
See the earlier Q&A post from today for more info.

- regarding yesterday’s Strom comment that the T-34 ingame model is of higher quality than the T-34/85, he adds that specifically the “decoration” (the junk on the tank) is of much higher quality.
- the fact that T-34 and T-34/85 models are different is fine, as even in real life the vehicles differed, even though they were made on the same “basis”
- after most models are reworked in HD, WG plans to bring all the HD models to one standard of quality (polygon count etc.) without using the outsourcers

71 thoughts on “13.1.2015

  1. the fact that T-34 and T-34/85 models are different is fine, as even in real life the vehicles differed, even though they were made on the same “basis

    Well no du. I mean the T-34 and the T-34/85 only have diffrent turents.

      • Different factories’ T-34s looked different, like other turrets and small changes to the hull.

  2. - after most models are reworked in HD, WG plans to bring all the HD models to one standard of quality (polygon count etc.) without using the outsourcers
    So remake the models into HD, so we can then remake them into HD again later?

    • yeah… it is pretty silly to have things done twice but I guess they are making so much money now of this 1USD=1EUR exchange that they can do it.
      WG is very efficient and organized. [/irony]

    • Well it makes some sense. Currently if you look at the first HD models, they look different than the latest one. They could tell the outsorcers to standardize the models, but it could be done in this way too. Kinda weird but logical.

      And it’s not like they will be creating new models, they would only edit the existing ones, so no real trouble there.

      • Aaaaand suddenly we have hovertanks. Remember, they can screw anything, anytime and they do just that.

        • Well in programming screwups are quite common even if you try to not make them, and even doublechecking. Just because they screw up doesn’t mean it’s intentional. But the bug/patch ratio isn’t that high if you look objectively.

        • In War Thunder tanks hover, a few milimeters off the ground which shows that the ground visual and collision models don’t match – bad design.

          And don’t get me started on the physics. That is far from complete.

          • I have not noticed the hovering, but physics are seriously bad, to the point where it resembles paper vehicles.

          • Stop offending WT physics! It’s a simulator, they are striving for realism!
            Don’t you know M22 locusts ACTUALLY had tracks made of rock and ACTUALLY did 180s when going over bumps IRL, not to mention that they would jump 3 metres up after going over a small ditch in terrain? WT’s physics are 100% realistic! Noone can argue about that!

  3. Pingback: 13. 1. 2015

  4. - after most models are reworked in HD, WG plans to bring all the HD models to one standard of quality

    And they will choose the worst one

    • i hope they chose the T-34-85
      It has that good HD look, gun barell has rifling modeled in it etc. etc.
      It looks good…

      • So by bringing them all to the same standard.. does that mean lowering the quality of ones that don’t meet the ‘standard’ down as well…

        It sounds stupid but this is WG.

  5. One only has to look at the new WT M6 to decide which models are better. I love WOT but they have zero on WT models.

  6. I found a new WoT clone on Kongregate.. something very silly going on with it, any way to report it or show it to you SS? They are trying to make more money than a game developer for a mobile platform..

  7. Pingback: 13.1.2015 « The Crow Clan

  8. Just give me some HD barrel rifling!!!!

    aghsrpuiqwgp.. HD…pasdfuckwargaminguehfiowhuRGUIHQPG… HD

    Of all the HD reworks for far the Centurion 7/1 has to be the best in my opinion.

  9. Nice to see that they are spending all their time twisting bits around on the models instead of working on fixing stuff that screws up the playability of the game.