Hello everyone,
as I informed you already, there’s one hot candidate for EU/Czechoslovak premium tank and that is the TVP Concept (previously, I referred to it as TVP Model 1946). Well, as it turns out, it’s not so easy and there are some things that need to be addressed before this is given a green light, so a need for an alternative design for the premium vehicle rose as well, much to my… displeasure (let’s face it, the Concept is pretty much ideal).
The demands for the vehicle are as such:
- it has to be Czechoslovak, very preferrably original
- it has to be a medium tank
- can’t be lowtier, has to be roughly tier 5 or higher
So, here’s what I came up with as an alternative for the worst case:
After the war, the newly restored Czechoslovak army actually used some modded/kitbashed Panzer IV’s under the designation of T-40/75 (or T-40/75N, both were used). I wrote about that actually a long time ago, here – have a look, if you are interested in the history of their service.
For game purposes, it means the following:
- it’s a Panzer IV Ausf.J with modded Ausf.D turret (with additional spaced armor)
- the gun is 75mm L/43 or 75mm L/48
- the engine is either original (300hp HL-120TRM) or modified truck engine Tatra T-928 (180hp or 192hp
- Czechoslovak radio and internal modifications
- ČKD steering system (more reliable, local production)
As you can see, in order to balance the tank properly, there are two options – a “fast” one (original engine, L/43 gun) or “slow” one (modified engine, L/48 gun). The mods, stated above did not happen on one specific vehicle, they rather represent the entire series, as pretty much every T-40/75 was an individual tank (some were normal Panzer IV’s Ausf.H and J, some were kitbashed together) – the Tatra engine mod is a late one (there was one training tank with that engine used as late as 1969). The ČKD steering was just a proposal, refused early on “since the tanks are captured stuff anyway and it won’t be used for long” (it was, as it usually happened).
In game terms, my favourite variant is the “slower” one, because it’s more original. This is roughly how it could look:
Tier: 5
Crew: 5 (commander, gunner, loader, radioman and driver)
Hitpoints: 460
Viewrange: 340
Radio range: 400
Weight: 23 tons
Armor (hull): 80/30/20
Armor (turret): 30/20/20 (with 5mm spaced armor)
Maximum speed: 38 km/h
Engine: Tatra T-928 (180hp or 192hp)
Power-to-weight: 7,82 hp/t or 8,34 hp/t
Tracks: T-40/75 (34 deg/s)
Gun: 75mm L/48 KwK 40
Caliber: 75mm
Barrel length: L/48
Penetration: 110/158/38
Damage: 110/110/175
Accuracy: 0,39
Aimtime: 2,3
When it comes to further premium alternatives, there are very few more options. A Czechoslovak T-34/85 (slight visual differences, but basically the same vehicle, we have enough of those), a T-42/75 (Panther, but we have enough of those as well), Shermans of several types including the Firefly (pure clones) or a Cromwell (pure clone as well). I still do think that the TVP Concept is much better option, but we’ll just have to see.
Next PzKpfw IV copy? Why?
Low tier noobs needs new “special” items :D
Yup, we have already at least the same amount of PZ IV’s as there are T-54′s.
And this will have quite similar gun and other stats as usual Pz4 H and Hydro. Only it will be even slower.. :( So without limited MM in Tier5 it would be crap. Aaand, we know the harsh future about limited MM tanks..
Well, maybe it can be a tier IV… The gun isn’t that great, neither is the armor
I don’t need more tenks for now, WG should address more pressing issues.
you don’t need, i do!
so you can take your pressing issues and shove them…
they already said one thing doesn’t slow the other down, so we can get both tanks and fixed issues at the same time!
so unless they make a new style of play with respawn points, field repair, and national battles as well, i don’t care, until now they should introduce more tanks cause i’m out of tanks to grind! and it’s getting boring to play the old ones continuously!
“they already said one thing doesn’t slow the other down, so we can get both tanks and fixed issues at the same time!”
Because everything WG says is always true…….
Maybe you should check how every gaming company with 10+ people works… Having your tank artists and modellers work on your engine code is a pretty bad idea…
And tanks researchers and modellers will help how?
WoT can (and ultimately has to) work on both at the same time, because your tank creators can’t really work on Havok, MM or engine.
Apparently they should run around the offices shouting encouraging things. It really boosts productivity, I swear it does!
because new tenks bring more money ! Critical issues can wait (just like always) !
It’s far from certain that new tanks do bring more money.
All the work modelling, balancing etc.them may cost more than income derived from them if they do not prove to be popular.
Sure, WG would totally add a premium tank without expecting any profit from it…
get real, bro
And tanks researchers and modellers will help how (besides telling you that the issues are being worked on)?
WoT can (and ultimately has to) work on both at the same time, because your tank creators can’t really work on Havok, MM or engine.
Research and Modelling is only a small part of the work involved in adding new tanks, many (probably most, to some extent) of the actual staff involved will work on both content addition and gameplay improvement.
Oh, and the opinion of sock-puppets is irrelevant.
Uhhh… what do you think is needed from the engine side when you add new tank? You need to measure it (that’s for guys in terrain), you need to model and skin it (that’s for separate department) and you need to set some stats to it and test that it doesn’t break stuff (that’s for balance and test department).
Unless you are adding some new feature to it (like multiturret functionality, Havok parts or something like that), the engine guys won’t even meet it until it’s in the game, really.
For a guy named Sense you seem to be dramaticaly lacking in it. Did you chose it ‘ironically’ perchance?
Why not have a Cromwell copy? With the short 75mm gun it could be a good enough T5 premium.
Presumably because they want to start the tree off with something original.
Basically a rebranded Pz 4.
A modified Pz 4 is more original than a complete Cromwell.
Nice find SS. With those stats you are proposing, the tank would be very slow indeed, of course depending on terrain resistance values. That gun though makes up for it. Do you happen to know the elevation angles, or are they same as in Pz. IV top turret?
Same, as far as I know.
Hey SS, I got a little request for you, could you tell me if you know or if not if you could dig around, when will arrive HD model of PzIV ? The current one looks like some slaughterhouse invention.
Not that far off. Which patch exactly I do not know.
k, thanks.
None side screen, so next tank (copy of pz4) witch will be owned with HE i side and ass….
Did WG not say just a few days ago that there would be no more premium tanks with preferential matchmaking. No way a Pz IV with 8,34 HP/T can handle tier 7′s unless they mash a L70 in it and even then the turret would be so stuffed with gun it would be a miracle if there was any place for crew.
I hope they manage to make the TVP Concept as it sounds a lot more interesting than a Pz IV and is also unique and original.
It will probably have very low terrain resistance, and buffs in other soft stats, to compensate.
Ya, cause who gives a fuck about the actual hp/t. SerB makes the tanks move as fast as he wants. :)
Great, we need more clones! /troll mode
And yet again, people in the comments who tell you they have enough tanks and that WG shouldn’t add more tanks and focus on “critical issues” (codename for their low WR in last 10 battles and getting hit by arty in open) “instead” – not knowing at all how gaming development and management looks like…
That’s normal. I don’t even try to explain anymore.
According to those people; low winrate = mm is broken, game is pay2win, RNG is bugged, “ghostshells”…etc.
lol, like that its a t4 limited mm at best tbh, who would want to play a t5 tank with mobility of maus, armor of a medium and gun of light tank?
You should take a close look at the DW2 stats before proclaiming this tank a ‘tier 4 with limited MM at best’. Also, the L/48 is a tier 5 medium tank, I don’t know how you can call it a light tank gun when it clearly isn’t.
Because it is pathetic compared to the historical gun. Yes I know, game balance and stuff, but seriously, how is the pen that low???
Doesn’t matter what you think of it. In-game, this gun has average stats for a tier 5 medium.
The DW2 have limited MM and it’s got better power/weight ratio than this and more armor.
You should look at the PZ 4D, which have the same gun and armor as this at tier 4, but with better mobility.
So czech junk tanks will be just german/soviet clones.
I would really appreciate if WG comes to its senses and gives us something original like the Swedish tanks!
(Protip: German tanks are actually Czechoslovakian clones, since they pretty much stole/imported most of our good designs – like Pz 35t and Pz 38t, considered one of the best designs o that time – and our designers)
Tell me more about Pz III and IV are cloned from Pz 35t and 38t. Even though the czech tanks were superb tanks for their time, your statement is just false.
And “czech junk tank” is quite fitting for another Pz IV (at this time even an obselete one) that is even worse than the ones that are already in the game (Pz IV hydro already needs prem MM and its better than this tuned down abomination…).
T40/75N is just not a worthy first prem tank for this tree at all, sry.
Bye troll.
New tanks are nice candy that makes people still play despite WOT becoming riddle with shortcoming and bugs like Swiss cheese. So I am not surprised, although I see “new” tanks rather than “copies”. :/
Shit Panzer IV clone?
…no thanks, I already have the real deal, and it’s MUCH better with the Schurzen and non-heavy tank P/W that this abomination has.
As current, that thing might as well be the most mediocre tier 5 tank of the game; no armor, meh gun, no speed… Literally no redeemable trait.
Not to mention it’s not even Czech, so it’s failing most important criteria outright.
Panzer 35t, 38t is not German, neither is Hetzer or Grille – both were produced and designed by Czechoslovaks. So as you can see, that’s not that big of a problem :)
Jagdpanzer 38(t)*.
Either way, tanks of one nationality being used by other country isn’t a big problem itself; however, I’d (and I bet that many of us share the same opinion) rather see an original Czech tank, than a German/British/Soviet/American tank in the Czech tree. The last thing we want are copy-pastes, I suppose.
And if you’re ultimately doomed to copy-paste, then copy-paste the good dope. Not this “thing” that it’s begging to be killed. If the latter configuration is picked, this tank is clearly inferior to the Panzer IV D, other than for HP, main gun pen, and “armor” (80mm frontal sounds nice in theory, but the sloped part is a big-ass “shoot me” zone, which pretty much nullfies any armor benefit. The turret being thin doesn’t help either).
From a purely business PoV, this tank will sell horribly in it’s current configuration.
I don’t have a problem with the clone tanks so long as they are clones of good tanks. T-54 clones make sense, the T-54 series were extremely widely used (some are still in service somewhere I expect) and the tank its self is very good in game. Same goes for the Shermans, sure we have lots of them, but they are all good for their respective tiers and fun to play. Another clone here or there, so long as it is reasonably accurate historically, is fine.
On the other hand, a Soviet lend lease M3 Lee or a German Capture AMX 38 or D1 is now what I am looking for in life, and I suspect many others would agree. I’m hopeful that we won’t get a substandard Pz. IV as the first Czech premium, but at the same time I suspect it would sell simply as a crew trainer for an upcoming line.
With the new WG policy of no more new pref MM prem tanks, do you think this Captured Pz4 would be nicely playable?
Yeah, please give me Panzerkampfwagen 4 Ausführung G/H …
I don’t need anything more than a mixed clone with Pz4 Ausf G Hull and Pz4 Ausf H Turret and some lousy engine!
Eeek, 7-8 hp/ton with that armor? When reading about the concept my mind immediately went to the Pz 4 Hydro. That one seems like a superior vehicle (in terms of stats) in all departments (apart from hull armor and view range) to this one and it still has limited MM, which you mentioned before WG will avoid from now on. Sure, the Hydro is very rare, but it’s a precedent. You might want to consider some buffs to your concept. I know you want to keep it historically accurate and I agree, but in the wot meta a slow medium with bad armor is not desirable by anyone.
Sry but this is some bad joke 30/20/20 on turret? damn tier 1 can pen this crap. No thanks i think i’ll wait for Swedish.
the N in T-40/75N stands for niemcy, right ?
N is “německý”, yes.
Pretty ironic thing to do after pzkpfw 38(t)…
I had really bad experience with 75mm L/48 KwK 40, they are fairly derpy and lack DPM and alpha at the same time.
Copy tanks are bad! Unless they are Czech!
Ugh. If it has to be a foreign tank, I’d rather se a Firefly VC:
It looks a bit different than the current British IC model.
Performance-wise it shouldn’t suck. T-40/75 definitely would.
It’s more attractive, being a tier 6 vehicle.
I’d actually buy it for my GuP tank collection >_>
Erm… nope because:
1. Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. A
2. Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. D
3. Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H
4. Pz.Kpfw. IV hydrostat.
5. Pz.Kpfw. IV Schmalturm
Try again SS, or push for that TVP concept.
This would need the big engine and the l48 to be even remotely usable.. Looks terrible xD
Remember guys, this is a worst-case scenario tank. I’m sure they’ll choose the TVP for a Czechoslovakian prem, and we’ll never have to see this thing.
Yep, because CZ premium in German tree and German premium in CZ tree is what WG likes to do, lol… LOGICK!
No, it’ll be like with the Chi Nu Kai, Black Prince, or Type 59, as in it will come before the actual tree but it will have its own czech crew, camo etc.
>>>> – it has to be Czechoslovak, very preferrably original
German Pz.IV with stock-gun+elite-engine or elite-gun+stock-engine – much original, yees. It’s got an original AA-MG mount, that’s given.
>>>>- can’t be lowtier, has to be roughly tier 5 or higher
That may seem surprising, but tier 5 IS lowtier!
>halfway mark
Alrighty then
1-5 = low tier
6-8 = mid tier
9-10 = high tier
Because you can get from 1-5 very quickly(probably with freeexp from random battles).
You know I might be able to dig something up as an alternative. I’ll get back to you on this when I do, SS.
This would actually be a good tier 3 tank.