Hello everyone,
after a night’s sleep and a coffee, I decided to write a bit about my meeting with Yuri Pasholok and his colleagues (they are not publicly active, so I think giving out their names and positions would do them disservice) yesterday afternoon in Prague. Along with me were two of our historians, Jiří Tintěra and Vladimír Francev – both are well known in the Czech community, but V.Francev is a living legend, one of the few “old guard” historians left like H.Doyle for example.
The meeting was cordial and I had actually a lot of fun and learned some interesting things of how Wargaming operates – and of tanks, of course (like the WT E-100 replacement, but who knows when that’s going to happen). Despite our reputations, we did put aside our differences with Yuri Pasholok (who is actually a pretty okay guy in real life) to work on the Czechoslovak tree, specifically to start proper cooperation between the two gentlemen and Wargaming.
Now, before I jump to the Czechoslovak tree stuff (very interesting by itself), a little bit of Wargaming first. You see, I learned some things how Wargaming operates – and no, that’s not some stuff I want to publish, I have no reason to as the guys from WG were very honest and open. Some of the things made me laugh, some made me facepalm or shake my head in disbelief. But the biggest surprise was… Richard “Challenger” Cutland, or rather his activities. If half of what the WG RU guys said was true… that’s not even incompetence. That’s borderline sabotage. I really thought better of you, Richard. Oh well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But – as fun as it is to throw dirt on WG EU, at this point, I won’t do it. It’s pointless, because knowing what’s going to happen with (to) WG EU… yes, very very amusing (well, to me, not to WG EU I am sure).
But we talked about other things too of course, like tanks. And more tanks. Specifically the Czechoslovak branch. It gets a bit convoluted here.
You see, J.Tintěra found a new tank in the archives… or, so we thought. I only saw the drawings AFTER the meeting (I got them on flash drive and didn’t have a laptop with me), so I couldn’t react. The matter is made more complicated by the fact I can’t just dump it here, it’s his find and his full right to publish them in any manner he sees fit. It’s completely possible that the vehicle will appear in a featured article on WG EU and WG RU portal, despite WG EU having (in best case) nothing to do with it, and (in worst case) sabotaging the Czechoslovak tree effort. Oh well.
Basically, the tank documents found belong to a tank called T 40 (do NOT mistake it with the T-40/75, which is a refitted Panzer IV). It’s one of the very early TVP series variants, of somewhat mediocre armor and average mobility, fitted with short 88mm gun (the one from Tiger I, or rather its equivalent). Apparently there are two versions (one with different suspension) and it’s a pretty solid tier 6 premium medium tank candidate, so that’s what’s going to happen apparently.
Now, it gets interesting. When I came home and opened the files, it immediately struck me that I saw this design before. Yes, Martin Dubánek wrote about it! It’s this (Dubánek’s reconstruction, compared to the drawing it looks a bit off, so just for illustration):
But Dubánek fucked it up. He never mentioned that the vehicle had one specific gun (or rather two, but they are practically identical) and that it was called T 40 (there were other details different as well, so consider what I wrote in the past based on Dubánek’s work invalid). It’s obviously a part of the TVP program, but previously, I called it T 50 (because that’s how later on the Škoda TVP proposal was designated). It was a reaction of Škoda to the VTU TVP concept proposal and it is actually worse than the VTU stuff. And so, my branch proposal changed from:
Premium: TVP Concept
Tier 8: T 50
Tier 9: T 50 Late
Tier 10: T 50/51
Premium: T 40 (probably tier 6)
Tier 8: TVP Concept (88mm L/74 and 105mm L/63)
Tier 9: T 50 (100mm)
Tier 10: T 50/51 (100mm, autoloader)
Well, it’s something. Plus, as a bonus, the TVP Concept original report comes with two slightly different hulls and two slightly different turrets. So that’s a plus as well. Of course, the old issue remains with the tier 9, but that’s okay, there’s a way around it: basically, with “Pejčoch’s TVP”, we know the dimensions of the hull and the turret can be used from the Concept (or even from T 40) with the T 50/51 as the top on, or the oversized T-17 turret… meh, getting too technical now, sorry.
I wish I could tell you all the details and the backstory, but as I wrote, that’s reserved to Mr.Tintěra. The main point however is, a major issue (whether Czechoslovakia can have an original premium tank) was settled I think. In the future, the research will actually continue – there are more files to be uncovered, more drawings to be scanned and more things to be done, either with me, or without me. Normally, this sort of contact would be the area where WG EU comes in, but after yesterday, there is no way in HELL anyone from there is coming near Czechoslovak tanks in the future.
So that was it. The rest were some various tidbits and chatter. I had actually a lot of fun and I do think it went well. Now… back to FTR.
Fucked nice! Welcome back to our scope, Mr. Pasholok.
I dedicate this post to Maria
:D Yes, bring her to FTR, she’ll be glad :)
Hmm… Will see.
If I meet her in the mumble I will tell her
It’s pointless, because knowing what’s going to happen with (to) WG EU… yes, very very amusing (well, to me, not to WG EU I am sure).
Will wg ru burn wg eu to the ground at last? Are any nukes involved? Or will SerB put them on a one-way trip to the eye of terror?
Black helicopters already took off!
I’ll just leave this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SJ8lJV1bJ-g
Do you mean that sooner or later, something will happen to WG EU and this “change” will be made public officially by WG Minsk?
EU staff are a bunch of retards to put it simply. Probably WG got sick of them too and will send a commisar to rule those maggots lol!
Serbs almigthy hammer will be used for good atlast xD
Allow me to be blunt – will we still have a EU server? Or will we have to start from scratch on NA/RU server?
Yes, of course. I am sure it will be an improvement to players in fact. Hopefully.
So Putin’s invasion to EU is confirmed and signed in Prague!
Oh well, at least that’s good to hear, I guess…
As long as we don’t have to put up with any “Soviet Stronk” bullcrap again…
Yay! Time to leave SEA and get a head start on NA so then I can actually play with the guys that flock there after EU goes down in a ball of flame :D
You misread SS’s answer. Obviously the EU server cluster will remain. What’s going to change is the WG EU staff.
Good news everyone!
Damn you futurama…
“Good news everyone” = holy crap :O I didn’t know it was this bad :P
…oh, man. This is going to be good. Yes, I am a horrible, horrible person who enjoys trainwrecks.
The tank thing is also interesting.
I think it would be fair to also get Challenger’s point of view.
Don’t judge anyone purely on the word of someone else.
“…what’s going to happen with (to) WG EU… yes, very very amusing (well, to me, not to WG EU I am sure).”
So, can we expect some kind of a huge change in WG EU? I really hope so :)
“I wish I could tell you all the details and the backstory, but as I wrote, that’s reserved to Mr.Tintěra. ”
Will you possibly post anything in here, in case he decides to publish it? Like a translation or something?
If he publishes it, there’s a huge chance it will happen on WG portals.
Well knowing WG EU… We’ll either get a translation clusterfuck, or we won’t get it at all… Or we’ll get something, that’ll look like this:
Czech->Russian->English->Everything else…
And we all know how that ends…
Well anyway i still hope for the best.
Czech->Russian->English->Czech For CZ/SK comunity,.. and yeah we know how it works,…
“But the biggest surprise was… Richard “Challenger” Cutland, or rather his activities. If half of what the WG RU guys said was true… that’s not even incompetence. That’s borderline sabotage. I really thought better of you, Richard. Oh well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But – as fun as it is to throw dirt on WG EU, at this point, I won’t do it. It’s pointless, because knowing what’s going to happen with (to) WG EU… yes, very very amusing (well, to me, not to WG EU I am sure).”
I am not a very skilled english user, but i´d say that this phrases have no meaning with the current use and order of words.
Please, could you ellaborate?
Challenger’s an arsehole, WG EU screwed.
Wait what?
Challenger is doing something illegal?
The EU server will see some changes? WG EU gonna be changed???
Czechoslovak tanks wont be coming because of WG EU?
No no no, you got it all wrong, let me explain:
WG Minsk is going to burn Challenger and most of the EU staff to ground (Because sabotage and complete incompetence) .
Well, I must say good job Yuri!
When you focus to archives you get the best results, which often surpass your estimates on german engineering by far :)
I hope it’ll be something similar to what Riot Games Ltd. did to GOA Games Services Ltd. when they simply couldn’t get the job done. They just got rid of the fucktards and hosted League of Legneds in Europe on their own. WG should fire at least half the mongos who work at that shithole in Paris.
Ye but what you said are 2 different companies… this here is basically the same WG… Well, mostly just PR and community stuff since they do not do anything when it comes to developing…
So WG EU must know they’re useless and WG RU don’t give a damn about them(for the right reason) so they’re trying to fuck up as much as possible..
oh, the drama of content makers is amusing….
Yuri “Kurwa Maneuver” Pasholok is actually a nice guy IRL. Well; that other Yuri – Andropov – used to be cordial and nice person too; until he put his opponent in a cattle truck.
And while a civil war rages inside WG, Obsidian is getting stronger and more popular by the week.
Yuri Pasholok nice IRL.
Well everyone can become a smartass online or stephen hawkings, ufc fighter, rambo you name it. Behind a keyboard it works hehe
“But the biggest surprise was… Richard “Challenger” Cutland, or rather his activities. If half of what the WG RU guys said was true… that’s not even incompetence. That’s borderline sabotage. I really thought better of you, Richard. Oh well, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. But – as fun as it is to throw dirt on WG EU, at this point, I won’t do it. It’s pointless, because knowing what’s going to happen with (to) WG EU… yes, very very amusing (well, to me, not to WG EU I am sure).”
I am sure that Richard is a nice chap and enthusiatic about his job and military history, BUT if you serve thrity years in the British army, enter as a private soldier, and exit as a non-commissioned officer, it would suggest from that record of promotion achievement (especially during active service) that your intelligence quota is at most on the low average level.Thus sabotage might be too sophisticated.
a bit of a Sandhurstanista are we. LOL, non-coms to commissioned is quite common in the “Peoples Cavalry” for the correct candidate, normally spotted very early on.
As technology advances this is getting more difficult as most “enlisted” personnel do not have a degree level education needed for most jobs other than infantry.
As for a man who takes dirty money from a dirty company that comes from a dirty country and is run by at least one pervert !…..all the things he defended us against…..naaa, he is tainted from the start.
Promotion in the British Army has never been quick, except in times of major wars and going from the ranks to ruperts rare, so the Challengers military record is not uncommon.
Whether I was a Rupert or not, is irrelevant to the point Silentstalker is making.
But if you look at;
Richard joined the British Army in 1983. Joined WG in “early 2012″. Says; “I served in total just short of thirty years in the Army”.
There is one uniform picture showing Richard, with his hands behind his back, in what looks like number 2 dress (it’s a small photo). Leather Sam Browne belt, but no cross belt, no scarlet sash (so not WOII). Looks like a black RTR beret.
Shoulder boards appear to be bear (could be mistaken about that assumption the picture is small).
I therefore guessed rose to at most WOI.
If I recall correctly they said he had been Regimental Sergeant Major when they introduced him at the Gamescom in 2012 (messing up the German translation).
Arthur Wellsley ,you haven’t got a clue about the armed forces.You can’t become an c. officer without higher education(university) or military school for officers.I’m not a Brit,but I’m pretty sure its the same in all armies.Normaly a petty officer never becomes an officer,its 2 different universes,i was the former that’s how I know.
Next time think before you embarrass yourself matey!
You do not say which country that you come from, and I accept in your armed forces what you say is correct, but in the British Army throughout the 20th & into the 21st Century promotion from the ranks too commissioned officer has always been possible. In times of war these are referred to as brevet, and could later be rescinded. I am well aware that NCO’s and commissioned officers occupy two very different planets, but for the British under suitable conditions it is possible to travel from one to another. So I have not embarrassed myself, but thank you for your concern.
Thanks for the reference to RSM, that makes sense.
Ok, wtf did Challenger do? I’m from NA server, so I’m kinda missing this one…although I will say that his vids have been crap lately (so much horrifically bad info, can’t even tell the difference between a real Hetzer and a postwar Swiss machine, etc).
EU staff are mongos.
I wrote here before the truth about Richard Cutland…he is useless and ignorant.
“But the biggest surprise was…
Richard “Challenger” Cutland, or
rather his activities”
Come on, SS. You don’t write something like that and just leave it. Tell us more!
I hope WGRU cleans house on the EU server bunch of massive useless donkeys. Screw WGEU
without explanation and things to back up your statement you should fear prosecution for slander or the very least be sorry for Yuri who Are likely to get in the hotspot for telling you internal stuff…
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“But – as fun as it is to throw dirt on WG EU, at this point, I won’t do it.”
Uh, you kinda just did. Saying “I know X did bad things, but I’m not going to throw dirt on him.” already throws dirt on him, even if you don’t want to give away specific details.
Maybe Serb can use WG EU staff for 1st test flight of his spaceship rocket whatever.
Despite what WG RU staff said about WG EU, keep in mind with WG ‘when it’s done it’s done’ (WG EU changes come whenever Havok physics come).
can someone explain me what SS wrote about WG EU?
i dont really understand. does WG wants to remove the EU servers or what? huh?
Nah, they’re just replacing the staff
How did you guys managed the communication?
Or some Russian/Czech mash up?
I know very little of WG EU, mainly because WG NA and WG RU are doing all the interesting stuff (videos, updates etc), so I must ask why people throw so much shit at them? I take it people hate more for more reasons than just inactivity?
Well, we certainly won’t miss any single one of those monkeys at WG EU.