Odd Models in World of Tanks – Part Deux

Hello everyone,

thanks to CostlierZero1, who noticed two more odd inconsistencies in World of Tanks models. Check this out.

This is the tier 2 British artillery, Loyd Gun Carrier. This is how it looks visually:

Loyd Gun Carriage_10-49-20

And this is the collision model.

Loyd Gun Carriage_10-49-25

Notice the green frontal “shield”, that’s missing from the visual model. It has 0mm armor thickness, but it is still “effective” – it will detonate HE shells and it will cause the vehicle to be damaged when hit instead of the shells going straight inside of the vehicle. Why is that part not on the visual model? Hell if I know.

Also, the M44 is missing a part of the collision model – the rear brace. Other artilleries have it modelled as a spaced armor, but M44 just doesn’t have it at all.



Small things, but still…

18 thoughts on “Odd Models in World of Tanks – Part Deux

  1. I’m pretty sure that front bit on the Loyd Gun Carrier hitbox is just there to reduce the chance of totally missing it from the front and below.

    • I already noticed it, and it makes sense: that arty has barely anything inside, and without that invisible armor part some bullets would just fly through the whole vehicle without hitting anything (it be cool for RNG videos ;)

      • I’m in athe video game se, even if it’s strangetion of my school and it makes sense.
        There is no plate IRL, but the plate of the collision model is here to avoid shit like shells damaging nothing and flood of whiners.
        Ok, WG often scew up thing. (Damn retards)
        But this one is correct, even if it’s strange)

  2. SS I believe in lowtiers wg is experimenting wirh various workarounds to get the best possible effect in a HE vs open vehicles situation. You, with all your knowledge on WOT, might not know it yet, but it’s broken. AP & APCR deal damage to open vehicles by penetrating from within to outside. This is easy to slip by. But the way HE behaves – is much more complex. I after a few days of investigating the matter still have many questions to test. The biggest one – explosion cone after penetrating and non-penetrating detonation…

    • Pretty much this. AP, APCR and HEAT apply their damage simply after penetrating a collision model plate. The direction does not matter, the exact impact place doesn’t matter. For HE, this is completely different.

      • Well if you remember the previous part of “odd models” post, you’ll remember direction of penetration DOES matter for the Waffle Pz4, there is no hitbox (apart from the crew) if a shell is fired into the back of the plate, to penetrate.

        Thus the effect of “penetrating from within to explode outside” is negated unless you hit the invisible crew hitbox.

        Quite a wonky work-around IMO, and very inconsistent.

        • Which part of “AP, APCR and HEAT [...] direction doesn’t matter” and “For HE this is completely different” didn’t you read?

  3. SS look on colision model of E100 and JpzE100. Just look on stick lower and uper front plate. You will see a difrence, i dont why so its the same chassis

    • I think HE still explodes on the first thing it hits. Penetration is probably just a matter of damage calculation evaluated against the armor. If you pen fully it means full damage, non pen means some or none damage but in both cases the damage is calculated from the same point of impact and penetration doesnt mean the shell goes further. So the point IMO is that if the magic 0mm plate wasnt there, you’d fully pen with your HE and most probably wreck much more modules and crew because the point of impact would be inside the thing, the 0mm wont save it from full HE dmg but it’ll probably save some modules as they will be further from the explosion. Its like hitting a borsig in a front plate with HE – you’ll gona do a lot of dmg and maybe knock out some module but hitting it with HE from behind into the space behind the gun shield is going to absolutely wreck everything inside and turn most of the crew and modules into soup.

  4. Check the M56 Scorpion model currently in the game. Hitbox doesn’t cover the boxes on the side, probably because it is boxes for crew equipment and not actual armor, but it’d sure suck if a HE shell struck the box with canned goods.