The premium french arty action from the vid is as close to arty gun-kata as you can get :P
I kind of wish i bought it when it was still at tier4 and avaible in garage-shop. :P
As for those brit arties vs gw e100, i’m not sure but it looks like NSFW and “rated m for mature” material :P looked like arty mating season.
That was me, I love my leFH :-D .
Got 5 kills in 40 seconds, the last 2 light tanks that decided to ram me…not wise when the arty you are ramming has the hull of a heavy tank.
Still much better than Woras!
What was up with the Jagdzilla? does it have messed up hit box too?
Nah, probably the gun was sticking out from the front of his superstructure I am guessing :P
My guess is that the MTs gun was long enough to collide with the hitbox of JgpzE100 gun, doing 0 damage crits on it.
There are already vids on youtube, can’t find any right now(i think highflyer15 might have one among his quickies) where there are two tanks, 1st behind the 2nd, and they are aiming at the same spot, guns are colliding and when the guy in front pulls the trigger, the guy behind him dies.
The premium french arty action from the vid is as close to arty gun-kata as you can get :P
I kind of wish i bought it when it was still at tier4 and avaible in garage-shop. :P
As for those brit arties vs gw e100, i’m not sure but it looks like NSFW and “rated m for mature” material :P looked like arty mating season.
That was me, I love my leFH :-D .
Got 5 kills in 40 seconds, the last 2 light tanks that decided to ram me…not wise when the arty you are ramming has the hull of a heavy tank.
Still much better than Woras!
What was up with the Jagdzilla? does it have messed up hit box too?
Nah, probably the gun was sticking out from the front of his superstructure I am guessing :P
My guess is that the MTs gun was long enough to collide with the hitbox of JgpzE100 gun, doing 0 damage crits on it.
There are already vids on youtube, can’t find any right now(i think highflyer15 might have one among his quickies) where there are two tanks, 1st behind the 2nd, and they are aiming at the same spot, guns are colliding and when the guy in front pulls the trigger, the guy behind him dies.
Was it is3 and kv2, i dont remember.