Guide: How to Avoid Getting Hit by Arty

Hello everyone,

having trouble being hit by artillery? Maybe this guide will help you. Sure, for some people the advice given in this video by _PizzaGuy_ (linking stats to show he actually knows what he is talking about) is obvious, but it might help some of the people.


128 thoughts on “Guide: How to Avoid Getting Hit by Arty

  1. Already know all these things but did not quite use this knowledge very effectively in-game for the moment. Will try to persist in this way. Very good guide.

    • Quite.
      Most arty safe “advice” basically comes down to this.
      Now try fighting the enemy tanks at the same bloody time.
      THAT is why arty is disliked, it STOPS us from playing a TANK game.

    • Oh ok, so I will just move fast with my jgpz e100 or just hide in steppes. The guide was utter bullshit, you can’t predict if arty will hit you, cause sometimes even if you dodge, rng helps them, shell goes wide and right into you. It is total randomness how their shell flies. Plus if I have to fight other tanks, I can’t really think about dodging the fucker all game can’t I?
      Arty simply takes the skill out of the game and if you are a smart player who utilizes map key points, terrain advantages and so on, you just get punished. Going for that early fast mid position? Pre-aimed, first spotted – boom dead.

      • Yes, every fucking thing should revolve around these third line bush masturbators, move around with the speed of light while shooting enemy tanks and hugging cover because we know that really helps. Every time I wanna have a good laugh, I load encyclopedia dramatica search world of tanks and read the description about SPG, pretty much sums up arti for me.

        • It takes a different set of skills, that dont require one to be as good at the game. Also, if you are able to dodge arty, thats impressive since there is s much rng involved. But its the 3+ arty games that are bad. It makes it more a game of arty dodge; not tanks. The conq gc was the worst addition to the game EVER right next to the wt e because it can just shoot right over so much arty cover.
          Tl;dr: arty cap set at 2 pls

    • No, that’s not what he was saying.
      Being unpredictable is the #1 arty prevention method.
      There is no safe place against CqGC

  2. Here’s my guide:
    1. Camp behind rock.
    2. The more you camp, the lesser the chance to get clicked. MYTH BUSTED: arty prevents camping.
    3. Stand still in the open – moderate chance of getting clicked. Keep moving – lesser chance, but still exists. MYTH BUSTED: arty punishes camping (you are safer behind a rock than when moving in the open).
    4. If you find yourself in a position vulnerable to arty and any slight movement would mean exposing yourself to enemy’s direct fire, it’s always better to be shot apart by real tanks than clickers, so move. MYTH BUSTED: arty encourages trying new tactics and playing dynamically (positions viable against normal tanks suddenly become useless as the clickers can reach you there).
    5. You have 10 reports and it’s very likely you won’t use all throughout your WoT session. Why not use them on clickers? If we all reported them, they’d get banned, everyone would fear playing arty and WoT would suddenly become a better place. <3

    • Reporting people will only lead to investigation, not immediate banning. And I’m pretty sure that submitting false reports will only work against you in the long run.

      • I’d prefer to use my reports to get rid of the leechers and Bots that you see in most games onthe EU Server.

      • What about clans spamming reports to get the FC or commander banned? It worked like a charm. Why not use it for some noble cause like getting rid of arty pests?

        • Different situation. That’s specifically focussing one target, not distributing reports amongst a large group of players. And I really don’t think it will work again.

          Also, most people who play arty also play a lot of other vehicles… so they would get only a few reports, which would quickly get dismissed.

          Lastly, considering your attitude, I’d say you’re the pest and not the player who just wants to relax and enjoy his arty.

          • Actualy you can be punished for report abuse (use too much reports for no reason).

            By sending 10 reports to an innocent arty player, you take more risks than him.

      • You are hilarious.
        If you’ll get banned, they send you an e-mail saying you have been banned after a “very thorough investigation”. Bullshit. The support employees even admit that it’s a completely automatic process kicking in after a threshold is reached. They especially give not a single a fuck about replays and screenshots showing other players writing in the chat that they reported you for no reason.

        No thorough investigations, just an automated system which can be abused. Just report the shit out of people you don’t like and they will eventually be banned for several days, without any chance to do something about it.

    • Haters like you are the reason most Arty players LOVE 1-shotting those who refer to “us” as Cancer. I will deliberately go out of my way to destroy a “whiner”. keep up the awesome qq. I’m getting thirsty, time for some pubbie tears.

      • I always say in global chat “Hi” when I one shot them in my SU-5. Recently I’ve been saying it up to 5 times a battle….

        Arty encourages people either to play better or quit.

        • Uhm, no. Arty is one of the things that affect unicums and tomatoes alike. While tomatoes are usually easier to shoot, clickers tend to focus better players due to XVM. If anything, clickers reduce the discrepancy between a window licker and unicum.

      • This(gwalk71) is a typical skycancer player.Its this kind of shitheads that play clicking on purpose!

        • We all know that all sorts of lowbobs and retards are lured to arties by possibility of dealing some easy damage and killing enemies their skill notwithstanding. How else do you think an average SPG player would outplay an unicum?

          • Simple, the same way i do

            Smack the idiot on the head for not knowing how to cover, and when he thinks he is, i’m usually on another spot that has a firing angle

            Get hit once, not your fault, get hit twice, or thrice without moving.. thtas your average Unicum arty hater.

            • please don’t speak out of your arse, and don’t call unicums ‘idiots’.
              many people tried before you to convince others that arties dont xvm focus and you are deliberately saying you hunt the unicums in your arty to show them how you outplayed them. like what bob? jelly much?
              it seems like these days unicums must also anticipate where the arty is going to relocate.

  3. Great guide! I’ve gotten used to be hit by arty. I never considered them to be too much of a threat if you keep moving and pushing the attack. Sure I get one-shotted from time to time but who cares! :D

  4. Here’s my (pub) guide:

    1. Select SPG in garage.
    2. Click Battle.
    3. (Optional) Move after you shoot if you feel enemy SPGs are trying to hit you.

  5. How to avoid arty:
    1. Create an account
    2. Use a bot to unlock all the tier 10s you want and to get terrible stats
    3. Play your ultra-tomato account like you normally would, clickers will often leave you alone since they hunt by f*cking XVM

  6. Ok so now I understand why I always get focused when I play my light tanks. It’s because I’m the first to be spotted.

    • You got a double boner from arty – first spotted and in a light and most dangerous to arty. Taking you out early or damaging you to make you more careful about your health has a multiplying effect on the chances for my team. Triple if you are a good scout.

      • Light tanks are about as rage/boner-inducing (depending on your sexual orientations) as dangling a mouse covered in rotting fish scents in front of a starving cat.

  7. Arty haters will never understand this, they hate artys because they are stupid and dont know to aviod them and will not ever belive anything we say to them not even this guide

    • average speech from the average bob who doesnt know how its like to get xvm focused.

      • Well haters are stupid.

        They rage at arty, and when they have to say why, they say “because of xvm”.

        The problem, if we listen to haters, isnt arty itself: it’s arty using xvm.

        Then go whine at Wg until they remove xvm instead of whining at an entire class of vehicle that will not be nerfed nor removed.

        Talking about the nerf, the incoming accuracy nerd shouldn’t concern arty :)

      • Average tantrum from a XVM relying idiot.

        I’m a primarly arty player and i abhor XVM, for i dont believe that shit at all

        • would you make your mind please? few post above you say you outplay unicums with your arty yet you dont use xvm. wp brave sir. keep on clicking errr outplaying the player you will never be.
          and please stop insulting my intelligence as nor me, neigther other unicum / user insulted yours.

  8. I know how arties work and i still dont like them. I know how to avoid them for the most part (without camping and wasting time) and i still dont like them.

    The only thing arties bring to this game is more frustration. If they were removed alltogether the game would overall lose none of its gameplay quality. Only the level of frustration would go down.

    People who say “if you dont like arties, youre a noob” are assholes, and to them all i can reply is: fuck you very much.

    • If Arty was removed from the game, it would turn into a 15 minute “camp fest”. Is that what you want? Sorry, but that would be boring as hell

      • No it would not.
        Complete nonsense about “campfests”.

        There are ALREADY arty free games due to the nature of the MM throwing them up.
        I have had number arty free games over the last week.
        Guess what — NOT a single one was a “campfest”.

        So arty players please stop repeating utter nonsense just to justify your broken gameplay.

        • I’ve had such games as well, and a lot were total campfests. I’ve also had matches with arty that were the complete opposite. Anecdotal evidence is worth jack shit mate.

      • Haha no, there are already games without artys in the teams and those games are much more enjoyable because you can play aggressivly without the threat to get hit while pushing. The campfest begin only with artys.

        • Or people hulldown and sidescrape out of fortified positions and you can’t advance at all, and neither will they because why the fuck would they. Both situations happen with or without arty.

          • If hulldowning and sidescraping becomes a big problem in the game, then WG should review their map design to make counters for those positions.
            Not beat the crap out of them with rain.

            The thing is, players in strong positions should remain in strong positions. Especially when their location is known. If your response to a strong position is to simply rush out there one by one, that does not make those positions broken at all. The most simple and suitable thing to do is to deny the engagement. Why would you continue to expose yourself to something that you can’t damage, and all the while being shot at in return?

            Sometimes it comes down to your skill, not how “Arty is needed to nerf strong positions”. If they are strong, they deserve to be strong. A way around is needed. And maps without ways around are bad maps.

      • The problem with arty is that it limits entire sections of the map. For example, the medium side of the Serene coast. If there are arties they will surely focus that spot. It makes that side of the map totally unplayable… Arty is the biggest downfall this game has. Imagine competitative counterstrike where one guy has a chopper… seems balanced… Not to mention how one arty hit can ruin your game. Purely by chance…

      • After the the 8.6 there was one arty in 20 games. The games became much more fluent. Reality proved you are wrong.

        Here is a Tank guide for you GWalk71: W(the button on a keyboard) to go forward(not you,your tank in game) A(the button on a keyboard) to go left D(the button on a keyboard) to go right S(the button on a keyboard) to go in reverse (going backwards)

      • WRONG – if that was the case then all games that dont have any arty would be a disaster and a 15 minute camp fest and no fun – yet they are the most fun games of all. proggressive play and skill v skill, tank v tank !!!

        How do you get rid of that nasty hull down TD or HT? its called flanking and team work – no arty required for any aspect of this game to be successful and fun.

        Biggest myth of all about arty spread by arty lovers – “arty stops camping” – NO IT DOES NOT! If anything it encourages camping – Arty doesnt hit things that are camping and unspotted. The times i die the most to arty are as an aggressive early spotted tank, up the front side scraping or spotting for the team – NOT CAMPING A1.

        Having arty in a game is like putting on a boxing match and then when the fight is in progress allowing between 1 and 5 morons in the crowd on each side to throw bricks at the heads of the boxers, and when they complain tell them to keep moving to avoid the bricks (while they try and fight the opponent boxer too) – It is stupid.

        Arty mechanics need a massive rework! ( a direct fire game with indirect fire from a few players) and WG doesnt have the stomach or the ideas or desire to fix it. The butt hurt by arty players and the tears at having to actually learn tanking skills if it was removed (along with requests for refunds) would be too much for them.

      • Gwalk71 you are wrong as above plenty of arty free games and they are fun no need for arty for any part of this game to be fun and successful ( its called flanking and team work). Also a boring 15 min camp fest describes arty play to a tee. You obv like it lol

    • As someone who plays every classes in WoT: getting hit by arty may frustrate you, but landing a 2k dmg shot on a Waffenclicker gives you anti-frustration. Result: balanced fun/ frustration.

      • Fine logic, sir.
        And good luck making a game that anyone plays in.

        Guess what. You can hide behind a hill from the waffle. Arties be like “Fuck dat hill. I’ma still fuck you up son”

        • and then that shot lands behind you, not even damaging the tracks, whats your decision?
          Ima stay here, he wont hit me

          till he does.

      • 4 shots, last one was him being couple of hp strong. Yeah, basically life of a purple player in an open map.

    • Even with out XVM the arty’s choose the correct target, Orza was one of the first to get spotted, then twice went back to the same position, E5′s are good targets because of the soft side armour so indirect hits do a lot of damage. Once he’s down to 700/800 hp one more hit from arty and his gun is out of the game, same for the last shot.

  9. Yeah and here you can see the WG logic – arty is anticamping the game….hahahahaha. and how? When the campers are not spotted……
    and other problem…the shot can go total other place than where you aimed…its random, its only fucking RNG, the player can aim bad, but the shot hit the player…

    • There is no problem with the “logic”. Some just don’t get the big picture.

      RNG can make your shot go anywhere in SPGs as well as in any other tank. Most arty players just can’t aim which creates all this funny bitching.

  10. So this guy says – they will shoot you if you are the first one spotted = if you are the active one and attacking you will be punished for it by arty.

    Well, thank you for confirming that arty promotes camping.

  11. “If you look at my stats, I’m an unicum”

    I closed the video as soon as I heard this.

    • +1

      XVM is the problem.

      If the “good” players get targeted because of XVM, remove it.
      It would stop as no-one would know how good they are.
      The players would have to prioritize threat of the tank, not the player.
      This sounds good.

      But then those “good” players would not be able to claim any sort of superiority, trying to add weight to their opinions by spouting their stats, as no-one would know how good they are.

      They wouldn’t want that, would they?
      Having no measuring stick for their e-peen?
      Heaven forbid.

      Be far easier to remove something like an entire class of vehicle that makes the game more difficult for these “good” players, making it more challenging for them, rather than telling them to accept it or don’t, but don’t keep crying about it.

      (btw, the better your stats get, the smaller the minority you actually represent with your views.
      Unless you think there are more “unicums” than “tomatoes” in the game…)

      This argument is getting really boring.

      • +2

        the true “cancer” of this game is XVM and the E-Penis measuring this has become

        • unicums are on 0.10 % of the wot population.

          Arty kills everyone unfairly.

          It is a broken mechanic END OF STORY.

          Unfortunately due to the massive volume of tears that would be shed by clickers and massive butt hurt and requests for refunds they cant remove it.

        • To arty Evenmoardakka:

          Says the guy who admits to killing many unicums in his arty.. you use xvm yourself to target good players. So shut up retreated.

      • +5
        Unicums represent only the mastery of the formula for whatever the latest xvm standard is, nothing more. Epeen overcompensation from guys that have low self esteem is all it is. I’m slightly above average. I play ALL classes because I don’t give a shit about my stats. Unicums go out of their way to play for stats.

        Lose xvm. It only encouraged targeting players. It encourages egos that are over inflated and adds nothing beneficial to the game. In fact many times players have given up and rage quit after seeing enemy team with more unicums.

        And of course a stat lover will go out of his way to tell me I feel this way because my epeen isn’t as big as his.

      • Less unicums than tomatos doesn’t make the tomatos right. The majority aren’t automatically right about something. Those who can prove their ability have the stats to backup that what they are saying works practically in game.. that’s how they got as good as they are. There are statistics in everything in life sports business even government. Get over it. Naturally some one who is better carries more weight in an argument opinion wise.

  12. want a short guide about avoding arty?
    on start of battle, if you see more then 1 Arty.

    1) click Exit game, bye bye, don’t forget to write you exit this game due to Arty Scum.

    the more players do it, the better WoT game will become.
    happy holidays.

  13. Hearing the final comments of this guy I had to register here for the first time just to say to him:


    And no, there is nothing wrong with you if you are hit by arty, you are not a bad player, is just WG deciding to RNGmess you.
    I have been hit while dodging in traverse, or at 60 kmph zigzaging in a scout.

    I will mark this guy for teamkill when I will see him in an arty. Please, let me be in E100 then, so he can get the feeling of beying one shot and I won’t get banned.

          • Except that I have 2400 WN8 :))) that’s a lot more then what an average arty player has.

            When I am in a scout and I see 3-4 arties …. it’s like Christmas. I will bid my time as much as I can and as soon as I have an open path to them …. BINGO :D

            I just love to piss off arty players, ingame or here. Trolling at it’s best.

            • WoT Anti-Arty league should be formed.
              it’s goal is simple: we don’t want arty.

              acheiving this goal by sacrifice.
              1) from time to time TK Friendly Arty – get banned no matter, continue.
              2) Exist game when you have more 1-2 Artys
              3) make sure in General game chat, how much you dis arty and troll them hard.
              Good Luck All.

              PS – FU WoT, don’t care about WR, about stats about account, i will ruin you bitches.

              • What’s the point of TK friendly arty? Its not like they’re there to kill you, they are just trying to help your team win. You would be better off if everyone just got in light tanks and rushed enemy arty.

            • “Except that I have 2400 WN8″ – etre

              Lesson one in “how to wave your epeen in people’s faces”.
              Next comes “my stats show that i know more than you”.
              Followed by “how would you know? you only have (insert random stat here) and i have (another stat)”-type attacks on any player who dare question their opinion, which they have confused with fact.

              • you should listen to the opinion of better players than you.. same as anything in life – if someone is better than you at something – if you want to learn and get better – LISTEN and read and learn. Just shut your mouth and stop typing on your keyboard and learn something.

  14. Great guide.

    Good players manage to avoid pub arty to the degree where it doesn’t bother them.
    Noobs and statpadders whine in the forum like little buthurt kids and there is so many of them no matter how hard you try to help them. At least they don’t whine at my guide for once and I can enjoy all the fun.

  15. The guide didnt give me any new insights about arty, and how to deal with them. It just proved how broken the class is.

    But I have for a long time now come to terms that arty will not change or removed. That is ok. And have no hate toward the arty-players. Many just play it because the dont have the skill to play tank, and have more chance to do damage with arty´s RNG. Or how the good players just abusing a broken mechanics . Every mans choose.

    But on one note, the good arty players are the most self-righteous douchebags you will ever meet in WoT. Many see playing arty as an “art”. What a delusional bunch. I laugh. Have a good year.

  16. Luck is the only defense against arty. Always was, always will be. Because if you maneuver your tank skillfully and the enemy arty just happens to fire in your maneuver, you one dead moron.

      • Hey, you so-skilled guide-writing tired person, do you know any other word besides tomato or is that like your signature word ?

        • After watching that video only a tomato would argue that not getting artied depend ONLY on luck. Tomato is a nice word for newbies and retards.

  17. As primarily arty player I should be against this vid, but, the comments near the end are spot on my friend. Kudos to you and Tyra. Most of this in both guides is common sense, but if it stops ‘some’ butthurt, then it’s worthwhile.

  18. A lot of arty topics. Any “real” news about some arty change? WG uses arty vs camping but I see arty aimimg heatspots on maps. Any campers are not there. I play mediums and arty is realy nemesis for us – especially Leo1 oneshots… frustrating as hell

  19. A relatively lazy guide and as a result of it some points are not well illustrated. For example towards the end the narrator talks about getting out of the gun traverse, and assumes the listener knows what he’s talking about and moves on. Well forthe players who didn’t already know all this, gun traverse is not an easy subject. He should at least have taken the effort to highlight the gun traverse lines on the minimap through video editing or something. It’s like a recap of what players know in a dismissive tone.

    • I like these little anecdotes from people saying “I did everything right, it is impossible for you to hit me”, you are so missing the point. By using your speed and by manouvering you will dodge 999 out of 1000 arty-shells, You will get hit occasionaly, but those hits are outliers. Just like the times you bounce on a 13-90 in your E-100.

  20. The amount of fucks I give about FTR is decreasing with each and every one of these articles. Good job I guess, if thats what you were aiming for.