Warning! This post contains significant spoilers. Read only if you don’t mind that.
Well, you’ve been warned about the spoilers.
First, I have to confess. I did not really want to go watch Fury all that much. I don’t even like war movies, but what really turned me off was the constant Wargaming hype. Fury here, Fury there, Fury fucking everywhere. I hate hype, because it usually means the product itself is poor and even if it is not, it almost never lives up to the hype anyway. But… I have a tank blog, so I guess it could not be avoided, since this was promoted everywhere as “THE” tank movie. Of course, by this time, a lot of people have already seen the movie, so I guess it won’t be anything new for many of you. A really weird thing were the Czech subtitles by the way – the person, who made them clearly had absolutely no clue what they are talking about, they just got a few technical terms translated to Czech and used them incorrectly. Oh well.
The movie starts with explaining to you, how much American tanks sucked compared to the German ones and how “terribly outmatched” were the Americans in armor. That of course is crap and I am starting to sense that cold dread of Belton Cooper being channelled, but don’t worry, it won’t matter that much, because there are literally three minutes (maybe even less) of tank vs tank combat in the movie.
The movie shows a story of Brad Pitt (his character is called “Don” or “Wardaddy”, hell if I know why) and his crew. There are four other crewmembers – a dirty guy, I don’t remember his name, so I’ll call him Fuckface, because I really don’t like the actor (I don’t like Brad Pitt either, but I like this actor even less). Then there is the hated Shia LeBoeuf as “Bible” (considering his reputation, he did a pretty good job on his role), who is a hardcore Christian gunner and the driver is a Mexican called Garcia. Odd thing – weren’t the hispanic people segregated in WW2 in separate units like the black people? Anyway, the last crewmember’s name is Norman (bow machinegunner aka “assistant driver”). Pitt and his crew minus Normal roll to an American camp, where Norman joins them and his first job is to clean the rest of his predecessor from the tank – and by “the rest” I mean a torn-off half of his face, so my first thought was “oh, it’s THIS kind of movie” – luckily, while brutal, the violence (initially) doesn’t feel pointless.
The movie was advertised as authentic and gritty. Just to be sure, before the movie, I intentionally lowered my realism expectations and would be happy to settle with something like “grittier private Ryan”. Unfortunately, the authenticity in the mind of the director is apparently filling the tank with complete assholes, especially Fuckface and Mexican are pretty bad and Pitt’s character is deranged, most of his dialogues involve him explaining how he likes to kill Germans. The reason WHY he likes to kill them was never exactly explained, although in one scene, his back was shown bearing healed burns, so that might be it. You know how I hate nazis – with that being said, roughly 15 minutes into the movie, I started cheering for the Germans. I don’t remember ever watching a movie, where the main characters were less likeable, but whatever, it’s the director’s choice. If however this part was indeed “authentic”, I think that US tank crewmember suicides and murders of other crewmembers would make a very interesting topic for a serious historical study.
Anyway, with the newbie on board, the crew is tasked with killing some Germans somewhere (movie doesn’t use location names, so it’s just “go there and save our troopers pinned by the Germans”). This is where the “fun” starts. For one, the tracers in the movie look like fucking Star Wars blasts, especially the green German ones. In daylight. Tracers came in different colours, that’s fine, but they are too bright and to say it looks odd would be an understatement. Germans traditionally can’t really hit anything, they have a bunch of 75mm AT guns in the forest, which are firing all over the place, missing the slowly moving unobstructed tanks in the middle of an open field.
A little historical note. The fact that they can’t hit anything could be because at that point, the situation of German troops was pretty much hopeless. Germany was practically defeated from 1943 onwards (only delaying the inevitable) and by early 1945, they were really scraping the bottom of the barrel. The men were untrained and underequipped, hence my earlier surprise regarding the decision to put the movie to April 1945. Fighting a bunch of green conscripts usually doesn’t make an epic story (all the while everyone in the movie was for some reason acting as if America was practically losing).
Anyway, back to the movie. So naturally a tank platoon with Brad Pitt in charge steamrolls the laser-wielding Germans and saves the American troops, who then gleefuly execute the German soldiers trying to give up. Realism, remember? The entire lovely scene ends with Brad Pitt forcing Norman to execute an unarmed prisoner begging for his life. Now, make no mistake – “no prisoners” situations happened in WW2 of course. But a cold-blooded POW execution? The director clearly wanted to make the Americans look like the biggest assholes possible (not even mentioning looting the German bodies, but that was common). Oh yes and one more thing – did you know that when hit by a HE shell, a German PaK EXPLODES? I don’t mean normal HE effect, I mean “hit by a one-ton-bomb effect”. Because that’s exactly what happened when the tanks started firing in general PaK direction. And I almost forgot, at one point the leading tank of the platoon is attacked by a HEAT round (probably Panzerfaust), wielded by the kid. The Sherman of course starts burning immediately, cooking the crew (Belton Cooper would be proud).
City Interlude
After this action, Pitt and his tank move to a German city. Here, another strange scene takes place. Pitt’s character speaks German for some reason (no story explanation given) and drives around the hostile city unbuttoned on top of the turret. He asks an old German man where are the German soldiers. The old German man actually showed him (!), at which point he was shot by a German sniper. You know, being a German sniper, having the chance to execute a commander of the leading tank, what do you do? Of course, you shoot the German grandpa instead. But I guess that would make a very short movie. *sigh* After the sniper is disposed of by shelling the bulding, the tanks drive to a square, where Fury is hit directly to the front at 20 meters by a German 75mm AT gun. Luckily, Fury’s armor is made of concetrated Freedomium and the shell does nothing. Fury in turn burns the AT position with white phosphorus shell. Uhhh… was 76mm WP even standard issue? Can’t say, I am not an expert on these things. Either way, another asshole moment, as Americans cheer at the burning Germans, until Norman mows them down with a BMG. After the AT position is knocked out, some German soldiers (kids and an SS officer, who is promptly executed) give up and the city suddenly becomes liberated. American soldiers start running around, looting the houses and bribing the German women to have sex with them. Pitt and Norman find some two young German ladies, Norman has sex with one, then Fuckface and Mexican barge in and want to rape the same girl and there’s an awkward scene about that with a meal. Whatever. Suddenly (literally within 20 minutes), they have to push forward. At this point, the tank fired like 6 rounds (remember that number) in total. The city scene is ended with a sudden German 3-round artillery strike on German civillians, that – you guessed it – of course destroys the house Norman and Pitt were in and leaves the two women dead in the building, making Norman finally totally hate Germans. Logical, yes?
Tiger Fight
After this “motivation” part, the tank column (4 tanks) leaves the town and goes… somewhere (no idea where, but GERMANS MUST NOT GET IT), when they suddenly start being fired at by – yes, you guessed it, the Tiger! I must say – this was probably the only chilling moment in the movie. Not because of the story (at this point, you probably realized how stupid it is), but because the Bovington Tiger is a piece of history, that actually fired at real life Allies in Africa. I guess Bovington REALLY needed the money for the lease (and I hoped the lease covered the Sherman they wrecked during the making of the movie, but apparently it did not).
Anyway, the Tiger is unhistorically buffed as well (the turret seems to rotate faster than it did in real life) and wrecks three of the Shermans – they ALL either explode or start burning. You know how American server tank expert (The_Chieftain) wrote about this being crap? Well, good luck disproving this nasty myth after this movie. At this point, it’s Fury vs the Tiger. The Tiger fires like three shots I think – one bounces (!), one ricochets and the third gets apparently stopped by the – I shit you not – tree logs on the side of the Sherman. Stronk freedomium armor in action. Fury circles around it and destroys it by firing in the rear. Tiger starts burning of course and that’s it. Three minutes (one half of which is CGI) or so and it’s over. So much for the “selling point”. It took 3 shells for the Fury to finish the Tiger (which makes the amount of shells spent like 10, two of which were smoke – forgot the smoke rounds earlier).
Last Stand
The death of the Tiger concludes the interesting part and what comes next is one of the most retarded scenes I have EVER seen in ANY movie ever. It’s just… well, let me just start from the beginning.
Fury reaches the crossroads it’s supposed to “protect” (because what do you do when your platoon gets wiped out and you have no infantry support? that’s right, you push on to enemy territory anyway). The crossroads is located near some old house or something. There, it drives over a mine, loses a roadwheel and of course the tracks, immobilizing the tank completely. Fuckface and Mexican start repairing the tank, while Norman is sent on patrol. Oddly enough, he just walks down the road, ignoring the fact that it’s probably full of mines, because, you know, his tank just drove on one. He sits down for a meal, watches around and suddenly, he is surprised by 300 singing Waffen SS troops, many of which carry Panzerfausts (important later), plus there are two halftracks and a truck. Norman somehow teleports back to Fury half an hour before the hard-marching Germans and warns them.
The tank is still busted and at this point, it’s full daylight and there are 300 Waffen SS (of COURSE it has to be Waffen SS) troops approaching. Time to bail and fight another day!
Nah, no way. Instead, Pitt comes up with an utterly retarded plan to stop them all, because it’s really totally a good plan to stop 300 troops with a crippled tank. It seemed to me the tank moved to the side of the road for no reason (the damaged tracks are still where they were, only the tank moved to side), it wouldn’t be the only inconsistency in the movie by far.
Basically, the crew takes a random dead German guy, sets him on fire and puts him on the front of the tank. Not sure why, because the tank sure looked crippled even without a burning body on the front hull, but who knows, maybe it was a ritual sacrifice or something. So, what do you do, when you have a crippled tank and horde of infantry with short range AT weapons coming in? You keep them at bay with machinegun fire, so they can’t storm your tank, right?
Well, of course not, that would be too logical. Instead, they let the entire SS formation come at point blank range and start… throwing grenades at them. And firing from crew personal weapons (submachine guns, Pitt has a StG 44, god knows where he gets ammo for it). The scene is completely silly, Germans running like headless chickens in FRONT of the tank – so the crew can hit them comfortably. Then they start firing their personal weapons at the tank, which has about the same effect as you would expect. The movie turns from a historical movie to pure MURRIKAN RAMBO action movie, with the crew slaughtering dozens of hapless Germans with the vehicle machineguns and submachine guns. And what of the main gun?
Well, it turns out the main gun is out of ammo. Because fuck logic. They still have two white phosphorus rounds, that they use on the building, that is full of Germans (when you fight a tank with a main gun, naturally you hide in a building 20 meters from the tank, so it can knock it down on your head with a HE shell). American crews are also too cool to go on missions with full ammo loadout it seems. Even if the entire platoon was not defeated by the Tiger, how was it expected to hold the crossroads with no ammo?
Another really strange moment is the day/night switch. When the fight starts, it’s full daylight and the movie suddenly without any warning (or a cut or anything explaining it) switches and its full nightime. Oddly enough, daylight is still pouring in through commander’s cupola of the tank (you can see it clearly), while outside it’s suddenly night (very noticeable inconsistency). The Germans (who are too untrained to do anything, but have again strangely enough good enough morale to literally line up in front of the tank and get shot) suddenly remember they actually have Panzerfausts! But not those guys who walked with them earlier, no – those disappeared somewhere. Instead, the “commander” has the troops unload two full boxes of Panzerfausts, saying it’s the only Panzerfausts they have. So what the hell did happen to those guys walking with them earlier?
So, the Germans try to knock out the Fury with Panzerfausts, killing Fuckface – there is no jet of flame in the tank by the way, more like a… solid projectile punching a circular hole in his body. I have never seen what a HEAT round looks like inside of the tank, but… well, maybe it’s real. I don’t know. Anyway, now Fuckface is dead and Mexican gets killed too, as well as Bible, which sends Pitt into a berserk rage, he climbs on the tank and starts shooting everyone with the 50 cal. He has no cover and the area is still swarming with Germans, but he is immune to counterfire of course, until one enemy sniper (who is there for some reason and who was just sitting there doing nothing until now all the while the rest of the crew was earlier just standing from the hatches and shooting submachine guns) kills him. Then the Germans throw some grenades in the tank and it’s over, everyone is dead except for Norman, who escapes through the floor hatch and hides under the tank, where he is discovered by strapping young Waffen SS officer, who doesn’t blow his cover and just lets him be, despite the Americans slaughtering a hundred or so of his buddies.
Norman is then rescued by Americans, movie over.
A movie, that turns from a promising beginning to something really strange. How on earth is it so positively reviewed everywhere, I have absolutely no idea. In any case, unless you really want to see a random MURRIKA STRONK action movie with tons of Germans being slaughtered, don’t bother. If you just want to go and see something nice, go see Interstellar instead, it’s awesome.
Be warned – Fury is NOT a tank movie and NOT a realistic movie, especially the second part.
Too much of a hype, because reasons, Pitt, Murrica stronk!. I am not gonna watch it on a big screen. Hollywood level 10/10 sometimes. Fun to watch, but not if you have a bit of common sense, and are into history as a hobby. It is full of sequential, or even logical errors as well.
How does it show Murica Stronk?
If anything it shows the US as much weaker than they were at that point in the war. Trading 4 Shermans for a Tiger.
IN RL Ez8= Tigers Death.
Because the over-hyping of German and Japanese capabilities in WWII was never about “showing respect to a worthy enemy”. It was all about showing how good we were to beat them despite their supposed advantages: “American soldier is very STRONK! American soldier is so STRONK! that he can defeat Germans even though they have STRONKER! equipment. Thus, American soldier is EXTRA STRONK!
Yeah… the American (and British especially) situation of the war becomes much sadder once you digg into what actually determined their behaviour. If you get into economic interest and class interest and such. Focussing on the technicalities of the war is a great way of distracting from all of that.
What basically happened is that the German industrial elites and the western allies let the Nazis take power because from a purely economic capitalist standpoint they were great. They were hardcore against any form of leftism, which went from simple organised labour to communism, after all this was still a time when the economic elites were very afraid of a communist takeover. German capitalists quite literally hired the Nazis so they would beat up labour unions. German industry further loved the Nazis because they were openly for re-armament and therefor would order masses of weapons, which the industry of course wanted to sell. One can’t be so naive to believe that the Nazis were a real grass-roots organisation who took power just because the Germans were all so racist. They took power because they had assistance from the establishment.
The western allies were perfectly fine with that:
1. The NSDAP kept the communist threat at bay
2. The prospect of war did not actually scare them. Everyone including the Wehrmacht knew that Germany could not actually win a world war, although the “Blitz” did take them by surprise.
A war was actually GREAT for the capitalist classes of the USA and France and GB, since it meant a solution to the capitalist great depression without social programs. The big issue was that all the money was in the hands of the rich, so the economy itself didn’t do much. But in case of a war the state starts pumping out money to order weapons, and it puts all the unemployeds into uniforms and gives them a pay check. All of that is typically paid for by debt – and national debt is also great for capitalists, since they are the ones who lend the money to the state and cash in on the interest rates, and later can use the national debt as leverage against social programs (“We can’t give out unemployment benefits, we cannot afford it!”). Their interest in keeping social programs down is because 1) social programs are long-term and therefore financed by higher taxation of the wealthy, and 2) because people who have social assistance do not need to take shitty jobs at bad pay, but the capitalists want to pay the workers as little as possible.
So what happened? In GB you first get somebody like Chamberlain who just lets the Nazis re-arm Germany, well knowing this will lead to a war. Letting Hitler the room to crush the left and to start a war was well within capital interest. And then you get somebody like Churchill who goes all-out on the war effort and this way boosts the economy.
If you look at the Soviet Union in contrast, they were the only ones to lead a GENUINE anti-war effort, because they did not have a capitalist class that would profit from arms production. They were much happier if they could just employ people to build more stuff instead of having them build tanks or fight as soldiers.
Looking at this angle it becomes obvious why American corporate media wants to present the war as 1) a fateful inevitability and 2) ignore the deeper causes and focus on the battle action only.
I smell a fckn Commy here!
At the end of the day what of that you wrote there is bad? Have not those “bad capitalists” made Unitaed States, Great Britain and France is such a wealthy and rich countries? Being pragmatic capitalist does not mean that you always think only about your vallet.
_revenger_: is that why the United States has one of the greatest (if not _the_ greates) amount of public debt in the whole damn world?
Just do a quick google on it. It’s ridiculous.
Hmmm let’s see, the part about letting the Nazis seize power and aim at a world war doesn’t seem good.
You have a system that incentivises the most powerful members of society to have the state start wars. That’s how Vietnam and Iraq began, too – the people weren’t interested in these wars, but the economic elites were. They pushed for it in the media and through their political connections, and you get a catastrophic war and a few years later you ask “how the fuck could this happen?”.
Lol, amazing historical revisionism here.
Soviet Unions genuine anti-war effort was rearming Germany, helping them avoid British trade embargoes and joining in dismembering east European states, go SU, go SU!.
Total naivete to thing the soviet union didn’t have a capitalist class that would benefit from war production. What do you think the communist party was? War was the only thing that allowed the bourgeois Bolsheviks to control the workers, every war they went into wobbling and came out of with their power reinforced. SU ruling class needed war more than anyone.
Britain was the predominant trading nation in the world, how you think losing all of that trade in exchange for some war production made any money is beyond me. The Great depression had ended by 1932 and western economies were growing. Unemployment was not really a problem, it was lower than it is in many countries now. Then along comes ww2 and it is a catastrophe. Cash is devalued, businesses are torn up for resources, properties are requisitioned. Exports crash, there are hardly any imports that are not requisitioned and even if you are somehow making money there is nothing to spend it on anyway. The capitalist class of the 1930s essentially ceased to exist.
Hitler was allowed to rearm because of pacifist anti-war feeling and Versailles-guilt. Only France had the military capability to do anything about it and she was stuck in a defensive mindset having lost millions of men in the last war. That left communist Soviet union and liberal Britain who were essentially anathema to each other. In the end letting one autocratic madman fight the other had been Britain’s foreign policy for 300 years. Up until the point Stalin suddenly became best buds with Hitler it worked. So unless you are saying they should have predicted years before hand Stalin would go full retard and ally with Hitler I don’t see what else they could have done.
The Soviet policy went the following paths:
1. Co-operation with the old Wehrmacht elements who were opposed to Hitler, because they knew that Germany would not win in another multi-national war.
2. Pleading the western allies for aid in removing the Nazis, who were opposed to anything communist and had a leader who openly declared conquering the Soviet territories his ultimate goals.
3. When it became obvious that this wouldn’t work, they “suddenly” made pacts with the nazis hoping to avoid a war.
The Soviets themselves were forced into agreements with the Germans by facing the same trade restrictions that Germany did due to anti-communist mindsets.
Your perspective lacks any perspective on class interest. It just assumes that everyone in all nations was naturally opposed to war, which obviously was not the case.
It’s a film, it’s a thoroughly enjoyable slice of Hollywood and the closest I’ll ever get to a real war. Well worth the £10 to see it.
Is it realistic? I neither know nor care. My point of reference is documentaries on History Channel or BBC2 and it seemed close enough to me.
Take it for what it is and if you didn’t like it, move on.
^ This!
Honestly. Is it mostly “accurate”? Yes It is.
Is it a source of all knowledge and a go-to piece about the history of the these events?…. no certainly not.
It is fucking Hollywood. It is entertaining and gritty and if you expected any more then you clearly don’t know the movie industry.
I think the movie was great.
edit: spelling
I just dont understand why “Sherman – they ALL either explode or start burning” is something wrong? I thought that because of American petrol engines it was pretty frequent end of Sherman…
No, it’s a myth, introduced by Belton Cooper’s book called Death Traps. There were several articles on that but damn, I can’t find one right now :( The true part is that until the introduction of wet stowage, Sherman (75mm) was prone to ammo explosions. But American tanks are really not my things.
Its like you’re saying it could not happen. At all. Ever.
Flameout certainly can and will happen on any tank when impacted by a HEAT (Or any other penetrating round) round.
Even modern tanks are not immune to it.
The Myth is not that sherman tanks would flame out when hit.
The myth is that sherman tanks were exceptionally vulnerable to flame outs when hit, more so than any other tank.
Ince they had wet racks they were THE MOST safe tanks from flameouts in the world.
The Chieftain had some articles about it:
Remember German 75mm (and above) used an Explosive filled AP shot the Pz. Gr. 39, it was this that caused most fires in the Sherman, as it did with the Russian tanks as well.
I should also be remembered that a frontal hit from an 8.8cm would often penetrate into the engine bay/fuel tanks making a second penetration via the firewall.
The Pz. Gr. is the reason I would go to war in the Churchill and the main reason this game is unrealistic :)
What can I say, SS didn’t want to like the movie, he didn’t like the movie. To quote Serb: “Want realism? Join the army”.
Movie was fun and engaging to watch, sure it wasn’t perfect, but no movie or game ever is. Fucking Avatar earned more than Czech republic GDP many times over and still people find something about it to whine.
This is a whine blog, get over it.
I get the same feeling. I enjoyed the movie, German Tigers DID outmatch M4 Shermans both in armour and armament, and the movie both tells you this and shows you it.
I have read and seen numerous sources suggesting that “on average” one Tiger took out 4 or 5 Shermans (note: on average, not every single time they met).
The part at the end where one tank crew takes on an entire SS Platoon and causes as much damage as it did was a tad unrealistic, however at the end of the day it’s a movie, not a bloody documentary.
Usually SS I do like your articles, but this one just reads as a pointless whine.
+1 … Getting that feeling a lot these days
that is normal. USA thought that they won the WWII, not USSR.
Oh shut up you simpleton !….its a US “Hollywood” movie about US tankers in North West Europe at a unit level, at what fecking point do you think the Russian need a mention ?
just stupid and ignorant
1/8 bait.
Man…where could be USSR without USA and brits,dont mention other nations. Trucks,tanks,planes from these countries….?…And even without Hitler’s orders to his generals…(if u know what i mean)
Same place if a perhaps a little later and perhaps with more of Europe being a nuclear wasteland. Reality is Germany was never going to win a war with Russia, Russians would have fought to the literal death of every one of them before surrender (unlike cowardly France, Poland and the rest of Europe). The Lend Lease equipment helped but only as a stop gap. Once the most of industry was moved to Siberia, it was over for the war, world just didn’t know it yet.
Not really, if Moscow, Lenningrad and Stalingrad had all fallen the Germans were probably quite capable of consolidating there on several natural borders which soviet counter attack would have found very difficult to overcome. Plus the propaganda victory would have been immense. The soviets fought to the death in these places precisely because it was the tipping point. If they had already fallen the moving of the production facilities would have been for nothing.
Plus of course the factories in Siberia were feeding their workers western food and using western equipment for transport infrastructure and western fuel to run it all. If they had not been getting all their trucks etc from the west they would have needed to build their own and not be able to build as many tanks. If they had not had western fuel the tanks would not have been able to travel the thousands of miles west to join the fighting either.
Truth is if European Russia had fallen it could not have been taken back without massive help. And it would most certainly have fallen if SU was Germany’s sole enemy in 1941 and the SU was not getting any western aid. Even just adding the forces who were fighting the British at the time would have been enough, never mind the far better situation the German economy would have been in with sea trade open to it and the possibility of Italy and Japan also waging war on the SU.
“Russians would have fought to the death of every one of them before surrender” is also pretty hilarious considering the absolutely eeeeenormous numbers of Russians who did surrender ….. None would surrender but 4 million did, well done.
I got impression the AT gunner on town aims too high and defected on the roof.
The Tracers are annoying, sure. Looking like Star Wars blaster too much. And all German gunner are drunk like you said, including that Tiger gunner. I am not sure how common is WP round for 76mm, but American soldiers glee on burned German troopers seems not out of the place.
And IIRC i remember that Sniper also kills Bible. Dunno, i can be mistaken.
No, its not historical but still quite enjoyable.
Bible gets a shot from the back of his head that comes out of his left eye, so he might’ve been killed by this sniper.
The POW they kill was a SS afaik.
And on that open-field scene, I thought there was a StuG, they blew it up with an HE shell.
I must admit your review is pretty aggressive against the movie. Most of this review is raging about the inconsistencies dealing with the characters and the tanks. This wasn’t the best war film, nor was it the most realistic. But that doesn’t mean you should review the movie with a 100% negative post. I know you aren’t a film critic, but this is just sort of wasting my time in terms of information. Wheres any sort positives?
Unless you truly believe this film is 100% garbage (still has the best World War 2 scene since D-Day in Saving Private Ryan, even if its a 3 minute long tank battle, and still the best World War 2 movie I have seen in years)
Regardless I really shouldn’t of expected any legit review of this movie on this site anyways, so I blame my disappointment on myself.
PS Its Hollywood, everything is better when its on fire or explodes.
Well, I am just one guy with his opinion. I don’t watch movies that much anyway, but it’s quite rare for me tho end a movie with “that was a total waste of money” feeling. Unfortunately this is exactly the case.
Wow man I think you totally ruined the movie by prejudging and over judging it.
It was more about showing the horrors of war than being a WW2 fanbois fap material.
he is completely accurate about to give this movie the bad review it deserved.
It was a completely stupid ending when 300 veteran SS troops dont use the panzerfausts they are marching with to kill a tank. What the heck- and there were too many more instances of the movie failing on a military technical and tactical level.
It was bad and I wish I had not bothered- its redeeming feature was generally the shot composition and lighting and some good special effects. I presume the AT blowing up were the HE shells hitting their ammo. but otherwise… don’t bother seeing it.
Do we have confirmation that these SS is indeed ‘veteran’ as opposed as Hitler fanboys conscripted by overzealous SS officer and marching with minimal training?
Remember that before that scene we see childrens, quite literally wearing SS uniforms.
Correct, the SS shown marching were all men in their 20s and 30s. None of the marching SS in the last battle were shown as children or old men. If they wanted to show boys and old men conscripted in desperation, they could have. They did not though. They show men of normal military age marching in good order and responding to commands without hesitation before the shooting starts.
I can see you were so blinded with rage that you missed the explanations for some of your complaints.
>> still has the best World War 2 scene since D-Day in Saving Private Ryan,
That says a lot about quality of all those movies, doesn’t it?
The only note I can make for the movie is on Brad knowing German. There are a lot of towns and cities in the US (Especially the Midwest) that are predominantly German and I know a few of my grandparents who knew German because there were so many in the area.
A Texan Chicken Fried Steak is basically a Schnitzel.
Tons in Penn and Ohio.
My grandfather knew German and served as a translator for his company in WWII.
“Luckily, Fury’s armor is made of concetrated Freedomium and the shell does nothing. ”
Laughed my ass off!!
it was just a lucky bounce
What? SHells bounce all the time.
You realize even 128mm`s shooting at the asses of Shemrans bounced right?
Call it RL RNG.
OMG RL damn your RNG stupid USA bias quitting this f**** game.
But… the germans actually won? Holy fuck!
A Pyrrhic victory. The point was the great matyrdom of a bunch of warcriminal assholes.
I noticed one more thing, during the final scene where they slaughtered hundreds of Germans, at one moment they run out of ammo and they had to climb out from the tank because all their ammo was outside the tank. Well, how the hell did they prepare their ambush? We dont need to have any ammo in, we will fight them with bare hands as they enter our lovely tank or what? Didnt give sense at all.
I liked this movie (except for the awkward scene in the middle). What you are failing to see is that the tank was the protagonist, not Brad Pitt. Fury was hero! R.I.P.
I won a ticket to see this movie during the E8 event and will use it to go see it again with my family over Thanksgiving weekend.
I thought the reason they didn’t use the main gun in the final fight wasn’t that they were out of ammo but that the turret drive got busted when fighting the Tiger.
A similar instance happened with a KV that broke down and was defended for like 3 days.
The only reason I buy it is in RL when a 50 cal is firing at you or any MG for that matter no one would pop up and shoot a RPG.
In fact troops are trained to wait for reloads. They lasted like 11 minutes of fighting. While less than likely it could have happened.
“A similar instance happened with a KV that broke down and was defended for like 3 days.” – Brace urselves! Furiouskiy movie incomiiiing :P
Actually I would watch that story in a movie, but I am afraid that would turn into a Soviet-Russia RULZ thing…
ofc sure…
a paper made medium tank in the late stages of the war vs a heavy armored ht in the early stages of the war.
In a phase of the war in which there was no infantry weapon equivalent to a recoilless gun/RPG, nonetheless.
What really left me baffled was during the Tiger fight:
1. in reality Shermans with the 76 mm were actually capable defeating Tiger frontally, but in the movie they acted like headless chicken forced to run for the weak spots.
2. Tiger didn’t turn its chassis a single degree. Angling armour is something that was explained long and broad in the Tigerfibel, it’s not some WoT-only trick. The manual said to keep enemies at 1 1/2 or 11 1/2 o’clock preferrably, and if an enemy closed in to a 90° angle to either the sides, rear, or even the front, to turn the chassis so that he is at a bad angle again. Chassis rotation was also historically used to speed up targeting if turret rotation alone was too slow.
So apparently neither the Shermans nor Tiger crew enjoyed any training at all. And other than for the missing PaK I can’t let a Tigef crew that bad slide. The heavy tanks always recieved the best crews available, and these crews rather survived longer than the tank and less often the other way around.
Let’s not even talk about the final fight…. The enemy has several recoilless guns and they let them come into melee range before firing? Good luck with that strategy in reality. The amount of overview the crew kept during that fight was also unreal.
Furthermore the Tiger tank was in production from 1942-1944… Wouldn’t that mean that the Tiger and it’s crew would have had to survive for at least a year before this battle had taken place? Surely they must have some skill and not come charging at a Fury tank which can destroy it frontally at a range of ~500m. Wouldn’t the Tiger’s crew know to stay at a good distance and snipe? The Tiger was far too close to the Sherman tanks.
BTW about the shots 2nd shot (the one that hit the logs), I think the shot over-penetrated the Sherman? I think that it makes sense that all that happened was that the shot went through the tank, destroyed the turret controls (since they had to start hand cranking the turret after that) and did no damage. It does happen… Although it’s pretty rare.
I don’t think the movie is biased much. Perhaps only the slightest bit because its a Hollywood movie and they have to cater to the public. But the Fury tank has to survive for plot related reasons.
The movie is horribly unhistorical though. But it’s entertainment for the public, not service for tank enthusiasts. Accept it for what it is, not what you wanted it to be.
Yea the tiger scene was utter crap. But they were trying to show how earlier Shermans and T34`s felt vs the beasts.
What they should have done was have them face a KT or Jagtiger.
You missed a very important part in your 1. point: the distance.
Yeah everyone knows that the 76mm gun in wot has 128mm pen which can penetrates the Tiger, but wot penetration datas are measured at 100m.
When the Tiger starts to move it’s commander telling the enemy Shermans distance. First the distance is 700m then 500 I think. 76mm M1A1/A2 has about 98mm penetration on 500m not to mention 700m.
The M4A1(76)w destroyed around 500m so when the Shermans got close only the M4 Sherman with 75mm and the Fury left which started to flank the Tiger.
This fighting scene was ok I think, the bounces from the Tiger were caused by extreme angles.
Anyway Tigers by 1944 not to mention 1945 were very rare, a Tiger II or a Panther would much more likely in this situation.
On the logs stopping the shell, it is actually later visible it was a side shot and a ricochet (seen here: http://cdn02.cdn.justjared.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/shia-furyy/brad-pitt-shia-labeouf-continue-fury-filming-05.jpg)
Yeah the bounces are legit. Lucky, but legit. I think the one to the hull side even causes some internal pain by putting a lot of pressure on the armour, but they all came at such steep angles that one cannot expect a penetration.
There were still Tigers around, and since they had a real one at hand I can’t blame them for using it for the movie.
“76mm M1A1/A2 has about 98mm penetration on 500m not to mention 700m.”
As far as I know these values are only correct if put at against a 30° angle, while the movie Tiger stood there at 0° full frontal. Also this is only true if they did not have a single HVAP round which could defeat over 130 mm at a kilometer at 30°.
They made like 500 KTs only, meeting one wasnt “much more likely”, it wasnt likely at all
You forgot to mention that when they were doing their last stand, they somehow forgot to bring inside the extra ammo for that’s packed outside of the tank.
Is it just me or is it since 95% of the reviews were positive SS wanted to create some controversy and make some butthurt negative post?
He explained pretty well why he didn’t like it from the start.
I went into it with a similar feeling and similar summary. Maybe the movie tried to be so dickish to convey an anti-war message, but in the end every war movie is a pro war movie.
Have you ever been to war? I have and this was very real.
You have to hate your enemy to be willing to do the horrible things to stay alive. This makes you become a “Dick” to people who dont understand.
In reality you are just trying to wear a protective layer so it doesnt make you kill yourself. Its turning your emotions off.
Also this was not a pro war movie…..All war movies are pro war is the most retarded thing I have ever heard.
They made war and even the “Good Guys” i nthe war look like “Dicks” to you….Mission accomplished.
No this movie is not historical.
The emotions may be true to you but that was not the point of this review. I understand your point but I think it has little relevance. What I think SS was largely complaining about was the set up of the scenes that go on. And for most of it he is right, it is all quite ridiculous and unhistorical. The movie does not hold up to being a historical tank movie.
How so? Besides German tanks being much better?
I dont think I said it was historical…But getting hung up on the fact Tigers were gone by 44 or that a tank crew would not be fighting since 1942 is not the point.
How was it ridiculous?
Of course a story about a fictional tank crew wont be historical, but remember the KV1 who was at the crossroads and tracked and held vs tons and tons of infantry? True this was a Sherman but from my count the crew lasted like 11 minutes or so, where as the KV lasted 3 days.
What is so ridiculous? The Garb? The attitude? I can tell you these myths about those guys being these heros who were glad to be getting killed is crap.
Most guys who had been fighting since 1942 would be this mean to have survived so long.
It took me 2 IED`s killing my buddies before my personality was basically gone.
This movie was not supposed to be a super WW2 fanboi realism tour as much as showing what hell ww2 really was.
That’s what colonial offensive wars do to people…
That was what I was saying… The movie is not a historically accurate tank movie. It’s just another one of those movie’s trying to show horrors of war.
Indeed. Fury shows the ugly side of war, the human side of it – which is about as inhuman as it can get. It goes a little overboard at the end, but then, never forget crazier shit has in fact happened.
“Also this was not a pro war movie…..All war movies are pro war is the most retarded thing I have ever heard”
You think so?
You and I agree on most of the things. Yeah they made the characters look like assholes to give the viewer a really uncomfortable view on the war and all the personal sacrifices that come along with it, not just the danger to one’s life.
But I still maintain that no war movie can truly be an anti-war movie, not even this one. In the end it still radiates this elitist feeling of “look how great these guys are and imagine what a hero you could be under these circumstances”. That is how such a movie impacts those who have not been to war. Only those who have been, and those who are educated enough, can truly feel the anti-war part. But the majority of people in serviceable age has neither been to war nor is educated and realistic enough to see this.
How do you think the US military has such a great reputation even though it has been used for nothing but economic imperialism and even though there is absolutely zero threat to their homeland?
I’m afraid that the average US-American viewer sees this movie and the cruel scenes like the POV execution and in the end says “See? That’s what it took! The POV execution was necessary so that Norman would turn into a badass and win the war for us!”.
“But I still maintain that no war movie can truly be an anti-war movie”…. All Quiet on the Western Front, Johnny Got His Gun, Threads, The War Game…
Dear Silentstalker.
It seems a lot of people who play WOT are a “bit” disappointed about the realism in the movie, as it comes to the technical point of view. Maybe one should realize, WOT players know too much about the technical stuff. We are a bit hindered by this knowledge, to see this movie in a more common perspective.
Maybe people are annoyed that some myths are being exaggerated, but hey, it is a movie and it is Hollywood.
And if you want to have a crack about mistakes in movies, here is a link: http://www.moviemistakes.com/.
Let forget about the storeline and about the technical mishaps.
To me, in line with SPR, BIA and The Pacific, this is a movie that takes me by the throat.
It shows the gruesome things one human can do to another, no matter what side he is on. We see American soldiers doing the most horrible things, without hesitating. And we see a noob, who hesitates to shoot a child and watches his fellowtankers die seconds later.
From then on this green soldier becomes a killer, because there is no other choice.
To me that is what this film is all about, to see what horrible things mankind is capable of doing to one and other.
Maybe some people are not impressed by the horrors they see in this movie, but for me this movie makes me realize who happy I am to be able to live in peace. My thoughts go out to all soldiers and people who survived war (what ever side they were on) and had to get on with there normal live after it, remembering all the horror they had seen, while fighting for there cause.
Since I live in the Western part of Europe, I realize it were the Americans who liberated this part of the continent, with their tanks, planes, boots, Jeeps and trucks. (It was recognized by the germans, that they had lost from Henry Fords mass production evolutionary technologys in the USA.)
“It seems a lot of people who play WOT are a “bit” disappointed about the realism in the movie”
Yeah, cause we’re so used to realism in WOT…
On the movie: I wouldn’t go black or white on it, just like most movies, it has good and not so good parts. It’s a good war movie because it shows the horrors of war and leaves you thinking about it afterwards. Is it totally realistic? OFC not, but show me a movie which is. I would even argue that some of the things we find unrealistic are even more strange in the chaos of war.
Like others said, it’s a movie about people, not tanks. It also isn’t “MURRIKA STRONK” movie, despite the ending. It actually quite clearly shows American casualties, mental toll on the troops and things done by Americans that would be characterized as atrocities. Also, it is a movie about an American troops in WW2 fighting Germans so there is no need to rumble about other nations. I don’t see a problem that there is no US mention in “Stalingrad” or whatever.
Like I said, it’s not black or white, if you feel like going to see it, go.
I died at “realism in WoT”
SS they arent Assholes, they are war fatigued. I dont think you have seen combat so you cant understand. But it drains your soul…You become more like animals than humans.
This movie was one of the more realistic WW2 movies when it comes to battle fatigue and not glorifying war.
The loader is big asshole though. I got no feeling for him when he bought the farm. Brad Pitt / Wardaddy kinda redeems himself after that town scenes but his hatred on SS can be quite comical at times.
Watched the movie, wasn’t really impressed, the Star Wars blasts were just silly. I enjoyed The Imitation Game today much more.
Sorry, SS, but you are a lousy movie critic.
I have yet to go see this and don’t give two hoots about any of the actors.
Im waiting for it to hit the dollar theaters and ONLY reason for going is to see 131 and the Shermans.
Its hollywood, I thought your knew what hollywood movies was all about. Its a fiction, not a fucking documentary.
SS, I think you went into this movie expecting/ wanting to hate it, as such you can’t see past the negatives, and anything good you pollute with a negative perspective.
Where there some historical problems? Yeah. But I think you rely too much on your knowledge of what soldiers and machines are TECHNICALLY capable of. What I’m saying, is that no matter what a gunner won’t hit his target 100% of the time, even under ideal conditions. And every event portrayed in this movie does not put anything in ideal conditions. The soldiers are weary and used. Sure, the paks, Tiger, and allied armor miss a lot. But they also hit, not every tank made it back. Take into consideration that the paks, excluding the one in the town were under small arms fire the majority of the time they were shooting, and the tanks were moving for the majority of the shots that they took. Every shot the Fury bounced was either straight ricochets or from extreme angles, as evidenced by the long gash the shot that hit the logs left.
I have no knowledge of the mg42 tracers in reality, but I know that veterans have talked about the tracers from 88 flaks when they fired AT looked like green comets flying by, not unlike the paks in the movie.
You can complain about the lack of tank warfare, but really isn’t that historical? Very few panzers this late in the war, and America didn’t intend their tanks to fight other tanks. This task was intended for tank destroyers, and The biggest threat for American armor came from AT weapons, especially the Faust.
As for the improbability of events, things that seem logically impossible happened more than you think in real life. Brad Pitts last stand is based on a factual event, by a man named Audie Murphy and his actions in the Colmar Pocket.
“The Germans scored a direct hit on an M10 tank destroyer, setting it alight, forcing the crew to abandon it. Murphy ordered his men to retreat to positions in the woods, remaining alone at his post shooting his M1 carbine and directing artillery fire via his field telephone while the Germans aimed fire directly at his position. Murphy mounted the abandoned, burning tank destroyer and began firing its .50 caliber machine gun at the advancing Germans, killing a squad crawling through a ditch towards him. For an hour, Murphy stood on the tank destroyer returning German fire from foot soldiers and advancing tanks, killing or wounding 50 Germans. He sustained a leg wound during his stand, and stopped only after he ran out of ammunition. Murphy rejoined his men, disregarding his own wound, and led them back to repel the Germans. He insisted on remaining with his men while his wounds were treated. For his actions that day he was awarded the Medal of Honor.”
Were there inaccuracies? Sure. But you could look at many battles in real life in retrospect and say “this should have been done, or that should have been done, or this should not have happened”.
Overall the pros of the movie outweigh the mythic stereotypes in my opinion, which really aren’t that over played in the film. Not many people I’ve talked to about the movie picked up on the fact that even though throughout the whole film Fury’s crew insisted the SS and Germans were all evil demons from hell, Norman is saved by one sympathetic young SS soldier. They even put in some little known crew dynamics, like how stereotypically a tank loader wasn’t the brightest crayon in the box, as shown by “fuckface”. The biggest problems I had were with the opening quote about shitty American tanks, and the dozens of fausts carried by the SS division while they marched turning into a small box, out of which only a hand full were fired in the final scene.
I think SS just put on his presumption goggles and never once took them off to enjoy the movie for what it was: An atypically grim, but not so impossible view of one tank crews exceptional last few days.
I agree on a lot of your points but…
I want you to show me where anything says that US tank weren’t supposed to fight tanks. I’m pretty sure the chieftain even wrote an article on how that is crap and linked the original document.
From my understanding, it has less to do with tank doctrine and more to do with tank destroyer doctrine. Tanks weren’t supposed to run from enemy tanks, but they weren’t intended to engage them either. This was what tank destroyers were for. Tanks main task was support the trifecta of Air, Army, and armor. The allies anticipated large scale armored assaults like in 40-42, however by D-Day Germany couldn’t muster large scale assaults of the previous kind. Tank destroyers fired 11 HE to every AP, and it was found to be redundant to have separate tank destroyers and tanks when the nature of battle meant they dealt with each others intended roles as much as their own. So it was logical that tanks were up gunned and tank destroyers phased out after WW2.
^ this. That is the whole purpose of the late 76mm gun compared to 75mm M3.
The movie is awful and realistic in all the bad ways. I didn’t want to watch it in cinema because I expected it would be bad, so I just.. downloaded it. And it managed to be worse than expected right from the beginning and crew interactions.
“How on earth is it so positively reviewed everywhere, I have absolutely no idea.”
Human factor.
It’s Lahn from Taiwan.
I saw the movie with my girl friend (who also plays WOT and she was trained in a M60A3) few days ago and I asked her thoughts about the movie. She said, “same as the name it bears.” The Chinese translation, maybe better than the Czech name, is “Angry fire special platoon”, and it sounds like “noob special platoon” in Chinese (Nu-Huo vs Nu-Buo).
Enough said.
From Taiwan here also.
I know the movie’s supposed to be hollywood and shit but holy shit the way the crews act made me feel like it was another tier 4 game late at night on SEA. And I think you know how that feels.
Your GF is trained with M60A3? You lucky b-tard.
never been in service inside an armored FV have you :)….do you know how BAD you smell after even 2 days inside let alone a few weeks ?
Tankers smell and will sell their Grandmother for a shower !
I hope she washes !
The m60a3 is the most advanced land armor we have against China’s MBTs. Go figure.
not to mention the fury was played by an M4A2E8 Sherman, not the M4A3E8. sure, Bovington has no working M4A3s(because why the hell not) and they look pretty much EXACTLY the same, but no. just no.
I liked the movie. The action was fun, and I kind of like the story.
I got to agree with your points though, however I don’t think I actually took this movie to be realistic anyway, especially considering how it is associated with World of Tanks so much.
The greatest horror was having to watch this film. Shittiest movie I’ve seen in a long time. They should of had Tarantino direct it and had much more swastika carving…
They killed a lot of Natzis, mind you.
SS, hope one day you will realize that a war movie is not really about the combat/action scenes in themselves… but about the human element.
And taking that into consideration, the scene in the house that everyone seems to deem “awkward” or “prolonged” – is actually probably the best scene in the movie.
Why? Because it lets you understand WHY you can’t sympathize with almost any of the crew members.
That little “horses story” that Garcia speaks about gives you a glimpse on just how dehumanized they had to become.
Also, “Fury” is not “MURIKAN PROPAGANDA”. Not by a long shot.
Since you yourself admitted that killing an unarmed POW is a dick move (but that most likely did happen plenty of times during the war, since US troops were rarely angels), the movie does its best to be unbiased.
“War is hell” – that’s the main idea behind “Fury”; hell, the point of the movie is made clear by Bible: “Wait till you see…. Wait till you see what man can do to another man”.
P.S.: Maybe you didn’t understand that the movie’s final lines (somewhere along the line of “You’re a hero now, kid!” is literally the kind of irony that smacks you in the face.
Did the “Fury” crew perform a heroic sacrifice in the end? Yes they did. Were they actually heroes, knowing what you did about them beforehand? No, not really…
They were just 4 war-torn, broken beat & scarred men who were doing their job, because that’s what they’ve been reduced to (again, the irony in “best job I ever had” line)
I’m going to be honest, I thought this review was pretty crap, most the scenes in the movie did not happen as described as above, and I also think it’s pretty stupid to say a war movie is bad because it’s not just one giant action scene, there is just as much of a human element is war as there is actual fighting. Also the Fury tank did take damage from the Tiger tank’s shells, after the last shell hit it in the side (at an extreme angle, the logs DID NOT STOP THE SHELL) the tanks hydraulics and turret drive were knocked out. And one last thing, just based on how the movie portrayed the Americans, not just the tank crew either, I would disagree when you say the movie is a “Murica” “propaganda” movie
Remind me again, why did we go all to the trouble of liberating the Czech people from Nazi Germany only for them (SS) to say 70 years later “roughly 15 minutes into the movie, I started cheering for the Germans”? Then again Czechs had no problem making tanks and doing other work for the Nazis, maybe they were happy being second class citizens in the Reich?
Ungrateful SS and an ungrateful review. I like how you complain about the final battle scene where Brad Pitt killed 100 Waffen SS soldiers when this happened all the time in real life (Audie Murphy, Pavlovs House, Basilone).
1/10 bait
And imagine that, I even consider somewhat ironically entertaining that it was our arms, that allowed Hitler to steamroll the betrayers in 1939/1940 :)
Will there be ever Hollywood movie where Mericans get their asses kicked, just once for change…or we will continue to watch these spectacular brainwashers….
I expect soon Branjelina medal in WOT soon…for killing german panzer divizion with Sherman.
In “Fury”, the “mericans” got their ass kicked.
Yay let them Nazi’s win! Yea go Facists!
Retardo -_-
Yeah I kinda suspected is a ‘murica pride propaganda movie, that’s why i didn’t even bothered to see it, and also i see it’s full of classic hollywood mistakes!
they got one thing right, ‘murican soldiers were no heroes, just butchers and rapists!
As opposed to the Russians, US troops were absolutely civilized & decent people
I chuckled.
No, as in there are no “good guys” in a war.
actually some russian commanders (sergeants or what ever their position were) saved allot of my people from being tortured, robbed, raped and killed! the victims ended up of being over thousands of dead! and these were only civilians with no way of protecting themselves!
“allot of my people being tortured, robbed, raped and killed! the victims ended up of being over thousands of dead! and these were only civilians with no way of protecting themselves!”
Add to that the hundreds of thousands of my people being deported to Siberia and you will start to understand my hatred towards Soviet Russia
-missing the slowly moving unobstructed tanks in the middle of an open field.
SerB must be creaming in his pants and proud because the movie company was mimicking WoT’s game play. They just needed to make it vanish to be true to the game.
-was 76mm WP even standard issue?
I read that the M4 Shermans had 10 to 20 rounds of WP as a standard load. They would use them as marking rounds for where the enemy is located. It would serve two purposes
1.) the round would mark the position
2.) whoever was being shot would freak out and panic over the fires by either abandon the position or open fire giving away their position spot.
- Now, make no mistake – “no prisoners” situations happened in WW2 of course. But a cold-blooded POW execution?
According to Citizen Soldier by Stephen Ambrose, acts as seen in the movie did happen. Sometimes they where recorded as such like the Malmedy massacre. while are others a “blind eye” to the act treating it as an act of war. Both sides were doing it. Was it suppose to happen as a POW rules at that time by the Allies, no. Because the Allies were suppose to be above that form of retaliation.
-Oddly enough, he just walks down the road, ignoring the fact that it’s probably full of mines, because, you know, his tank just drove on one.
AT mines don’t go off on Infantry because of the pressure plate rate on tank tonnage. Infantry don’t weigh like a tank.
My POV of the movie was the fatigue factor that I could see that in the actors. They wanted the War to be over with.The rest is more of a Hollywood pulp fiction from that era.
In the late stage of war no one used only AT mines. Every one attached an antipersonal mine to the AT mine.
“I read that the M4 Shermans had 10 to 20 rounds of WP as a standard load.”
Sure, you are right if we speak about 75mm equiped M4s. 76mm M1A1? I dunno…
My feelings on the movie are pretty much the same. Wasn’t really a fan of it. Horrible things happen more for the sake of it rather than to make a point. All of the crew are unlikable. The meal scene goes on way too long.
Realism goes out the door. Pretty sure 76MM gun could pen tiger frontally from those short ranges. (Though Fury had 2 75mm Shermans with it, those are no problem getting ammo racked.)
I wrote a full review of it when It came out in America:
I swear the dead guy he cleaned up came out of the drivers position not bow gunners position…
“Fury reaches the crossroads it’s supposed to “protect” (because what do you do when your platoon gets wiped out and you have no infantry support? that’s right, you push on to enemy territory anyway).” – war was full of shitty situation. All books written by WW2 veterans(germans, russians or british) point out illogical situation given by stupid orders of high officers.
“You know, being a German sniper, having the chance to execute a commander of the leading tank, what do you do? Of course, you shoot the German grandpa instead” – he was a traitor of the motherland and he deserves to die. Or maybe when he was a child the sniper had been beaten by the old man (something with a barn and a big breasted daughter like i saw in other movie) and now is payback time.
You forgot to mention how those 2 grenades that were thrown in the tank didn’t just blow all the bodies to fleshy ribbon bits. I guess even grenades in a small closed space refuse to damage Pitts face.
German stick grenades were meant for concussion more than fragmentation like pineapple grenades.
You made my day. I’d say that this week has started well for me :) .
>> and Pitt’s character is deranged, most of his dialogues involve him explaining how he likes to kill Germans. The reason WHY he likes to kill them was never exactly explained,
At least Commie heroes hate Germans ocassionally and they have good reasons to do so… LOL
>> I have never seen what a HEAT round looks like inside of the tank, but… well, maybe it’s real.
Definitely not, only jet enters the tank. And i doubt you’d see much irl as it would be very rapid (if you stay alive, that is – but that we can assume for the purpose of this experiment).
Whole round enters tank only via hatch, to be shot at other tanks.
I have to disagree with some things you mention. First, Norman could come to them 20 minutes faster,because he was running,while germans were only walking and he saw them much more away than he was. Second, he could go normally thru that way,because there were AT mines,that are capable to recognize heavy things like tank,not ppl,thats why its called AT mine….
And yes,that sniper,he came so much later because he was away from squad, i normally see snipers in squad when they walk…… they are always somewhere else,but not in group…..next is that you mentionwhy they didnt fired at them much sooner,so they couldnt use Panzerschreck. Yes,good point,but the time of surprise is very important and secondly, they would hit a shit from that distance. Plus that firing german body,that was only a catch let they think that its one from crewmember….
I think SS had come into this film with a negative mindset, and that shows in his review. As he knows his subject quite well i usual have to find what he says to be fairly open, but this does strike me as being more “i don’t like Hollywood” than a review, but if a film is made by big budget companies these days then that’s what you get. The Tigers vs Sherman thing was fine, initial engagement at 7-800 meters i would not fancy the 76mm chances either. they close range flank and destroy it. the shots that hit the Sherman are at extreme shallow depths and re-watching it would probably have not penned (give or take normalization) and the tiger does try and turn to keep its Armour angled as the tank approaches.
Re the shooting of the POW, while im sure it did happen, it would not have had as many silent witnesses and so yeah that’s crap. the blood and gore was enough for me and did not exploit the film. names of defending location, don’t care: 98% of the audience who watch it are not going to know then names/locations of small German towns either..or care too much.
Nightfight, while you are right in the SS suddenly forgetting combat doctrine, and where they left them pesky panzerfausts, the tracer fire is pretty good, the length of tracer is longer than many see on videos as its recorded differently to how the eye see it, when you watch it live the eye will perceive a longer streak – and this comes across in the movie. i can say after watching quite a few night fire exercises that it looked pretty accurate.
The crew being dicks, well yeah, the director has said he didn’t want you to like them, but in the unwritten dialogue you get to understand them a bit, that’s down to your own interpretation i guess, but i must admit Shia LaBouf did not ruin the film, he put in (for him) a good performance.
- all in all this film was what i was expecting, if i wanted an ultra realistic film i would watch five Americans sit in a tank doing not much while the air force blew up some tanks 50 miles away. and then at best i would have been a StuG. So yeah im fine, As for bovvy there rational was fine, films like this get young people interested in the subject, and from that point you can learn more.
AT mines, well lets assume the road was not a mix of AT and AP then it would not go of under his feet, later war tactics involved small numbers of mines rather than mine fields as it caused more moral fatigue than one easy to plot field..much like I.E.D’s today.
Exploding PAKs’ – or munitions stored nearby cooking off? -
SS officer at the end, it a young lad like the survivor and were supposed to see some redeeming feature of war here, and stuff like that happened on both sides
All in all i think Silent you might have gone into this movie with a mindset to dislike it and having looked and found faults decided to hate it, there are plenty of worse films out there, however one you could watch is LEBANON its a similar story about a centurion in the Lebanon was holding its own..but a better film.
p.s – as for the HEAT round not showing a gout of flame, they dont.. the jet can be 18 x the speed of sound and over in microseconds, but more than enough gas and over-pressure to kill in that time. a large corpse in the way would abrob a lot of the mess as the gas passed though him as well as cauterize on the way hence the lace of red stuff.
P.pS – As for that dirty cunt Boris “they got one thing right, ‘murican soldiers were no heroes, just butchers and rapists!” – many of your soldiers were untrained filthy rapists in the city’s they captured.. so shut up you simple minded stalanistic fuckrod
Man SS u do have issues. This is one hell of a example of classic butthurt. Have you tried some depression medications?
The movie is good. It is quite obvious that the script is written with heavy involvement of people that served. So far in every war movie, allies were painted as they never killed a single innocent german, and all were taken prisoners, (with Band of brothers being the exeption but hell BOB was and is probably one of the best series/movie on WW2 western theater). And before u go nuts on the last scene do some research even wikipedia explains http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Audie_Murphy. The guy stopped a entire company on a fucking burning Wolverine.
So SS as much as u try, it is so clear that ur WG butthurt prevented you to watch the movie. I wrote you couple of times, stick to WOT, your blog is awesome when you stick to it. These other subjects u suck. Big time.
If you’re not interested in a movie, and you don’t like the actors in it, and you’ve already decided that you will hate the movie… then don’t torture yourself watching it. In that mindset, it is absolutely impossibel to enjoy any movie. Through the entire time watching it, you’ll be just looking for mistakes, trying to spot various problems with the storyline, acting or technical things, just to prove you right about the movie being bad. And no, i’m not trying to defend this movie ( i did watch it, had mixed feelings about it, but that’s besides the point ), i’m just saying there is no point watching something when you already know you won’t like it at all. Why bother…
I saw the movie and found it quite intense and exciting, yeah the tracers were overkill but overall it was great to see a tank movie from the inside of the tank, something that’s never been done to that extent before.
Several things bothered me though:
1. The intro “American tanks were weaker”. This was 1945, they weren’t at that stage.
2. Logs stopping a Tiger shot, yeah right.
3. 300 SS troops, where literally every 3rd man had a Panzerfaust in the marching scene, couldn’t take out 1 tank.
4. Americans, knowing 300 troops are approaching, leave ammo outside the tank and then manage to climb outside to get it while nobody gets hurt. Versus about 150 troops by now because they must have killed 150 of them who stupidly just walked in front of the tanks guns. Gimme an intelligent enemy PLEASE!
5. Brad Pitt solos a 50 cal and mows down much more cannon fodder, while 100s of soldiers can’t hit him once. He then survives 3 sniper shots (presumably 7.92×57mm from a Gew 43?) and only dies when the tank is grenaded.
6. Norman lives only because a young SS officer decides not to squeal on him. Yeah right. My wife tried to explain this as karma for him not really wanting to kill Germans at the start, but he was happily mowing them down at the end, so nah it doesn’t wash.
The ending was 15 minutes of “Oh just hurry up and fucking die”, but the rest of the movie was quite intense, I think they did the radio chatter, tank formations etc. very well and Tiger battle had me gripped. It was immensely enjoyable to see the actual WWII Tiger, I presume the Shermans were all real too? Not just rubber tanks on a truck or something.
Anyway I’d give it 3 out of 5.
PS u reviewed the battle like you were born in Afganistan and u kill tanks for a living. WOT isn’t a war ffs. Having xxxx WN8 doesn’t make u Patton.So take a pill…
well, this is the best way to start a new week, reading a review to fury movie by silent
it is made funny, and so was the movie, at least i waited for the tiger to come in action, then took it as a comedie not as a war movie
the only plus i see to the movie is that it shows that war is brutal and is wrong and does not forgive anyone, except the main characters of course :D
well written review, it shows the movie as it is…and i beg you write some other reviews to movies…the funny way of writing it is impecable :D
OBS: only part when i did not agree with you is that interstellar is an awesome movie :P
i was disapointed by it
Sticking with the film’s overall feeling of tension (which I enjoyed), I’d have to say the scene with the 2 German girls was actually quite tense and a testament to Pitt’s acting ability. I was never sure if he was going to hurt the girls until he actually produced the eggs for them to cook. And then when the crew came in, you could feel the tension notch up again. Pitt, as tank commander, barely had a leash on Fuckface (as SS calls him) and the others, especially since they were now extremely drunk. The “shooting dead horses” monologue was a bit tropy (War is Hell after all) and maybe the girls had to die to turn Norman into a German-killer but I’d have preferred the director had left them alone. But still it was a well acted interim to the action.
Good lord, SS, did you get out of the bed on the wrong leg?
Yes, it’s not the best war movie ever and has plenty historical innacuracies. But it’s still a solid movie. Your “review” is really just a concentrated rant from someone who has no idea what the authors wanted to convey and even less idea about filmmaking.
Glad I now know I can’t trust your opinions about pretty much anything. Stick to translating stuff, you’re really bad at reviews.
The tank battles were pathetic though. If they wanted to respect history, the Tiger should have been waiting for them in a very well camouflaged position, and open fire at 1km+ on the Shermans. In this scenario (which happened A LOT), the Shermans had no chance at all and they would all die unless they retreated.
People actually believe that it was the US tanks which defeated the Tigers. NO IT WASN’T !!!! It was the massive carpet bombing and the fact that Tigers would run out of ammo or fuel and be destroyed by own crew to prevent capture. Sorry, but the western allies were pretty pathetic in tank warfare, despite their high numbers. Pershings arrived too late, the Fireflies were too few in numbers.
As for the Shermans exploding or burning at the first shot, that’s completely historical. Those are M4A3E8 tanks in the movie, Easy Eights, the germans named them Tommy Cookers, why ? Because they burned A LOT. The americans never gave a damn about sending weak tanks and getting slaughtered by Tigers, for them 20 americans killed for 5 germans was a VERY GOOD ratio. True, but horrible, I wouldn’t want to be in that army.
You have been reading Belton Cooper, or watching the History Channel show based on his book haven you squidward?
Hi !
100% Agree with you.
I’ve also made a video to give my point of view and what do I think about the movie ?
At the beginning, good ideas, in the end: MURRICKA vs blinds !!!
Well then, I shall use this occasion to present our review of your comment:
You’re a full blown idiot.
The end.
I went to the movie. The plot isn’t amazing, it’s just… Hollywood style. The visual effects were good, tracers flying everywhere( what do you expect, it’s from Hollywood). For me, the only real thing that’s worth my movie ticket is the sound effect, the sound of shells flying through, much better than WOT in my opinion.
Are you going on your COMPLETELY unfounded assumption that a big Hollywood production company damaged a historic relic and are refusing to pay to fix it?
Where is the evidence of that?
What is more likely, that a major Hollywood company took a fully restored and operational tank, and actually blew up the tracks, then refused to repair it, AND the owners didn’t sue, AND not a single news company reported this travesty, all for the sake of having a tank be damaged in the movie…
Or, that they took a broken, unrestored tank and painted the word fury on the barrel to have it play the part of the damaged tank?
Seriously, how the hell did you think that in today’s litigious society that a big name company could get away with actually damaging a fully restored and operational tank for the sake of a single scene, and get away with it without at least and bad press?
Not too mention the rest of your unfounded, biased, and hate filled attacks on the movie where you look for problems that are not actually there, but enough others have mentioned those, I needn’t join that particular din.
It’s a film to entertain dumb idiots who don’t care about reality. It’s undemanding entertainment for uneducated rednecks, nothing more, nothing less. So why bother….
And your experience in war is???Couple of battles on Tier IX?My god this game fucked up a lot of people. Reading the comments section one will think that he can fill a battalion of Sherman tanks with crews made out of FTR whiners….
While your raving and ranting in idiocy, I’ll explain some of the BS you’ve said, SS.:
“The movie starts with explaining to you, how much American tanks sucked compared to the German ones and how “terribly outmatched” were the Americans in armor. That of course is complete crap”
Americans WHERE TOTALLY OUTMATCHED ARMORWISE. Compare a Tiger vs a Sherman. (Later on you say “Oh how crap tiger bounces 3 shots off of sloped E8 armor.” (And one of the 3 shots DID penetrate and caused oil leakage.)
“This is where the “fun” starts. For one, the tracers in the movie look like fucking Star Wars blasts, especially the green German ones. In daylight. Tracers came in different colours, that’s fine, but they are too bright and to say it looks odd would be an understatement.”
That’s Hollywood stereotyping for you. Though they did look funny. I laughed on that part.
“Germans traditionally can’t really hit anything, they have a bunch of 75mm AT guns in the forest, which are firing all over the place, missing the slowly moving unobstructed tanks in the middle of an open field.”
Maybe they where shooting at the Americans HIDING BEHIND THE TANK. Or like you said. Missing because they know they’re screwed.
“Anyway, back to the movie. So naturally a tank platoon with Brad Pitt in charge steamrolls the laser-wielding Germans and saves the american troops”
Yay GJ Americans you did a good job. CRUSH DEM’ FACISTS
“Now, make no mistake – “no prisoners” situations happened in WW2 of course. But a cold-blooded POW execution?”
Remember kids! That mean German Nazi bully was trying to mow down your American buddies just a few minutes ago! (Though he’s a terrible shot)
“And I almost forgot, at one point the leading tank of the platoon is attacked by a HEAT round (probably Panzerfaust), wielded by the kid. The Sherman of course starts burning immediately, cooking the crew (Belton Cooper would be proud).”
Jeez no need to fire premium ammo ;)
Of course that what happens when your hit by a Panzerfaust! GOES THROUGH DA TANK’S ARMOR AND EXPLODES. DUR DUR.
“Pitt’s character speaks German for some reason (no story explanation given)”
Well Pitt must’ve been in Germany one time or another. The guy’s mysterious from the beginning to the end.
“Of course, you shoot the German grandpa.”
Well I’d be mad if I saw being pointed at by some civilian “Oh hey guys the Germanz be ovah dere dur dur dur.”
Me: “Aww shit.”
And there is more!:
“*sigh* After the sniper is disposed of by shelling the bulding”
Me: FUCK YOU GRAND-” *Blown up by 76mm tank shell*
“where Fury is hit directly to the front at 20 meters by a German 75mm AT gun. Luckily, Fury’s armor is made of concetrated Freedomium and the shell does nothing.”
Well you never know us Americans. We used to be able to do miracles, like beat the British twice! Against all odds! BTW I don’t see any Freedomium on the periodic table ;)
“SS officer, who is promptly executed”
Hhahahah that ‘SS Officer’ was the one fucking HANGING THE WOMEN AND CHILDREN!
“Anyway, the Tiger is unhistorically buffed as well (the turret seems to rotate faster than it did in real life) and wrecks three of the Shermans”
Yeah well the Tiger only needs to turn his turret a few degrees at such a range. And I heard a few things such as “The Sherman burns bright” By a source or two.
“t’s Fury vs the Tiger. The Tiger fires like three shots I think – one bounces (!), one ricochets and the third gets apparently stopped by the – I shit you not – tree logs on the side of the Sherman. Stronk freedomium armor in action.”
Well you need to rewatch the whole fucking fight scene. Because One shot penetrates THROUGH THE LOGS and into the engine compartment, causing oil leakage. Steam coming from the leaking oil. How the other two bounces is beyond me. Though Freedomium may not be on the periodic table. Maybe it’s a special top-secret bio weapon that won the war!
“Norman somehow teleports back to Fury half an hour before the hard-marching Germans and warns them.”
Hey I wonder how he ‘teleported’? Maybe running really fast while they are walking somehow teleports people? Because running definetly doesn’t get you anywhere faster than walking!
“(of COURSE it has to be Waffen SS)”
Who else could it be?
“Basically, the crew takes a random dead German guy, sets him on fire and puts him on the front of the tank. Not sure why, because the tank sure looked crippled even without a burning body on the front hull, but who knows, maybe it was a ritual sacrifice or something.”
Tank looked fine to me. (EXCEPTION, BROKEN TRACK) random tank out in a crossroad looks suspicious enough. (WITHOUT SUPPORT, MORE SUSPICIOUS). I wish you could make the damn connection, German guy = dead crew member look-alike.
“Pitt has a StG 44, god knows where he gets ammo for it)”
I do vaugely remember a battle with lazer-wielding Germans. I wonder where he got the weapon or the ammo. Definetly not from the Lazer-wielding Germans!
“when you fight a tank with a main gun, naturally you hide in a building 20 meters from the tank, so it can knock it down on your head with a HE shell).”
Commander: HIDE IN DA HOUSE!
“Another really strange moment is the day/night switch. When the fight starts, it’s full daylight and the movie suddenly without any warning (or a cut or anything explaining it) switches and its full nightime”
They fought the Tiger in broad daylight, then Norman the noob goes out on patrol and takes a nice long nap (HOURS PASS BY) Norman comes back with news of 300 SS troops and it’s at dusk. They start fighting and dusk fades into nighttime.
“saying it’s the only Panzerfausts they have. So what the hell did happen to those guys walking with them earlier?”
Maybe walking with the Panzerfausts was a bad idea. So they put them in boxes.
“there is no jet of flame in the tank by the way, more like a… solid projectile punching a circular hole in his body. I have never seen what a HEAT round looks like inside of the tank, but… well, maybe it’s real.”
No clue on that one. Just plain weird.
“He has no cover and the area is still swarming with Germans, but he is immune to counterfire of course.”
He’s hiding behind the turret. and what about the Hollywood zombie brainless Germans? You know, the ones that stood in front of the tank?
“young Waffen SS officer, who doesn’t blow his cover and just lets him be, despite the Americans slaughtering a hundred or so of his buddies”
He knows Norman the noob isn’t a threat. Why kill him? Waste of ammo that’d be. And it’s not like that Waffen SS officer was at the battle at all. Not like he head about the loss.
It’s a good movie with it’s ups and downs, pros and cons. But it’s being killed by it’s own popularity. EVERY SINGLE MISHAP IS BEING BLOWN UP LARGER THAN IT SHOULD BE LIKE I AM WITH THIS LONG ASS NOTE TO YOU!!!
Have a good day and I expect more news on the 9.5 firefly branch and the HAVOK physics!
Cut it out! Interstellar sucked more than Fury. It had more plot holes than a wiffle Death Star.