Uniscum Fail

Hello everyone,

thank for exactly 47 mails about this very same issue, it seems this bothered a lot of people. Basically, unicum clan UNICA and their offshoot, UN1CA rigged a CW battle, got caught pants down, someone created a rage thread on forums (that got closed in the meanwhile) and the rigged battle will be investigated (it’s a bannable offense, especially in campaigns). In the aftermath, the second clan commander went mental and kicked everybody or something.

I mean… I am surprised so many people were even bothered with this. Or did you think that with high winrate comes positive attitude or – heaven forbid – moral integrity? Of course not, there is no corellation between the two. What surprised me the most is the ammount of attention this got, but hey, I guess people like a drama every now and then… :)

100 thoughts on “Uniscum Fail

      • Actually it mostly means camping base in a T10 medium farming damage or playing light tanks in the current WN8 meta. KV-1S, Hellcat, T18 and TDs (Obj.704 in particular) were the WN7 meta.

        There are only a few purple streamers worth watching. Sirfoch and Circon actually move from spawn. Anfield, the short time I spectated him was also doing nicely. Zeron is one of my favourite medium players.

        The times I found reliable purple players can be counted on my fingers. Mighunter and most of F15 seem pretty solid. PTS in the old days was full of decent people too. No idea about today. EFE, TESLA and UNICA haven’t been reliable teammates most of the time. Again, I’m generalising and I’m not saying all of the players of mentioned clans are like this.

        I instantly do not bother relying on anyone who resetted stats.

        • you guys are retarded, most purple players are purple because they can adapt to the battle, not sit in the back… all i see here is mad ’cause bad

            • I don’t care about gold spam honestly. Gold is part of the game. I laugh when I get hit with gold in my Leo 1 or Bat Chat because its practically a waste of credits.

              And I’m not trying to excuse my badness with my comment. Its just the way it is. Sometimes I also sacrifice tomatoes for my gain so I’m not 100% innocent either.

          • Top kek.
            I see most purples not adapting to the battle, but instead taking no risk at all and farming damage, instead of trying to actually win the battle.

            Because for stats, it’s better to lose and do 5k damage than die while pushing, do 2k damage but win.

                • How do they achieve super high win rates in pub battles then? You do know those stats are separate, right? Also, how exactly do you win 65% win rate solo without having skill?

                  You are a special kind of retarded. If you think that is how they do it, then why not do it yourself?

                • I actually tried playing like a unicorn for 5 days.
                  Sniping in the back with mediums and letting others do the work.
                  65% and 2700 WN8

                  Didn’t even need to spam gold.
                  But I don’t do it, because I’m not a patient man.
                  I never said they have 0 skill, I’m saying they play specifically for stats, and that way is to forget trying to win for the first half of the battle, and play exactly like a red tomato: sniping in the back.

                  Also, TCs and random battles, along with CWs have shared stats.

        • KAZNA, I know for sure they are not reliable from my own experience, 90% of cases with kazna in team = defeat, bad play on their part!

      • t 54, t 69 , t 54e1 with prem ammo, and so on, camping yes, playing for damage even if it means losing the match!

      • Yus, but on heavy / medium tanks gold ammo doesn’t mean auto win, it’s also imprtant to know when to use it, I always carry 5-6 gold shells and use them rarely, when it’s crucial for winning certain flank, or the entire game. Thinking that unicums spam gold and farm on T18s, or light tanks only equals thinking that top clans consist of wn8 farmers, that’s just ridiculous.

          • there are some amazing unicums and there are some statfarming parasites, I am not able to tell how many of each.

            Interestingly, whenever new stat gets to the position of being “best way to tell if you are good” a lot of people starts to play in a way to boost it.
            When efficiency got popular the amount of people who capped whenever they could skyrocketed.

            With WN7 we’ve seen increase in ourples gained by playing hellcat and KV-1S

            With WN8 many people switched to stay in the second line, letting others to exchange their HP for spotting opponents and pushing enemies out of good positions while they farm damage.

            Any stat can be good indicator only if people don’t know it and do not try to abuse it.

            It’s not the first time UNICA is rigging battles in campaign and gets caught, one would thinkk they would learn. At least to learn not to get caught.
            I dont remember them from normal CW.

            I have no problem with people trying to find loopholes in a rules to get better results and I find WG way of organising campaigns a bit shady and far from the best, don’t know what happened there.

            Just in case we try to avoid playing against any of our known asociates :D

    • i sacrificed my self many times so others can make a push! hardly see 1 doing something for you, but i have seen such brave acts of me getting pounded in a high tier, and a player in a crappy scout getting in my face to die in order to protect my belly so i can fight back! it did worked, was a victory!

      • If you’re a good player, it is most often not a good idea to sacrifice yourself for members of your team, as they are of inferior worth and you dying for them will probably hurt your chances of winning.

        • this only proves that you know nothing about what he is talking…. Some times to win you have to die in right moment

          • Self-sacrifice should only be used in extreme cases where the gain will be substantial and there’s no random tomato to make use of. Otherwise it’s better to stay alive as long as possible and use tomatoes as you would use pawns in chess.

            • Use them as pawns? That rather implies you can direct them in a meaningful manner. I would like to learn that black magic! Usually it is simply a question of giving the noobs enough of an advantage to allow them to do something.

  1. Funny. When I was in Unica sideclan in second Campaign we were rigging battles and were banned as well (and many players protested on this decision of Dagger). Some people never changes. The same escape rate was present as well.

  2. “… but hey, I guess people like a drama every now and then… :)”
    Says the right person! :D

  3. LMAO. Obviously the other servers have no Idea how CW can be corrupted. SEA by far is the worst you have about 4 big clans dominate the CW since it ever started never change. Ask any experienced player on SEA they will tell you 2 or 3 of these clans { will not post here} use WARPACK and somehow know where you are on the map all the time. There was even a time when the moderators were being payed gold to keep the clans on the certain parts of the map.

    • cry more baddie
      none of them use cheats, you’re just bad

      FV4202 UK MT 10 1583 46.81%
      Leopard 1 Germany MT 10 1420 48.52%
      gg FURY

      • Good job picking out my tanks with the lowest win rate mate. Now where are yours? No wait cant be bothered, you are another know it all idiot. Good luck in life with your attitude. Want some advice? Stop playing games and living of your parents, get a life and start telling the truth.

    • Do you go out of your way to make yourself look like a retard or does that come to you naturally?

      • Keyboard warriors. Say what you want everyone knows the truth. The other day I had a VPA guy in a batchat which was not even pointing his gun at me shoot me. This has happened several times with players from VPA and other clans. You guys are obviously very in mature. Just gamers who live out of there mothers basement crying for attention.

        Hermanathan obviously thinks he knows everything. They do not use warpack huh?. Prove it then!!!! Oh no you wont because you are probably one of them. Lmao bringing someones stats up does not prove anything. Where are your stats? If your so good and clever and know it all. I am not no pro do not want to be. Do not want to be associated with one of the uniscum clans of players using warpack rigging games and paying to be on top instead of actually competing, Sadly like all games WOT has its group of cheaters. Which go so high that when you speak up to Wargaming about it your account gets banned via IP address.

        DEATHRAY. Yes I am just like you a retard only difference is I tell the truth because I want things to be better for every player on the server not just the few. Bye keyboard warriors

        • Alright smart guy. Let’s see how much truth you’re shitting our of your mouth:

          “4 big clans dominate the CW since it ever started”
          You mean MP, PANZA and the Central Alliance? Oh yeah, because they’re still collectively holding 3/4 of the map just like the old days right?
          oh wait.

          “2 or 3 of these clans { will not post here} use WARPACK and somehow know where you are on the map all the time”
          Firstly, warpack doesn’t even have that function. Secondly, is your source so credible that you can’t even prove if he exist in reality or at the back of your mind?

          “There was even a time when the moderators were being payed gold”
          I don’t know how chat banning someone or giving them a forum RO is supposed to turn the tides of CW but sure, whatever helps you sleep at night.

          “The other day I had a VPA guy in a batchat which was not even pointing his gun at me shoot me”
          So am I supposed to laugh at your internet connection now?

          “Just gamers who live out of there mothers basement”
          Sorry mate, I live the the upstairs bedroom

          “They do not use warpack huh?. Prove it then!!!!”
          Guilty until proven innocent right?

          You literally cannot tell the difference between reality and your imagination anymore. I suggest you see a psychologist, and no this is not an insult, I’m being serious.

  4. 80% of unicum top clan players=Warpack, its just that simple. They all do it, WGing’s “pet” clans such as Otter, -G-, Relic, and so on all use it, yet they proceed to cover the clans ass on the issue, which are all major violations, meanwhile doing nothing.

  5. Of course there is no correlation between performance and morals.

    Though I guess it’s nice that people would like to think it is so, even if it’s rather misguided. There’s nothing wrong with trying to have some role models afterall, even if it’s only online game. Too bad that sometimes someone’s role model turns out to be a rotten apple.

  6. WOuhahaha, … hahaha …. houuu hahahaha … my stomach hurt cos’ I’m laughin to hard !

    I’m so happy to see some of those who are always complaining about casual player or less experimented players havin to rig their battle to achieve something :) I might not be a unicum, but damn my progression is based on training, not on rigged battle.

    Yeah I know it’s one time and they didn’t always did that to achieve good stats, but now they got caught doing it once, and it’s more than enough to keep me laughing my head out while watching that replay.
    And, hell yeah I love some drama, expecially when I’m not concern :)
    UNICA/UN1CA FTW !!! (warning, may contains sarcasm)

  7. well i can understand you put 1 token to give/take some map , but full 15 vs 15 with allied clan is way too 1 campaign thing -.-

  8. I don’t see something wrong here? The attackers fought to get to the owner’s fight, they know eachother… practically they are one clan, they can do whatever they want.

    • The attackers were winning massively, then instead of finishing the guys up, they just threw themselves in. The most blatant is the last ARL (just goes out with his side to enemy and stops), but even before there are visible cases if you look around.

  9. Almost all, or most Players in the “Uber-Clans” are just Ego-Junkies.. desperately trying to improve their puny self-esteem / defined by WN8 and WinRate in this virtual World / Arcade-Tank shooter.. So why you wonder they Rage so bad, as their frustration must be immeasurable when they lose – so why not Rig the Game – or even try? ;)

  10. Jelly SilentCunt jelly again? Not suprising.
    But hey. As long as hordes of tomatoes wank over your bullshit and send few cents here and there for poor east European SilentCunt everything is allright.

  11. I watched the replay but I can’t see anything wrong. Can someone explain what was the rigging here? I never played in clan so I don’t know the rules.

    • UN1CA is clearly winning the battle and then they “mysteriously” go one by one against the enemies and die.

  12. Never seen a good player with bad stats in any game since the Commodore 64 times.
    So just keep bitching about people who actually learned to play wot.
    A tomato will always be a tomato.
    All talk, no bite.

  13. To all these retards claiming that unicums get their stats mostly by spamming gold, seal clubbing, rigging battles and doing TCs and CWs:

    You have brought no evidence. I could easily give you evidence that they don’t do that. Firstly, most unicums have high average tiers. Secondly, unicums also like making a profit. Spamming gold at high tiers will cause losses in credits (counterpoint: tier 8 premiums). Thirdly, Clan Wars battles usually only happen a few times a day for unicum clans, and in some cases, they are few and far between. Finally, the stats in the API are separate. You can easily find pub win rate as well as CW and TC win rate.

    Also, rather than making up reasons why they have purple stats, why not actually learn why they have purple stats first? That would be the logical thing to do, but of course you mouth-breathing fuckwits don’t want to have anything to do with logic.

  14. seriously, why do you post such desinformation posted by players in the official forums when you don’t know the truth what happend?

    I’ve spoken with dagger yesterday (since i was deputy in unica for a long time) and he told me, that un1ca was lacking officers and one guy from un1ca attacked the unica main clan for a unknown reason. in the end the attack was not allowed by him, so in the end the whole 2nd clan was kicked for being unreliable ( you can find that good or bad but that was his solution for the problem). I’ve spared out a few details, but imo unica haven’t tried to cheat in order to get more famepoints. They’ve lost the half community because of this… they’ve tryed to fix the problem by themselves… and you’re just surfing on the shitstorm wave!

    Edit: They got banned in the 2nd campaign for the same shit, and they’ve learned their lesson!

    • Im pretty sure the proper way to do this is to either not show, or have Unica graciously accept that they played like a bunch of shitlords and lost because they just weren’t good enough.

      Honestly, if I were to lose to subclan, i would either accept it and get better. Or i would start kicking the shitters in my clan.

      Asking your subclan to lose to you after they are winning is literally committing long-term suicide, these guys int he subclan aint gonna stay after the campaign even if they didn’t get kicked, because its clear that they the subclan would be thrown under a bus at the soonest opportunity.

      Anyhow, rigged or accident, the leadership of Unica is clearly unfit to lead, that is clear.

    • UN1CA was lacking officers since everyone left for UNICA or either left the clan in general because nothing was going on. The only people trying to course UN1CA someone were Maroar and Ripian and they couldn’t do shit without Daggers incentive, which they never got. So UN1CA stagnated and died

    • I posted this:
      With the link to the replay and a link to the thread where the replay was originally found.
      Luckily Dagger is a calm person that thinks his actions through.
      If the UN1CA players had indeed rebelled against UNICA than how come they actually stopped fighting in the end? Why would they not go through with their rebellion.
      UNICA and UN1CA share a TS so before the battle he would have told the guys not to join and the guys that actually stopped in the battle would then have also stopped from joining the battle.
      If he did not do this then he made the decision to fight and in the end made the decision for UN1CA to lose.
      This in no form or shape would show the whole 2nd clan to be unreliable.

      They haven’t lost half of their community they have lost what most of them didn’t want, what did not get supported (enough) by the UNICA leadership.

      How can you come to the conclusion that the lesson was learned?

      PS yes I made an account just to comment on this matter.

  15. I dont think many purple dudes are cheating anyone but themself – most of them just statpad like insane because people focus more on the number than the reason behind it…

    Starting up new accounts, carefully driving only select vehicles and already having only decent clan members easily boost stats a lot. This doesn’t mean the players are bad as it still takes some good gameplay to be purple, but it doesn’t mean they are necesarily better than a green or blue player who earned the stats with 5-10k noob battles behind him.


  16. I was in UNICA in second campaign and we were doing lulz battles against eachother(UNICA vs their CW clan) for more fame points and most of us got banned for a couple of days, so i doubt they’ll rigg another campaign. Btw read Bierkoenig’s comment above. It’s also ridiculous how many denying baddies is here hating and being jelly about unicums with their retarded tomato theories. Farming clicks on your blog again. I get it.

    And if anyone didn’t noticed the guy(maroar) who created the rage thread on official forum is also ex-UNICA player :D We were together in the clan in second campaign. http://i.imgur.com/sUrjqtc.png

    • It was hardly considered a rage thread as Maroar was only putting up all the problems UN1CA had since he tried to administer that shit with basically no help from Dagger. The only time Dagger cared about UN1CA was during the twilight of the gods campaign

    • So what do you want to imply with this? I was indeed in UNICA in the 2nd campaign and one of the few who refused to join the rigged battles and they were not lulz battles they were to farm points as was well known and as such apposed by this small group of people that saved the asses of UNICA by fighting of 3 attacks with 23 players, also at the same time so in one battle we went in with 8 v15.

      The intention might not have been the same as in the 2nd campaign but it was rigged nontheless.

      I was also commander in both UNICA and UN1CA, your point being?
      Maybe it turned into a rage thread but the OP did nothing to promote such a thing.
      And nowhere did I rage against anyone, the only ones raging were some players from UNICA, which after I heard the background story from one of them I understood why he might have done that. As he had a personal beef with the command in HEFF.

  17. I actually wish I could play with or against unicum players! I’m actually bored with being only “green” player in my team (while others being red like devil’s ass) against all green and yellow enemy! Guess what?? I have lost 112 battles of last 161… Fucking game!

  18. so much importance for a ‘clan’ in a computer game…where in real life everybody faps alone and uses tears for lubrication. inb4 haters, yes i do that too

  19. What rigging? This is normal main/sub clans arrangements. Why are there so many jealous ppl around here?

  20. Unbelievable. This is the SECOND time they’ve done this. First time was quite a while ago, they cheesed battles by abusing TOG vs Tier 4 tanks, just letting the other team destroy their TOGs for massive experience.

    UNICA as a clan should be disbanded and everyone in charge banned. It’s a rotten cheater clan.

  21. One Monkey on steroids show —-Daggerheart —-BlitzkriegJunkie—+++few more accounts ,cheating every campaign …..

  22. Disappointing (yet again). These guys are amongst the best on the EU server. And then they pull this kind of bullcrap.

  23. Who cares.

    Well, apparently, a lot of people, which is sad. :)
    I’m guessing most of the melodrama can be attributed to young age. A nice portion is probably due to the aspergers, I’m sure there’s quite a lot of these autism style disorders running rampart in WoT unicum population (hi there bronies).

    Still, there is probaby a lot of normal kids, teenagers (and, alas, “grown” men) – how many people “live” WoT and get butthurt over these “issues” is just saddening.

  24. and being terrible automatically makes you good eh?

    SS I 100% love the info you put up, but what the hell impels you to try to prove some point that nobody but youself seems to care about.

    and the point seems to be that good players are bad people, or don’t know what they’re talking anout or something.

  25. I find it very funny how the top clans have to cheat and use mods like warpack to get high win rates. The other night I was playing strongholds and had a guy in a Cromwell on the sand river map get a 98% hit rate on us, all of his shots over 300 meters while he was moving, all of his shots penned for high damage and hit modules. I have a cromwell maxed out with vents BIA, and a 5 skill crew there is no way I can do this once. Almost all of our shots on the other team Bounced. If this isn’t cheating then world of tanks is one very broken game.

      • I think you missed my point. I am not interested in using cheats to win. I would like to see world of tanks enforce at least some of their rules and not let top clans break the rules just because they think that they are better than everyone else. Sorry this post is so long and I know I used to many big words for you fat2.