Hello everyone,
as you can see in the comments under the previous FTR post, people are not very happy about the 600 gold crew role retrain price. Evilly (WoT producer) explains:
“I specifically asked about the retrain price. The 600 gold includes 200 for role retrain, 200 for perk reset and 200 for tank retrain. Because why would I leave the old perks on the new role, except for the universal ones. Plus, changing the role implies putting it on a new tank. The logic is sound, but the question of price reduction will be discussed nevertheless.”
Shut up and take my money.
20 radiomen can’t wait
SerB would be proud of you :D
Lol 20? really can you take a screenshot plz? :)
I have enough radeodudes for each nation to make a complete crew (save JPN CHN). I understand 200 to retrain and change but the SKILL/PERK reset needs to be OPTIONAL. some of my German radio dudes have 2, 3 or 4 skills that can be fine for driver or loader. Repair, Camo & Fire are UNIVERSAL. Silly Russian pigs
Well fuck, you got a Call Center in your Barracks ?
Nice, i said a couple of weeks ago on here that it wouldn’t be 200 goldz it’d be way more…
So his garage is in India then?
I false logic from WG
something like 1+1 = 3
I have Ivan no tank experience so i spend 200 to train him as gunner on IS 3
I have Nicolai who is a radioman on IS, so he has some experience with tanks but not as gunner on IS 3, but he knows what a tank is.
Why do I need to spend 400 to train him as gunner on IS 3, more than for uneperienced Ivan
This is WG false logic so dont encourage them
I let aside perks chance for an easy demonstration
So finally i consider correct price to be 400 gold with perks change included
But that has 200 gold too much? If I have a Commander for Tiger 1 and want to rerole it as a Radioman so why the hell do I have to pay for “tank retrain” when it’s the same damn tank?
600 gold only if you are taking it from another vehicle. 400 gold if you are reroling crew within a tank.
Why would you buy an extra commander for a tank you already have one on? O.o
Yup, that’s a stupid example. A more proper example would be, if you got through a branch and start a enw one from a given nation. You’ll almost always have at least one Radioman left over, as the later tiers rarely need dedicated radio controllers. Or loaders in the case of french tanks.
All in all, I think 600 is too much. The skill/perk reset should come free. The main reason to use this option is to retrain excess loaders, gunners and radiomen and where do these roles change the most? Artillery. It’s unfair to charge 600 for a change from radioman to extra loader and then, at the next tier, 600 again, because the loader now needs to be a gunner or whatever. 400, I can get behind. Role retrain *and* skill/perk reset for 200 and the tank skill for the standard 200.
Let’s say that the Radioman has three perks and the Commander has no perks at all.
Still doesn’t explain how you got two commanders with a Tiger training and thus want to retrain one to radioman on a Tiger.
I was talking about swapping crew members in the tank. Ditch your current commander and rerole the radioman as the new commander. Then buy a new radioman.
At least I have had tanks which I’ve used solely for producing 6th sense on my tanks. So they usually end up having a crappy new commander and other crew members with some perks.
Well, since we are able to retrain crew to other tanks, and reset the skills as well, it’s just WG policy to drain the gold (money) from players.
It should be 200 gold for changing crew’s role, and 10k credits doing same with xp loss.
I dont understand…Why would anyone wanna retrain crew to diffrent roles?..Who the fuck cares
I have several radiomen with 2 perks sitting in my barracks doing nothing. Allowing me to retrain them to, say, commander or gunner would be very, very helpful.
Still, for 600 gold they better lose 0xp on their skills and end up with 100% primary qualification.
It’d be the same as gold retrain, as in this case you’re retraining and dropping skills/perks for gold.
Because you typically have multi-perk/skill radiomen waiting in the barracks.
Well, it is logic, but i think it can be cheaper maybe 400 gold
wait for the 50% discounts in retraining and 300g for it…
Well, when i need it (I think i do not need it)
600 gold is too much, agree with that, but the main problem is there is no credit price for that.
Yeah, it’s actually sensible. Still, lower it to 400 and let us change the tank manually. And let us decide if we want to drop skills manually as well (because it can happen that my crew goes to a role where his old skills count (Commanders with Radio Operator skills, anyone?) or only has common skills) and make it 200.
when do we expect this will happen?
Screw this noise, man..where dem test servers at :D I don’t think this change will be a big deal for most of us, anyway.
I think there will be an option to change the role without changing the vehicle.
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What if I just don’t want to drop perks huh? Or I can do it for credits…
Exactly, what if my radiomen have BiA + fixing (why not?) and i don’t want to reset those? Also 600 gold? Go love urself WG.
Price is bullshit, still have to pay it though.
Haha, running a few patches with 600 gold role retrain for the people that wants sixth sense on their fresh crews, then implementing sixth sense for 100% radioman. Cha-ching!
600gold is just way too much and he can give any reason that he wants but it doesn’t matter if they don’t wan’t to reduce the price and not give credit option says it all
600 gold… WTF??
I’d say there is no need to start a panic.If none or very few uses this option it is most likely they will eventually reduce the price.If they leave this price we simply don’t use it because its cheaper to train another crew member.Simple as that.
Agreed, using common sense is OP and beneficiary to your wallet.
I have several useless radio operators that I would like to retrain. None of it is pressing though, it would just be nice to be able to do. So, I’ll wait for the first crew training sale after this is implemented and see if it is also discounted. If so, I’ll retrain everyone. If not, I’ll have to consider more carefully.
I agree that 600 gold is a little steep, 400 would be more reasonable IMO.
Exactly, I couldn’t agree more. Now that the radio guys have been waiting for some time already, they can wait some more until the next crew retraining discount event. It would be then up to everybody whether you want to pay 300g for getting an experienced crew member or whether you dump then instead. Of course the base price could be lower too.
loool, another money making idea by WG. Why they don’t have such genius ideas when it comes to other things than money.
I would be okay with such a chance being only available for gold, however I too find 600 gold too much. 200 for the role change and 200 for skill reset (in order to avoid bugs or skills otherwise unavailable for the new role) but the extra 200 gold charged should be entirely optional…
As most have already said, 600g is way too much because based on the breakdown they are forcing you to 100% retrain as well. I think it should be 200g (100g on specials) with no credits option to change the major role. Perks/skills and tank should be left in place and you would then have the option to retain/reset for credits or gold as you prefer.
There was a comment further up about why you want to re-role a crew within the same tank… well the answer is very simple. I have several tanks that have had a radio man and or loader left over when I moved the crew to the next tank up. If I want to keep the current tank as well, it would be worth while training those crew into different roles, such as commander and gunner to offset the remaining new crew members (with no skills/perks) that I would need for that tank.
Just implement a equivalent price in Silver/Credits
No they cant. It is not economicly viable for them to do so. Also if you want this special premium function you have to pay kid. You are rich right, now pay and dont complain please. I wish WG would charge 1000 gold because people pay too little in the game.
Sorry, I’m in the “really like the game but hate the everlasting fuck out of the devs” team.
Those 10 or so Euros I’ve spent in almost 3 years (mostly for garage slots) are enough for their quality of work.
Too little? Let me see.. I spent 200$ in gold plus I bought in the premium shop the Super pershing, IS6, FCM, Su-122-44, Panther-M10, E25, Dicker Max, Ram II, and a LOT of Tiny tier 3-4 tanks that are too many to list here.
Make every parts of retraining manual (one by one) and it’s good to go. If possible make the role change available to credits but even if if it’s gold only I could accept it as long as I could do the rest with credits like usual.
Thumbs up ;-)
It all sounds fair and totally legit to me.
I have a bunch of radio ops that need to be changed around (and a Chaffee Sport crew).
I presume it will be inlcuded in the 50% discounts too.
PS, I purchased the Razer Deathadder WOT mouse when it came out. Scrollwheel broke last night. What’s that timeframe; 6 – 8 months?