Straight Outta Supertest: Westfield and Highway Changes

Source: Express community

Apart from these two, Karelia will be overhauled as well. But for now, no specific info.



1) the town was extended, allowing to take cover from flanking fire on the plateau
2) the hill was reworked to be more symmetrical not to give any side timing advantage
3) the landscape on the respawns was raised for players not to lose so much time trying to climb the hills
4) reworked the zone landscape, now it is safer to move through it
5) added cover to these spots, allowing you to safely approach on this flank
6) this zone became accessible to tanks, symmetrically to the southern base



1) changed the height levels and the shape of the landscape, allowing the players to pass through these zones to perform flanking maneuvers
2) removed the small hill, that allowed the southern base players to control a large part of the battlefield
3) removed the forest
4) added forest for base symmetry and to make spotting the entire lower base team harder
5) the highway was moved to the center of the map to make the map more symmetrical

75 thoughts on “Straight Outta Supertest: Westfield and Highway Changes

  1. Interesting changes, will have to jump on the testserver and see how they affect gameplay

      • There’s plenty of time to reach the top. Unless you are SP, but that tank is shit anyway.

      • It does have good gun depression so could work the hill a little especially from the South spawn.

        I didn’t really have a problem with the map although the hill slightly favoured the south spawn. Now it seems to have been dumbed down with more buildings for cover and the hill flatter. It’s better for tomatoes in their heavies basically, rather than cleverly working the terrain.

    • Yeah sure Westfield is fine if you have gun dep , but if you don’t , you’re fucked in my 50 120 there’s no good spots

    • Westfield was great if you know camo mechanics and how to work with the landscape.

      My scouts loved it.

      I can see some major changes that will totally break effective scouting on the map now. – a scout in the right place used to be abke to spot the enemies sniping spot on the southern flank to let their team snipe, from both ends.

      No more.

      • The problem with westfield on that part of the map isn’t who has the best scout, it’s who has the scout with the best spawn and p/w ratio.

        You have a T-54 LW and you’re starting out a bit too far? The other team’s suicidal 59-16 controls that part of the map now. He parked in a bush where you’ll never find him, which he got to in the first place because he was lucky enough to start out on the right spot of the right side of the map.

        Plus, I’m intrigued, because as of now, once you know there’s a scout there, the entire flank is at a giant stand-still.
        If there is cover, people might attempt to move up.
        It all depends if WG makes decent and natural looking bumps on the terrain, or ridiculous gashes in the earth big enough to hide a small city.

      • Yeah clever scouts could work their way around the bottom right hand corner exploiting camo and view range mechanics.

        Like most map adjustments it dumbs them down.

  2. Whenever I read “changed height levels/shape of landscape/reworked zone landscape” I just think of how retarded the landscape in the magic forest is now.

    • How I miss the old forest :’(
      And changes in Westfield again looks like are made only to help the tomatoes not die in first minute.
      Give devs another few months so they can rework Prokhorovka and Steppes with stones and hills everywhere and then the game will be finally able to get a release version 1.0.0 with a true name “World of Heavy tanks”.

      • The old forest had its share of problems. It the ridiculous height differences in the new hills, its a nice flat approach to the forest, then “OH MY GOD ITS FULL OF HILLS” Looks like a giant wave pool. Looks like my cats litter box after 5 days with out scooping. Looks like when they shot that fat guy in the stomach with a cannonball in slow motion.

      • The new forest might look silly, but it’s way better than fucking wood elves camping an unassaultable, laughably lop-sided position.

        There is no fucking way someone could have looked at that forest, looked at the spawn and said “Yes, this map is balanced and not total shit”

        What I dreaded on that map before the change was winning 10:5 , then having to flush out 5 top tier TDs hiding in that forest, completely undetectable, while you attacked completely out of cover, and unevitably saw the score even out.

        Anyone saying that it was fun was on of those bastards who, no matter the tank, would park in the forest of 15 minutes and never move.

        • (ignores old-world-dead-horse camper forest rant) Anyways… There are ways to implement changes and not make the map look like someone modeled it on my 1982 waterbed.

        • Unassaultable? Seriously? I beg to differ. It may feel unassaultable, but I’ve also seen it be a death trap to the defenders when the enemy managed to get a scout in close and light the defenders up.

          Personally, I don’t mind seeing the old magic forest go away. That said, the new forest’s knobs seem very artificial. On the whole, I like the reworked and enlarged Murovanka, though I could wish that the hilly part of the old forest was tweaked a little bit to make it feel less fake.

        • “There is no fucking way someone could have looked at that forest, looked at the spawn and said “Yes, this map is balanced and not total shit””

          Yeah but we know WG only selected like 1 in 100 of the new maps they create and subjects them to years and years of testing by savants with Phd’s in tanking.

    • THANK YOU!!!! Seriously, people overblow the fun that forest could be. They want more RNG, right? They should have left it alone, cuz you never knew who was gonna spot the other first. Also, it was fun for depressionless tanks. RIP E-50. <3

      • Old forest wasnt even RNG old forest couldnt even be who spots who first. Old forest was testament to the retarded 50m proxy spotting range. Two tanks inevitably had to proxyspot eachother and both got vaporized by 100 TDs of their respective teams camping on the opposite side of the forest that can perfectly hit stuff through fifty fucking trees because fuck logic. Old forest had nothing to do with camo and viewrange it was pure scout proxyspot suicide and yet retards requested scouts to go there… only tanks I actually scouted old forest in were E-75 and E-100 if I was one of the few toptier tanks and there were no jgpz100s or deathstars but it still was a retarded effort and those tanks could go elsewhere to do better. I’m so glad that thing is gone.

        • Seriously half you people need to take some sort of reading comprehension class….. Again this isn’t about the ability to “stick-and-move” on the forest side of the map now. Its about how RIDICULOUS IT LOOKS. Someone should call up Westfield and Highway and ask it where the bad terrain modeler “retouched” it.

    • I think the terrain relief in what once was the magic forest is great. You can now move through that area on different routes and need a lot of map and situation awareness. Imo, this map has become *a lot* better, because it is both very open and has a lot of cover, allowing tanks to move and attack almost everywhere. It is the exact opposite of a corridor map so many people were complaining about recently – which also makes it harder to play. Now what do you want – free tank movement, or WG holding your hand with corridor maps?

  3. “4) reworked the zone landscape, now it is safer to move through it
    5) added cover to these spots, allowing you to safely approach on this flank”

    Confirmed addition of more bumps & hills & stupid shit, any sniping on that flank removed.

  4. “the town was extended, allowing to take cover from flanking fire on the plateau”

    Have to believe the map was reworked to cut down on the firing lanes for tank destroyers on the plateau. Gives heavies more peek-a-boom terrain, too.

    Why doesn’t WG go ahead and remove all of the maps except for the city maps? It’s were they are headed anyway.

  5. Hmm, highway is diagonally symmetric on picture, but north can reach city faster, on the other hand “village” near A1 is point of no return for north base. Balance …

    When speaking about balance, no rework / removing of mines?

    • Mines will be enlarged which is different than map tweaks as it requires now passable terrain to be constructed and tested for balance which is more work in both testing an development than tweaking existing zones present in maps.

      Mines design also doesn’t really promote enlargement as one side is the ocean and the other has high hills it will require lot’s of changes to it’s design to be enlarged.

      To the left of the lighthouse shallows will be added most likely along with a beach, but other than that it’s up to the creative designers to come up with how to enlarge such a map while keeping bases (more) balanced.

      Presumably they want to change the situation where the south base is very forced to be very passive unless they manage to take the hill which is one of the key problems the small rendition of the map had.

  6. i remember the old days which one team was defending the base at *5* zone. it was more like a duck hunt for defending team if they have only one good scout :)

    some changes could work actually but i do not agree with “symmetrical” maps. bases should have some tactical differences compared to each other.

    • Yes! The vision control stuff was actually rewarded in pub matches. That was the game I wanted to play, not the game I ‘had the opportunity to’. Good old days, those. :)

      • But it also was completely dependent on your teammates, which nowadays are really great and no tomatos exist (said no-one ever).
        Westfield Assault was total crap, if you ever played it a few times, you’d know. Argh, I still can see all the defending team camping in the farthest corner…and I mean the whole team!!

  7. Pingback: Supertest: Změny na Westfieldu a Dálnici

  8. Westfield
    2) the hill was reworked to be more symmetrical not to give any side timing advantage

    Needs more bushes in this area. This part of map its too open.

  9. Westfield, one of the few existing maps that has weight on vision games. If this goes as recent WG map reworks, I only say… Bad for my little light tanks. So many cities in map rotation, and rework means removing camping spots for TD’s and removal of firing lanes.

    I really miss those static, long, campy games where things revolve around providing vision for my team, and removing vision of the enemy team. Call me a camper or whatever, but I still enjoy those long matches. Campers also have to relocate in order to spot and provide fire support, at least in light tanks.

    • I hate those camper maps, and I love city maps. I am a medium tank player, and city maps favor fast, maneuverable tanks that can quickly appear somewhere, evaluate the situation they encounter and take advantage of it or break away from it if need be. City maps allow medium tanks and wolf packs to quickly change position as tactics require. City maps for me mean the constant opportunity to surprise my opponents. I love them as much as I hate maps where the better scout decides whether you win or lose a match no matter how good a player you are.

      • I see your point here and I like driving mediums in cities too, unless it’s something unable to take return fire. Many light tanks suffer on cities just for this reason. I’m not talking about 1390 with its ridiculous firepower but something like Type 64 or MT-25 with their pew pew guns.

        Also camo reliant TDs and arty are screwed in city unless playing against utter shit players.

        What I mean here:
        -yesterday we had maps with vast death zones that had defensive locations with bushes and hard cover on each end. Vision control had to be applied here to dig out those so called campers. Other option was to flank them by pushing other side of the map.
        -tomorrow we have maps where engagements take place in less than 400 meters, many times cut off from rest of the map. You could call it corridor. No crossfire can be applied here and camo is irrelevant. Slugging becomes the main chore of most battles. Flanking is many times possible but not without you getting spotted.

        People who have played both old and new Murovanka in organized play should see what I mean. You don’t see many TDs there anymore as fire lanes are very limited.

      • There are Medium Tank players and there are Medium Tank players.

        I, for one, enjoy the vision game WAY more than practice retarded peek-a-booming at point blank range. I prefer not to be seen at all, thank you very much, rather than having my nose shoved into the “come on, turn your turret at my brain dead teammates and let me shoot your flank!” meta.

        Also, screw spotting damage, right? Or did you forget that spotting is also meant to be part of the game? For instance LTs with crap firepower but good camo & maneuverability suffer a lot on CQC maps.

        Not to mention tanks like the Panther or Tiger, which excel in long-range combat (tho, granted, the Tiger H has the DPM to just smash everything into submission, but you get the picture)

        • There should be a mix of map types. But, I don’t think they ever really got the open map design right. Campinovka is open but it failed for other reasons (spawn points being too close and unbalanced base defense mostly, but also the dominance of arty). The closed in maps are either easier to design in general or just easier for the WG designers in particular

          Another point, some “city” maps are pretty decent for arty, just depends on if there is fire line into the enemy. Like Stalingrad and Seigfried Line you can shut down some key lines pretty easy.

      • City maps favor tanks that can take a hit. A well-played Medium won’t dodge every shell, but it will often take at least 2 shots to kill one, and some can even sidescrape effectively. Lights? Not so lucky. TDs? Only “assault guns”, and even then, only from the front.

        It seems the WG plan is to nerf arty (already done), nerf TDs, keep on oppressing any Light that can’t clip a Heavy a tier above it dead in 8 seconds, and rework all the maps to cater solely to Mediums and Heavies.

        Why not just save time, have just one 200m*200m map that blanatantly favors brawling? Spotting/camo is going away in favor of armor angling and hoping RNG allows your shell to hit the weakspot you aimed at, so why not strip WoT to only that? It seems to be waht many people (especially WG devs) want, so why waste our time with the incremental steps?

  10. Highway: The changes here seem rather subtle, so I’m not at all sure how they’ll play out.

    Westfields: I actually like this map. Not really one of my favorites, but generally like it. That said, I dislike that village. I dislike all of the villages that are infested with heavy foliage because I can’t see what the hell I’m doing through all the clutter, so I tend to avoid them.

  11. Why the heck don’t they fix the bridge to allow quickly moving from one flank to the other? That would offer some interesting tactical opportunities while not making changing flanks too easy, as you would have to move across the open bridge.

    • Making the bridge usable would be interesting, though I think that given its location, it would favor the north team over the south team.

  12. wow reading the coments here is just proof u can’t pleas everyone..changes are wlcome even if i think that westfield is ok map but these changes are needed on this maps..hope they look in more maps and definetly remove few of them and ad few more..we will see when it goes live.

  13. westfield
    1) the town was extended, allowing to take cover from flanking fire on the plateau
    - aka less capability to be useful in a mt/td once one flank fails
    2) the hill was reworked to be more symmetrical not to give any side timing advantage
    - fine with that, but imo both sides have good enough positions
    3) the landscape on the respawns was raised for players not to lose so much time trying to climb the hills
    - good
    4) reworked the zone landscape, now it is safer to move through it
    - so basically there will be many unrealistically steep minihills behind which the tanks will be 100% safe, enabling them to peekaboom at +- 300 meters, making camo/spotting useless
    5) added cover to these spots, allowing you to safely approach on this flank
    - the same as above
    6) this zone became accessible to tanks, symmetrically to the southern base
    - good

    1) changed the height levels and the shape of the landscape, allowing the players to pass through these zones to perform flanking maneuvers
    - whatever, now its places where its suicide to go, now will be another 300 m safe-spot peekaboom in which viewrange will have no role
    2) removed the small hill, that allowed the southern base players to control a large part of the battlefield
    - good
    3) removed the forest
    - good
    4) added forest for base symmetry and to make spotting the entire lower base team harder
    - good
    5) the highway was moved to the center of the map to make the map more symmetrical
    - whatever

    all things considered – another map where spotting/using camo and viewrange bites the dust

  14. Pingback: World of Tanks - Änderungen an den Karten Westfield und Highway -

  15. “Westfield:
    3) the landscape on the respawns was raised for players not to lose so much time trying to climb the hills”


  16. I love Westfield, its one of my favorite maps.

    WG is going to butcher it, aren’t they? Sigh.

    I will admit the east is kind of a no mans land. But if they make it impossible to snipe there, I am going to punch their faces in. We already have enough World of Corridors.

  17. WG are ‘fixing’ older maps by adding ‘symmetry’… I really have doubts as to this policy of giving both sides the ‘same’ terrain advantages/disadvantages. I think this may lead to repeated, static tactical playstyles.

  18. What is the latest on Hidden Village? If any map needs to be reworked/nuked its that one.

  19. Btw, it’s funny to see ppl whining “omg world of corridors” when in the same time some of the most hated maps are prokorovka and campinovka

    • Those 2 maps are hated only by noobs (when there’s no or little arty on them – otherwise they’re justifiably hated by all)

  20. I imagine the only people acting all pissed off are the ones that still play from the same spot they did in tier 1 And refuse to learn any other parts of the map.