Source: FTA VK Community
Hello everyone,
remember the “ugly duckling”, M4 Improved tier 5 American premium tank on supertest? Well, compared to the first iteration, it got changed two days ago as such (data for 100 percent crew):
- reload time buffed from 3,74 to 3,644
- ROF buffed from 16,044 to 16,466
- DPM buffed from 1764,8 to 1811,3
- accuracy buffed from 0,432 to 0,422
- accuracy loss on the move buffed by 18 percent
- accuracy loss when moving at full speed and turning the turret buffed by 33 percent
- accuracy loss when moving at full speed buffed by 19 percent
- accuracy loss when turning while moving at full speed buffed by 19 percent
- hitpoints buffed from 470 to 480
- maximum repair cost nerfed from 4750 to 4785
Current stats:
Tier 5 US MT
Hitpoints: 480
Engine: 640 hp
Weight: 37,92 tons
Power-to-weight: 16,87 hp/t
Maximum speed: 56/25 km/h
Hull traverse: 39 deg/s
Terrain resistance: 0,959/1,055/1,822
Turret traverse: 40,7 deg/s
Viewrange: 370
Radio range: 594,4
Hull armor: 50,8/63,5/?
Turret armor: 76,2/50,8/?
Elite gun: 75mm M3
Damage: 110
Penetration: 92
ROF: 16,466
DPM: 1811,3
Reload: 3,644
Accuracy: 0,422
Aimtime: 2,01s
Depression: -10
seems like a fun tank…I’ll get it when it comes out.
It won’t be for sale normally, unless they remove the current tier 5 medium premium Ram II first…
well, I mean, if you think about it, the Russian tech tree (including gift tanks/reward tanks) has like 4 or so premium medium tanks, so it wouldn’t be too weird/odd for the American line to get another premium medium, even if it is the same tier as the other two
Is this a premium?
Quote: ” tier 5 American premium tank on supertest? “
I didn’t see that, but your quote referred to the first iteration so it doesn’t logically follow that further iterations will necessarily be premiums. :)
Yes it does. If it’s status as a premium tank *changes* then, *logically*, that change will be mentioned.
Now you are making assumptions about the quality of the journalism.
As this is a list of changes to a vehicle, it is perfectly rational to assume that anything not mentioned as a change, has not been announced as being changed.
Going from premium tank, to reward tank is a major change and failing to mention it would be an act of incompetence.
Going from premium to regular is even worse as it would require major additions to the tank itself including modules for guns engines and radio, all of which should have been mentioned in any article on the subject.
Such an over site is ofc possible, yet it’s probability is so miniscule that actually allowing for the possibility and requiring clarification is the less rational course of action. Unless ofc a person had heard from other sources that such a change may have taken place.
“Such an over site is ofc possible”
My point…
Does the M4 Improved have prem mm ?
Whats in the box?
Where is my object907! No reward tank so far :(
Probably not going to take long, but still :P
what exactly 907 has to do with this article?
The gun is same as on M4A2E4. And it’s underwhelming even with limited MM.
But the lack of penetration is the most concern……if it has KV-220′s level then is ok….
If it will have good penetration at golds (about 135mm) I will buy it. But I still think this change was nerf, just look at this:
- maximum repair cost nerfed from 4750 to 4785
Most likely 127mm with APCR.
Pingback: Supertest: M4 Improved dostal buff
“- accuracy loss on the move buffed by 18 percent
- accuracy loss when moving at full speed and turning the turret buffed by 33 percent
- accuracy loss when moving at full speed buffed by 19 percent
- accuracy loss when turning while moving at full speed buffed by 19 percent”
This isn’t telling us much without actual dispersion values. However, looking at current stats, this tank is looking better and better. I may even purchase it (and I would finally get some motivation to continue grinding US MT line -_-).
If it had the 600 hp of the original T5 mediums, I’d buy it in a heart beat…Ram II has 610, T-25 has 600…as do both the T14 and Excelsior. Why not this one? I understand why the Chi Nu Kai doesn’t, it’s a very badly armoured, fragile tank…but this one should be better armoured than the Ram it superseded.
t14 and excelsior are heavy tanks, hence they are meant to have their respective HP, so i dont see the point in comparing medium tank to them.
As for T-25, i guess its a balancing factor for this tank(having way more hp than typical tier5 med). Since it also has somewat similar playstyle to later tanks in Panther line (VK3002M -> P2), it probably goes along with Panthers image of being meds with heavy tanks hp(panther has more than IS or T29 IIRC, P2 got same as IS-3). And its just simply big and bulky for a med, so its more likely to have bigger HP pool to represent that.
Given that those have glaring weaknesses and standard mm, this could mean its getting prem mm
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