Special thanks to st0ne_c0ld from world-of-ru for linking it.
Hello everyone,
Russian site published an interview with Andrei Yantsev, who’s the leader of the WG publishing department. The interview is quite interesting (its title alone is “a generation grew up, that thinks everything should be for free”) but sadly, very long, so I’ll just sum it up into the point Mr.Yantsev makes.
The interview took place at the Wargaming Developer Contest awards and it’s actually related to it – specifically, to third party application developers, modders and other such people.
- Wargaming started to work with third party modders and such (WGDC) since there was a demand from these people’s side
- WG plans to support these people (modders, application developers) by advertising their creations in the “useful software” part of the portal, specifically the WGDC winners’ creations will be advertised via WG channels
- the way WG sees the future of working with these people (“leaders and WGDC finalists”) is not to buy their products (they can implement the same functions themselves), but to encourage them to form a “core of third party developers”, the existence of which would encourage Wargaming in turn to reveal (release) more of their codes
- WG is slowly moving towards opening up its sources and releasing redactor software for third party developers, but the process is slow since they have to make sure there’s no abuse of that
- regarding the consoles, World of Tanks was until recently Xbox-exclusive, but apparently the exclusivity “wore off” and it’s possible that in 2015 plans to expand to Playstation will be announced, WG is working hard to introduce WoT to “all platforms” (as in, other consoles as well, the only exception being Nintendo)
- World of Tanks would be profitable on Xbox even without the gold account, there are talks in that direction
- Yantsev thinks that Microsoft is starting to take F2P seriously
- “retail version is dead”, it can apparently exist only a gift package, it’s good for older nostalgic people, but young people are used to downloading stuff, F2P and DLC model
- apparently, Blitz is doing fine and growing fast, mobile devices are the future
- in last two years, WoT merchandise made a huge step forward, WG is cooperating with several game accessories manufacturers and such, this was planned very early on
- 2015 will be the 70th WW2 victory anniversary and WG prepares many events towards it (in Russia of course.
Actually, the interview was much more interesting than just this short summary. I wish I had time to translate it all. Oh well, maybe when I have some free time. But this guy does seem to exactly know what he’s doing, I like his answers very much.
SS where is the 2nd part SPG?This 1st one is not enough: shift on red tenks.
Want to get banned? Because that’s how you get banned. For spamming.
Hey SS dude no hard feelings matey! Its just that some of the posts are so funny I like it; like the one above(its not mine sadly) about the spg guide-press shift….. .Makes me lough!
But I wont spam, you re right.
Oh look, I just found a nice bag of goodies to feed the troll :)
But remember guys, don’t overfeed them, they will get too fat and lazy and then won’t be able to run from arties :)
Or Tog 2 ;)
I want muh Blitz on Vita.
Would be totally fair for the Smartphone users. :P But who cares I like the idea. ;D
My Vita is now alrdy sleeping for a half year, bc fckin flamers and sony messed everything up.
Yeah, games costing a quarter of the damn console wtf!
I would actually be more interested in the other part I suppose is in there (the part about “a generation grew up, that thinks everything should be for free”), because that’s a trend I can see A LOT on the forums – as in no rewards are good enough, no specials are good enough, the amount of work to get a reward is always too high for them to bother.
Hope you will have time for that interview, it sounds interesting as a whole anyway.
Slamming DLC’s and rubbish P2P stuff into our mouths one after another is good, yeah.
Hear my motto: Never trust a Russian. Now I know why that bastard Makarov from CoDMW destroyed the shit out of Domodedovo airport..
Those who dislike what I wrote: I don’t give a flying fokker about your replies, I’m just “negatively cautious” against Russian people, that’s all.
You are using one of the worst (for its own fans) gaming franchise which is a property of some of the biggest shitheads in the industry, that only EA and Ubi can compete with
The irony
That’s the funniest thing I’ve read today. Bravo!
What do DLCs and P2P have to do with WoT?
A game made by the most fanatic, brainwashed and warmongering people in the world about their cliché enemies. Totally true m8.
“Wargaming started to work with third party modders and such”
Maybe WG should employ modders, that would reduce the number of fails WG creates
No, it won’t. Modders will spend less time on it when they get paid for it and have to support families and make the same mistakes, don’t get naïve now.
“(its title alone is “a generation grew up, that thinks everything should be for free”)”
“- WG plans to support these people (modders, application developers) by advertising their creations in the “useful software” part of the portal, specifically the WGDC winners’ creations will be advertised via WG channels”
Hahaha, the irony. The fucking irony here. Are they paying them? No, they put their names on their website as a ‘reward’
If Hypocrisy were a crime, this guy would be in big trouble.
Wot Blitz sux, shit is unplayable or I’m too old…
SS, it should be Yarantsev, not Yantsev
- regarding the consoles, World of Tanks was until recently Xbox-exclusive, but apparently the exclusivity “wore off” and it’s possible that in 2015 plans to expand to Playstation will be announced, WG is working hard to introduce WoT to “all platforms” (as in, other consoles as well, the only exception being Nintendo)
Why the hate on Nintendo 0_0
SS, I guess “redactor” is a Russian word. You probably meant “editor software”.
I like Andrei Yantsev too, SS. His answers are kinda professional and informative.
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