Since it was published elsewhere…
Yea. This is the GW E-100 replacement, still called Grille IIRC. And yes, it’s this weapon – we (Czechoslovaks) wanted to put it on Panther chassis after the war, but the mortar was developed earlier, during the war, for – amongst other things – the Tiger chassis, aka Grille.
so it’s for sure going to be a 305MM gun? time to get a serious umbrella…
Well it could also be 420mm
That would be very interesting…
I wonder, in the light of this new arty, maybe SturmTiger does have a chance after all ?
I sure hope so ;)
Yeah I’m really wondering this too :) SS, couldn’t you please please ask the WG guys if they could consider the SturmTiger? :)
I doubt there will be Sturmtiger ever. If not for other parameters then just for the fact it breaks two WG’s basic rules about ingame guns: 1) only rifled guns (it’s smoothbore) 2) only conventional (it’s rocketlauncher).
You’re wrong om both accounts. First of it was rifled. Look down the barrel and see, pretty sure they showed / mentioned it in the fairly new Sturmtiger video WG made .
Secondly, the projectile was rocket assisted. Many conventional artillery pieces use that ta extend the range compared to regular rounds.
Might be wrong about the projectile. But i am sure about the rifling!
420 blaze it arty… Lel…
When is it coming? 2,5 years from now?
hopefully after i stop playing this game, retarded broken arty has already way too much dmg per shoot and now this.. gtfo
(double post)
420mm LOL :D 1 shot 3 kills FTW! :D
Can probably kill half the team on a miss.
Sory for spam.
Could you help us with February missions please?
Thank you for this great job!
Hmm imagine 210 pen GOODlike alfa and that splash…. would be fun,… no definetly not
Better replacement Heuschrecke 10 ;)
technically you can shoot nuclear warheads from 300mm+ artillery guns. maybe a new type of premium ammo? :D Thats better :)
Looks like someone wanted to compensate something… ;)
Looks like something to look into when it appears in game.
shell weight 160 kg..
that doesnt even have to explode. all it needs is to drop on a tank…
Must be buff loaders to only have two of them…
It shouldn’t have AP pen, it should be whatever it hits it crushes completely :P
I dont want them to replace sexy ass GW E 100 :(
You mean fake ass (or ‘fake as’, as we say in my country).
Fake as <<<<< Sexy
So no need to worry about T92′s now. Now I have to worry about a 402mm HE round landing on top of me. FUN!
You wont need to worry too much.
It will probably be so inaccurate that even the enemy team will need to worry about their friendly GW E-100 shitting on top of them.
Well u drive it to corner of the map,.. shot diagonaly oposite corner,… everyone on map but u splashet do death if u have spall liner,.. if u dont count yourself death too
A Tiger chassis in tier 10!
*Strumtiger’s heavy breathing*
exactly what we need… another pos impossible to balance… GJ WG
It looks like an RV with a gun
LOL! So true though
welp gg quitting thd game
Well, gotta start grinding that GW. Tiger.
just because of this news i re-bought the GW Tiger, and decided to grind those 120.000 exp i still need to get the GW E-100 (after the accuracy nerf i stopped playing artillery altogether). get to f**k, CGC, here comes the german hell machine!
I unlocked the GW tiger long time ago… now I have a good reason to buy it.
Oddly enough the CGC is one of my worst tier 10 arties.
It has a short barrel (mortar yes) and I can seriously never hit anything with it.
Maybe one in.. 15 shots is a hit?
In my T92 (longer barrel, howitzer), I fire AP shells half the time because it’s still accurate enough to hit at 1000 meters.
Missing with AP doesn’t alert the enemy so they don’t move.
Hitting with AP does 1500 damage.
Missing with HE alerts the enemy and does 300-500 damage.
Hitting with HE does….. 500? 2000? God knows…
I love AP in my T92….
I also fire AP in my GWE100.
It’s a lot harder because of the stupid small gun arch.
But if WG turns this gun into a 305mm mortar, it will probably make the GWE useless (for me).
No sir, me no like.
420mm now?
Armored Warfare better be good. Fuck this shit.
It most likely will use 305, the change is not even final lol
awww why…. theres no need for this…
I thought all the time, that (since 305mm gun was mounted on Sturmmörser Bär) it will be Bär. Why not?
With 40 deg. min elevation it probably can’t shoot anything closer than 1km. Good fail vehicle for fail players.
exactly my first thought, defenseless to scouts
Well at least it’ll finally give something to Germany that can actually hide behind the side of a house as a tier 10 for a change.
I dont know whether to rejoice and grind the thing for CW, or whimper and never reinstall the game.
Any timeframe for this ?
But… will it have autoloader? *g*
On a more serious note for those who ask why not Sturmtiger instead of this Deathstar:
Sturmtiger has some serious front armor. It would be the bouncing bane of every scout tank, if it’s implemented as arty.
Also… wasn’t it that the Sturmtiger had no horizontal gun arc? How do you aim with it in arty mode?
Karl-Geraet, plox… The model is already in game, they only need to put it in randoms :P .
Pingback: Co nahradí GW E-100?
Honestly, the GW-E100 is annoying to play, atm. For me, at least. I hope this new thing has a better gun arch or better traverse. Anything to make it more reliable!
T11 arty Karl gerät confirmed
So it shoots every 90 seconds and does 4500 damage? Splash is 50 meter square =).
WG, add it and you lose yet another player.
This isn’t necessarily adding something but replacing something already in the game with something else.
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