I will just leave this here. And the “secret reward tank” is T95E2 IIRC
You can now invite friends to play World of Tanks with you, using our new Refer-A-Friend Program!
How to Refer A Friend
There are two different types of referrals that you can make:
- A referral for a NEW player (someone who has never played World of Tanks)
- A referral for an INACTIVE player (someone who has not played for at least 60 days)
To invite a player using the Refer a Friend Program, you input either
- Their email address (for NEW players)
- Their username, onto the “Invite Player” section of your Account Management page (for INACTIVE players)
The player that you have invited will need to accept the invitation by following the link that is provided in the email that is sent to them.
The inviting player will be able to see the different invites that they have sent out and whether or not they have been accepted.
You will earn invitations based upon how many games you have played (starting with 100 games required). You will have a maximum of 10 invitations available at any one time. Invites are only regained once a player accepts or declines your invite.
The Refer A Friend Bonus
When a referred player platoons with the player that referred them, both players will receive a boost in experience earned. This amount is dependent on the factors including: when the referral was accepted and how much experience a player has earned on their account so far. You will receive the highest bonus available when platooning with multiple invitees.
Referrals are added to your Friends List. They are easily recognizable by the handshake icon next to their user name in the client.
You can track the amount of experience that your referred friend has earned while platooning with you from your Account Management page.
Rewards for the Recruiter are based both on the amount of experience that the player earns while platooned with you and when playing solo or with other players. You are alsorewarded with the tank when the player reaches and purchases a tier X vehicle (this is for new referrals only.)
As many pointed out already, some reward/bonus (probably a different kind) for those who recruited new players in the past would be nice…
Exactly. I just got a friend of mine to start playing when he was refusing to try it for like 3 years. And now he really likes it. So because I am like a month early, no reward for me? Fuck you WG!
I have a similar situation
Yeah, what about players with no tier 10s yet?
fuck you WG?
1. somewhen they need to start, and there would always have been some people who would say i already recruited someone, even if they introduced it like a year ago
2. how exactly should they?? ask everyone if they have recruited someone in the past, and if you say yes, you get the reward tank? stronk. and from that point on everyone has that tank. happy you can play with your friend for free, so dont expect them to throw ingame goodies at you
4. fuck wg anyways, i guess
And how do you expect them to know if you refereed someone?
Take the player base by their word? LOL
What’s in it for WG? Those referrals are in the past, so why would they give you a reward for nothing in return?
It’s basic market segmentation: first you get everyone who’s satisfied with the existing deal, then you offer a little bit extra for the ones who’s on the fence. But you can only maximize the profits when the first group can’t take advantage of the offer.
Moreover, I don’t think they would be able to confirm pre-existing referrals reliably and efficiently anyway, since the official referral system didn’t exist until now.
“What’s in it for WG? Those referrals are in the past, so why would they give you a reward for nothing in return?”
Sure, I’m always perfectly aware of “what’s in it for WG” perspective, that’s exactly why I wrote about “probably a different kind” of rewards, for example: not a straightforward bonus, but unlocking of a mission of some kind (mission = grinding = WG happy). In other words, something smaller, but still nice. Having to work for the reward would not only make it worthwhile for WG, but also limit the potential “exploitability” to some degree.
Verifying past referrals is obviously impossible (apart from “recruiter needs to have an older account than recrutee”), but everyone would be able to point to only one person who recruited him.
So you are suggesting they run a regular type mission “get xp/credit bonus when you run a platoon” (only now you can’t platoon with people who created account on the same date as yourself) ?
Literally introduced 3 friends to WoT 3 days ago. No joke…
Well thats dumb, this was on FTR for like 3 months now
I got about 5 friends into wot about 2 years ago all have tier 10, on eu.
These guys only care about new players not old ones.
Sure and No one will ever see a T95E2 except for a few select WOT buddies and cronies..Fan Boy network stars…
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So I can’t use the “new account” codes from the past, unless I use it, wait 60 days and invite the “inactive” player?
Expect 40% 50 wn8 in tier X.
Have you ever seen NA west? That is normal
NA West is the reason why the NA server has the worst stats. Us in the eastern states and in eastern Canada can actually play. I know this because I played a few matches on that server and most of them are awful. Then again, they have a smaller player base….
Both my team and the other team.
i referred my brother 2 years ago , now he has 10 tier 10 tanks and over 20 k battle
he has 10 tier 10 tanks with over 20 k battle? lol i have 16k battles and still no tier X :) shame on me:)
World of tanks is not a rush to tier 10. As long as you don’t completely suck at the game just have fun.
A bit sad that they only added this option now and not earlier as I already invited a lot of friends and a lot of them got to tier 10…some got even more t10 than me.
But whatever, can’t have everything.
When this comes onto the EU server I will finally make a second, arty-only account.
1.Play arty without destroying your stats with RNG.
2.Collect players’ tears.
3.Get “secret reward tank” (lel) on real account.
What’s not to like? :>
Except artillery grinds to tier X are a trillion times longer than any other class because they cost more exp. AND acquire less exp.
true, the only arty that acquires a lot of xp (i.e. standart amount) for me is bishop…
For me, it’s the FV304, the only arty in which my performance (thus, exp) is similar to normal tanks.
Another reason to not play arty on your real account! :D
Yes, the grind would be longer than on normal tanks, but consider this – playing arty without caring if you win or not, without raging at your teammates for doing the stupidest things possible would be quite relaxing and a nice change from the usual must-carry-’cos-no-one-else-will. Besides, EVENTUALLY you will get that T10, no? It may take a long time, but it would not be spent swearing at idiot teams and crap MM, and in my book, that’s a bloody good time. :)
Yeah, instead you will rage all the more about the RNG.
“Both a recruiter and a recruit can earn various rewards and bonuses if:
They play in the same Platoon.
They win battles.
Both are among the team’s top 10 in experience earned.”
GL doing that by playing alone.
I think it’s doable if two friends set up alt accounts then invite each other and play each other till both get the reward. I’ll probably not be doing anything special about this program.
Thats for the tank +crew with 2 skills. If u just want the tank u dont have to platoon. The alt just must buy a t10 tank.
Unless your willing to use some $$$ to get the creds and exp, LOL, good luck with that bud.
Have fun missing 50% of the shots :D
In my experience, played half-decently arty is still a net moneymaker up to at least tier 7 (waiting for the appropriate Evolution of Tanks event to go to tier 8) – yeah, your shells are expensive and miss a lot, but arty seems to have significantly lower repair costs for their tier than most.
Can’t wait for this to come out on the EU server
No rerolls here – nope, nothing to see here. Move along.
This is just going to get abused so much. XP bonuses, credit bonuses, free premium tanks; the amount of bots is just going to go through the roof.
Is there anything stopping someone from creating an alt, referring that account, and then grinding that account to Tier X to get the T95E2 on your main account?
Many of us plan on it
How do you want to platoon with yourself?
You’ll go blind!
There is no requirement to platoon with each other. You get bonuses if you do, but if you don’t you can still get the t95e2 upon reaching the t10 on the alt account.
WG went full retard. Never go full retard.
They’d probably almost double the number of registered “active” accounts. Sheer empty numbers to brag with for WG. As they do with their millions of (self-created) registrated accounts (0 battles accounts everywhere).
Sometimes I wonder what percent of total accounts are those with less than 100 battles and inactive for more than 6 months
In 2013 it was ~70%, another ~20% only played under 10 battles per month, there was a site with interesting wot statistics.
Jeez, talk about delayed gratification. “Welp, I invited this player to WoT and they accepted. Let’s hope they like the game, they’re serious enough to get to tier 10, and they don’t take eternity to do so.”
I’d probably get my “secret reward tank” a year or two later, if I ever got it at all.
So (correct me if I am wrong) the bonus for the recruited player will be ONLY IF HE PLATOONS with the recruiter?
Although the article doesn’t sound like that, I’m sure they won’t give you a TX reward tank just for your invited buddy reaching TX on one branch.
There will also be hard missions I guess.
It says on the page u can also get the tank when the alt buys a t10 tank.
it’s time for alt accounts
T8 Medium tank with shitlow pen. Very funny and playable, until You meet a fucking Type59. It will always be like that on t8. So imo, fuck that tank.
The BIG Question is if you even get rewarded when your invited (inactive Friend) reaches another Tier X.
That is written in the article – you don’t! Only when new account reaches Tier10, you get the tank.
Think twice before doing it with an alternative account. Every server has different rules.
And NA server does not allow multiple accounts such as EU does. Anyway straight from KMaus developer :
“You can use the system on existing players, but please remember you can only have ONE ACCOUNT PER REGION – so if you create multiple accounts and are caught, that’s violation of ToS – i dont recommend it.
I DO recommend inviting new players, so that you can get your new tank, and having existing friends invite someone new, rather than creating alts, getting caught and potentially banned.
Dont: create alts and get caught.” – KMaus WG dev.
I will also add that NA server can also detect if the same IP was used. A NA guy got banned in the past, made a quick alternative account, his IP got tracked in less than 5mins and was banned again.
If you want to do it, then do it while using a different IP. Personally i wont bother.
This comment sums it up for me :
Tier 8 premium tank with 173 penetration and 240 alpha damage. This thing is barely worth it even if it gets premium mm, considering how you have to grind 1 million xp, win the battle for any xp to be stored, AND be in the top 10 of the team.
haha, no.
How could they ban anyone based only on IP address? What if my brother/sister/grandma is playing on the same PC or other PC with same external IP address, on which I play? And what if I invite them to play in this new program? Is that forbidden? Sounds kinda stupid and illogical.