Obviously TV advert/trailers (I guess that is what this is) very rarely indicate the qualities or otherwise of a game, but they do get people interested in it.

    • Clearly only the Russians committed crimes and raped people, the Germans were nothing but saints who were coming to liberate the poor Slavs for Teutonic guidance right?

        • Frankly I’m disappointed by the lack of flaming in the comments. I guess not enough Patriotic Russians know English. (:trollface:)

          • I’m American and I cannot stand the fascist nazi apologists.
            The same for the stalinist apologists, but that comment was simply beyond the pale.

            • You see… This is a very delicate theme. Especially for Eastern Europeans. I guess you dont know the feel of being occupied for 40 years.

              • I wouldn’t care if he appended the term rapist to the Germans too.

                But nooo, only the Soviets can do bad things.

                I despise the Stalinists, but that is no excuse to let the hitlerites roam free.

                Besides, Europe of the East would hardly have been a paradise if it was occupied for 60 years by the Reich.

                • I don’t like any extremism. I am just not against glorifying your own nation’s heroes and light-hearted patriotism because everyone does it. In the US we almost never see museums commemorating Japanese aces or German soldiers, or even allied heroes from Britain, France, Russia, and China. They are all American heroes, and that is ok. We are America, we are allowed to be proud of our heroes, as long as we are ashamed of our villains at the same time.

                  This is why unbiased education is important, and it is nothing any government can achieve. It is an individual’s obligation to learn for his or herself.

  22. Why was there blueish smoke around the trenches? Was it from some kind of ammunition fired at the troops perhaps? What shells would leave blue smoke after impact?

  23. Can’t be a war thunder trailer, that LA-5 doesn’t have sovietidium armour windows ;)

  24. Yes, WT has a pretty good trailer, but WG has a few trailers that are made purely of in game footage as of the last few WoT updates, instead of the pure CGI trailers they did when the game was still in a comparatively early form. WTGF has the graphics for good in game trailers, but when WoT was in the same state, graphics were way worse than they are today. They even had to use CGI when British tanks were getting released, but with the 9.0 HD tanks and improved graphics, all but maybe one shot used in game footage.

  25. Fun trailer, too bad Gaijin are so completely awful when it comes to key parts of game design that its unlikely War Thunder will grow any more.

    It’s pretty telling that WT GF as at 50k players during test, peaked at 100k players after launcher and is now back down to 50k players.

    Honestly, I just don’t know what Gaijin think they’re doing. It seems everything they do is designed to make the game more grindy and tedious with the aim of getting you to drop cash on Golden Eages so you can convert free XP to skip vehicles and research while also buying crews that can actually work well.

    People like to fling the Russian bias thing at WG but some of the stuff in WT is so hilariously biased it makes WG look good..

    • I agree. I got so disgusted a year ago by the tedious grinding system in the planes section that I quit. I finally unlocked at that time tier 14 plane only to see that I need 1mil credits while I still didnt even got back the money I spent on the previous tier. And I wasnt by far a bad player. Without premium I did 20k top profit in a 10 kill game and 3k score. Dont need a college degree in maths to count how much games I would need to buy a placeholder plane. The additional price of 200k on top of that for the garage slot added to the pain. Playing more then one plane and god beware more lines was unreal due to the grind factor.

  26. As a World of tanks player. I’m amazed in this trailer. set aside competition crap. in the gaming world, everything nice is a eye candy.