About the E-25 Removal Price

Hello everyone,

just to make sure everyone got the situation with the E-25. It will be removed from the ingame shop before the global tier 7 premium discount takes place, yes. So if you wanted to buy it and saved gold for it, you’re fucked. But – the discount will apply also to the premium shop, so if you want to buy it for money, you will still be able to buy it from the premium shop with discount, only you have to use money instead of gold. WG is funny that way.

So, if you want to participate in this blatant money grab get this awesome machine with a discount, you better turn up with your credit card in hand :)

99 thoughts on “About the E-25 Removal Price

  1. Even though I totally agree with removing this thing, I don’t think removing it like that is the right thing to do.
    As most people I think this tank is OP, especially those 50/50 ap/apcr people who hide in a bush 200 meters, not getting spotted, and killing you with apcr. Letting it stay there for a month more is just giving Serb his holiday money

    • I really enjoy mine and I have never, ever used APCR. There really isnt need to.
      The gun, L70, is awesome. Accuracy, aimtime, ROF and high amount of shells really eliminate the need of APCR. Might be some hidden stats, but I find this gun to penetrate almost everything despite its 150mm pen.

      it could be a problem against tier IX, but VIII is really okay, there is no tank in the game this little cockroach cannot deal with…

        • Never shot at a black prince? My black prince will laugh at an e25 until they load apcr, or they keep me tracked while I can’t see them and get killed by arty

          • sides, back ? Mobility and camo value works great…
            Sure, up front, there is little chance to pen black prince… Although L70 can roll up to 187mm pen.
            same for KV4… I never engage heavies up front. Apart from tiger II and IS-3.. these have huge weakspots.

            Oh and we mostly run them in platoon, so perma-detrack while my firends flank the enemy really works.

            Anyway, what I was trying to say is, you dont have to spam APCR, this gun is really good as it is.

            • That’s the problem, without apcr it’s good, with apcr it’s just stupid, like a game where 2 e25 just camped their base and won 2 vs 13 because their camo was good enough to not get spotted and they just penned right through black prince front and stuff with apcr

              • I see. But a platoon of full camo StuGs can do the same. and these are tier V.

                edit: oh, they cannot, StuG has 36 shells only.

            • I just wonder how the hell you can avoid engage heavies up front these nowadays corridor maps?

              Engage Tiger II up front yeah sure. When it is so close that reliable hit its “huge” weak spots Tiger see you and it is end of story.

              E25 is good but not in near op. I even think that SU-122-44 is better.

      • KV-4 says hi … also properly angled T32 and Tiger 2.

        There may be more targets you can pen that you can’t, but limiting yourself not to have a solution of these few you can’t is simply inefficient.

        • you forgot the fact about e25 platoons keeping people perma-tracked? Also, the tiger 2 and t32 have quite some weekspots which the e25 will use (cupola’s, lower glacis)

          • There is no penning a properly angled Tiger 2. On any map, I can find a position in which I am immune to even 230 pen guns. With 150 pen (You say you can do it with AP rounds only), you can’t pen the lower plate angled (even though this is way old, the lower glacis remains unchanged iirc http://wotguru.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/TigerII_Angled.jpg ). But when I hide my lower plate, you can’t pen my turret face, and you’re too low to hit the turret roof.

            ggwp ;)

  2. I thought that there was a condition in the official WG post about that discounts that stated “Valid for Premium vehicles available from the in-game store”, so if by that time the E-25 is not in the in-game store, wouldn’t that mean that the discount will not be for this tank?

    • I thought so too and re-checked. I could swear they changed the part below
      Premium Tanks, Tier VI – VII* 30%
      * Valid only for regular Premium vehicles available both in-game and in the Premium Shop (new and/or rare Premium tanks excluded).

      not sure how to read this. I’d say the tank must be available in both otherwise there’s no discount. Therefor E-25 must be excluded since it is a “rare tank” only available in the gift shop.

      SS, where did you get your information from. are you sure it’s valid?

  3. Off topic : any idea when we will be able to choose the cw tank for the 3rd campaign?
    Can’t wait to put my hands on that fatton.

  4. This is yet another move by WG that paints them like super greedy people who will use every opportunity, every excuse, every loophole to make money.
    Don’t get me wrong, I understand – company must make money, this is not charity. But come one… this way? This is shortsighted – you can make money… or you can make money and reputation. The latter costs a little and it seems that WG is just so greedy.

    This is just sad. It is not anymore more annoying, or even disappointing.

    • Really? Given your experience running multi-million dollar businesses, how would you recommend they make money of this FREE game?

      I am seriously interested in your tips, because if you are correct it will revolutionize the business as we know it, I will become incredibly rich following your simple 100% doable ways of getting people to purchase something I want them to buy.

      I will be impatiently checking this thread to make sure I am the first one to use your non-money grabbing ways to enrich myself while keeping my reputation of amazing “I’ll give you anything for free dear consumer” company.

      Until you come up with those tips, I will enjoy my “buy 1 get 1 free”, “50% off everything on marked items” and “don’t pay anything for a year” offers that every single store is making for me right now. Oh and “Going out of business”, those are the best.

      • I think you are missing my point.
        So I use this example of E-25.

        The way your beloved WG did it, is rather transparent reach into players pockets. I do not argue the move… this is clearly the company and it has to make money. I find the way it is done distasteful.

        If I was to decide how to remove E-25, I would remove it at the end of New Year Discounts Round 2 mission and both from the Premium Shop and from in-the game Tree at the same time. Why? Is it obvious move on players money announcing it couple weeks earlier? Yes. But you don’t look like super greedy refusing to let the gamers to have option to buy it for gold at discount. It does look better isn’t it?
        Is it costly? Yes, most likely a bit – considering that you can spend gold not just real money when E-25 is at the discount.
        But if WG is doing their job well, gold comes into the game for the money (or generates money), whether it is from players pockets or from various agreements with other companies that can offer gold, etc.
        So this still should generate money.

        This is a simple principle of trade where you earn money AND make your client happy. Bargain should be recognized by both sides as an opportunity. Not just labeled as an opportunity by the seller and because they have monopoly and the buyer just forced to accept all the “opportunities” (lets be honest, for now there is no equal to WOT game that would be as enjoyable and running relatively bug-free (mostly)).

        Is that helps to understand my point of view, sarcastic friend? ;)

        • Business is not simple, only person who never done any would say that.

          For example, I own probably around 25-30 premium vehicles of all tiers (including all but maybe 2 of tier 8). I haven’t purchased a single one of them with money or gold that I paid for.

          I bought them all with gold from winning tournaments and Clan wars. In effect, I spend 0 dollars to get value that is significantly higher than that. Where is the profit for WG in that?

          Ok, so I (and top 5000 people on US server) not the target audience for this, we are the leading edge that drives others to spend money on what they cant get for skill.

          So the rest of population: E-25 is clearly popular enough to cause an issue so it has to be removed.

          What will cause more anger for all the people: removing it on a spot from the store and from ability to buy it and generating a figurative shit storm of “I wanted to buy it and I didn’t get to, but everyone else has it, fuck you WG” and generating 0 income for WG


          removing it as it has to happen but giving a chance for anyone who really REALLY wanted to buy it but waited for it, to get it, generating income for WG and satisfying everyone?

          Because at this point, all I see someone complaining is “Meh I wasn’t going to buy E-25 but fuck you WG for daring to suggest that I will buy something you offering me. You are basically dangling a carrot in front of me saying “Buy it or it will be gone” and I am so weak-willed that I will do it!”

          And before going out of your way accusing WG of money grabbing, consider this:

          If they WERE the evil company that you so desperately want them to be, wouldn’t they just start selling Type 59 again? Double the price on it and watch droves of whining complaining people still buy it? Or perhaps they release pay to win component where for 100 bucks you buy a nuke that kills the enemy team?

          What you are describing is a clever business practice that sells a product. And they didn’t EVEN invent it, freaking Seinfeld episode from the 90s had Elaine buying boxes of sponges because they were removed from the market. Heck, even I stockpile my favorite food once I discover it’s being discontinued and trust me, I would be more upset about not being able to buy it at all than being able to stockpile it at mark up for a limited time.

          You are complaining about something that is definition of capitalism. Don’t like it? I guess you shouldn’t have won the cold war.

          • I rest my case as I see you missed my point again.

            Still, I will try to encapsulate it once more, but in a single sentence:
            I never complained about how WG is running business, I complained and will complain on how they paint themselves more and more, as more and more greedy.

            And on unrelated note, do not assume on which side others here were in the cold war and whether they did or did not run own businesses. It will help you remain objective. :)

            • No no, I got your point. You are the type of person that says: “That rain sure is wet” and “Man, it must be hot on the sun”.

              Saying “Specific business is greedy” falls under “Duh!” as in “All businesses are greedy” because THAT’S what they are. They exist with sole purpose to make money and not making ALL the money they can lands them into “bad business” category.

              What you are trying to imply is that “WG is greedier than other businesses I know” to which I have only reply of “Bullshit” and have no interest in debating further.

              My attempt was to point out to you that WG is a business, they are good at what they do and you haven’t got a leg to stand on claiming that they are somehow more greedy or evil than any other business, you are just filtering your perceptions and ignoring all other business out there because you are personally vested in WG.

              • Sorry but I’d rather play tanks than again explain to you my point yet again, which you missed… yet again.
                If you find arguing over something you only perceive in my words as fun and fulfilling find someone else. For me, it doesn’t have appeal, it wastes my time, it is pointless and I already stated my view – you can reread it, agree, disagree or whatever.
                Your right. :)

                • I entirely welcome your desire to play tanks rather than post on the forums. In fact, I would entirely like it if in the future you would refrain from posting and keep playing tanks and enjoy the game.

                  If I had that option, I wouldn’t be posting on here at all.

                  You stated your point, however clear you could and I replied on the stated point. If you find that your point is not understood, perhaps you didn’t explain it well enough, it seems I have no problem explaining my point, they are well structured, emphasized and concise.

                  So based on that, I am indeed right, but our discussion was not for our benefit (it’s impossible to change someone’s opinion via forum argument) however it is for benefit of others who will read it and decide for themselves what their truth is.

                • I agree with Daemonik’s points.

                  And remember – if WG wasn’t this “greedy” business, like you say, you wouldn’t be able to play WoT at all. Yes, they could’ve used some other business model (like Minecraft, for example), but there’s no way to tell how successful it’d be.

              • Sorry to interrupt your discussion guys, but if the reasons they mentioned (quality and quantity of these vehicles) are true, I really think this move is stupid.

                I dont care if its greedy or whatever. It just looks stupid and silly. So yes, there’s plenty of E-25s so lets announce its removal and keep it in shop for another 4 weeks.
                Today, I logged in and saw 7 e-25s in one team. Seriously.

                If the amount of them was the problem. they could as well announce that it has been already removed. Either remove it immediately or just announce it on 15th, January . But letting everybody know 4 weeks earlier… it’s like those silly TV commercials … “buy this spoon, it’s last chance to get this very unique spoon.. last few pieces in stock… order it now and you will get second spoon for free, and thats not enough, if you order before this commercial ends, you will get 50 spoons! You cant miss this offer!”

                • You are correct.

                  But this way they minimize amount of angry players (who didn’t get to buy it before removal without warning) and generated a LOT of money while keeping their core business unaffected.

                  The only reason you saw increase in E-25 being played is number of people rushing to buy them before they are gone. Just like type 59, the actual number of people playing the TD (which is while OP is not that EASY to play) will drop off to normal levels.

                  Look at Type 59. I can play 10 games on tier 8 without seeing one.

                • “But this way they minimize amount of angry players (who didn’t get to buy it before removal without warning) and generated a LOT of money while keeping their core business unaffected.”

                  SU 76i says hi.
                  In that case they could remove it immediately. In this case they cannot ?
                  It’s just … you know… strange and silly at the same time…

                • “SU 76i says hi.
                  In that case they could remove it immediately. In this case they cannot ?
                  It’s just … you know… strange and silly at the same time…”

                  (I can’t seem to reply lower)

                  SU-76i was freshly put out, was way cheaper (if they announced it, more people would buy it than E-25) and they caught it early enough to be able to do that. One week later and it would cause the same issue, if not bigger.

          • “For example, I own probably around 25-30 premium vehicles of all tiers (including all but maybe 2 of tier 8). I haven’t purchased a single one of them with money or gold that I paid for.”


            • Not hard. A considerable number of gift tanks (we get like two a year?), plus missions for free tanks, plus – as he said – gold from Clan Wars.

  5. Well stupid or not, I AM one of those idiots who will buy it! Not because it will be removed, but because I like it. Took it for a spin on test servers, and I really enjoyed it. Been wanting it for a good month now, and been waiting for the X-mas discount. So… Fuck me right ?!

    • Yeah exactly, after I tried it on test I knew it is awesome, but I don’t think the discount will be applied to E-25, check my comment above.

  6. its money grab only if you buy it….. sometimes you are annoying SS…. im sorry but you dont have to blame everything on WG when its not their fault anyone buys this stuff

    • Agreed.

      They run a business. They have a product, they set the price, they run whatever promotions they can think off. It’s absolutely not any different from every single store ever (Sale 70% off! Black Friday! Buy 1 get 3 free!).

      ALL of those stores trying to get your money. They don’t care about you, you are just a consumer for their goods and they need to sell you those goods. Wargaming does exactly the same thing, and if you don’t like it, well, welcome to capitalism that everyone so much loves around here.

      Nobody forces you to buy anything. If you think it’s a cash grab, then consider just how gullible and greedy people are for that to work: E-25 has been avaialble for sale for a long time, now when it’s suddenly getting removed you just absolutely NEED to buy it?

      It’s super ironic that someone can think WG is ought to give them something for free. Generation of entitlement.

      • hope SS wont delete this post…. im all on board when it comes to bugs and failing to meet promises….. im complaining with everybody else on those matters, but this is just normal business

        “toyota has discount on older models, what a money grab…. there is discount on clothes, what a money grab….. there is discount on Steam, what money grab”….. all i can say is “yes…. exactly…thats exactly what it is”

        its funny that some individuals cry how WG is communist company at the same time when WG introduce capitalist solutions :D

  7. [–]WG EUEctar_ 30 points 2 hours ago*

    To clear up any confusion this article may have created. The tank won’t be available for 30% discount via the in-game store (as it will be removed from the store before the discount is active).

    It will however be available to purchase for 30% off via the Premium Store as per the discount starting on the 24th Dec running to the 11th Jan.

    The wording of the articles is a bit confusing as it’s intended to separate tanks available via the Premium Store AND in-game store which are discounted, and tanks only available via the Premium Store during this time (Panther 8,8cm and any other newly released premium tanks) which are not discounted.

    TLDR: If you wanted to purchase this tank on discount, it’s still possible, just only via the Premium Store between the 24th Dec and 11th Jan.

    • Let’s hope WG will not change their mind :D

      However, it will be ~700g more expensive than from in-game shop.
      25,75e – 30% = 18euros.
      18*300g = ~5400g (when from in-game shop we would have 6700g – 30% = 4690g)

      Oh, well. I hate D.Max and will not buy Jtiger88 for sure.

  8. I already have the E25, so I don’t have a dog in the fight. However, if it is actually on sale in the gift shop, I’m going to buy one for a friend of mine for Christmas. I regularly platoon with him and I would like to be able to run them together. If it isn’t on sale, then I will buy him something else. I bought an E25 for my other regular platoon mate for his birthday the last time it was on sale.

      • Yeah, for better than 25 years now. They are the ones that got me into the game. Interestingly enough I now have more battles than both of them combined.

  9. New Year Discounts Round 2





    Garage Slots


    Premium Tanks, Tier II – V*


    Premium Tanks, Tier VI – VII*


    Premium Tanks, Tier VIII*


    6 months Premium Account


    12 months Premium Account


    * Valid for Premium vehicles available from the in-game store.

  10. Just a random thought; is income from RU dropping? If so, I could understand this (whole milking) as compensation for that.

      • Lolled at that one.

        When US was going through depression (some say still is), surely all the gaming companies lost all their profit and tanked and don’t exist anymore…

        Wait what? They didn’t? Some posted record profits? It’s almost like wide economic downturn doesn’t affect specific businesses at all and some profit from it?

        I didn’t see that coming. Jesus, I wonder what else I am ignorant about?

      • no profit there, yet they cannot improve the game because russian players playing on wooden abacus wont run the game …. The statement that less than 40% (no idea about the exact number, but it was kinda big) player base has multicore CPU killed me. I almost choked to death.

        • True.

          And yet they are still doing what they have to, to remain profitable business because

          a) There is 12 million Russians playing the game.
          b) Only about 500 thousand accounts on US.

          You cater to your player base, not to the exceptions.

          And it remains to be seen if AW will make a dent, my prediction the numbers of accounts will be the same or smaller, because on US server tanks are a niche market, people just aren’t interested in it and since gameplay is likely will be identical with some graphical face lift, majority of people just wont bother to switch since we aren’t playing this game for graphics sake.

          Plenty of precedence before, see Everquest 1 vs Everquest 2. Everquest 1 is still being played because it runs on older machines and it is familiar.

    • Poor Russians don’t see that 50% discount as a “discount” because ruble lost ~50% value.

  11. Given WG’s pricing is fixed to the US dollar, they have a slight problem. The Russian ruble has dropped to its lowest point in over 16 years against the dollar. WG’s biggest market is in trouble. Looks like WG is attempting to bring in a surge of hard currency by pulling the E-25 from the in game shop and notifying the players that the td will be dropped soon from the premium store as well.

    • That’s some amazing insider info into what they are doing… now do Blizzard! I need to make some quick cash and it is so very clear you know what you are talking about, I am just surprised you are on this forum instead of spending time in Caribbean on your yacht from all that money you made in stocks from predicting how business will perform.

      Some people spend YEARS in school and lifetime of experience and come out with nothing to show for it, because they clearly can’t understand how businesses operate like you do.

      You are my god! Please attach the picture of your supermodel girlfriend.

        • Ok, so…. is that a “no” on yacht and supermodel girlfriend? My grandfather was retired once too, heck actually I know a lot of people who are retired and spouting non-sense whether on the bench, internet or in the pub, but hardly any of them have the money to back up their point of view.

          I am just a kid, but it seemed to me that retirement is a function of time rather than money, everyone retires and being smart is not a prerequisite for it. Double so in your case it seems.

          But enjoy all that free time on the forums, granddaddy.

          • I said that I’m retired. I didn’t say that I was old. *ROFL*

            My girlfriend says to tell you, “Hi.”

          • You should read the terms of service before using a software:

            3. Virtual Goods
            You agree that WN reserves the right to manage, regulate, control, modify and/or eliminate its games and all aspects of including but not limited to, game characters, items, points, and Gold (collectively, “Virtual Goods”) therein. All Virtual Goods remain property of WN. You acknowledge that WN may, in its sole discretion, in any general or specific case, modify features, functions or abilities of any element of any of its games or any Virtual Goods (which may, among other things, make the Virtual Goods substantially more valuable, effective or functional, or less valuable, effective or functional, more common or less common, or eliminated entirely). You acknowledge and agree that all Virtual Goods represent a limited license right governed by the terms of this Agreement, and are not redeemable for any sum of money or monetary value from WN at any time.

            That means Wargaming can replace a Type59 or an E25 bye a PZ2 when they want, and if you are not happy you can’t do shit. Because you NEVER BUY ANYTHING when you PAY FOR A SERVICE, you just pay to have access to a service that can change anytime, as EVERY SOFTWARE, EVERY ONLINE GAME.

            So yeah, no, Wargaming removes the E25 just because they saw that it was to populare and as the KV5 they just want to avoid E25 spam at tier7.

            They could, and they CAN, nerf it to shit, but they did not. It’s not because they could not, or they “feared” players reaction, they just prefer to not lower to much premium tanks, as they already did at least 3 times with Type59.

            • Your understanding of the underlying laws are as basic as those people who post of Facebook some random quote and say Facebook can’t touch them because they used a disclaimer.

              The terms of service are put in place to protect the business from lawsuit, NOT as a tool to alienate customers or in other ways abuse them without retribution.

              Store owner has a complete right to call you a worthless piece of shit (as some people on this forum inclined to do) to your face every time you enter his store, and you can’t do anything about it… other than not shop there anymore. And any store owner who does that soon will find that he has no business to run.

              Likewise, just because WG can come in, delete all your tanks and then laugh at your face for it because you can’t do anything, doesn’t mean they will do it because it is not in their BEST interests to do that.

              Despite that nerfing E-25 would have been completely within their power, they (Storm quoted by SS on FTR here, several times, do you people even read?) said that they would prefer not to touch those vehicles because of the players reaction to tanks they purchased for real money without ability to reinburse them for real money.

              When they do it (see T26E4) they give you back the value of it in gold, but THAT is also not in their BEST interests (I promptly sold that nerfed tank for gold and bought something else).

              So given all the choices, they went with least aggravating and business ok plan.

              But hey, you are the internet lawyer, quote me some other random things, please.

                • I get paid 100 dollars a post. It’s a rough job but someone has to do it.

                  I am writing this from my yacht with my supermodel girlfriend, so it’s not a bad life.

                • Just wondering about why someone who’s EU account was created 30 DEC 2013, has only played 553 games (only one tank at tier 4 with the rest of the AFV’s at tier 3 or below), and never posted to the EU forum would be defending WG so blatantly on FTR.

                • Just leave him Tullus, the arguments he gives are idiotic without any logic whatsoever. He just defends WG without even trying to understand the meaning of other people posts, but thats what WG lowlife employees are for

  12. Personally I think when a Premium tank is openly deemed OP directly by WG (which is somewhat rare) it should be removed immediately. Why should people with the money have an advantage over those who don’t? Either it is a pay-for game or a free-game, but if you mix the two there shouldn’t be a distinct advantage for those who can spare the cash. In fact, I would even favour removing it from the game altogether and refunding the owners with gold. If it’s OP and a threat to game balancing (as much as a joke that statement is, since WG has plenty of ways to unbalance games as they please), then it should be removed completely, especially if it is already popular.
    As for the timing of the removal, it really does look like they want to maximise sales before withdrawal, and this clashes with the recent removal of the SU-76I, which was withdrawn at once and from both store and shop. If I were a player who missed out on the SU-76I, I would be rather pissed off that the same opportunity wasn’t given to me.

    • Actually, the right way would be to nerf E-25 the same way all other TD’s were nerfed which would bring it in line.

      However, they can’t do it, because of gigantic shit storm that all the whinies in the world would raise: “I paid money for vehicle that is OP I want it to remain OP, fuck everyone else”. Fairness is the last concern of every single person who is on unfair side.

      I would have welcomed the nerf. Fuck whining people. Second best option would be instant removal, but again, shitstorm of whining. Finally, this is third best option and we still get whining.

      It’s almost like SerB is right: “Idiots will find something to whine about”.

      • its not about being OP. It’s just FUN to play… because it’s you know.. different.
        mediocre gun, great mobility… playstyle is different from all other TDs, which makes it interesting tank to play, hence the popularity.

        It’s in no way OP. It’s a vehicle which sucks in bad players hands and excels in good players hands. Seen many of these things just rush and die in first 2 minutes.

        SU76i was OP. And was removed without any warning.

        the fact e-25 doesnt have nerfed camo as all other TDs is true (we can still expect ninja nerf IMHO) But it will have nerfed viewrange in the future…

        • ACTUALLY, it is OP in some situations. like if it’s hiding behind a bush, hiding with the good camo, and the premium camo bonus, the premium camo bonus just took it too far. and the gun reloaded too fast for an L/70. someone could never reload an L/70 in 2 seconds, maybe in 4 seconds like on the panther but 2 is impossible. the L/70′s rounds were very big, made to destroy tanks, so they were much bigger than an average m5 sherman’s round. you want a realistic 2 sec reload??? matilda has one.
          PLUS, anything good on the e25, makes it annoying (camo rating, Rof, etc.)

        • the main thing is, around 60% of people i have seen in games on the ASIA server are really good with this. once came across one in a battle with all 9 (3) marks on his barrel, he got 4600 dmg that battle and his average damage was like 2000 in it or something like that. it’s just too easy too use, too easy to get good at, too hard to defend yourself from. and it’s fun to play because some of it’s important factors are unbalanced and should not be on a TD in this game. if anything, a LT but without the premium bonus of course. no tank should be able to fire such a historically devastating gun every 2 sec without being spotted.

          • You’re lucky it doesn’t have the historically planned ROF, which was 40 RPM.
            The gun had the same loading system planned for the Panther, which would be rather nasty in WOT.

  13. I don’t think they are saying the E25 is blatantly OP, just overpopulated, and strong enough that they feel it is hurting balance. Much like the Type 59, not OP, but population was too high, so they stopped selling it. I wouldn’t be surprised to see the E25 for sale from time to time or as a prize. The SU-76i, on the other hand, is OP and was dealt with accordingly. We won’t be seeing the 76i again unless it gets nerfed.

  14. not on subject but if you go on tank inspector and go onto the 9.5 ct you will see something very interesting. There is a tier 1 block tank (like karl) version of the t110e5 and the only explanation for this would be a special event.
    hope you find it interesting

  15. anyone knows if the premium shop discount will be on NA Server too?
    cause the marathon page only shows nation discounts for credits only

  16. i’m happy it will be removed. they are just plain annoying with that RoF and Camo Rating. and it’s almost always true, that if there is a popular vehicle, then most likely it’s overpowered or unbalanced.

  17. So if u already own an E 25 and u buy it from the premium store w 30% discount, will u be compensated for the full price in gold?

  18. Okay WG…so you’re removing the E-25 because it’s imbalanced…of course, because the SU-122-44 is TOTALLY balanced, right guys?

  19. Seriously go play tier VII today. Always one or two E25 in the queue. And yes it is op:

    - It scout better than others TVII scout (far better camo and speed)
    - It damage far better than TVII scouts (60 ammo drum. M41 can get the door it is far behind.) WHILE staying hided!
    - Preferential MM.

    I won’t get this OP tank even if my friends sent it has a Xmas gift. I have SU-122-44 and even if it is strong the non preferential MM make all the difference. (and the size/camo, and the poor view range, etc.)

    Make the E25 meet TIX and the problem is fixed. =)