Hello everyone,
this is not a leak, this material comes from Wargaming and was sent to all the contributors. Behold, a preview of the Stalingrad map. It’s the first map featuring Havok and currently, it’s estimated it might appear in 9.5, but some leaks suggest it might be moved to 9.6
Right click and press “view image” for larger version. Oh yea and it’s a large post (not as big as the tank one though).
Great, ANOTHER map that I need GOOLGE MAPS to find my way around. :-/
so, nub, do you prefer corridors? Looks fine, and I do not know what’s so hard to read there. Simple street network, wtf is your problem man?
Yes, i am a heavy tank driver and i prefer simple maps, with corridors and engagements no further than 150m. Problems? *Grabs popcorn*
One suggestion, can we be able to drive over the rubble piles between bldgs.? Maybe not all of them, but some?
I know that WG designs some of them to be blocks for a reason, but just make it very high terrain resistance? or, oh I just thought of this, make some of them break your tracks.
That would be awesome.
Great looking map, cant wait. +1
in the ”Stalingrad / new motion physics” video you can see how amx drives over a pile of debris (which atm. is impassable)
Step 1 – Press “+” until you are able to observe the detail of the minimap
Step 2 – Periodically observe the detail of the minimap
Nice, very nice.
Hope they don’t just keep making maps around Russian cities. Talk about Russian bias, what is the next map Lenningrad?
It would be nice if they got away from maps built around burned out Russian cities, how about one of the Norway campaign or maybe a map of northern Italy?
I’m working on one myself that reflects the German campaign in Norway. I have the map drawn out on paper but what is the best free program to use to create it digitally?
The more pictures I saw, the more my mouth opened. What a map! I want it now :D
4th and 28th picture from above Pavlov House?
It’s possible, there are some similarities.
4, 5, 24, 27, 28.
I’m an idiot.
This mill.
Pavlov’s house figure 36
Looks fantastic! I hope they make the Normandy Map this big.
Check out this; maybe WG can borrow it:
How big?
800×800 if i read correlcty somewere
1000×1000 i just found out
I have some bad feelings…
didnt WG say there were too many maps? and also rusek themed maps tend to be shitty…
moar desert maps pl0x
Desert maps own all others! Prettiest camo as well.
Great map for heavies, mediums and maybe arty (probably no). Another corridor map that makes AT and scout lives impossible.
are you kidding? LTs will have a great time, with this many avenues light tanks will find ways to get around the enemy easily. Also **** Arty, SPGs were NEVER used in urban combat so why do people whine about them not being effective in city maps when historically they were never used in the city anyway.
Yeah, sure…. never:
and my favourite 203mm td :)
Playing light tanks on city maps is great fun. Scouting is only one of their uses. Having hard cover all over the place and the speed to flank and outrun enemy vehichles. It’s on the edge of your seat combat action. Not fucking bush camping sheeeiiiit.
Playing LT as scout is so outdated. Use it as backstabber now. I have great times in Kharkov in SH with my RU251
So unlike Himmosdorf SPG can actually do some work. And LTs too. Liking this map so far.
Also unlike Himmelsdorf, SPGs have a ready place to drown themselves. My only complaint about this map.
Looks more like Ensk than Himmelsdorf.
It’s like Himmelsdolf, Ensk, and Karkov combined
But by 9.5/9.6, the suicide system will be back in the game. The only reason why it was not implanted in 9.3 was because it fined you for death by terrain. For example, killing yourself by going to fast on a sand dune, etc.
Where’s Pavlov’s house?
4, 5, 24, 27, 28.
I’m an idiot.
This mill.
Pavlov’s house figure 36
Its in pics 4 and 28, you can see it in video at 2:34 mark.
Great map but sadly we have to wait until patch 10.5 when Havok is released since it is based on Havok physichs
Not Havok, but I think they’ll keep this map retained till they have their new motion phyics in. There are an aweful lot of spaces that are either shut off from gameplay or just useless dead-ends, unless they allow certain tanks to pass terrain that other tanks can’t :)
Look’s good. I hope I will like it as much as Kharkov.
Even more fps drops…
Havok is pretty well optimized, you know… Just look at all the other games using it. It’s truly WG’s home brewed technology that sucks about performance. Also it will be running on a separate core.
Where are those open maps that everyone wants. These city maps make 30% of team useless (TD:s, Arty and Scouts). Why not make proper 1000 x 1000 open ( no buildings) map.
The only vehicle that’s useless on a city map is artillery.
Seriously? A massive fully open map? It would be the biggest camp fest since the cold war. First tank to drive forward is lit by an enemy light tank and then annihilated by the enemies guns.
Full open as like Steppes. None of artficial objects (houses etc.), well if the stupido firsto tanko go firsto to diedo it is his/her problem? I was sayig that massive open map with natural cover and landscape where none of tank roles (Heavy, Medium, etc) would too OP, and everyone had their role.
Point is somebody has to move in order to not make the game campy. The whole ide of “move first and you die” is totally bullshit. If eveybody wait and dont move, then we have these fucking camp fests. 90% of all tanks in game should NOT be cannon fodder to TDs and artys.
There can never be dynamic gameplay and fair game as long as we have tools like arty and TDs which dont activly engage in fighting. These vehicles are not meant to be played dynamicly and that is the problem. TDs will always have a advantage because they get spotted sooner and thanks to more alpha and higher pen and better accuracy they will always punish you more in terms of removing your HP compared to other tanks.
Everybody has their role, problem is TDs and arty just slap all tanks in the face because they usualy get the first shot off, and make significantly more damage than all other tanks. Same with arty hughe 1 shot capability from the air and often no way to hide. Why do you think TDs became so popular after 8.6? Because they were underpowered? Remember, TDs are still more played compared to heavys and even compared to mediums. Roughly 1/3 if all vehicles in MM queue are TDs.
That map is called prokhorovka/fiery salient and it’s the worst piece of shit map ingame, nobody wants more of that.
Makes me wanna play RO2 again.
I can see so many people wasting half their game shooting at those walls !
Yup, WG giving more distractions to the tomatoes sadly.
It’s the WoT equivalent of jingling your keys.
Looks like a nice place for a Devil’s Symphony, with tank cannon violins conducted from hell.
It looks …. pretty much boring map just because it’s flat. I understand that city and all that stuff but no bueno for me. Also it look that this map will be for heavy’s and td’s. Mediums will have zero survivability.
Wait how did Germans lose the battle when Stalingard is barely a town/urbanized? Look at those open spaces, you could blitzkrieg through that no problem.
This map seems the fusion between Ensk and Kharkov, the worst two maps in the game.
Actually, that would be Komarin, Hidden Village, Severogorsk and probably Windstorm.
Hmm, do you think a T1 Cunningham might fit into those trenches? Also saw some stairs up into buildings that may be worth a look at in a training room once this goes onto the test server…
such a depressing map, no wonder the Russians lost the War.
./me looks for Troll Food, but wonders if he should replace it with a bit of ./wtfdurrrrfood
Nice map, but lack of gaps to shoot from them kill the feeling of being in a sieged city…. just the same building as other maps…
Pingback: Mapa Stalingrad: Preview
I dont know if others know about this … but on official site of wot wiki/ map guide there is ”upcoming maps” title and provides this video:(QBTV)
From the preview it really looks like a Kharkov Mk II (and I hate Kharkov, despite being a city map). For now it’s in the “dislike” corner.
This is the map that will bring WoT over this speed bump, no more “phone in” map/map upgrades, its a large map, destructible. lots of places for side scraping, lots of hull down spots, no tight corridors that can’t be bypassed, wide and even arty isn’t totally screwed here but its not very open. This looks like an amazing map. WoT needs more of these.
this map feels huge nice tall buildings lot’s of room..it looks very nice hope that fps will be good and now microlaging so that u can’t enjoy it..maybe even simply best city map at the moment
Sorry not possible. Added objects and effects increase the load on the cpu. Just look at kharkov map, huge fucking fps drops due to many buildings and effects.
finally! a map with trenches and truly something for every tank even more so than kharkov
keep your fingers crossed for a 9.5 release!
Pssh, who cares, WoT is filled with useless people… No matter how many shiny things they have, they’ll never be good.
Is Red October factory depicted at all? Can’t figure out with all the rubble.
Well, at least here we don’t have the curbed streets a la Kharkov, that basically deny shooting/sniping past 200-250 meters…
Who knows? Maybe TDs will actually find a bit of a playground near the train tracks (because, you know, not every TD is a wall of steel behemoth like JgdPz E-100, most other TDs rely on not being spotted, period)
Can’t wait to block a street off with my TOG (when I get it)
Hi SS :D
Could you hide large collections of pics in groups under spoilers in future? My iPhone nearly shit a circuit rendering all of those at once, which made for a very boring shitting session for me :*(
I can already see getting my tracks caught and shooting into the sky on the trenches cut into the map..
another map for heavy tanks … thx
This game definitively needs more gay maps like kharkov or komarin…
Dat Object 260 ^^
Seems so better than the IS-4 but similar to IS-7 because it’s a 1945 mod