Insider Talks: New Achievements

Hello everyone,

more info from the Insider. This time, it’s a set of various odd achievements (awards), that is prepared (or possibly considered) for World of Tanks. No further details are known, but some of the things are pretty odd:

- apparently, the “Lumberjack” is back, it will be awarded to a player, who destroys at least 3 enemy vehicles and brings down 30 trees in battle
- same goes for the “Alaric” achievement, that will require to destroy 2 tanks and a “monument”
- an achievement for “burying enemy tank in debris”, which is connected to Havok and the fact that buildings will be destructable, plus an achievement for “bringing down a structure on enemy light tank”
- an achievement for flipping enemy tank on its roof

The above requires an explanation – in new motion physics, it will be possible to flip a tank on its roof. To it, the Insider adds that being flipped will destroy the tank quickly (basically the way a tank is destroyed now when another tank drives over it). It will not be possible to simply flip a tank back. The official reasoning for this is that flipping a tank on its roof not only destroys its internal equipment, but also crushes the turret ring and the thin turret roof armor. The developers want to make it really hard to flip the tanks, they want to specifically avoid the War Thunder situation, where (and I quote the developers) “the vehicles behave like they have West Coast custom hydraulics”

- an achievement “Bring the Barn” related to something like a 15vs15 TOG battle
- an achievement for surviving the destruction of the house you are hiding in without taking damage
- an achievement for pushing around a car (object, that will be movable in Havok) without destroying it while damaging at least 3 enemy tanks
- an achievement for “luring the enemy to drown” (as in, standing on the edge of the water, a fast-driving enemy approaches trying to ram you into water, you quickly evade and he drives into water and drowns)
- something related to “Raisenai”, involves KV-2 surviving extreme odds against German attack, not sure what this is

These achievements are tied to the Havok patch, which apparently is 9.5

58 thoughts on “Insider Talks: New Achievements

    • Yup. We got so many medals in 9.3 I don’t even look at them in game results any more.
      Also giving medals for tards to destroy cover on the maps won’t bring any good to gameplay for sure.

  1. Please, tell me the Insider is trolling you. As if bunch of totally useless spam medals in 9.3 wasnt enough.

    • I doubt that he is lying. Just see how much of retarded new awards we have now, and how easy it is to obtain them… I mean come on, a KV-2 can get a bruiser in one shot… Lumberjack (I believe the most stupid of all, and also potentially dangerous for your team, as tards are going to “cut” trees announcing their location (and yours if you are near them…)) is not new, was to be implemented few patches ago, but fortunatelly was not…

    • “its been considered” doesnt seem more than wg`s fartstorming ideas.

      all havok related garbage its just fake, low spec pcs wont be able to run it, and if affects gameplay would stress even more the servers.

  2. There once was a situation when I found out one guy’s email address and then used some website to send people stuff from his address. Nothing serious, just screwing around.
    This looks similar. I mean, 15v15 TOGs? This is too stupid to be true.

  3. “- an achievement for “burying enemy tank in debris”, which is connected to Havok and the fact that buildings will be destructable, plus an achievement for “bringing down a structure on enemy light tank””
    What if I’ll have Havoc disabled. Will my LT be destroyed by invisible pile of bricks? This is sooo wrong. Since Havoc is an eye candy and works on client side, how server will know about piles of debris? Or that was changed, and Havoc will be working on server side. I’m lost.

    • Thats a good question.

      I suppose the so called “havok” is all about eye candy indeed, including debris.
      Bringind down the building apparently will have an impact, if your tank is inside the building.
      This (possiblility to drive into the building, without it fully collapsing) looks like a part of upgraded physics in WoT engine, which will work regardless if Havok eye-candy is enabled or disabled – it’s a different thing.

      At least this is how i understand this.

    • i believe that the only difference between a Havon on or off client will be the effect animation. If someone will shoot a destructible wall with enabled Havoc he will see a nice animation of separate fragments falling randomly, resulting in a pile of debris. Without havoc you will se the standard animation for destruction (or nothing, as it can be disabled with WoT Tweaker), but you are going to see the debris pile, which will probably work like a some sort of a bush (which saddens me, as bushes are the one thing that is killing WoT performance on my laptop).

    • Devs said it hundred times, that Havok will be only eye candy, debris will be only visual, and to render it identical for all players, servers would go crazy.
      So these achievments sounds even more bullshit to me..

      • Actually devs said they are working on syncing the animations over the server so everyone sees the same destruction .. It will be rendered client side, yes, but the information where which brick is falling will come from the server.

  4. Do they really describe War Thunder as “the vehicles behave like they have West Coast custom hydraulics”? I assume this is a reference to the British Rail APT, which seems odd from Belarusian developers…

  5. “Yo, I didn’t know you had any medals. What are they for?”
    “Three years long service. Six years long service. Nine years long service… Twelve years long service.”

  6. - apparently, the “Lumberjack” is back, it will be awarded to a player, who destroys at least 3 enemy vehicles and brings down 30 trees in battle
    Greenpeace treehugging hippies will go mad. :D

    • fuck’em, if any of these tree-hugging dirty hippies would say a word, I will aim at that stupid medal intentionally…

    • i do not know Russian, but dear friend, SS is well aware of that particular event in the history. He just does not know to what it will be tied in game.

  7. This sounds 100 times more retarded than any 1st April WOT bullshit I have ever heard.
    I simply can’t believe it.

    WTF are they smoking – now every game in Murovanka will look like a rally in the woods, and no one will be shooting enemies.. And to go for Cap circle in Ensk Encounter will have a f**ing new meaning, because there is a monument in the center of it..

  8. i hope this is only a preview of next years april joke!
    we dont need more stupid tanks driving around destroying or shooting objects instead of firing the enemy and be useful for the team.
    I get a bunch of these lately new medals with every battle and that is anooying enough as achievements therefore lose their value for me.

    • Yeah, i find the new achievements more annoying then anything else. They are cluttering my after battle stats and make me loose time just because they catch my eye and i am used to hover my mouse over anything that pops up there.

  9. “”- an achievement for “luring the enemy to drown” (as in, standing on the edge of the water, a fast-driving enemy approaches trying to ram you into water, you quickly evade and he drives into water and drowns)””

    This… The achievemnts are mainly… stupid and made me suspicious but this one made my spider sense go from tingling into pneumatic hammer mode. This insider should be x-tra cautious now. The info might be smoke in the system to find the leak.

    All of the rest is at least plausible although quite processsing intensive server side and the increased comunication between server-client might become an issue.

  10. “- something related to “Raisenai”, involves KV-2 surviving extreme odds against German attack, not sure what this is” wasn’t there a “Raisenai heroes” medal already?.

    it’s regarding the single static KV-2 in the village of Raisenai that stopped an entire division “you shall not pass motherfuckers” gandalf-style until it got shafted by Flak36 guns and grenades to the holes of the hull

  11. Bunch of bullshit. I’m pretty sure most of those retarded achievements are gonna be scraped(again) and Havok will not come in 9.5.

  12. OMG… like we do not have enough dumb medals right now…. IMHO, most of the “medals” that appear on the left side of post-battle screen should be removed from the game. Half of them are just stupid, and the other half is so easy obtainable that they reward… yeah… what do they really reward???

  13. 30 trees in a batte? In theese days they are hard to come by because of Wargamings deforestation

  14. How can u flip a tank on its roof u can do that in war thunder due to the physics but world of tanks has no such physics like war thunder has

    • it was said havok physics will bring flipable tanks, but its gonna be a very difficult task