Ghost Shells Are Fixed! Yea… totally…

Thanks to Paul for this one.

Meanwhile in 9.5…



Summary: this 9.5 video shows this player’s ghost shell going straight through the T37 light tank. Notice how the lag indicator doesn’t blink red, indicating a stable connection, so it’s not some sort of lag it seems. It takes place in 9.5 (notice the presence of the Firefly), so it’s not a botched replay either.

Actually, I personally have seen two ghost shells since Christmas. Each time, I convinced myself that the shot probably went wide and I looked at it wrong, but seeing this video, you know, I think it’s completely possible a ghost shell at least in one case cost me my battle, because at that particular case I fired at a Borsig and it went through – the shot would have killed him. A second later, he fired back and killed me.

Also, it’s worth noting that this is not the first case in last I recieved on e-mail. Perhaps this is a bit my fault, I should have investigated this sooner, I should have known WG would fuck something up.

But remember, WG has the best QA department in business! ;)

59 thoughts on “Ghost Shells Are Fixed! Yea… totally…

  1. lol at that username that pops up at 0:04 above the minimap (segberuglak means “i kick you in the ass” in hungarian :)

  2. Check the hitboxes it that bart beside the tracks isnt a hitbox hahaah stronkg visual models

        • But it went out the back, not between tracks and hull. So it should have hit the side of the hull and pen/ricochet.

          • Tracers are not accurate and are probably even less accurate in replays. To give you an example, I’ve seen a replay where E-75 got penetrated frontally by a D-25 or a BL-9. The shot overmatched the bottom part of the E-75′s hull above its tracks. I watched it a few times and the shot went into the upper frontal plate half the time..

          • The tracers are probably only drawn by the client depending on the client’s information but the calculation of the hit is server side. So the ping may affect the position of the tracer.
            Also tracers are not always drawn correctly, you can see it when killing an invisible tank. The tracer of the shell killing the tank is drawn further as if the shell went through the invisible tank.

            I also think he only shot between the tracks and the hull. Those strange shots happen, I saw people shooting straight through the front fender of an AMX AC 46 (the fender is not part of the collision model) and then the shell went through between the tracks and and hull above the tracks.
            Remember, shells have no real size in the game, they are only dots.

            Waffenträger auf Pz. IV is also always good for strange misses as there are several small gaps around the gun.

      • That was my first thought too. We know WG isn’t that good with matching the hitbox and visual model. I bet that thing went straight between tracks and hull. That is more something for your Great European Random Woras :P

        • Arghhh, Actually I have seen more center-mass ghost misses since 9.4 – or at least been more aware of them – tbh it has limited my playing time and increased my frustration level – then I go back to real-life and all is good.

  3. Meh normal for wot ;) Beter is when you hit rhm and you dont pen or bounce from his armor xD

    Did some noticed that arty hit that tower xD

  4. I’ve had this happen twice against the same tank – the first shell passed through the gun mantlet/turret (whilst the turret was facing 90­° from my position), the second passing though the underside plating of the tank. The tank in question was an IS-7.

    Those shots cost me my battle..

  5. Same here. Ghost shells happen. A lot. Hard to say whether it is lag – the light may be green, but does not mean there is no lag, but the end result is annoying no matter the cause.

    However, I find the constant lag due to overcrowding a much more pressing issue than one or two ghost shells. (The one may very well cause the other, by the way!)

  6. Idk i dont see ghost shells as a big problem. I mean yeah they happen from time to time but (at least in my experience) it’s like once in 200 shots.

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  8. I killed a DW2 that was firing what must have been ghost shells at me from about 5m. I was in an LTP and he started at full HP. I couldn’t understand why he was missing me as I was shooting directly at his mantle. It could have been some low stat scrub on the ASIA server who couldn’t hit a cow in the ass with a shovel whilst under instruction.

    • LOL must be a new player that still hasn’t learnt to aim… :S

      THAT’S W.O.T. FOR YA!!!

  9. Had a game in my IS-4M in Serene Coast. I fired 7 shots in all, the first two missed and i’m like.. the shot must have went under the tank or it went to the far extreme edge of the reticle, then i kept firing… every single shot missed or “Ghost shells” as they call it. After the battle i ended up with doing 0 damage and getting a lousy x5. WG at its best.

  10. Well i expected at least SS to know that tracers and (to a small amount) tank placement is calculated client side, while real shell trajectory is calculated server side

    • this needs to be fixed… same with the server reticle, if you don’t have it on, shots come out the side of your barrel, if you do have it on, then it is judged by your internet connection… and if that connection is crappy……….

      then u kno wot…..

  11. Had a ghost shell this week. Shot an IS-6 in the rear, right in front of me…no rico, no sound, nothing.

  12. i have had this once i think, fired directly at a tank (can’t remember what one) in my new 112 and it went right through…. no damage, no bounce, no crew telling me anything…. very strange and weird… it’s also very frustrating when it happens with a tank which takes 11 secs to reload and shells cost 1.1k a piece. :S

  13. it must be the new HD models, i noticed a few of them are screwing up… like in 9.4 if u highlighted a moving Jpanther you would see spikes coming from the tracks, the tracks on the T 34 85 from long distance are a very light colour, at longer ranges; the tiger 1 has no cupola or ammo storage box at the back, at medium ranges; the firefly’s extra protection modifications are black instead of the right colour….

    or it could just be more screwed up m53/55 hitboxes D: (probably not)

  14. had it happen a couple times. Most recently is a Fury in stronkholds, I in my T37. First shot went through the turret and hit the T37 behind him, second shot went through the hull and disappeared without any notification of nonpenetration nor damage. 2spoopy4me

  15. I haven’t had many ghost shells since I turned server reticle on. At least, not since the moving-destroyed-vehicles patch.

    I play on the NA server from the EU a lot, so I tend to get high ping all the time. I thus know that the red-green indicator is very unreliable. From my understanding, if it uses something like a standard ping request, the ping indicator can only display data once it receives information, so it will take the same amount of time to receive the ping change info as the ping change itself.

    My guess is that it might have been a short, but high ping burst. If server reticle is not on, and the delay is short, the indicator won’t even tell you it has changed, hence you miss.

  16. Experienced that aswell, once after a Ghost-Shell (clearly hit the Target – about 50m away) just nothing happened, no ding, no boom.. just absolutely nothing.. and even more strange after this, i couldnt fire after beeing reloaded.. very strange moment that was