Hotfix RU Feedback

Hello everyone,

this morning, the hotfix patch was released on Russian server, so I was naturally interested in Russian feedback, whether the micropatch is working correctly or not. Well… it’s not. Following issues were confirmed:

- the micropatch patchnotes that the bug, where the minimap markers “froze” when the enemy vehicle was further than 500 meters from you was fixed. Well, not really. Now, they don’t freeze, they disappear outright. In effect, you can’t see anyone further than 500 meters from you on minimap. Stronk.
- the M53/M55 hitbox was NOT fixed in the micropatch (“Indeed, something went wrong :( We will fix that. Thanks for info.”)

The rest got apparently fixed as announced, will keep an eye on the feedback.

40 thoughts on “ Hotfix RU Feedback

  1. Asking precociously, but it just has to be asked:

    Does WGN even test their Patches themselves? I mean, do they have WoT Installed somewhere nearby, and apply the Patch.. and test if these things are fixed with the HotFix? This is highly embarrassing and avoidable.

    I mean, thats what i would try before i would dare to release “anything” – common sense?

    • WG Q.A is all about Trust.

      Strom: did you patch the M53 Arty model?
      Q.A: yes sure, we did mate.
      Storm: good, roll it!

      Customers: hey it’s not fix yet!!!
      Storm: dear idiots, we fix it.

      storm quickly checks… oppsss,hmmm…ok it will be delayed to next patch! problem solved.

      no wonder the Soviet “science” killed millions of russians after the war, don’t let carl popper fool you with the scientific method, it’s a Jewish science, blat! those brave Russians died in hunger because the “science” was right! hail stalin and soviet propaganda! hail stupidity!

    • Which does not mean that we have a guarantee of receiving issues free micropatch… In the past there were instances of releasing patches even though new bugs appeared on the first cluster they were released… Maybe we will get a fixed one, maybe not, nothing is certain.
      There are bugs and bugs, but come one people, how in earth could they skip the vehicles disappering on the minimap when further than 500 meters? This is not some small change in a random model, of which there are about 300 of them, nor a new map – things that could be missed with a weak quality control process (but Storms states they have the best one :-)). The minimap thing is just a proof that there is no control AT ALL. Come on, the minimap error should be known after ONE GAME.

      • Well, they’ve got the best quality /assurance/. Not ‘quality control’.

        Assurance according to Google dictionary:
        1) a positive declaration intended to give confidence; a promise.
        “Storm gave an assurance that work would begin on Monday”

        2) confidence or certainty in one’s own abilities.
        “SerB drove with assurance”

        Random names subtituted for he/she. This type of assurance-y speak sounds familiar to me.

    • Not to seem as defending WG, but:
      QC: methods used to assure quality of the products
      QA: is overseeing the QC

      So, technically storm is not wrong, their QA might be the best in business, but thats only because they have no quality control

  2. Shhh, be quiet with A44. Not sure if it a bug, but I was 95m. Away from tiger p, with 1 bush infront of me and 1 infront of him, he didn’t see me at all.

  3. Wargaming is fixing bugs by fucking them up evem more :)

    God I love you Wargaming, fixing a bug by making it a lot worse

  4. I ask for another “micro-micro patch” to fix the even worse minimap issue. So signalrange doesnt mean anything at the moment. This is a Blocker and should never deployed to the other servers.

    • I think I know what’s going on.

      The bug description was “Minimap markers stuck as soon as these tanks are out of the 500m distance.

      A developer who isnt familar with how it should work thought “Ok, I have to clear the minimap and let them disappear so they are not stuck on the minimap at wrong positions”.

      The QA guy who isnt familar with the game mechanics as well confirmed that no minimap markers are stuck anymore.

      But both had no idea how it should be. You need people working on that who know the product and the game mechanics. :/

      • @Maoam: I would bet your prescribed scenario is exactly what happened.

        That happens when the best of the best of the best work in a company with a “me stronk leader – you must not think yourself” culture :)

  5. Clearly, this is the works of gremlins.

    On testserver its already good and dandy, but these virtual gremlins, unleashed by that one fired dev, managed to fucking up things on live servers. Same thing happens on this micropatch.

  6. Pingback: [Znovu aktualizováno] MiniPatch 9.4.1 – feedback

  7. Soon it will be Christmas and we can have our annual 3 months of WG devs not screwing anything up because they are too drunk to get to work.

  8. “Evreythng working as intended! You are just whineers full of shite…” lol….ser B and storm

  9. Players: There is a huge bug in armor model of M53/M55!! My shell went right through it and I lost the game!1!!one!1
    WG: We are aware of it and are already working on fixing it.
    WG releases the hotfix…
    Players: M53/M55′s armor is not fixed!!
    WG (non public): Wait, there really was a bug in the armor model??

  10. >> Now, they don’t freeze, they disappear outright. In effect, you can’t see anyone further than 500 meters from you on minimap. Stronk.

    World of Canyons, rotfl… Now, not only you can’t see anyone past the stupid render box, you can’t know where they are on minimap either.
    Next update: limiting spotting distance cap to 100m and render box to 100m too.

  11. The inner 14 year old white girl in me is screaming “I. CAN’T. EVEN…”

    I just… I can’t. I can’t even anymore. Wargaming, what in the ever living FUCK???