
Hello everyone,

currently, pretty much anyone important in Wargaming is on a developer meeting on Cyprus for following three days (or is it two now? not sure), so don’t expect a lot of news this weekend. Will try to glean what I can however.

- according to Storm, the SU-76i issue is one time case, there weren’t cases like that before
- SU-76i issue was fixed fast enough “for the fire not to spread”. Later, Storm adds: “Unfortunately, mistakes happen.”
- there is a bug where some vehicles in the hangar “sink” into the ground – Storm knows about it, will be fixed
- it looks like the old “automatical switch of gold shells price from credit to gold” bug is back, Storm will investigate
- developers will investigate an alleged bug causing minimap lags

Oh and there’s one more pretty nasty bug as well, but that demands a separate post, so stay tuned. TBH 9.4 really wasn’t a good patch, when it comes to bugs.

33 thoughts on “7.11.2014

  1. SS, did u see the glitch/bug for Mac users who use Parallels? Seems like a pretty big hole

        • Same Hardware for 40% more..
          100*1.4/1.25 = 112%… So yea, If you get the discount it might be worth it..
          You need to go back to the late 90′s early 2000′s to get “Apple” hardware.
          I used to buy some Apple kit and change the hardware info via a firmware update, flash it back to the standard “ibm” stuff… Worked great ;)

        • lol

          mac better hardware for same price?

          you havin a giggle m8?

          I can buy for 1000$ what they’ll charge you a full 2k for.

    • by gaming on a mac do you mean ur actual pc is resting on top of the mac as a cushion or are you using the mac as your mouse pad?

    • Yeah I’m also in that Parallels boat, pretty damn awesome to be honest. Worked perfectly fine up to this patch and now I can go fuck myself. GG WG.

      And yeah, I do not even play on a “real Mac”. I built a “Hackintosh”. That’s your usual PC from random components – like I got a i5 4690k @ 4Ghz, Nvidia GTX 760, 16GB of RAM and 2x 256GB SSD just that I installed Mac OS on that.
      Why I did that? I like the OS but not the crappy overpriced hardware. Now I got a nice OS with cheap but very powerful hardware. I usually do not play a lot of games besides World of Tanks on this and Parallels was pretty perfect for that, esp. with this configuration.

      AND since I started streaming recently this was a _perfect_ configuration since I could use a 2nd mouse and keyboard completely independent with windows in parallels on my second monitor. So I was gaming with one set of input controls on one monitor and could do some other shit with another mouse and keyboard in the mac os on my other monitor at the same time. (and just capture the whole windows machine with the game from the Mac side and stream that) And now… yeah. Sit here and wait for those shitheads to fix their fucking client which they most likely will never do since: fuck you paying customers.

  2. They implemented a lot of bugs on this patch so they can have what to fix and write in the patch notes for 9.5 so they can say it is a new update

  3. - it looks like the old “automatical switch of gold shells price from credit to gold” bug is back, Storm will investigate
    Yes, totally a bug and not intentional to make people spend gold accidentally.

  4. fuck them with SU-76i case idiots. they have enough people and time to not do such a mistakes. and now when there are a platoon of 3 SU-76i its OK? really fixed in time. fucking retards – this game is worser and worser.

  5. i think WG do this on purpose, they make bugs for each update (on purpose) but they deny they had any knowledge of it, and then they spend the time before the next update to fix the bugs in last update and “accidentally” put new ones in.
    WG probs just cbb to do proper updates so they pretend to be making the game better and shit…

    • of course you can not controll everything, but i think in general the software companies know about the bugs and they let them to be – to need to do other update. thats a politics.

  6. The memory leaks that happen when you alt tab ,now happens even with out alt tabbing and tabbing back.
    This patch suckz

  7. - it looks like the old “automatical switch of gold shells price from credit to gold” bug is back, Storm will investigate

    …sure…. “bug”… :D

    • Vladimir, Gold for silver! They think it not joke! Surely kapitalist pigs know no reason! Gold for Gold, Eye for eye!

  8. I would love the bug of the server crosshair hanging on the corner of a building when you pass by closely or rounding a corner to be removed. It was fixed a while ago but it has been back for a while.