Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server continues in the whale hunt tradition and includes:
- BT-SV + slot
- 27500 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 123,35 USD (99.99 EUR)
Wait, wasn’t this stuff here like 5 days ago? So original. Meanwhile on Russian server, today’s offer is 30 percent discount on IS-6
da fuk iz dis sh*t?
Well it’s WG advent Calendar f*** up.
What else would you call giving us the same bad deal twice
Indeed. And when did eu get 30% on a tier 8 premium. I guess we have to wait and keep our money in the wallet until the good offers reveal themselves if they do.
we might get somewhere around christmas a discount on premiums, but on t8 will probably be 15% not 30%!
ruskies, they hate us that much!
I think it’s more a case of WG EU being dickheads. Look at this weekend’s pathetic special, probably all because they are spiteful of the leak. Idiots I say.
NA doesn’t even get an “Advent Calendar” :(
If they sell a tier x premium i will get one…
i wouldnt cuz they dont make extra credist
WG gone full retard.
Maybe it was so popular *sarcasm* that they decided they can make more money from it. Just another meanwhile on WG EU…
And yet the special on NA is…… nothing. Not a single Christmas special. They had Black Friday and Cyber Monday “specials” that were just bad.
6 days in a row, RU gets much better offers than EU. Nothing new here, WG was always racist.
If I ever wanted to buy a premium tank I would wait for it to be at 30 – 50 % discount, like IS-6 and Lowe were this week. I would certainly not buy an overpriced pack which gives you a lot of useless garbage.
It makes perfect sense actually. The russian economy is ruined, they need to give them more incentives to part with whatever money they have left.
no we got tetrarch package , which was best one ever
Pretty much this, if you ask me. Right now, the EU Servers are paying for Russia’s war (Ruble barely worth the paper it’s printed on, so the russian players’ investments have no worth, so EU has to pay for WG’s payroll – meanwhile, RU is still considered WG’s primary customer base…).
So much for Wargaming being a ‘Global’ company… every server should be treated equally concerning offers under normal circumstances…
Wow.. hard to think that anyone would buy that one, unless he really really needs the BT-SV just now!
Iknow one guy who bought it. But he is one of the Daddy players that work so he can coz he has money
I have such way of judging the deals:
If you want to pay, you should buy everything in a cheapest version, so the baseline is 30500 gold for 99.95 euro, that’s the real worth of gold.
Any premium shop offer is compared to this (if the price is half, then I expect to get 15250 gold and so on)
The you have to remember that if you have gold on your account gold, you can buy most of other stuff with a discount. So slot is worth 150 gold. 1 day of premium is worth 60 gold (24000 for a year, 10% discount, divided by 360 days is 60 gold per day).
So in that deal you pay a price of 30500 gold and you get in return 27500 gold, 1800 gold worth of premium and 150 gold worth slot, leaving the price of BT-SV 1050 gold.
It’s a lot (you can get tier 5 premium with a discount for 750) but for the tank that is unavailable in the ingame shop – okay.
I’m a hoarder, but I get gold from in-game (I can afford to buy gold but I dont want to). If I could get BT-SV for 1050 gold I would do that.
If I would be buying gold (as each month I have more time to play so the moment I will want to buy more then I can afford with in-game revenues is closer and closer) then this deal would be better for me then flat 30500 gold.
And I am just sitting here waiting for a decent premium soviet medium to be released so that I can buy it on discount at the end of next year… Talk about long term plans.
Let’s hope they do these crappie offers until the 23th and on the 24th they put the type 59 in shop and then I would say that its been worth to wait.
My guess is 125€ type 59 + insane amount of gold
I wouldn’t pay more than 100€on a bundle with the type 59 even if it’s available only once every couple of years just for the fact that its price is somewhere around 30€ . What I’d like to see is the type 59 and the kv 5 in a 100€bundle I would make myself a nice Christmas present. That’s what they should do if they want to make some good money.
So you like sluggish medium tanks with gun that can’t hit (and penetrate) a thing and getting killed by tier 6 tanks because of R2D2? Cool.
If you are getting killed by tier VI tanks in KV-5 you’re doing something wrong….
Do you know how popular the Type 59 is.
“What should we charge for this popular tanks?”
“One. Billion. Euros.”
“But sir no one will spend that on a tank.”
“Add lots of gold.”
“Of course. Why did we not think of that before.”
for 125? insane u mean 50gold?
a type 59 costs about 30 euros! too much is too much, any package that is over 40 euros is not worth it!
I wonder if is there going to sumthing like “only the tank” offer i dont want to pay 95€ for gold and prem acc…
Imagine the shitstorm of people who bought the package last monday or buy it today if they did that.
Its their problem they didnt wait, patience is key to victory. There will always be offers of special tank and only idiots think that this was last one so they bought it
“There will always be offers of special tank and only idiots think that this was last one so they bought it”
You mean like idiots who bought Type 59 the last time it was available (i.e. over 2 years ago) and didn’t have enough patience to wait for the next, ultra-cheap offer? ;)
It did the first day
LOL seeing the rage on the forum last monday this is really, I mean like REALLY, stupid of them. Ectar did however say that some deals would be repeated for people who didn’t get them.
Anyway, anyone actually bought it? If if had been 50€ (14,5k gold +bt-sv) I’d had probably bought it, this is just insane. I mean, I get it, you want a tank to remain rare, but realistically, how many people play WoT and have even 50€ disposable? It’s stupid, it seems they have a distorted view on us pesky European capitalists.
I bought it. As something like a collector I spend a lot of money on the game, although didn’t spend too much recently. As I have a properly paying job it is not a huge amount for me, so I didn’t mind. The gold was something like a bonus.
People here call other people who can afford paying decent amounts for the game whales for some reason, as if it would be a bad thing to spend money on the game. I don’t get it, those whales help the game immensely and it seems to me that the large unpaying population (let’s call the herrings) is for some reason offended that there are people who are better off.
Wait, in no way did I want to offend you, I slam 50€ on the game from time to time as well because I really enjoy it. What I meant is that 50€ is ‘whale’ amount as well, let’s be reasonable 50€ is a lot of money for virtual goods.
There are lots of “whales” in the game and that is a good thing I also like to pay some decent money on this game(from 50 to 100€)from time to time but this is not what we are talking about the offers they are doing aren’t really worth so far I mean even those “herrings” saved their money for these end year sales and it’s a shame not to take their money as well but with these offers I don’t think they will buy anything I know I won’t if it keeps going like that.
If you spend a lot of money on a game regular than you are a whale. It comes form casino speak. (Check the Extra Credits video) Most players aren’t whales as they don’t have the money to be. But when a company only serves the whales it only go bad, as everyone else gets fed up and leaves while the whales have no one to play with.
Witch WG has been doing with most of these deals. (Although I almost bought the Tetra)
I found the video.
Ah, I see, thanks for the clarification. I agree that with these offers they are not really servicing the general public. I don’t think they mean to do it with the calendar actually. They will give everyone a free gift tank (I think, read it somewhere) and a free slot. This is what they do for the general player base.
The offers suck though, to be honest. All money grabs (as intended). With that said I am happy to own a BT-SV, but I have a different mindset about the game than most people. I fear the day when they put in the SU-76i/preorder tanks/panzer Ausf II. J, because I know that the retard in me will react.
One more thing: people are for some reason outraged that they can’t get rare tanks for cheap/easily. Well, that is kinda the point of them.
it is unfair for an idiot to have a rare tank just cause he has more money than me!
an equal treat would be for all of us to have a chance to get the same fucking tanks!
I’m not too fussed about rare tanks (Other than a select few). I want some CHEAPER tanks.
I don’t think they want “equal treat”. Actually you have the same chance of getting rare tanks, since you have to pay the same amount for them as anyone else.
Really tell that to tell Russian . Asian. American WG staff since they always have lower prices than European premium shop and better offers just make a little comparison of the premium shops and you will see what I mean.
“it is unfair for an idiot to have a rare tank just cause he has more money than me!
an equal treat would be for all of us to have a chance to get the same fucking tanks!”
You do have the same chance – GET A JOB!
Even the shittiest jobs pay enough to get you this tank after a while (a couple of days or weeks at worst).
This is a terrible reply, you know the economy is still in decline right? Not to mention the differences in wages between Western Europe and Eastern Europe.
The thing is, with premium tanks, especially with the rare ones, you don’t simply pay to have the tank. No. You pay to have the tank that others do not. It’s the price of exclusivity, not the tank itself.
So you want equal chance? There’s no limit of the tanks on the offer. They won’t run out of stock. Simply log in and pay for it like others did. You have equal chance of getting it as others. You don’t have money? Now, that’s YOUR fucking problem. Get a job and accept the fact that it is not charity. You don’t have a job or can’t get one? Then be glad that you have a game you can play for free and that others pay for it.
dont forget the politics – it seems russians hate eu and this is a part of it… i am just sad, but the conflict between two worlds escalates in everything…
is today 1st of december? or have i just too much crack? :-)
Same dejavu feeling here bro.
It’s glitch in Matrix.
Diz offer so gud – We give it you twice!
*Read in your best/worst Russian voice.
And nobody noticed su85i in shop?
been there since months
Anybody see this?
Look at day 8, 15 and 19, the curtain behind the door is gold coloured instead of bronze coloured.
If you look closer at day 19, you can see some gold to the right of the curtain..
Maybe those 3 days + day 24 are the days we will get some nice offers?
Maybe day 19 contains a KV-5 with gold or just a huge load of gold?
If that’s true, I can’t wait what the red curtain means on the 24th :D
Good eyes there btw :)
Typical WG EU fail.
dont miss the next package btsv for 50€ value
and in one year you can earn btsv for free by completing missions
they have to pay the fuking HD tank makers …. and they need alot of 100EURO bank-notes …. stupid fuck idiots that makes this offers …. sorry for my language but I fucking hate EU server
I’m pretty sure WG doasn’t find anything wrong with WG EU, they must be making shit ton of money from the whales. Even though they just keep reheating a turd. All “special” offers are just normals offers 5% off. Which are overpriced to begin with. Can’t wait for Armored Warfare
best thing would be 50,000 gold for £100
On Polish ebay (Allegro.pl), one could buy a JT88 + 1250 gold + 7 days of premium for 100zł (25 euro), and from Android app, one could use a 30zł (~8 euro) discount. And so did I, twice in fact :) For 34 euros, got Jt88 + Lowe + 14 days of premium + another 2500 gold, which I used for discounted garage slots and FCM36.
17 euro – THAT’S WHAT CAN BE CALLED AN OFFER! Shame on you, WG.
How did you get Jt88 and Lowe?..
WG EU no longer refunds tank codes with gold.
A month ago, it was possible. I am not sure if it works now.
2 week’s ago still worked I bought 2 codes as well since it was a great deal for 53€ jagdtiger 8.8 +2 garage slots 2 weeks premium and 12500 gold
In all fairness, with the cost of items now tied to the USD (Why is RU and US tied?, eh, 2nt world nations together I guess) then these huge discounts on the RU server might not be as high as some of you are thinking.
For those whom such statements go right over your head.
Today 100$ = 5268₽
52 weeks ago 100$ = 3248₽
So, yea, lets not cry that the RU people are getting it good,
5268₽*.7 = 3687₽ ..
3687₽ / 3248₽ = 13.5% MORE than last year.
Fack adwent kalander, yule is for gays and reformists.
And now in English?
A could use a 30% discount on IS6 here at EU server…
but now that I know Wargaming can do 30% discounts on tier 8 premiums, i will wait for it as long as I have to.
Checked out the Russian prem shop after talk about how Russians have to pay more rubles because the prices are tied to the dollar or w/e, thinking that “hey, 30% discount on something must equal EU prices, no wonder we only get the whale packages.
But no, Russian premium shop happens to show prices in my local currency (Norwegian Krone, NOK), and they are lower still by ~8%, both for gold and e.g. IS-6.
so is there going to be deals for na server? kinda annoyed that the other two big servers are getting all of this cool shit and we aren’t getting squat.
(99.99 USD)
This package contains:
M4A3E8 Sherman Fury – bonus;
slot in World of Tanks – bonus;
100% crew – bonus;
25 000 gold.
Perhaps they are waiting for this one to roll off in 3 days..
That deal is akin to what we are getting .. Pay for gold, get other stuff free.
Meanwhile on Russian server, today’s offer is 30 percent discount on IS-6
And on the NA server they have hard dick and bubble gum. THIS JUST IN: WG all out of bubble gum
In all fairness, with the cost of items now tied to the USD (Why is RU and US tied?, eh, 2nt world nations together I guess) then these huge discounts on the RU server might not be as high as some of you are thinking.
For those whom such statements go right over your head.
Today 100$ = 5268₽
52 weeks ago 100$ = 3248₽
So, yea, lets not cry that the RU people are getting it good,
5268₽*.7 = 3687₽ ..
3687₽ / 3248₽ = 13.5% MORE than last year.
For lack of understanding.
NA gets stuff cheaper than EU too…
You guys can buy the clothing and razor gear for a lot less than us as well (and get the freebies to go along with it)… 90% of the codes I have gotten from live streams comes form the US streams too – they are given out like candy.
It’s all about virtual items so the price must be the same everywhere. That’s what you don’t understand.
Everyone in the world might pay Asian grinders the same for work, but when you buy directly from a game company you rarely pay the same. EvE, WoW, Every EA game out there, Microsoft, Steam, ITunes, Even cloud storage rates tend to be higher. You will find that some providers (Like EvE) will actually ban you if you try to buy something in a currency that is cheaper than yours.
Now, WG keeps their servers separated so its not a huge deal really. If an American was to play on RU servers, then guess what.. The American would get the RU discount too!.
You might feel it should be fair, but I can guarantee you that its not… I have purchased British made goods in the USA to import them back to the UK because buying abroad and importing (paying tax and shipping) the items were still cheaper than buying locally.
When you sell products you sell at what the local market can stand, not what would be the best global average.
Any taking money on the “gift” for the 7th December being the Lowe….. again?
And the Russians get 40 days of Advent. Orthodox Church OP, pls nurf!