Hello everyone,
a lot of people asked in their time, why isn’t the armor model more detailed? Specifically, the question, that arose quite often was: “why aren’t track links modelled as pieces of armor”?
Well, this is why (thanks to Legiondude for the video):
So that retarded shit like that doesn’t happen. Sometimes, less is more. And no, this is not realistic (the shell would just rip the tracklink off).
physics lvl5
Programmers and physics .. Complete Shit FAIL
You want to see some pro war thunder physics?
still, this game has less noticable bugs than wot
Normally a fairly decent game, but I wasn’t expecting Chuck Norris to drop by and kick a 45 ton tank at me.
dat description XD
You have some stronk WoT physics in the latest Great European Random.
You got a lag spike, i can make the tanks fly dissconection my ethernet cable
This one is equally hilarious.
That’s real? Hard to believe…
here the original vid:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tJ2dCtSI878
Wow! some quantum physics going on there :p
In the end projectile spent so much time close to surface that it tunnelled through T-44′s armor.
Stalinite deflector shields active captain!
that shell was made by the great attractor? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=II4UebN1Dxw
Some people point out that lags can totally screw up kill cams. WT equivalent of WoT lag with tanks sinking in the ground or floating above it.
“tanks sinking in the ground or floating above it.”
Ooo0o0o0ooh Stronk Ghost Tanks!
Originally those tracks fell off when got hit, I don’t know why they removed that feature from the game.
Probably after people whined about the tracks not working as extra armor on the “paper thin” sides.
the devs keep messing with things for some reason, they recently borked the N1K2 flight model in realistic battles and now it can helicopter vertical and instead of stalling, it just does an arcade flip and resumes like nothing is wrong.
but lets not get into the stupid things they have yet to fix in aircraft, since overall its still fairly well made, GF is still effectively CBT and they released it for hype, fml.
Waiting for the “OMG SS so much WG biased. This WT is besteres über physic ever!!!111111″ posts
OMG! SS, you favor WG so much! WoT has far superior physics to WT and their rubbish! Get your stuff together SS and stop being so biased.
Oh, wait. That is bullshit.
OTOH, it’s a nice feature that they have this camera even for the one who died – if it was in WoT, it would help clear confusion of some players (they’d see what works on their tanks and would understand the mechanics a bit better).
Yup, that’s a nice feature
totally agree
this would greatly promote better play and increase knowledge about game mechanics and tank models.
To be fair, WT has many great ideas and that X-ray killcam/hitcam made me try the game out again.
Unfortunately, I left again because of how unappealing playing the game is, because of gamebreaking problems and bugs.
For the life of me, I can’t understand how a tank without anyone left alive in its turret can fire through the borders of a rock, hit my tracks, ricochet back up in my tank and set me on fire, while I’m helpless to extinguish it seeing as it’s an unlockable module.
Both games have features that each other should have.
Don’t forget War Thunder is still in Beta.There will ALWAYS be bugs in a Beta Testing situation. Some larger than others.
I just went back to War Thunder, seeing as how the more-realistic tank destruction appeals to me. I prefer hitting someone’s ammo rack, and it detonating… Rather than just knocking off some hit points.
Meanwhile, here I am getting shot, and my ammo rack pops off in one shot.
RNG is, after 29k battles, beginning to whittle my patience down. Kind of sick of damn near everything being up to chance.
I still love WoT. I do quite well in it, but War Thunder seems to fancy that realism aspect more. I play WT for realism, and WoT for sheer fun/aggravation.
WT will be in beta for another- …. forever beta.
Because, why the hell not?
Bugs? Its beta. More bugs? BETA!
They already get the money, so no point to not be in ‘test mode’.
Yeah, because WoT after years of development is totally debugged, optimised and balanced…
M53/M55 says hi
Oh I like when WT players protecting it with “hey it’s just a beta” I always think of this pic:
I’m not considering it as a beta because it acts like a released game, Gaijin just using the beta status for excuse.
When WoT was in beta stage it really acted like that. Buying gold (or anything) feature was disabled, every player got free 150 gold/day in closed beta, later when it became open beta the daily free gold increased to 250.
The game itself might not be in beta, but the game mode is still in beta.
This is something WoT should’ve aswell. Historical battles was a disaster because it was not for public testing for a while. It was on the common test for like 2 weeks? WT:GF however is still improving a lot for every day.
One day it will eventually wipe WoT completely when it comes to realism. But hey, people play WT not because of tanks, they play it because of the planes and soon there will be a new gamemode where it features a connection between, ships, tanks and planes in 1 single match. That will be awesome.
WoT is just more casual…
as an avid player of both WT and WoT, I can say that I am sick of the devs hiding behind the “its a beta guys” cop out, I feel that many players in the WT community are just as sick of this as I am. we saw something amazing in this game, and we decided to support it, and we enjoyed it for what it was, but we expect something from the devs, and by and large they are trying to pump out content while avoiding any glaring issues (like balance, flight model bugs, etc) and even when they do fix them, they somehow manage to mess up some other FMs and DMs, so woohoo.
Because World of tank is not a beta ? check the version number of wot, it’s 0.9.4 not 1.0 so even wargaming knows it’s a beta not a final game.
Even if it was a final game you just have to play for 1h to run into multiple bugs, or check 20 sec on youtube to watch thounsands of wot bugs compilation.
So yeah WT is a beta, started like 4 years AFTER wot, and as far as i know they add a freaking lot of features compared to wot: watching a tank REAL ARMOR in garage, watching REAL CREW AND MODULES in garage, watching WHERE THE HELL YOUR SHELL WENT INSIDE A TANK in battle etc etc etc.
So yeah wot is an ok game, but now it has a competitor it’s impossible to say “wot is a very good game” because when you have no competitors you HAVE to be the BEST online tank game.
So call me when wargaming adds real new features and not fake tanks, fake ammo, and of course, shitload of gold tanks or T54 clones.
pls if u talk about anything you obvious have no clue of: at least use google.
Version numbers mean shit: I could even call one version Jelly Bean and the next Kitkat. Version numbers have as much meaning as writing Beta on the screen and saying therefore its beta. There is no standardization of version numbers and therefore you cant guess shit from looking at em (although normally they increase with newer builds, even that isnt standardized. )
SS can be such a WG shill sometimes it sickens me:
“So that retarded shit like that doesn’t happen. Sometimes, less is more”
less is NEVER MORE you dickwad, so a shell doing “HIT POINT” is not etarded shit?, the entire WOT game is RETARDED SHIT.
this vid? a bug from a beta game that’s improving everyday, it will get reported and luckily fixed.
WG?, 6 months of bugs, delays and empty patches that actually break stuff that wasn’t even in the patchnotes
Autism is bad for you, stop being an account in WoT, at least forever if not forever ever.
Better consistent mechanics working together towards a similar type of gameplay than every random “feature” slapped together whether they make sense or not. If WoT had the same type of damage mechanism as WT, it’d be inordinately lethal and massively favor campers abusing camouflage. Unthinkingly adding features without thought to the overall design is a trademark of inept developers. I doubt you are even a developer however.
IF u get charged money and you already know that there wont be any wipe anymore, its not a beta ffs. stop failing for that marketing gag. Those post just make you look like the perfect costumer: to dumb to realize that a company is taking your hard earned money an gives you shit labeled as “test version” and all you do is say:”Hey I payed for shit, but it still say beta on it, so its ok”.
Truth. You pay, then the beta excuse doesn’t fly.
Sorry but no. You can’t just use the “beta!” excuse, hype and release the game to the public then expect me to forgive the game for being broken because it has the word “beta” attached to it.
It’s released, it’s taking money, it’s not in beta. It’s in ongoing development.
If UI looks like from SEGA or PS1 – its beta :D
Heh, like Kerbal Space Program? The next update will finally move it to beta, the game is buggy (although it has improved vastly), and the graphics lack a lot of polish. They’ve been selling it for a while now, but were pretty clear about it being alpha. If both WT and WoT were able to make their updates as robust as the ones seen in KSP, I’d be paying more. WoT is still beta as far as I’m concerned: they don’t have complete tech trees, the game still has bugs, and the version number hasn’t hit 1.0 yet, which for most programmers is pretty much still beta. Neither of them is worth giving money to unless its “for the development” at this point.
“and the version number hasn’t hit 1.0 yet, which for most programmers is pretty much still beta.” which for most ppl working in that business is a bullshit statement by someone who has no clue of what hes talking ;)
Wtf are you even talking about? This trend of calling things 2.0 “a sequel” is bullshit. As long as I can remember, beta versions went as far as they needed to, sometimes up to 3.0+. Pre 1.0 is traditionally alpha, and 1.0-2.0 is traditionally beta phase. I don’t give a flying fuck if WG said the game was out of beta, it’s still beta as far as I’m concerned, with its significant lack of polish and incomplete content. Say the sky is green all you want, it doesn’t change reality. If I’m so wrong, point out how, instead of playing armchair quarterback and just telling me I’m wrong, worthless pissant.
is it that hard to at least use google to check if you obviously have no idea what you are talking about? (Google here, as i dont think you own a book that would help you in this matter):
You can start with reading though this http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Software_versioning (Not the best source but should be enough to teach you some basics or better: that there are no basics as in strict standards for version numbers)
I agree. The RNG,the arty,the +/-2 MM,spread are becoming kind of annoying.
The funny thing is,in WT it doesn’t bother me when I face high tier tanks in low tier ones,or when I don’t penetrate a shot that should’ve,etc… because WT feels realistic.I really feel like I’m driving a tank in WW2.
On the other hand,WoT is so arcadish and competitive that everything that is “random” frustrates me.
eeexactly, with hit cam and xray deathcam any hit that doesn’t works gets you instant feedback and you know WHY it happened.
in wot it’s all arcade invetned numbers and shit, even if you pen it’s “some random “hit point” shit”
That’s the difference between WOT and WT: Wot is an arcade tank game, with shitload of fake, and of course “hitpoint on everything” so you can actually distroy a tank just by shooting non stop the cupola, NO PROBLEM FFS !!!!
WT is actually WAY FUCKING MORE realistic, not perfect, it’s not a real simulation, but as far as i played both games (30K games on wot during closed+open beta+release) and 5K games on wt, there is an obvious gap between the two games.
And as far as we know from Wargaming interviews wot will stay very arcadish game, and will keep a shitload of fake tanks, fake ammo, fake guns on tanks (yes the IS-1 never used a 122mm, the IS2 did, same for IS4, VK45020B, Ferdinand gun, etc etc etc)
and by the way if you call Wot a “finished” game and note a beta please explain guys why the 9.4 added something like 50 new bugs, and even the MICRO PATCH added bugs instead of solving them.
That’s called more a beta or alpha than a release :)
“I just went back to War Thunder, seeing as how the more-realistic tank destruction appeals to me. I prefer hitting someone’s ammo rack, and it detonating… Rather than just knocking off some hit points.”
And how does it work in WT? Either you hit it and you have some chance of exploding (succumbing to RNG, like WoT’s engine fire, for example) or it has some internal hitpoints (and therefore is the same as WoT model). I seriously doubt that if you hit ammorack in WT you have 100% chance of it exploding, that would be just stupid and would totally deny the “realistic” part. See: all the tanks that got hit in ammo rack and survived.
More often than not ammo racks detonate when hit. High caliber ammo racks have a higher chance to detonate, which is why high tier vehicles actually die faster than low-tier ones.
Also, the idea is that the HP is low enough to simulate the lack of HP and hidden…also interiors of different vehicles have the same hidden HP values. For example the interior of a heavy tank is not more durable than the interior of a light tank. That way, importance is given to armour deflecting damage, rather than just HP absorbing it. Bugs and huge RNG are an issue of course.
“See: all the tanks that got hit in ammo rack and survived.” –>where?, a AR hit IS catastrophic unless it’s a wet ammo rack, ammo WILL cook and the crew with it.
chance of exploding depends on the ammo calliber, ammount, type and your shell as well, a big calliber gun will have a 300% chance of detonating your AR, a 37mm HVAP will simply punch through maybe cooking one shell and not affecting the rest.
so yeahp, realistic wt ftw
Well I left WoT because of players and how bad its starting to get, only money money and More MONEY. Yeah played from alpha got banned because of nick, new acc maked, played about 10k battles on him and lost all my nervs on that game, tracks that take all dmg from my JGPZE100, or arty shell after full aim hitting border of map nevermind if i am looking in the middle of map. Other side i now play WT, there is little big difference about this game. If u want fun but get your nerv breakdown play WoT + a lot of kids and toxic community, other side WT have huge maps, no stupid hitpoints (tnx to god…) its little rng but still more playable than WoT and they buy this tank fo 60€ and u will get piece of shit tank that earn money if u shot only 2 times and hit ammo rack, in other side f**k you and your money and play more. WT resarche tree is better again because with only 1 tank u can unlock everything (other side its stupid but yeah games). And dont think i am fan boy of WT or WoT, I more like CoH or Dark Souls soo yeah have fun on battlefield. :)
Hahaha, COD fan boy that completely has no concept of grammar or coherent thought and appears to be 15 years old? Banned because of his nick?
OMG this is the most pathetic piece of shit I have seen on the forums so far. Not only you don’t get banned for naming accounts (they just get renamed to systemrenamexxx, you worthless dipshit) which means you got banned for botting, but that piece of shit talking about nervous breakdowns playing the game? I think we found our first public rage quitter.
Makes me happy in my pants to see posts like this.
Well not for boting, it looks u are not playing from begging game, when game was out of beta ( release date ) they banned all names that are inappropriate in game, soo if u were called romel, weed, hitler, adolf, stalin etc… you get banned dosent matter, a lot of ppl losted thei acc because of that and what now, second i am not cod fan, and why i writed nervouse brakedown because game IS fucking shit and full of players are toxic like you, dont say that you are not.
I don’t deny it, I am toxic to morons. The mouth breathers in this game proclaiming they are just playing for fun so it doesn’t matter if they do stupid things or behave like a worthless shits are oblivious to the fact that this is a multi player game and one pathetic shit not pulling his weight can ruin the fun of 14 other people.The selfishness and absolute disregard for other people is what makes people like you toxic to the game, not people who insult you when you are rightfully deserve to be insulted. Your incompetence at a game that is barely more complex than not shitting yourself daily is appalling. I do hope when you enter workforce at McDonalds, someone will take his time to thoroughly verbally bitch slap you and get some sense into that empty magic 8-ball that you call your head.
And I adjust my estimate of your age, you are much younger and/or dumber than 15, and seeing how this game is for mature people, I say good riddance to you. Go back to CoD and My Little pony.
Some games are just not meant for emotionally crippled, underdeveloped kids (or adults for that matter, it’s appalling that any 25-35 year old doesn’t have mental capacity to think inside what basically amounts to most simplistic spacial awareness and pattern recognition game).
P.S I have played the game since closed beta and have a nice worn A-32 to prove it.
Try to read my first comment better
Didnt write CoD, writed CoH its BIG difference between them. And i dont have time to argue with you. Its not worth my time and nervs. And for last you faild my years but dosent matter its ok, if you think i have 15 i will let you go, and second Fuck mcdonalds ffs how can some1 eat that shit food -.-”
Just set your research to FPE then parts then play a single battle – both get unlocked. Yes this should be default instead of the tracks modules but hey, nothing a brain can’t fix.
Maybe on a tier1 or 2 tank.
But it’s more than a single battle on a tier3 to 5 tank. It can be as much as 5 battles for extinguisher at tier3. At tier 4, you’re looking at 10 battles.
You made a fool out of yourself.
Nothing a brain can’t fix.
And how long exactly is that compared to WoT grinds ? Tell me how fast is grinding 30k XP for tracks, then 30k for turret, then 60k again for the gun so you can actually not be a burden to the team… I don’t play tier IV yet, but tier II/III is really a fast path when you play decently !
Except that in this case, it means that you can’t repair anything other than your tracks or extinguish a fire.
Stock tanks in WoT are bad, but at least they don’t die in a single shot because the first hit set you on fire or broke your gun and you can’t do anything about it.
Unlockable repairs and fire extinguishers (that you can conveniently buy with in game premium currency) are the biggest money grab dick move I have ever seen in a game.
I’d rather play carefully first then be able to respawn two times if I do get killed, than play 50 battles with a gun that can’t penetrate shit, relying on armor that gets penetrated by gold rounds anyway… A broken track isn’t the end by the way, you can still rotate your tank around and shoot down uncareful people coming to finish you. :)
That was the most off topic strawman I have ever seen.
no tanks in wot die in one shot because of stupid retarded arcade hitpoint system, you will only “lose some HP”….
Autists get the short stick even in WT, Mr. “Can’t kill WoT tenkz so I plei WT cuz maybe I kill tenkz once a month”.
But inthe first place, they should do the mechanic for themselves. This may help them in checking damage model and bugs
One can’t check every. last. ricochet scenario there is. There are endless possibilities to how a tank can get hit, and all change when range, angle, armor angle, armor thickness, blah blah blah are changed.
Just make a shell lose penetration and below some threshold it won’t bounce anymore?
And it is done in WoT already. Every next ricoshet gets 20% penetration loss penatly and limit to three times. The third ricoshet will be last one.
Except what you told isn’t in the game. Shell in WoT ricochets ONLY ONCE and when it does it loses pen (don’t know if by 20 pen or 20% of the pen).
Get your facts straight before you make some statement
It seems the ballistic system does not take into account shell deformation/shattering after impact, velocity loss on impact, energy transfer and weight shedding on ricochet.
that’s why stuff like this vid happen, notwithstanding that the tracks act as armor thus cannot be blown from a side shot.
with proper calc like above certain shells at certain angles will shatte, a shell hitting a tough mantlet and deflecting will be seriously deformed, specially BC shells that “bite” thus probably ricochetting sideways, lose a lot of speed and thus probably unable to penetrate the hull roof
especially when arty kills them ;)
It would be nice, but is not as crucial in WoT as it is in WT. This is because in WT tanks can be, and often are, killed with one, well aimed shell. It’s a good idea to show people why they got killed, to avoid frustration. In WoT most of the kills come from slowly grinding down tank’s hit points. An odd, unexplained “wtf” 0 damage crit isn’t as frustrating as being insta-killed without an explanation why/how it happened.
I could live without kill/shell cam in WoT. I would really like to see armour and crew/module display like in WT though.
WT runs natively on Linux, WoT/WoWP doesn’t. Sometimes, I don’t bother rebooting to Windows just for WoT, because I don’t think it’s worth doing a reboot just to end up in a team of 14 tomatoes.
There are fewer tomatoes in WT? I’m sure the blue guy in your team is glad you didn’t join too :D
Because epic balance.
T-50 still ”trolololo bounce 100pen gold fuckyouimon15fragspree”?
Thanks for the heads up! I don’t have any Windows-installation atm, so time to give WT another try.
WoT has a full PlayonLinux install. Works just fine, no lag. Only real problem is getting fullscreen to work on dual monitors but that is characteristic or Nvidia drivers on Linux and not WoT’s fault.
Tried playonlinux + a million different wine-configs, performance was not good enough.
Why would you boot to Windows? Just run a wine server or PlayonLinux. Runs fine with no slow down or lag. Only real graphical problem is every once in a while a tank renders in a different color.
That was….pretty damn funny! Physics stronk LOL
That was guided shot ;)
Seems to go together with everything being slightly magnetic in WT.
Drive next to a rock > stuck because magnets
Drive next to a friendly tank > stuck because magnets.
Get shot through a hill > shot curves heavily because magnets.
Get shot into heavily angled front with a low pen round > penetrates through drivers vision port after hitting the front plate and being stuck to it.
I don’t see 46% trash playing Arty will be able to killi a blue or purple players in WT.
IMHO that’s the reason why disappointed WoT players got even more disappointed at WT. :) Provided you play perfectly, you can be almost invincible to anyone but other good players. The basic rule of every simulator compared to arcadish games…
Calling WT:GF a simulator is insulting all tank simulators out there.
It’s arcade/simulator hybrid that fails at being a simulator.
Yeah, poor Steel Armor…
And at being an Arcade game LoL
Maybe because you expect simulators to be perfectly accurate with either no UI or a shitty one, endlessly long travel times, infantry and stuff… Yes, respawns, action points, “small” maps, short game times, aiming assistance, singlehandedly driving a 5-man vehicle.. these do prevent it from being a stronk realistisk simulator. Yet, would that make it more appealing ? I don’t think so, seeing as every WoT player already screams at its realistic aspects that make it harder to understand than just press R and clik on red tonkz.
No, I just don’t expect tank simulator games to have minimaps that tells you where the enemy tanks are, a commander without binoculars, fights in cities, and scoreboard that tells you who is alive or dead.
Red Orchestra 1 on Source engine wasn’t a pure tank simulator, it came out maybe 10 years ago, and it was much more exhilarating and hardcore than WT:GF.
Right now, simulator battles are realistic battles with no target markers and a fixed camera position. That’s not simulation. Don’t insult the player’s intelligence by hiding parts of the UI and calling it a new game mode.
Red Orchestra on Source? When?
*Unreal engine.
Yes it would. If you want to play a tank sim, you are looking for infantry to fight, long ranges (because this is what tanks are made for). no aiming assistance, no respawns etc. If you don’t want all this stuff, why would you want to play a simulator?
But you can work your way to enough spawnpoints to pull a stuka and plant 500kg of “fuck your shit” on the best player of enemy team. But I guess you have to be gud at tenks to get the points so you can pull one of your bombers in the first place so.. not as much bullshit as arty. And you have only very small amount of bombs, need to aim the dive and not crash and dodge fighter planes, so its much more fair than wot arty.
LOL trash players wish that could happen, but nope still take skills to fly a plane in WT. Trash players flying planes are just another source of free kills.
Meanwhile, WG still prefers hiding the internal module setup because, you know, everyone is going to dig through archives and learn it all from 1940s engineering schematics. Or maybe do they like players firing up WT to get an accurate idea ?
They also leave the task of developing a proper armor viewer to (awesome though) Chinese devs, that 0,01% of players will install. Because listing a single armor thickness for front/sides/rear in the garage/wiki is so damn accurate. :P
People need to stop comparing these two games. The amount of content each WT update brings in regard to the number of GF players and the dimensions of Gaijin is still massive compared to WoT. Adding massive amounts of functionalities necessarily brings massive amounts of bugs, any dev will confirm this. Not to mention they have no supertest and only limited player feedback… I truly respect them even though the product isn’t final.
“Meanwhile, WG still prefers hiding the internal module setup because, you know, everyone is going to dig through archives and learn it all from 1940s engineering schematics.”
No, it’s mostly because of the ease of making a mod to show said setup in-game.
You can and will get banned for using such mods, it’s always been strickly forbidden by WG for whatever reason…
which would be fatal
There’s nothing preventing players from creating such mods anyway. Will they get caught or not is another thing. But it can be done.
Also it’s possible, or used to be possible, to dig through game files and get an accurate layout of crew an modules, as one of the websites was offering such info.
I don’t see any drawback from players having an in-game (not in-battle) access to accurate visualisation of amour and crew/modules schematics.
Bugs in beta? How retarded!
Yeah because we all know a beta lasts for 2 years LOL
Stop deluding yourself.
2 Years is for the Airplanes, but as for Ground forces (Tank) not even 1 Year Old “Stop deluding yourself.”
6 months for GF, 2 years for WT itself maybe.
Point I was trying to raise was, that this is rather complex bug and I can completely understand why devs missed it. I don’t find it in any way retarded.
It is also easily fixable and I bet they will fix it in near future.
I just dont get it why SS bash WT so much…
well to be fair SS bashing WOT worse than WT either.. if he decide to play WT, then he will Bash more and more just like WOT
and on that Video it was one in a million shot i’ve never get that
after all its just a “Game” and its “man-made”
I don’t see bashing WT on FTR all I see is onece in a month or so he shows some mechanics from that game that are broken same as he does for WOT… BTW its WT is not in beta otherwise they would not take that much money from it
Ever heard about early access games ? Getting financed by people buying content, even when the game isn’t released, just for the sake of promises ? It can be abused but generally seems like a fair deal to me…
Its getting abused here LOL
marketing did a good job on you, making you the perfect costumer: Paying the same for an unfinished product because “it says beta down there and they will fix it for sure” ;)
All I ever paid to Gaijin was a lousy 6€, that allowed me to upgrade all my useful crews to the expert level : brit/soviet plane crews, and soviet/german tank ones. People who buy their way through modules, research and expensive premium tanks/paintjobs/whatever are just whales. It would be an extremely worse marketing move from Gaijin to deny themselves this easy revenue from lazy guys that want nothing but end-game content. Have a look at WoT please..
Yeah, I’ve heard of it. Pretty stupid concept, imo, at least from a customers point of view.
And no trickshots in WoT, only one ricochet allowed :( …
PS: that guy should get multiplier bonus for every ricochet :P .
Ohh Please, never use “realistic” word on any Games, sometimes i read “WOT is ‘realistic’ blablabla” But its not
So what? WoT is more realistic? Sure ISU-152 cannot 1 shoot a hellcat now that’s real.
how come ISU cant one shot hellcat? I can do it all day long with ISU
do you even play wot????
If you cant oneshot it than you should not play this game…
Hellcat – 570 HP
ISU – 750 HP Damage
Damage range in WoT – 25%
Mindamage from ISU – 562,50
562,5 < 570
So, yes if you dont oneshot Hellcat with ISU its totally your fault xD
RNG, ever heard of?
IMO Pray that AW will be good or we are all fucked with tank games
Well, sadly, a product doesnt need to be good at all, it only needs to appeal to the majority and make em spend enough before they realize it isnt that good (Or hope they are dump enough to not realize it at all and by a new version of your product every year, where you just changed the title and 5 textures (looking at cod)).
If AW is good, my prediction is it will end WoT as a viable game for non-tomatoes.
Wargaming has already hinted at stealing ideas from the garbage that is WTGF as a way to compete, but this won’t be possible with AW because WoT is meant to run on Cold War era Russian computers that can’t render smoke effects.
WG refuses to:
-add smoothbore tanks
-add smoke screens / environmental effects
-use a proper game engine
-remove/rebalance artillery
-enlarge maps/remove shit maps
-incorporate the best mods into the client
What WG has hinted at stealing:
-garage battles for even more reckless play by pubbies
-WTGF style motion physics do dumb down the snapshot/pop & drop skill ceiling
-historical modes that no one with a brain will play
-an even shittier spotting system
AW – has arty
Smoke screens – is shit and most of the community would turn it off my (cheat)mods
AW is developed almost 4 years after WOT so ofc their game engine will look better
Big maps are joke
WG is not stealing garage battles…
It’s not a rule, that the older game will have worse engine. It’s just WG that picked that piece of crap instead of a real graphics engine… I still prefer the graphics of Homeworld 2 over any other RTS game, except World in Conflict, despite the game being 11 years old now. So even if something has a better Graphics engine, it’s not the only matter…
And i am waiting for AW open beta just to read posts, about how other peoples calculators (i won’t dare calling them PC’s… oh wait, Personal Calculator…) can’t handle CryEngine xD
WG doesn’t add smoothbore guns, because with smoothbore guns come HEAT and APFSDS rounds that could rightclick autoaim through any tank in the game currently.
As if current retardo gold rounds weren’t enough currently, you want even more potent ones?
Respawn system in an arena shooter now considered stealing. Also, we have travelled back in time to 1995, where such a system could be considered new.
Honestly, I’m no no way a WG fanboy, quite on the contrary, I think they are some of the worst devs out there and their business practices are shady as fuck….but damn, even I can be objective about things and not come out and say some of the stupid that you just said.
Not to mention that in WoT size maps, smoothbore guns would be practically lasers with their more-than-double muzzle velocity.
Ok, what did you expect from a game where ramming a tank sends it flying into the air…
I have never had ANY luck with ramming in WT, apart from hearing “bump” sound. Nothing. NO damage, no funky air launching.
:( :( :(
Wargaming herd be mad as usually and it seems to be another bait topic as he has been doing a lot lately, it’s funny how he closed the comments with the German and Russian statistics but not the Warthunder ones despite how violent they get.
It’s a beta, they get to choose if it’s a beta or not, not you. You are not the developer nor the producer so you can’t say if it’s a full released title. Should we count the technically alpha for HoTS to be a full released game despite being able to spend money? Spending money on an unfinished product is nothing new and doesn’t make it final release. Think people should stop beating that horse.
Look at it this way, if Warthunder wasn’t around I doubt the Warming Devs would be pushing themselves as they’re doing currently, but at least in Warthunder I can use my T-35 with full multi-turret support… Something promised by Wargaming since beta with the M3 Lee.
Good to know the M3 Lee will be able to use its turret in WT in 1.45.
Bzzzzz…… some bullshit fanboy detected Bzzzz…….
Truth is, WG promised that a looooong time ago… Same as second French heavy line and many many more things… They scrapped so many good ideas it’s horrifying. For example what’s wrong in some captured tanks? WT does it with airplanes, and they do get some use. There even are people that spend money for things like skins in games like LoL or DotA2, despite not having a single advantage thanks to it.
Also i want better physics. Until i can turn my enemies on the roof of their tank, WoT and WT will be equal in bullshit physics…
SS I’d like to remind you how physics in WoT looked while it was still in beta… The tanks being glued to the ground being an example…
2 T-54′s just hugging to a Maus so it can’t move in any direction? Check…
WoT’s physics still suck quite a lot as well, and has a lot of its own shenanigans. May i remind you, that some tanks still spin in spot, just because they stand there? Or after shooting or something? How about tanks, that drove into the buildings only to get stuck there, unable to get out, and impossible to be destroyed?
Not only physics fail in WoT. That new M53/M55 turret armor bug? Yeah… Tanks, that are not there (i mean the ones you could shoot through without doing dmg to them, like they were ghosts)? Fine… Finally, ghost shells that dissapeared in flight…
Those are only single of the mistakes, errors, bugs and problems, that WoT was through. And might i remind you, that WoT is much older than Ground Forces expansion for War Thunder, yet it still suffers from those things. I bet WT:GF will have many more bugs, so will WoT, so bashing War Thunder for something like this is hipocrisy IMHO. Especially, since WT is STILL Beta AFAIK, while WoT is officialy 3 years after launch… You’d expect a launched title to have little to no bugs… Yeah… Wishes. And if anyone here will say “But WT charges money! For example for Premium!!” I’d like to remind you, that during WoT’s CBT you could pay for gold… You got some for free, true… But you could pay for it nonetheless. And back then it was much more bugged than WT, yet noone whined, yet when it’s the WT that has a problem, everyone starts to bash it. It’s frakin annoying.
Now i don’t get me wrong, i play both games. When i get tired of WoT, i take a seat in my Spitfite in WT, or drive my PZIV in ground forces, and the other way around i can sit and enjoy my M48A1 Patton in WoT if i want to, or one of my Types…
I do get it, that it’s your blog SS, and you are free to write anything you want in here, in case you’d make me angry i’d simply stop coming here, and the problem would be gone for both of us. But i really like your general content… Still i think you try too hard while bashing WT, because you forget of the problems WoT had while it was a much younger game… And still has actually…
I’m pretty sure that SS is bashing wot (and wg in general) way more that wt ;)
He does, that’s true, i find some of his posts quite hilarious, yet he unfortunately is right 99% of the time. But when it comes to WT, it’s suddenly like “oh WoT is so much better than this!”… Well maybe WoT doesn’t have problems like WT does, but it surely does have its own share of bugs. Now i wouldn’t mind if SS would sometimes tone down the bashing of WT, unless something really game breaking would show up, that people could be afraid of showing up on WoT… Right now, posting about WT looks like a bad attempt to make its fans angry at him (SS), but i guess it’s unintentional.
If it’s WoT blog, then let it be WoT blog and keep WT out of it, there’s no need to bash it really, i bet that most people here don’t even play it because it’s not their type of game (at least the Ground Forces).
But like i said, it’s SS’s blog and he can write whatever he wants and i will still read his posts, unless something impossible happens.
You could pay for gold? I dont remember this.
I may be wrong of course, i’m not 100% sure you could do it, but i believe it did allow you to do so since certain point. But like i said, I’m not so sure… But you surely could do so during OBT…
But still better to have at least some physics, than no physics (like wot). and WTGF is still in beta stage, you cant judge beta game relased just few months ago. And in my opinion, WoT bugs are still worse, for example the 180 / 360 rolls (with panther on windstorm no problem :) ), the bugs with shells going absolutely out of aiming circle, worse ping for aiming direction, than for tank movements, historically absolutelly inaccurate tanks, equipments, armors, shells, penetrations …. + shit MM and RNG
dont waste your time looking for bugs in beta game, but focus on bugs in game released circa 3 years ago. Storm always says sh*ts like “we have better sounds, we have better graphics, we have better……” but everyone who played WT knows, it is bullsh*t.
thats why i wont donate even one cent to Wargaming.
“I can’t judge beta games”
If it’s open to the public and they take money for it, then it should be judged.
And don’t tell me you missed the probably hundreds of FTR blog posts about WoT bugs/errors?
“historically absolutelly inaccurate tanks”? Since when they said that WoT is a historical game? At least SerB did NOT agree that. Have fun in WT SB then. There is your HISTORICAL choice (No, its not. Maybe try Red Orchestra or join the Army.)
When WT takes money from players, I don’t care if it is still in BETA or what… FIX THE D*MN SPAWN PROBLEM! I got rammed/rammed into someone twice a week! Every one can do nothing but keep saying:”sry. u didn’t show on my screen…” HOW NICE…
I’m done with WoT but I’m still checking FTR for funny crap…
Verdict: FTR is addictive.
in WT, on the new Poland map … the shells clip straight through some buildings….
So it’s not just WOT that has terrain/map issues either :-/
OH YA! Realism…
NO! It is NOT!