Source: FTA VK community
Hello everyone,
Wargaming is apparently testing a new tier 10 mode on supertest, that resembles team battles, only with tier 10 vehicles and tier 8 lights. This mode has attack/defense mode. Currently nothing else is known, it could be some sort of preliminary test/experiment and there’s no guarantee this mode will appear in the game (although earlier, it was said by WG developers that Wargaming is working on something like that for high tiers).
Garage battle!!!!
Any new info about PvE mode ? (on this resized Ensk map)
Correct me if wrong:
- TB is for T8
- Stronkgolds for T6, T8
When T4 gets a chance? :D
And T10 TB – mamoth gameplay nice.
T4 had it’s chance in the company battles. But, seriously, what reason would a clan player have to play tier 4 companies, except to troll random companies made from beginner players? :)
Why is that not good enough? :P
Well, T4 companies are the least populated ones, I think that’s the main reason they don’t develop more content specifically for low tiers.
Strongholds have T10 as well :)
Tank Company Battles are Junior (tier IV), Medium (tier VI), Champion (tier VIII) and Absolute (tier X).
Strongholds can be tier VI, tier VIII or tier X, and Team Battles are tiers VI-VIII, but only 7 players per side.
So Woras tier IV gets a chance in Junior Tank Company Battles.
So maybe they are testing seven aside tier X, which will be interesting.
TC isnt dead?
LOL @ T4… problem is that this won’t make money for WG.
Let guys roam in T10 TB… train in T10 in random battles for it (it is not that profitable, is it?)… spend gold to win… mnom mnom mnom more EUR, GBR, PLN for WG…. mooooooneeee ;)
WG has gone a bit wrong with these setups.
They should do something different, so Tier 7/9 would be usable in some of these scenarios aswell. For example – CW with Tier6/8/10, TB or Strongholds with Tier7/9 or so. That would give more reasons to hold those uneven tier tanks in garage, more profit for WG and more diversity for players. Because now you only need to leave Tier8/10 tanks in garage, couple of Tier6/7 crap for low tier CW’s and TB support and you are all set for all the modes.
It’s a pity that tier 7 and 9 are totally useless in team organised battles
WG excuse is much BS about that matter.
What’s the point of doing these? Don’t we already have stronkholds, TCs and clanwars for tier X?
BREAKING: E-25 will be removed. Knew it!
Hightier “Team Battles”… don’t… JUST DON’T!
Pingback: Supertest: Tier 10 „týmové bitvy“
I expect 3~5 tier 10 autoloaders and 2 tier 8 autoloaders.
Of course all firing heat at those pesky IS-7′s and 183′s
Sounds great. I think it will be much better than tier8, because tier10 meds are actually competetive. I do wonder whether we’ll see any heavies at all though
This mode was featured (in some way) as special event between russian pro e sport teams. I’m looking forward to it. (its t10 + t8 or two t9 as far as I remember). It will be played enough for sure as well as there’s lots of skilled and bored people I know playing t10s in randoms.