Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- 105mm LeFH 18 B2 premium artillery + slot
- 5750 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 36,68 USD (29,99 EUR)
Actually, this is pretty okay I’d say.
Hello everyone,
today’s advent offer for EU server includes:
- 105mm LeFH 18 B2 premium artillery + slot
- 5750 gold
- 30 days of premium
Price: 36,68 USD (29,99 EUR)
Actually, this is pretty okay I’d say.
Even Clickers deserve something in the Christmas stocking.
Did you, by any chance, rebind your fire key to something else?
Cuz otherwise I got news for you: you’re a clicker
Tomorrow I guess BTSV , hasnt been there for a while…
Only three things in life are certain: death, taxes, and more BT-SV offers.
or KV-220
but the big question is: what will be the Advent offer on the 24th? Type 59?
(or BT-SV/KV-220 again)
BT-SV is actually not a shabby tank and the gold offer alone is worth it… even though it’s a shit load of money.
BT- SV and gold for 200 Euros
the 24th day offer is PzKpfw 38H735 and if that is correct, I’ll by it also.
How do you know this? ;)
(OFC it would be on a 50-100 euros bundle.. 10-20 euros one wouldn’t make WG as rich)
You forgot repairkits…we always need more repairkits…
Having had the arty for about 2 years now I can say only one thing – totally worth it.
Is it good?
Best 750 gold i ever spent on WoT (got it right before 8.6)
Shell flying arc is better than Conqueror GC.
Absolutely worth it. This is the best arty for its tier in the game. As a premium tank it escaped the worst of the effects of ‘the great arty nerf’.
It’s rate of fire is enough to keep most tanks ‘perma-tracked’. Even if you are only plinking off 100 or so hp with every hit, eventually even the biggest tanks go down. This arty has no trouble at all holding its own in tier 7 matches.
It has the range to shoot almost all the way across 1000m maps.
Aiming is quick – reticle settling time is good.
Works great for training your French arty crews. I run my tier 10 BatChat arty crew in mine all the time.
As a premium tank it makes credits like crazy. You are virtually guaranteed a profit of 25k+ win or lose.
The armor is surprisingly robust for an SPG. I’ve had pz IC’s give up in frustration after shooting clip after clip into it for little effect.
It is probably the best TD mode SPG shooter in the game.
It’s only problem is it moves a bit slow. Be careful and watch your map awareness otherwise you might be overrun by a rapidly falling flank.
I think this is the best advent offer until now :)))
That is actually a free tank combined with a month of prem and gold.
30euro is around 8200 gold (looking at €35 for 10k gold) ; 5750+2500(month prem) =8250
So thats a free tank ànd slot ^^
That’s true but I don’t play Arty so the tank is useless to me.
You sell it and have an extra 300k credits and slot :P But that wouldnt be worth it I think.
Had this arty, sold this arty.
Nice ROF, but too little alpha and it is not funny to take 19HP to KV-1.
take away*
Healing shels would make you rage :P
You say that but in my first ever game in the T1 Heavy, I used my repair kit earlier in the game and in the last five minutes I got killed by one of these things because
it’s rate of fire was so much better than the repair speed of my 50% crew. It just kept me permatracked doing 100 dmg here 70, splash dmg there It’s like a Bert The Avenger but a tier lower.
I got a hint for ya: Don’t shoot the thick armor, but lob the shell into the engine deck or turret roof.
i would buy it if i dont have tier10 BC 155 58. if you are going to research the french arty line, buy it.
It’s a funny “little” machine if you put good crew in it and mount all the needed modules – reload and aim time is getting somewhere like on FV304. And the armor is troll. Low tier light tanks occasionally shoot your hull, which they can’t pen because the aromr is the same as on B1/B2.
I got a steel wall medal because an enemy Pz I C did not know that the gun shield is only 20mm thick :D
You can get the reload to almost 6 seconds so a lot better ROF than the fv304
100% crew + BIA + rammer makes 7.849 sec, using prem food makes 7.516 sec reload
it is not possible to lower reload time to 6 seconds
Good one!
I had expected a Matilda BP, AT 15A or a combo of those seeing as the new tanks came today…
Well… The first good deal… Since 21 days… Good job WG
I’d like WG to make offers for LeFh and KV220 at 20 euros instead of 30.. like on RU server..
I don’t have yhat mich money to spend.
I think WG is removing the E25 so it can have a “Special Sale” on the 24th, and it will suck major balls!
Can it be used for ANY of the individual missions? I was said stug iv mission has no minimum tier level, but Im not sure. I have no artys and i would need one.
So SS, do you know why there’s no US advent calender?