Hello everyone,
Wargaming staff wants to wish you everything best in New Year – English subtitles available.
Wishes from VP A.Yarancev (vice prezident), Michael “Storm” Zhivec, Anton “Evilly” Pankov, Alla Vasileva (general manager), Sergei “SerB” Burkatovsky and “Big Boss” Viktor Kislyi.
SS pls check mail from me. You can get typ 59 in a charity auction.
you can have mine. but u can/t. nananana
i dont need typ 59 :P
So you are telling me, SerB is not the Big Boss? ôo
SerB is the God of WoT and Storm is his prophet!
SerB is a bastard and Storm is a faggot.
Because of those two retards, WoT went into shithole after Zlobny left.
Someone’s butthurt…
Nope. Zlobny was pretty much why there were no powercreeps probably.
SerB is God of RNG.
will there be any “plans for 2015″ video as well like it was last year silent?
Whats the point of plans if 50% fail? :D
it is cute to remember back how many plans they had for the year and how small percent of them was successfully implemented :D
They could just reupload the 2014 plans video again, since they didn’t achieve most of the plans :D
Gods, SerB looks like he’s mightily drunk :))) stare fixed in one point and not even blinking…
PS: well, Happy New Year, everyone :) .
yeah haha, I always though SerB is an anonymous alcoholic
He has some Brezhnev in him.
Burkatovsky and Brezhev are similar, they both look fairly smart but they’re just some filthy bastards in reality.
Seams like a proper topic, so
Thanks for all the work with so many hours worth of reading that you put into your blog during 2014, and a New Happy, Better, Prosperous and Extremely Great 2015 to all!
Merry New Year SS and FTR blog.
Let’s hope that 2015 will bring many suprises for us… And for WG, too.
What SerB actually said was “Thanks for wasting your money on our Hitlerpanther. We appreciate it dearly! :trollface:”
Remember the WG EU goes to Gamescom video with the false translation? Exactly!