Thanks to Deadbeaver for this one.
Hello everyone,
ever wanted a Panzer IV Ausf.J? Well, here’s your chance. Well, it’s not in a very good shape :)
This Panzer IV Ausf.J was given to the Finnish army by Germans in 1944. It was never used in battle, only later on as a practice target. The auction can be found here – the current bid is 1550 Euro.
Of course, it’s in terrible shape, but I wonder, if it could actually be restored to its former glory. Hell, the KV-1 they pulled from the river recently looked worse.
How about pooling up some euros (hell, even 1-2 from some of us might be enough) and buying this for all of us? :)
Where exactly would we put it, and who would take care of it?
I have a garden and a large enough shed to keep it protected from weather.
My wife would go nuts though, and i would need a rottweiler to keep away the local metal scrap thieves.
We’ll gather up some chocolate muffins and some hot coco
Then maybe your wife will let it slide? ._.
But we nee, no! WE MUST! As WoT players who love all the glory of IS-3′s N’Russian shit, get this Panzer IV Auf’s J! And restore it back to awesomeness!
What do you say lads!?
well we can provide some raw meat and bones for your angry wife, not sure about the rottweiler though…
In the basement of SS house ;)
I would be quite interested on looking at it but let me point out some things
1) I’m not an engineer. But puzzles, I love em. and it stems out to games and machines =)
2) That panzer’s turret is practically gone.
3) HOW restored we want it to be? justenough to move it around and look good, or into full running condition?
4) Funds and parts are obvious. Whether we want to use original parts or make it ourself is another question.
5) I’m in friggin Asia for uni. <– email
ps: i use Steam for commenting here you can connect to me from there too
Communism doesn’t work :D
The transport will be more expensive than buying the tank. :)
Beyond to restore. only husk remains… cant compare with kv.
If you mean this one:
I would agree, but this one (more recent):
Is in no way in better shape than that Pz IV, so it can compare IMO :P
More than enough to restore. The Sdkfz’s JagdPanther was made from two range wrecks in much worse condition. It is after all all only metal, and metal can be welded, cut, filled and shaped. It will cost a lot of money to restore. I suspect it will be bought by someone who already has another PzIV in similar condition, and two become one. A restored PzIV will sell for $1.5 -2.5 million dollars.
Here is a Stug being restored, and it was in a worse condition!
There was a 70MB micropatch, as well as 10MB localization patch. Any ideas what was in it? Fury crap?
Open the Tank Viewer and check out, is there any Furies available :)
Ran when parked? LOL
all it needs is a new coat of paint and a couple of screws and it will be good as new
YEAH! And a coat of paint and she will be sweet! ;)
Alternatively, there are several remarkably intact Panzer IV’s in the Golan Heights. The fun part is getting permission from both Syria and Israel.
Damn that Pv IV Ausf. J has been hammered on the right side – HE detonating close by perhaps?
“Practice target” most likely means, that someone practiced shooting at that Pz.4
Either the Finns are very good shots, or that is they have very few targets to shoot at. That thing’s seen some abuse in its time on the range.
“It was never used in battle, only later on as a practice target.”
In car dealers language:
“Promotional offer, local dealer sels demo vehicle with low milage”
Seems legit, it’s a deal! No no no, no need to show it. We trust each other, right?