Today’s Advent Offer (14.12.2014)

Hello everyone,

today’s advent offer for EU server includes:

- KV-220 + slot
- 6500 gold

Price: 37,27 USD (29,99 EUR)

Meanwhile on Russian server, today’s offer is: 75 percent discount on both credit and gold visual camouflage.

41 thoughts on “Today’s Advent Offer (14.12.2014)

  1. Very rare tank indeed. On an unrelated subject, I read somewhere that the discount on premium tanks thats coming around Christmas only applies on tanks in the in-game shop. I was wondering does that mean that I have to buy gold and than buy the tank to use the discount, or can I buy them with the discount in the premium shop?

    • Usually those tanks are discounted in the gift shop too, but buying them for gold might be cheaper. Why? You can buy a larger gold package and pay less $ per gold and in gift shop it’s calculated like the garage slot is worth 300 gold (and almost everyone gets them for 150 when they’re 50% off).

      All the normal specials worked like that, I think the Christmas sales will do the same.

        • And in packages any silver (also equipment full price) is counted as 400 silver=1 gold; i.e. 10milions=25000=100 euros :)

          Example of package: 12500g+12.5mil silver for 100 euros with -31%.
          12.5mil silver = 31250g.
          [437g for 1 euro is crazy good, but WHY YOU BUY SILVER? :D]
          43750g – 31%= 30187g for 100euros without discount. i.e. 1 euro = ~300g standard price.

    • I think that ingame and giftshop are tied together. If they discount it in the shop, but not the game… Then people will buy “Cheap” gold… If they discount it in game and not in the shop then people will buy the gold instead of the tank + slot.

      Also, slots are not on sale in the game, so you’ll pay the full value of the slot and the discounted price of the tank. Best time to buy gold was last week… like 15% extra for CC users.

  2. I dont usually whine but this is just unbelievable. WG eu is so ass.
    Me: Why the f can’t we get in game discounts like the russian server?
    WG eu: coz reasons.
    Me: and what exactly would be those reasons?
    WG eu: we don’t care about the players, we just want ure money!
    Me: fuck u then!
    WG eu: pay 100€ or you’re permabanned!

    I’ll just play to get M60 and maybe a few new year discounts and then I’ll come back when I’ll be old like jingles and won’t have what to do with my time. This game is just too time requiring for a normal life. (PS: I know wot won’t exist in 50 year anymore PPS: I know it’s ok for a normal life if you play only an hour a day but this game is just so addictive that I guess not many can resist to spend only a normal amount of time, anyway I can’t, I’ll rename the shortcut from World of Tanks to no life land.)

    • Same problem here, and I’m sure that many more suffer from no-time syndrome, especially during the holidays with all the marathons.

      • Tell you what? I don’t give a shit about any marathon or premium tank grind, individual mission, x3 and x5 events or anything else, because I know I don’t have time for such things and I would never allow myself to get into the trap of such grinds taking my time from normal life, family etc. I only grind normal tanks, wait for crew retraining and camo discounts etc. Patience makes you so relaxed in regards of this game (and not only this game and games in general of course).

  3. The history of KV-220:

    2013 november 20. price: 50 Euro
    2014 April 10. price: 35 Euro
    2014 Augustus 15 price 30 Euro
    2014 December 14. price: 30 Euro

    This tank loses a LOT from his “rarity” from “non-existent” to “almost as frequent as the Pz B2″

    • Whether it’s ‘rare’ or not it still drives and fights EXACTLY the same as it used to lol.

    • Do not forget you got a lot of gold with the first offer at a time when all T8 prems were discounted heavily. That first offer was in fact the best one till date.

  4. I see it a bit different: You get the KV-220 and 6.500 gold for 29,99 €.

    6.500 gold is more than enough to buy an E25 with christmas discount (price 4.700 gold at christmas in game).

    So you get a KV-220, an E25, 1.800 gold and a garage slot for 29,99 €.

    Or in a different view: compared with buying a E25 in the shop (25,75 €) you get the KV220 and 1.800 gold for 4,24 €…

    Not that bad…

    • not bad at all…. the thing is FTR is becoming to toxic to read lately… I am sure it would be more popular if SS would calm down a bit with the WG puppy bashing….

      The thing is so many cry and then they go and spend days playing the game they so hate….. How ironic is that…. anyway ….. buckle up and carry on….

  5. At 75% discount even I might buy some gold camos on tanks. Why the hell we don’t have that as well ? Fucking WG racists.

    • Because it is a business company that wants to earn money?

      Perhaps you should wait for the salvation army to publish a game… ;-)

  6. Would like to buy it ingame with gold :/ cause i have gold left and dont need more per Troll package.
    Opinions please i wanted this thing for a long time. But dont need gold and its 30€ in the end for a Tier V.

    • They can’t just put it in the in-game shop as this is better way for them to make money and control the amount of those tanks in battles to some degree.

      For T5 tank, it has good armor all around, as far as I’m aware, it does not have under 75mm armour except for roof and floor. The gun is decent, though without gold it can have trouble penetrating T5-6 heavies sometimes. The mobility is somewhat sluggish, but there are vehicles far worse than that.

  7. Fack u WG!
    RU got KV-220 for 19.90 Euros and us for 10 more Euros.
    1: It’s too expensive!
    2: I don’t have enough on my paypal.

    Bitches. :(