53 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: New Map Simferopol

  1. Fuck you Wargaming, and all of your bright new shiny city maps. Seriously, how fucking hard is it to make an open map? Just one, please?

      • oh please, feel free to search my nick (marty_vole) and look it up yourself, how much of an arty player I am. Thing I am stating here is, that with more and more city maps all the gameplay built up on sniping, knowing camo values and stuff like that goes to hell. How many maps where these things actually matter do we have in the game anymore? 5,6? And yet they still keep adding new and new heavy tank paradises where all you have to do is just triple press “R” and charge forward in your IS-7. Dont get me wrong, Id like to do that too from time to time, but there has to be some balance.

        And I rather play open maps with arty than fucking Kharkov without arty but all the heavies having superior advantage over me while im driving my mediums. Its fair for them to have it, but only if there would be maps for me to compenstate. And the numbers are getting more and more in favor of heavy tanks players. Me no like.

        • uuu… noob meter says super uniCUM

          I see no reason to hate new open city maps… Kharkov and Stalingrad give you lots of freedom and you can flank thouse big boys like nothing.
          Im not super good player and i dont have problems with new maps… i hated old open maps where TD’s could camp all day long and arty players sniped your ass 15/15… if you played heavy there you were practically forced to camp with others.

          On the other had i see your point… would be cool to have one really big open map 1,5×1,5 with 3 smaller villages as some advance points

    • City maps are needed in a game ruled by arty. Open maps would be fine if the arty on them was limited.

      Why actually cant WG make maps where arty could not be used? We could have nice, real-looking open maps (and not open maps with carefully selected and arranged (and very real…) anti-arty rocks, isolated houses etc. For me, current open maps with sudden rock-cliffs in the middle of the field doesn’t look natural at all.

      • Wake up, it’s not 2011 anymore.
        City maps are just boring “hurr durr I have the bigger gun” stupid brawl, no tactics, no skill, no nothing. Also very unrealistic, so many tanks battling in the city.

        • well the realism is the last things that concerns me. But the fact that you dont have use basically no brain for that kind of playstyle and better players have much less options to outsmart and outplay the enemies bothers me a lot.

      • Correct me if I’m wrong, but you want to keep arty away from open maps, while those are pretty much the only maps where arty can actually do something, and you have no problem with them on city maps, where arty can shoot at maybe 2-3 places? Or do you want to forbid them from entering just some open maps, not all?

    • And what? Create another campfest? You do realize that on most “open” maps, you can’t even USE most of the map because it’s a killing field, forcing everyone to either take one of two or three “safe” routes or drive out into the open and die in an instant to fire from hidden TDs halfway across the map.

      Examples: Steppes, Prokhorovka (both version), old El Halluf (prior to the last two times WG changed it).

  2. You have to ask, what is the point of this map, or any new maps? There does not appear to be anything new here that isn’t already available on existing maps.

    There is no point in WG releasing new content (maps or tanks), if they don’t first drastically improve & expand the gameplay and mechanics.

  3. 1. They said the wanted less maps, yet they put even more in.
    2. They really like their soviet battlegrounds.
    3. How about some real diversity?

  4. Why do they keep making maps?..Its just a waste of resourses since we ( atleast i ) only gets to play 5-6 maps over and over again

  5. how to make a wot-map:
    step one: make half a map
    step two: mirror it

    it might be the easiest way to balance a map, but it makes the gameplay just boring imo

    • while I agree with you that mirrored maps are kind of boring it’s good to have some for competitive environments.

  6. Artillery wold not be a problem on any map, if the maps where bigger, and arty had to relocate to keep with the front.

    New map? same old same old.

    How about a map that has city each base and wooded area country in-between?

    Or how about less Eastern front maps and a few more European, Caen, Operation good wood, The bocage, with lots and lots of small fields, high banks and hedgerows.

    • “…and arty had to relocate to keep with the front.”

      That’s what I love about the Bishop. It’s range is so short that you have to keep closer to the front. If you don’t react to a falling flank fast enough you get overrun in a hurry. Almost feels like gambling with the risk/reward feature to it. :)

  7. Pingback: Info ze supertestu: Minimapa mapy Simferopol

  8. Looks a lot like that Map that was leaked a month or two ago and ‘scrapped’ (recycled), now they’ve added a city and made the mountain smaller :/

  9. I dont like these city maps, I prefer open maps. And I only have one TD and one arty ;-)

  10. PS: bug report, kind of:

    Afer 9.4 i cannot close my WoT client properly – every time some skeletal 15-30MB process stays running and i notice that usually next day when i want to play again and wot launcher starts screaming – then i have to kill that with task manager.
    Anyone experienced sth. similar?

  11. I’m all for new maps but I think someone needs to tell WarGaming the reason it was called a World War is the battles took place in multiple countries NOT just in Russia.

  12. I will say that I absolutely love the idea of basing maps off of historical cities and battlegrounds. Still waiting on Normandy… Hurtgen Forrest… Philippines…Okinawa…

  13. I was excited to hear we would get another new city map – thheeeennnn find its just ensk rolled over 3/4 ish.

    Wow GW, are you even trying anymore? Dont tell me Stalingrad and Kharkov burnt your creators out; sheesh…. If you want to impress us with your ‘mad map making skills’, what say we see, oh i dont know, the outskirts of Tula? How bout downtown Berlin? And no, we do NOT need any more open field maps, we have too many of those as is.

  14. I’m OK with open maps or city maps…just make it interesting to drive through if I’m gonna be there100X. Bridges, streams, cliffs, crater holes, unique architecture, statues, different elevations, fun ramps for lights, hull down places for meds & heavies, bushes for TD’s…

    I realize that every map can’t have it all, but there a lot of things that make maps cool.

  15. So much bitter hatred in WoT by fellow gamers. Why? I like the new maps, even the ones I don’t like, they force me to try different play styles. The maps seem to keep getting better and better. Keep up the good job Wargaming.