Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- SU-100Y + slot
- large caliber tank rammer
Price: 16,90 USD (13.75 EUR)
Meanwhile on Russian server, today’s offer is: 50 percent discount on crew training and re-training
A word of advice to you: soon, the Christmas marathon will start and common premium tanks like SU-100Y will be on like 30 or 50 percent discount. I strongly suggest you wait a week or two.
hmm i may actually have to buy this one
Are you fucking kidding me? The regular SU-100Y+Garage Slot already costs exactly 13.75€. Those “24% Saved”? Yeah, enjoy your 5€ Large Caliber Rammer…
Regular: http://i.imgur.com/9BKnTZN.jpg
Advent: http://i.imgur.com/IL058p2.jpg
Get outta hear, WarGaming sock puppet!
Copy-Paste much ?
500k (or was it 600k?) silver for free seems decent to me. Sadly, I don’t want to play 100Y…
After doing the math …
The SU-100Y without any discount costs 13.75 EUR
The “special offer” containing the TD and a Large Caliber Rammer costs the same …
-SU-100Y – 3250 gold
-LCR – 500.000 credits -> 1250 gold
That’s a total of 4500 gold , which costs 18.45 EUR , now for 13.75 EUR
So basically , the 24% discount means they are kind enough to give you a rammer for free , so you don’t have to play real money for it.. although I don’t see any equipment being for sale in the premium shop, so I don’t really know why they put a price tag on that … also, with a SU-100Y , if you have some decent skills, you can buy the rammer for credits after a few games.
so we can live without it, the caliber gun rammer can be bought for credits, that’s why you buy prem tanks, to grind credits to buy stuff like equipment, not just other tanks and modules!
so basically equipment for money is a no no!
su100y has usually 30% discount
garage slot 50%
and equipment 50%, and you pay in silver since isnt a big deal earning 250k but anyway
2275gold the tank
150g the garage
250k cr->625gold
compared to the sale
garage 300
tank 3250
equipment free
so the one of a kind super special sale of the advent calendar is 500 gold more expensive than the usual sale its few times on a year, and im sure it will be in the winter event.
Rammers are sometimes on -50% off…
I have several and no way of getting shit through the GS right now. So yeah, fuck it :P
Not bad this time
how it can be not bad ? xD The tank cost the same price , they just put a rammer on it …
Not bad? Are you fucking kidding me? The regular SU-100Y+Garage Slot already costs exactly 13.75€. Those “24% Saved”? Yeah, enjoy your 5€ Large Caliber Rammer…
Regular: http://i.imgur.com/9BKnTZN.jpg
Advent: http://i.imgur.com/IL058p2.jpg
Get outta hear, WarGaming sock puppet!
Ye, rammer for 500k/400=1250gold=5euros :D
So, we have “discount” for 5 euros.
On which condition would you be satisfied then ? Get the tank for 1€ or what ?
For me Rammer is worth 250k silver, not 5 euros.
And SU100Y we get for -30% few times a year. And this bundle has no discount on tank, it has discount on rammer :D
no , get -24% discount on the tank itself and i m glad. Not adding something for sell it at the same price as usual , it’s not a discount.
Or how about they stop this fairy tale bullshit with their imaginary “discount” for items that can easily be grinded ingame without spending a single cent of real money and make the actual tank cheaper.
If the SU actually had a 24 % discount as advertised then it would cost 10,45 €. But it doesn’t, does it?
Or to put it differently: If you buy silver from the shop then you are a fucking moron. If you think that silver items equal a discount then you are also a fucking moron. Apparently there are enough morons around so WGEU doesn’t even have to try.
I will be satisfied in 2 weeks when the tank will be discounted with 30% and will be available at purchase with in-game gold.
Oh look, they just noticed that 99% of the playerbase are not interested in 100 € packages. Wow wow
what the hell? offer that’s below 40 euros? that must be mistake
Great deal, considering I paid less than 5.5 euros for my SU-100Y.
Yeah, that 70% (afair) discout last year was really nice. Actually, I got 122-44 (it was discounted 50% at that time) as well, because why the hell not.
Are we going to see such nice fat discounts this month? Time will tell.
what’s will be funny is when they are going to make a discount for christmas for Tier 6/7 , then tier 8 premium tanks .
Good offer. Have 500 battles on mine. Really fun tank.
Slow boxtank destined to camp all game long somewhere behind its base with a rammer for 5eur that you can get during equip. discount for playing a few games with other prem tank…noooope. I’d rather get the tetrarch and the extra gold if I’d feel like biting the bait.
Haha got this crap as a reward from a “on track to” event. I think this is the worst TD in the whole game.
I wouldn’t mind knowing the IP addys of all these people who are saying its a good offer.
I would be interested to know if they are all working in the same office :P
Another really bad deal What is next? BT-SV + 27k gold for 100e? xD
What’s more funny: Polish version of WG EU page unprecisely lists Medium Rammer as part of bundle… Anybody surprised?
Up to friday bundles were at least decent, than repeat on saturday, and total crap since sunday… what the hell? Good way to see NONE of my money, WG!
SU-100Y is a fun tank, but you frequently have the opportunity to buy it on any server at a 30% discount – or under 2,300g.
Even adding 150g for a discount garage slot and 625g for a discount gun rammer only gives you a total of 3050g – still about 20% cheaper than this special offer.
“Old price: £14.35
£10.85 (13.75 EUR)Discount: 24%
This package contains:
slot in World of Tanks;
Large-Caliber Tank Gun Rammer – bonus.
The next special package in our calendar. Expand your tank collection with this destructive piece of Soviet steel and get a free piece of equipment as a bonus!”
£10.85 (13.75 EUR)
“This package contains:
slot in World of Tanks.”
It is not at a discount because it is at the same price. The Gun Rammer dose not count as a discount as it is advertised as free. WG is going get its backside sued off them at this rate. Even the old price is wrong”
i strongly suggest you will wait for a month or two for AW beta, then you will have great WoT specials.
Would buy this if it was at least as good as the usual 30% discount we get on normal specials, but its not so I wont.
Must try harder WG.
SS, are you sure there will be Christmas marathon with discounts on all tanks? All leaked missions have been placeholders so far so I assume the Christmas one will be different also.
If no discounts – you get -100% discount ie keep your money. WIN:WIN :-)
so dont worry “whether or not” or “when” there will be -30 -50% campaign. Keep true and wait for it it’ll come sooner or later..
To all those who whine about the prices and various packs.
WG still loves u. They need freeloaders as well.
I buy whatever I want to buy, I have no problem spending my money on anything. So if I like what I see, I buy.
Most of u whiners expect WG to sell at 50-75% off, and even have the audacity to whine at FREE STUFF that u get on occasion.
Like the free Tier 8 premium missions. Like the IM coming up.
FOR FUCKS SAKE!!! FREE STUFF, FOR PLAYING!!! (albeit a lot, but still FREE STUFF!!!!!)
LOL. I play your game, GIMME GIMME GIMME!!!!
It would be nice if some one leaks all offers ;)
This christmas special ain’t for us. Its for them!
When are the T10′s being discounted and what % anyone know?
Meanwhile in SEA…