Hello everyone,
after the issue with the falling ruble, Wargaming RU has another problem. Belarus (the “home” country of Wargaming) decided to impose a new 30 percent tax on purchases of foreign currency (which does concern the WoT prices, as they are in USD). This tax is tied to the situation of Russian ruble, which is closely tied to the currency of Belarus. In effect, everything could become 30 percent more expensive for Belarusian players (it’s possible that WG will pay this tax from its profits without making stuff more expensive, but… you know how it is).
As “added bonus”, there are issues in Belarus with internet banking and some payment methods were temporarily disabled for the users in Belarus.
I guess it’s time to start focusing on EU and US market without just milking it, Wargaming… so, about that EU tree in December 2015…
will not happen :)
will happen :(
will maybe happen :):
I just hope I’m wrong!!!
i like your last name hehe milk-ovic :P
I like your last name “free man”.
shots fired
I hope they go to bankrupt and get bought by a decent game developing company.
And SerB becomes janitor for the new company.
I say lets give AW a chance first to prove itself
How terrible….
We might start seeing some love for EU, or not. WG might sacrifice itself for the Motherland for all we know.
Is actually WG Belarussian company from tax point of view? Isn’t it technically a Cypriot company?
There are people in Belarussia who play the game and buy stuff. They will be the ones taxed.
Indeed “How terrible…”
Wouldn’t be surprised if there’s going to be a time in the near future, when the shit is really going to hit the fan for some time over there and the WoT services are going to be at least temporarily be suspended for us.
Whether this be political, economical, otherwise or conflict related….Hope not though.
lol, I know some that will go crazy and die like junkies without drugs XD
I meant whether right now is the last time when M60 will be available.
I want to choose 907 but heard a rumor that this is last time we can get M60.
Will we see m60 and 907 as awards again? Ever?
Dude, ur becoming fkin annoying with that 907.
And you are a moron
Last time SS just did not get the question.
Have you tried…sending him an email about it? Or used the “FTR Contact” form?
Because…that might be more effective :P
Yes. Answers come late. I have till the 22nd.
as always… idiots in suits getting angry at each other and normal people paying the price
Most Belorussians must be playing on RU server, so, I bet they are enjoying double -50% discounts :D [as long Belorussian ruble is not falling as much as Russian]
Are you sure that they will have to pay that tax? It is tax ” tax on purchases of foreign currency”. Tidying prices in local currency to dollar is not the same as buying foreign currency.
Wargaming has an offshore company in Cyprus and basically is not concerned with taxes and shit like that. The Russians having less money due to falling ruble is a problem for sales on RU, but make no mistake to believe that WG is paying taxes in Belarus or anywhere else. Multimilion corporations have expert ways of avoiding paying any taxes on profits. They pay only indirect taxes for the jobs they (employees get cuts from their paychecks), but all profits are tunneled into 0% tax offshore zones companies!
How Terrible…
Quite sad to hear this -giggles my ass off-
No more Russia stronk in WoT?
How terrible.
Next step: WG will nerf your tanks if you won’t pay them ransom (uh, I mean bonus development fee)
I think he meant, time to milk it even harder
Let them die.
Let those dogs of gaming industry writhe and suffocate in poverty, and drown in their own blood!
Victory is near, comrades, it is time for the payback!
No more money of me! I hope they get bought out a western game company!
… because Western Game companies are a good thing… yeah…
*cough* EA
*cough* Sony
*cough* Ubisoft
*cough* Square Enix
I seem to be sick…
Arent Squenix Eastern :P ? Japanese?
Your point was hammered in though…
Ohh, forgot Activision. How could you?
Dolar is R$2,65+ on Brazil, more this with Rubles, buy something is getting much expensive.
Yep, like Google translate, even if it seems not to work for you :)
first – I don’t used the google translate…
second – i don’t care for grammar
third – is my comment, not yours
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