Individual Missions – StuG IV (Stage 1)

In brackets, optional (secondary) objective, rewards vary.

Light Tanks

- win while being in top 10 in XP (survive)
- be first to spot two enemy tanks (survive)
- deal damage to 3 enemy vehicles while moving (destroy an enemy vehicle while moving)
- detrack an enemy (enemy detracked has to take damage)
- get the enemy spotted by you killed by your team (get at least two enemy tanks damaged by your team while you spot)
- spot two enemy tanks before they spot you (survive)
- spot enemy artillery and help destroy it (survive)
- help cap enemy base, battle is won by capping (do not get decapped)
- spot or detrack two enemy vehicles (do that using coated optics or binoculars)
- cause 1000 spotting damage (use camo net and have visual camo on your tank)
- while platooning with an arty (or two arties or another LT and an arty), deal 1500 spotting damage while your teammate deals 1000 damage (win, survive)
- while platooning with another LT, deal summary 2000 spotting damage (one of the platoon has to survive)
- destroy enemy vehicle of your tier or higher (deal at least 1000 damage)
- be first in XP (win)
- deal at least 4000 spotting or assistant damage (spot or detrack a vehicle that gets destroyed as a result of that action)

Tank Destroyers

- be in top 7 of your team in XP (win)
- crit 1 enemy vehicle module or crewmember and destroy/kill him (dont end battle with destroyed modules or dead crewmembers)
- destroy 2 enemy vehicles (survive)
- destroy enemy tank while remaining unspotted by them at the moment of the destruction (use camo net)
- deal damage at at least 300 meters (deal at least 1000 damage)
- deal damage at at least 250 meters, target must be in motion (destroy enemy tank in motion)
- destroy enemy tank while recieving no damage until that point (win)
- deal twice as many damage than the hitpoints of your vehicle (win, survive)
- take 3 damage-dealing shots in a row (destroy enemy vehicle)
- deal at least 1000 damage while remaining unspotted (win)
- platoon with another TD, destroy 3 enemy vehicles (one of the platoon has to survive)
- destroy enemy heavy tank while dealing at least 1000 damage (survive)
- platoon with another TD, deal at least 30 percent of the summary team damage (one of the platoon has to survive)
- deal at least 4000 damage to the enemy (destroy an enemy vehicle)

Medium Tanks

- deal any damage, win, be in top 10 in XP (survive)
- deal damage while on the move (kill enemy while on the move)
- deal damage in first 5 minutes of battle (survive)
- detrack and damage enemy vehicle (destroy a detracked vehicle)
- destroy enemy light tank (survive)
- deal damage to three different classes of vehicles (survive)
- destroy one enemy artillery (survive)
- destroy two enemy mediums (survive)
- set enemy vehicle on fire (be in top 5 in XP)
- deal 6 shots, dealing damage (destroy enemy vehicle)
- destroy enemy by ramming (survive)
- while in platoon, destroy 3 enemy vehicles (each player in platoon has to deal damage to the vehicles destroyed by the platoon)
- deal at least 3000 damage in platoon (platoon has to be in top 5 of its team in XP)
- destroy enemy heavy tank a tier higher than you (survive)
- destroy two enemy TD’s (survive)

Heavy Tanks

- destroy enemy vehicle (deal at least 1000 damage)
- destroy enemy vehicle that is no more than 100 meters from you (deal at least 1000 damage)
- destroy two enemy vehicles of two different classes (deal at least 1000 damage)
- destroy one internal module or crewmember of enemy tank (win, survive)
- be in top 3 in damage (survive)
- destroy two enemy heavies (survive)
- participate in base capping, deal at least 1000 damage (destroy two enemy vehicles)
- deal at least 1000 damage to enemy heavies (destroy two enemy tanks)
- destroy an enemy by ramming (win)
- deal at least 1000 damage to enemy vehicles within your viewrange (destroy two vehicles)
- deal at least 1000 damage while (at battle’s end) having no internal modules damaged or destroyed and no crew dead (destroy two enemy vehicles)
- block at least two times your hitpoints with your armor while dealing at least 1500 damage (win, survive)
- platoon with another heavy tank, destroy one enemy vehicle within 5 minutes of battle (survive)
- platoon with another heavy tank, destroy at least 3 enemy vehicles of 2 different classes (at least one has to survive)
- a sum of damage dealt, damage recieved and damage blocked by armor of your tank has to exceed 8000 (win)


- deal at least 1000 damage (win)
- deal at least 500 damage while not being spotted in battle (destroy enemy vehicle)
- do at least 3 shots that deal damage (deal at least 1000 damage)
- destroy enemy light tank (win)
- detrack an enemy, which is then destroyed by your allies or commits suicide (deal at least 1000 damage)
- destroy 2 enemy vehicles of your tier or higher (win)
- destroy enemy TD (deal at least 1000 damage)
- deal at least 1000 damage to enemy heavy tanks (destroy one enemy heavy)
- deal damage to enemy vehicle moving at least 10 km/h (survive)
- destroy enemy artillery vehicle (deal at least 1000 damage)
- deal damage to two enemy vehicles in one shot (win)
- be in top 3 in damage, destroy enemy vehicle (win)
- platoon with another artillery, deal at least 20 percent of total damage your team does, win (platoon has to survive)
- platoon with another artillery or light tank, personally deal 2000 damage (platoon has to survive)
- be in top 3 in damage and XP, deal at least 2000 damage (survive)

85 thoughts on “Individual Missions – StuG IV (Stage 1)

    • Yep :(
      Well i guess no INDIVIDUAL Mission for me – because i want to play alone….

          • Join a clan then

            For me it’s the “platooning with arty” that sound REALLY SOUR. Come on, in order for me to avoid arty missions one of my friends needs to click hard?

            • In my clan noone really cares of an arty, and my arty playing friend stopped playing, so yes, I am also fked, even in Stug missions :(

          • Why all the butthurt? Look in the general chat for others who need to do the mission as well, there will be enough lonesome warriors around who need temporary friends. Maybe it will do you good.

          • Clan, forums, common chat. Hell, you can write to me and I’ll platoon in any tank, since I play all classes (though I usually don’t, but I make exceptions). There are maaaaany ways, it’s just you don’t feel like it and make up excuses.

        • “improve your personal skill”

          some missions are made that people will yolo and do other stupid things to achieve them. And you call that improvement…

        • Are you serious. Improve? Those missions give incentives to play like a total retard, including but not limited to playing third line sniper support with light tanks, going for less damaging shots so you can get module damage without destroying your targets, sabotaging your own team’s efforts at defending your cap (so you can get that “survive” secondary after getting the primary already) and much more. These might be a fun addition, but what they “teach” is ridiculous.

      • When i come home from work i just want to play 1/2 hour, and then do more important stuff. No time for WGs “forced socialization” for me. However, rightfully so – such a pathetic requirement considering they did also want to create tanks obtainable for non Clan players as well.

        • Fucking hell, they just want you to play with another of the 800.000 people who play WOT. Not fucking breed with them you shut-ins.

        • Well, then don’t. It is what it is. It is not WG’s fault you are too damn lazy to find yourself a platoon mate.

          • Yeah, I have no sympathies for this pathetic whiners.

            What’s next? “WG wants me to click my mouse, but I am playing only for half an hour and that’s too much effort… can’t I just watch my game play for me and win me tanks”?

            How do you people even have employment in the world? Or do you all work as ninja assassins where every single person you meet is your target to kill?

            Whiny losers.

            • ^^^ Hey listen Mr. some of us actually do have Real Jobs, and real lives, and real responsibilities, and real priorities. And because of that very thing we don’t have all the time in the world to D—K Around like in mom’s basement like Wargaming is hoping for.

              So, knock yourself out, Mr. steam roller…

  1. Second for TD’s:
    “- crit 1 enemy vehicle module or crewmember and destroy/kill him (dont end battle with destroyed modules or dead crewmembers)”
    It’s bullshit. :P I played it with Hetzer (HE) – had only two hits (tier VI battle, we got overruned) and got killed.

    I was rewared fully for this mission (both primary & secondary objective).

    So: dead == no destroyed modules nor crewmembers :P

      • It does not make sense but it must apply the same rules than when the calculate the crew XP, a crew member gets a penalization of 10% if it was injured, if the tank is destroyed it does not apply. So in your case, you were lucky you were destroyed and you did not have any modules, nor crew destroyed/injured before hand.

  2. nice missions, but i dont get one thing:

    for that additional 1 commendation per class, do you have to do ALL the secondary objectives or just the LAST (15th) one?

    i think it was mentioned in that video…

  3. I have a question. Do we have to complete one section only to get the reward or all sections? like the Med missions only or all classes?

  4. - a sum of damage dealt, damage recieved and damage blocked by armor of your tank has to exceed 8000 (win)

    mhmmm…….i guess for a tier IV stug as a reward, it has too big numbers. it is not that easy doable.

  5. I think the worst part is how these missions influence the random player in battle..

    Saw a Chaffee really do some awesome scouting in a tier 7 Malinovka match without arties… after 5 minutes of really great scouting, he parked his tank near the south east lake in a bush, so he didn’t get killed(for the mission) and just stayed there untill we won…

    I can only guess how the “harder” missions for the T28 or T-55 will look like in random matches..

  6. I don’t mind these “platoon” – missions, but why they force you to platoon with arty?
    All friends who I platoon with, never plays arty.
    So seems like I just have to find some random player to play arty with me in platoon. That is totally stupid.

  7. I am slightly amused by this mission:
    - while platooning with an arty (or two arties or another LT and an arty), deal 1500 spotting damage while your teammate deals 1000 spotting damage (win, survive)

    Is this “arty-scout” task specifically tailored for fast SPGs like Bert and some frenchies?

    And it seams that developers think of medium tank drivers as the dumbest of the bunch. Like: “deal damage in first 5 minutes of battle”.

    Really? Just fire a single shot and you’re golden?

  8. Lol, I had already had Some invites after an game, from strangers who wanna platoon with me and my arty…..

      • I have it too, but i dont care, i just push the button at the bottom.. i guess it might be XVM?

          • I completed the first heavy tank mission before leaving for work this morning. I got the same two blank window pop ups after the battle. The only mod I use is XVM, no crosshairs or other crap. So, I suspect it is XVM causing the issue.

  9. HT4 – destroy one internal module or crewmember of enemy tank (win, survive)
    I win and survive, destroy twice track on 2 different vehicles and still nothing, so its probably : destroy one internal module AND crewmember of enemy tank (win, survive). You must do both, destroy and crew member.

  10. The 2nd mission:

    “- deal damage while on the move (kill enemy while on the move)”

    I was moving, not fast, but moving and killed one, but did not get the secondary, so, what constitutes “moving” in this case? Full speed? half?

  11. TD-2 mission seems to be bugged. Used Tier IV or above TD vehicle, injured 2 enemy crewmen and damaged two modules (ammo rack and engine), didnt have any crewmen/module dmg myself, survived and won….mission NOT completed.

    Additionally i only see a blank window after mission completion, would be nice to can see some text….

  12. JERKS, they should not force us to platoon. Maybe when they see how many people only do the missions until the platoon stage and then stop they will realize it’s not the best idea. Then again, knowing WG, maybe not.

    • Are they forcing you? No, feel free not to play.

      Are the platoon whiners a majority? Not really, they are just vocal.

      I think they won’t care, because it will be a great success with general player base.

      • ffs ppl these missions are made for staging them with ur clan mates or u seriously think any of higher tanks missions can be achieved in standard random battle???for some reason WG wants u to play with other ppl rather then to play alone.further more I don’t think they will even be monitoring if high tier tanks will be achieved by staged battles.they will be more interested in earning money by selling tokens like in WZ-111 mission because it was really great test for this

  13. I’m generally not an arty player, but I do have three rarely used artillery in my garage, LeFiFi B2, FV304, and S-51. I notice that the Stug mission only requires tier 4 or higher tanks, which means I could use the LeFiFi for the arty missions (except perhaps the one that requires damaging two vehicles with one shot, for that the 203mm S-51 is a better choice). Since I want to maximize the number of free crew members I get, I think I’ll probably try to complete the arty missions for the Stug. After that, I’ll probably skip the arty.

    I generally don’t platoon much, but I have people to platoon with. Clan members, plus my oldest son plays also.

    I haven’t looked at the requirements for the other missions yet, but so far the Stug one looks pretty reasonable.

  14. can you “go back” and complete the secondary part of mission later. say you do the primary for MT-5 , complete MT-6 and MT-7 . can you then “go back” and do the secondary for MT-5 ?

  15. LT-4 secondary objective description is wrong….

    Is: “The vehicles immobilized by you must recieve damage.”

    Double fault…primary objective is to immobilize one enemy vehicle, so it is “vehicle”, not “vehicles”. Second fault: if you damage it, it doesn’t count.

    Must be: “The vehicle immobilized by you must recieve damage from any other player from your team.”

    WG, even too dumb to formulate sentences that correctly describe the missions…

  16. light mission 9 spot or detrack two enemy vehicles (do that using coated optics or binoculars)

    is it bugged? is it “or” or it should be “and”

  17. the light mission with spotting arty is bugged, done it three or four times now, still nothing

    • Yep working td 1st and did first – took 5 min after til got confirmation then unlocked the did next and still no confirmation 30 min later – time for bed…

  18. Pingback: Misja Osobista - StuG IV