
- SU-76i was removed because it was too strong (gun, viewrange)
- the main reason to use CW reward tanks in battles is the fact they are unique, that’s why it’s alright they are a bit weaker than regular tier 10′s
- the damage difference between AP and HE shells is purely a balance decision
- buff of old LT’s to match them to the new 9.3 ones? “If necessery of course.”
- night battles in WoT? “WoT players have a very poor understanding of what a night battle is”
- apparently, there’s yet another nasty bug in 9.4 – in it, players with premium account are awarded the same amount of XP as with regular account, or actually LESS (visible on this screenshot, lower right corner). Storm: “Oh fuck…”

100 thoughts on “14.11.2014

  1. Have they just introduced that XP bug with the recent hotbre…fix?
    Since I can not remember that this has happened before. But anyway, HOW THE FUCK can they screw that up anyway? Good fucking RNGesus…

  2. “o fuck” indeed.

    I’m curious if we’re going to get some compensation for our premium acc.

  3. They’ve got the bugs in the recounting the premium and normal xp for a pretty long time. Previously they even re-counted the reward XP – if you had the Premium account, and you received a set amount the reward XP as a reward of the mission, for example 750 XP, it was re-counted for normal account as 500 XP, even if it should be 750 as well, etc.

    So, player actually receives a correct amount of XP, the bug is only visual, I would say.

  4. - apparently, there’s yet another nasty bug in 9.4 – in it, players with premium account are awarded the same amount of XP as with regular account, or actually LESS (visible on this screenshot, lower right corner). Storm: “Oh fuck…”

    Well shite, why oh why isn’t that the other way round. Would be nice compensation for all the other bugs.

    • Actually, it looks like it is the other way around. the premium account XP in the screenshot is the correct amount, it’s the non premium xp amount that’s bugged. It has 1604 listed, when it should only have had 1152.

      678 + 700 = 1378, this is correct
      452 + 700 = 1152, not 1604

  5. :( Come on Wargaming. Get your **** together. At least I finished my T62a grind before the micro patch.

  6. SU-76l removed from store – right?
    I don’t want to lose my SU-76l from my garage. I play NA server and it is a rare tank. Rarely see more than one in a battle.

  7. Where is Stalin when you need a frikin´ purge inside WG programming dept?!?!?!
    It seems i was right when i said to myself “Oh boy, this is gonna be one helluva bumpy ride” when i read sometime ago that in 9.4 they will change the last lines of code from the original BigWorld engine…

    • although I do agree this game is going downhill, I dont think armored warfare is redemption…
      I dont give a single fuck about that game. Modern tanks… meh, not interested at all.
      Even if it was 11/10 title, it’s boring for me. I wanna drive StuG or Panther. Not some Abrams or any of these modern vehicles…

      It’s like comparing “Hunt for the Red Baron” and “X-wing alliance”
      both games are about flying in planes… one in WW1, the other in outer space.

      And I bet I’m not the only one, who doesn’t find modern tanks interesting.

  8. “SU-76i was removed because it was too strong (gun, viewrange)”
    I paid good money for that, WG. May have only been $5 or so, but dammit, that was real-world currency. I’d better still see it in my garage after the hotfix is applied to NA servers.

  9. It has just been confirmed that Ruinberg on fire gets removed from the game in 9.5 because they had to get rid of a few maps for some reason and people couldn’t see shit –> players directly suggest night battles

    seems legit

    • why on earth players want night battles? it would be sooo much fun playing with <50m viewrange? Even if you could use reflectors, no one would turn it on, to prevent the enemy to spot them…

      • ^ This

        and why would people want night battles when the spotting system is already getting more fucked up then it was

      • You’re joking right ?

        What view range?
        What reflectors ?

        Bullshit. Plain bullshit. Leave the game as it is and change the time to night. Done – you have night battle

        Somehow Battlefield night maps are totally playable, just like day maps.

        Where is the fucking problem with night maps ? Seriously, where ?

        • Because we have arbitrary spotting system, that would have to account for fighting in the darkness and reduce the spotting range drastically. If it didn’t, and the day/night battle difference was purely cosmetic there would be no real reason to implement night battles at all.

          Also, there was a good reason why tanks weren’t widely used night time. Tanks have very limited vision as it is, even without weather or illumination factors.

          • Thats the point – its purely cosmetic and I can assure you that tons of players will be happy about those cosmetic night battles. Its an eye candy that is uber easy to implement and doesnt need any changes in spotting system

            I’d love to play a night version of some maps

            This game is ten thousand miles away from realism. No one cares about realism anymore. They should just fckin change the sky to night one and lower the overall map brightness and bam – we have night battles

          • well ruinberg on fire was also cosmetic and nobody gives a shit about viewrange in that map.

            “If it didn’t, and the day/night battle difference was purely cosmetic there would be no real reason to implement night battles at all.”

            This is the reason,… cosmetic variation…
            What is the real reason of winter himmelsdorf then ?

              • Wargaming doesnt want to impement these efects because of players that have 90′s PC’s with windows 95 still in 2014. They wont be able to run the game anymore and so Wargaming doesnt give a crap about players that have 2014 PCs and continue to support stone age PCs. Also the money spenders have the 2014 PCs not teh stone age users because if tehy had the money to spend for gold they sure can have for a new PC

              • I wonder what they are smoking over there at Wargaming… They come up with some pretty “interesting” ideas. Most game developers will create a game where the console version will be as good as possible for that console, but ultimately limited by the console’s relative inflexibility in terms of improved graphics and whatnot. Then they come out with their PC version, which is far and away better than the console versions because PCs have the potential to be so much more powerful than the consoles. So the company does the reasonable thing and makes the game as good as they possibly can for the PC, while the console version, out of necessity, uses the bare bones game, relatively speaking. Those with calculators either have to run the game on low setting, or buy a better computer. At the very least, they can invest in a few upgrades here and there and improve thier computers piecemeal.

                Wargaming is so backwards. Why do they cater to the few with calculators? Why not start off with making the best freaking game possible, THEN work out a series of settings suited to low end PCs?? You know, like every SANE game developer does?

                Look at Skyrim, for example. XBox version looked great, but PC version was mind meltingly beautiful for its time. Sure only those with high end PCs could enjoy the full extent of the visuals, but people with low end PCs could still play the game just fine with the settings cranked down.

                I wonder if Wargaming is just getting lazy? :P

      • Nightbattles suck. Except early Nato tanks could finally murder T54 clones as there NV capability was light years ahead.

        But guess what it would hog FPS a ton I bet as well as not seeing weakpoints etc….It would be a skin hackers paradise as you would turn on glow in the dark skins and own everyone :)

      • - the damage difference between AP and HE shells is purely a balance decision

        Obviously why all 122mm Rus guns needed MOAR DMG. They were not potent enough at T6 and 7.

        At T6 390 alpha on Su100 is the same as the 1100 Jpz100 for its tier.
        440 HE was more like the 183 with full role.
        530 HP it does now with HE is like a 261 direct shot at T10. Sure some T6 can survive but a Hellcat is gone, and pretty much anything lighter.

        It def needed MOAR DMG because 183 DMG was not enough.

  10. - night battles in WoT? “WoT players have a very poor understanding of what a night battle is”

    I’ve got a pretty simple understanding how WG could man up and make it work…
    - make it dark … night time
    - cut view ranges down to 30% of normal ranges
    - offer the ability to use your lights via a keybind to increase view range to 50% of daytime view range, but at the cost of -50% camo value
    - driving under street lights will lower camo value -50% since you’re exposed in the light
    - driving near burning tanks will lower camo value -50% since you’re exposed in the light
    - running over the light or pushing a burning tank into water will recover your camo value after 30 seconds (the time it takes a “spot” to disappear)
    - Mini map would be dark as well – but the icons would be on the map just like daytime play since the spotting on the map is done via “radio recon”

    Problem solved… how hard could that be?

    • “how hard could that be?”

      Its not so hard when it is made by other company and not WG

      • It’s easy WG.
        Just please try to actually do it instead of making it perfect as it can be graphics-wise instead of making it playable.
        Well. I guess you can’t have everything.

      • Modders did it already … Wintermod had it for Himmelsdorf – things like time of day environment changes are client side, the signal to USE them is the only server side packet needing to be sent, which is exactly the same packet info it has to send for every other map already in use.

    • oh you forgot :
      - overheading the servers with useless nightbattle stuff to calculate while spotting system already makes up most of server load: -50% camo.

    • Mind you, they are removing Ruinberg on Fire because apparently too many blind players thought it was hard to see in “the dark”. Imagine a night map being released… imagine those same players driving into buildings because they can’t see.

    • I’ve got a better idea

      Change the day time to night time and leave the game core as it is

      Night battles problem solved…

      All theirs statements about “hurr durr low visibility” is a piece of bullshit. Low visibility is either when you are blind as fuck or when you apply a “Stalker” series night. Not when you make a map with regular “Hollywood night” (or whatever this type of night is called)

    • Darkness is the factor cited by WG for removing Ruinberg on Fire. So they definately won’t implement it.

      (Although I personally feel that Ruinberg on Fire map is one of the most beautifully illuminated maps in the game right now along with Kharkov).

      • I have an idea. How about some maps start off light but get darker as the time goes on. For example, when the battle first starts out, it could be about late afternoon/evening and then when the battle is close to the end, then it gets dark.

  11. Programmer: “But the patch isn’t ready to go live yet”.

    Commissar Serb : “I said Forward!”

  12. “apparently, there’s yet another nasty bug in 9.4 – in it, players with premium account are awarded the same amount of XP as with regular account, or actually LESS (visible on this screenshot, lower right corner). Storm: “Oh fuck…”

    Yeah, cool, just when I got my 7 premium days from Intel gaming bundle…

  13. “apparently, there’s yet another nasty bug in 9.4 – in it, players with premium account are awarded the same amount of XP as with regular account, or actually LESS (visible on this screenshot, lower right corner). Storm: “Oh fuck…”

    I noticed the same, but I though they just nerfed Obj. 263 XP income…

    I mean, wtf, how can one f*ck up sth like this? I PAID for this!

  14. “- apparently, there’s yet another nasty bug in 9.4 – in it, players with premium account are awarded the same amount of XP as with regular account, or actually LESS (visible on this screenshot, lower right corner). Storm: “Oh fuck…””

    Patch 9.404: quality not found.

  15. Why can’t they just re boot the servers with 9.3 Get everyone to reload 9.3 (what they didn’t save a freaking copy?) until they get all this 9.4 garbage ironed out. Why can’t these idiots who are supposed to be “Intelligent programmers” Figure that out. Take 1 step back evaluate fix the problems re-introduce it when it’s fixed.

  16. I love how condescending WG is every time there is a feature request. “Users are too stupid” (paraphrased) is their go-to excuse to deny wanted features instead of admitting their own ineptitude in being able to properly provide it.

  17. SU-76i was removed because it was too strong (gun, viewrange)

    No information about what they will do. Neither about a nerf. Useless.

    - night battles in WoT? “WoT players have a very poor understanding of what a night battle is”

    Ofc, it’s not with your stronk tutorial that players wiln understand the game.
    And because average ayers sucks, nothing will be done. Good ones are screwed.

    GJ WG.

    • eehhh. I know its not an open top TD. But it still has way less then just about any tier III TD on the view range. Most have 50 more. Heck the Pak40 has 100 more.

      The gun is still worse off then any tier III TD. Inc the PaK40. Pak has 1 less mm on the caliber. But more pen. Faster ROF.

      • I think what you’re missing here is premium matchmaking. Take tier 5 out of the picture, and all of a sudden, it stands a very good chance in any battle it sees.

  18. YEP! .. so all those days of premium i won in the Mayhem mission .. i dont get the extra XP .. how the Fack does WG do that? We better get something for this .. kind of Facked up and discouraging when you work for something and WG screws you on it.

  19. Wow, just wow…worst patch ever!

    Somehow a patch that made next to no real change in the game, bar the rather enjoyable Stalingrad, really fucked up! For me this worse than FPS and lag issues they had a while back. On what is effectively a micro patch compared with the previous patch and the coming British-line patch.

    How’d the achieve that? Really, how did they achieve that?!

  20. - SU-76i was removed because it was too strong (gun, viewrange)
    That’s okay because the SU-85l is one of the worst TD’s in the game.

    - the main reason to use CW reward tanks in battles is the fact they are unique, that’s why it’s alright they are a bit weaker than regular tier 10′s
    If that’s so then Why are their win rates in pub matches as a vehicle substantially more that 57%-59% VK 7201and the M60 if they are soo much weaker.

    - the damage difference between AP and HE shells is purely a balance decision.
    HE shells that don’t and can’t penetrate armor should not be a “Balance decision”

    - buff of old LT’s to match them to the new 9.3 ones? “If necessery of course.”
    Of course “Workink as intended comrade!”

    - night battles in WoT? “WoT players have a very poor understanding of what a night battle is”
    Because it’s Night. It’s dark sometimes moonlight and starlight lights it up. Sometimes pitch dark. Should be star shells or flares available to arty that light up battlefields. Night missions would be cool. Seeing slit headlights drive up to battlefields. Turn lights on and off when positioned. (lights go off once you’ve stopped for 2 seconds, come back on when you are moving..) Now these days, infra- red thermal sights and high definition low light sights rule the night. Back in the 40′s 50′s that stuff was in it’s infancy.

    - apparently, there’s yet another nasty bug in 9.4 – in it, players with premium account are awarded the same amount of XP as with regular account, or actually LESS (visible on this screenshot, lower right corner). Storm: “Oh fuck…”

    Yes Ohh Fuck is understated.. Just reload 9.3 get everyone on line to reload 9.3. Recall 9.4 till it’s fixed rather than trying to hot patch stuff that’s just going to cause more problems.

    • - the main reason to use CW reward tanks in battles is the fact they are unique, that’s why it’s alright they are a bit weaker than regular tier 10′s

      Right thats why the M60 is the same/underpowered compared to the M48. Nice trolling WG, nice troll…

    • “- the main reason to use CW reward tanks in battles is the fact they are unique, that’s why it’s alright they are a bit weaker than regular tier 10′s
      If that’s so then Why are their win rates in pub matches as a vehicle substantially more that 57%-59% VK 7201and the M60 if they are soo much weaker.”
      Are you really that stupid? Let’s give people with some kind of brain a tank, make it worse than the other T10s and let’s see how it performs. You dont think it’ll have better stats because no retards are playing it? You really think the VK 7201 (which only lets you sidescrape when you’re facing retards, has weaker turret compared to E100 AND ~2 sec slower reload) is that stronk?
      M60 seems to be the same as M48 actually, slightly better perhaps, but point still applies. It can be underpowered and still overperform because the people playing it are not fucking retards. The people playing the M60 are not mouthbreathers.

    • “”If that’s so then Why are their win rates in pub matches as a vehicle substantially more that 57%-59% VK 7201and the M60 if they are soo much weaker.””

      because these were reward tanks for clan wars.
      You cannot buy them in shop or grind with bot.
      That means, players driving these tanks are not completely retarded.
      It’s not about the vehicle itself. I bet if ARLV39, CHurchill GC was a reward tank, they would also have 60% WR. Some players are experienced and the quality of machine doesnt matter that much. And 45% players will never get a chance to drive one to lower the WR statistics.

    • Wow that piece of shit JBadger is really fucking stupid… can’t expect much out of mouth breathing tomato but I will insult him just because it gives me pleasure.

      I was going to rip each of his retarded points apart, but then realized its pointless. Someone who wrote this shit is one step away from licking metal poles in the winter, so I am sure nature will take care of him rather soon.

  21. “- the main reason to use CW reward tanks in battles is the fact they are unique, that’s why it’s alright they are a bit weaker than regular tier 10′s”

    So an M60 is a bit weaker than a M48?

    • He is busy being a dumb shit somewhere. Don’t worry, he will come back to be dumb shit here too.

  22. BLA BLA WHINERS! Evreything workin as inteded! U have poor understandig of WOT YOU ARE ALL NOOBS! YOU DESERVE GULAG!….this is how they think about us players how spend money time and dedication to this game. We are treated like shte. I wonder if we all gather to protest not pushing battle for 20 mins….How much will cost this to WG???

  23. Has anyone noticed how on the World of Tanks EU page the Remembrance Day event has been set to end on the 17-th of november however in the game it is set to end on the 15-th?
    Anyone got an explanation?

  24. SS: I have to point to a problem here, players with good stats (especially unicoms) playing the new light tanks like a Tank Destroyer(stat padders) and hiding far behind other players. As I concluded that they get far more xp if they damage rather than assisting in damage. they get from 18k to 38k wn8 by battle.