Tanitha (WG ASIA Producer) Explains IM Rigging And Punishment

Source: http://forum.worldoftanks.asia/index.php?%2Ftopic%2F51445-prohibited-exploitation-of-the-personal-mission-system%2F

Hello everyone,

Tanitha, a producer on the ASIA server, confirmed what we suspected all along: that uncovering IM rigging is a lengthy and tedious process, that’s barely functional. What he wrote:

Dear Players.

While you are free to work together with your clan, mates, country mates, friends, and team mates, you are only permitted to do so with those WITHIN YOUR OWN TEAM IN GAME.

Collaborating and working together with clan, mates, country mates, friends, and players that are on the enemy team, is prohibited and against our fair play principles, and considered “cheating”.

 And with 30 players within a game most with replays enabled and such cheating being obvious within a replay, detection rates are very high, with a high likely-hood of sanctions being issued.

Currently enforcement tools on the new features are limited.

For example, there is no big red button,, labeled .. “Ban this player for 7 days, remove major rewards obtained, reset their personal mission progress back to Zero”

If there was, WG Asia would be leading the way in pressing it… But unfortunately reality isn’t utopia.

 So instead issues such as this, need tackling in a multitude of different ways.

  1. Syncing the team internally, so a unified approach happens within our team, IE syncing support, forums, all languages, Etc.
  2. Syncing globally, with the producers of NA/EU/RU/KR and development in Minsk.
  3. Voicing the concerns of the Asia players on this topic, to other servers and development.
  4. Upping the priority and urgency of development features, such as the big red button mentioned above … “Ban this player for 7 days, remove major rewards obtained, reset their personal mission progress back to Zero”
  5. Obtaining the facts and statistics, analytics. Not only on the 8 currently caught cheating in personal missions, but also on the entire personal mission system.
  6. Analyzing the 8 players caught cheating, to ascertain what rewards they have received so far, and what progress they have made within the personal mission system.
  7. Etc

 Due to global timezone differences, the above isn’t quick. It takes a few days usually.

In the mean time, the 8 caught cheating, were banned for 3-7 days.

Now while the above continues in the background for mid/long term solutions that require development, and require publishers like WG Asia upping the importance and priority of such development on a regular basis on your behalf…..

We now need to look at,, what can be done, with the tools available.

For the 8 already caught cheating the personal mission system on their first offense, and other’s trying to follow in their footsteps.. The sanctions are as follows.

  1. Seven (7)  Day game bans placed. (those previously issued 3 days will be extended to 7 days)
  2. Removal of their last Major reward obtained  (IE tank / female crews / which will not be able to be re-achieved permanently)
  3. Not prohibiting further use of the Personal Mission System at the moment, as such options do not exist at this time, we will work on pushing for this development.

Future repeat offenses from those already sanctioned as above will recieve

  1. Thirty (30)  Day game bans placed. 
  2. Removal of their last Major reward obtained being removed. (IE tank / female crews / which will not be able to be re-achieved permanently)
  3. Not prohibiting further use of the Personal Mission System at the moment, as such options do not exist at this time, we will work on pushing for this development.

And then further continuation.. Permanent game bans placed.

Cheating, in any way shape or form, is not permitted.

We will continue to fight the crusade on your behalf on the two fronts .. Preventing any form of cheating with the tools and resources available, And, upping the priority of new development features / tools to better eradicate any form of cheating. As we here at WG Asia , know the importance of a clean and fun gaming environment, we, like you, are hard core gamers ourselves..

Okay Tanitha, let’s play a game. The same system should be in action on all the servers, right? Okay. In last two weeks I recieved around 20 reports of game rigging. About one half is conclusive (definitely rigging), the other half – meh, I don’t know. I’ll take three of the most blatant cases from last week and will be checking them EVERY day to find out, whether these players got banned or not. Two weeks is enough time to punish the riggers, yes? After that, I’ll publish the names and replays – and you bet these guys will not be punished until then.

Should be an interesting experiment.

91 thoughts on “Tanitha (WG ASIA Producer) Explains IM Rigging And Punishment

  1. Well stop with the stupid IMs and you’ll stop with the RIGGING. The one you see “rigged” the most is the BLOCK 6/8/10K damaged one. remove that and you’ll remove 95% of your rigging issues.

    • Yeah, stop with the stupid lives and you’ll stop the MURDERS.

      You could say this sentence about pretty much anything, but I suppose we shouldn’t conserve WoT in the same state forever.

      • WG as usual. There should always be a fucked up thing, like the 4K normal dmg/4K spotting dmg/8K blocked/ate/deat dmg, but WG will say “Well, a T4 can do these”. My SU-85b barely gets over 2k dmg in a game (only if it was a crazy game with loads of tomatoes). Yet, they won’t hear to you. Why? Cuz WG lazyness.

      • Good luck with your gold (speaking same tier, ofc) against angled german super-heavy or hulldown US tank.

        Honestly, with the exception of Chinese and British heavies, you can get 8 and 10k in any line if you try a bit. In some nations you can get 8k as soon as at tiers 7 or 8.

        • Hulldown US Heavy? Cupolas (T110E5/103/T29/T32/T34)/Turretplate above the mantlet(T29, T34) – dont even need gold as it is counter productive. Wouldnt do this mission in this line.

          Super-angled german heavy?
          Gold at turret front if he tries to shoot. Btw blocking with spaced armor (E-100) doesnt help in blocked dmg, so E-100 is not that smart for dmg blocked if u sidescrape. E-100 is generally shit for this, because its the best victim for HEAT ammo (flat turret front).

          Best tanks for this missions are: VK B, E-75, Maus and VK 72.01 K. Probably IS-7 if you can surely hide your lower / go completely hulldown.

          KV-4 is shit anyways, ST-I has a “weak” upper, IS-4 got spaced armor and relies on reverse side scraping for tons of bounces because of the turret weakspot/shoulder plates. Black Prince is also shit because of the tracks acting as side spaced armor and T8/T9s that just penetrate it anyways. Any other heavy tank that actually has some armor?!

          • I got the HT-15 mission for the Stug (8K) done with honors on my third try in the E100 without any sort of rigging/cheating/etc. The first two games were wins, but they were both steamrolls, which gave me a lot less opportunity to both do damage and block damage, plus I survived, so damage taken didn’t help. I suspect it won’t be that much harder to get the T28C mission done, it will just require bouncing a couple more shots and/or penning a few more shots I fire.

            One of my clan mates got HT-15 for the Stug done in the IS-6, and another in the T110E5. Other tanks that would work, that anyone can get, include those listed above, and perhaps the tier 10 autoloaders where most of the credit is for damage dealt and received. An AMX 50B, for instance, isn’t fantastic at blocking damage, but it can deal it. Having a 6k damage game and getting killed would work fine for the 50B or T57 for the Stug mission.

            I think the accuracy changes are actually going to help here. Weak spots will become harder to hit, especially targets like the cupolas on the US heavies. I could see a T29, T32, or T34 getting into a good hull down position, dealing a lot of damage, and blocking a bunch with the turret front. Sure, it would have to be a great game, but it is possible.

            I don’t think the IS-7 is actually a good choice here. Most reasonable competent players don’t bother shooting at its turret at all unless they are trying to knock out a low health tank with HE. It also has low HP for a tier 10 heavy, giving it less potential to get there with damage taken. I’m sure it can be done in an IS-7, but it isn’t the tank I would choose. People will shoot at the turret of an E100 or Maus with HEAT because they can pen it. If the driver angles at the right time the HEAT can bounce, giving one more damage blocked.

            Lets not forget that these missions are not supposed to be easy. The first two are for tank tiers that are easy enough to grind to, but the tier 9 and 10 tanks should be hard to get. I think Wargaming missed the boat a little bit by not making the Stug mission a little easier simply because the reward is a lackluster tier 5. Making the first, and perhaps second tank easier to get would likely suck a lot more people into trying missions than already are, especially for the higher tier vehicles, increasing the server population.

          • You may say that KV-4 is shit, but I managed to do the HT-15 for the StuG IV with my trusty tier 8 russian behemoth. And I’ve even managed to block more than 8k damage with it in one battle (sadly, we lost that one).

        • Agreed, I might have not done HT-15 for my Stug-IV and skipped it entirely.. but I do have a T29 replay that was pre-individual missions that had a game in which those requirements were meant.

        • I’m trying the 8k mission with the 110. IMO it requires some aggressive play with >3.5k dealt + tactical death :-/ and it works only if some teammates watch your back. The latter is the problem – not the requirement itself.

      • yeap. i’m at t55a missions atm, without riggin’. and there’s an HT-12 i think, where u need to block TRIPLE hp of ur stronk tonk… i wonder, in what tank is it possible. just think about it… TRIPLE! and it’s not combined with dmg dealed or received…
        the 12k is a pure luck as long with 14k, but this triple thing is fuckin’ only riggin’…

        BTW: SilentS… DAC clan lametards caught with riggin’ IM as well… and only after like 8 annoyin’ messages to support, they were banned. but what does it rly change… 7 days ban, rly? ffs…

        • the problem is that they are made for T4 and up. And I don’t think a T4 tank can block/deal/eat 8k HP. This is impossible. Same with 4k dmg at T4. And same with 4k spotting damage at T4.

          • lionkiller, i’m sorry, but u’re a nubass. first of all, they r NOT mad for t4 and above. a t28HTC is for t5+, the t55a is for t6+… moreover, u need to have many tanks in order to make this happen. just so u know

            • He has a valid point that the missions don’t scale with the tier you’re using for. You can exploit the 8k Mission with a Maus and the “Ram-a-light-within-two-minutes” with a lowtier medium going for T3-Noobs …
              Either way, a full Garage helps a lot …

              • Yeah, a full garage is paramount, I have something around 150 tanks in mine. The only thing I was lacking was arty, since before these missions started I could count the number of arty games I played in an average month with one hand and have fingers left over. Luckily I have the S-51 (only because it researches off the KV-2), and it was good enough for all the arty missions that required a lot of damage. I think it will also be good enough for the missions for the T28C. After that, I might have to look at grinding up to a higher tier SPG.

                Picking the right tank for the mission is really important. For instance, I did the HT-15 mission for the Stug in the E100, but the MT-15 mission in a Type-T34. I did several of the Stug light tank missions in the Valentine II, it is really easy to be the top XP earner in a tank that never sees higher than its tier and has a lot of armor compared to almost everything it sees. I used the Pz. B2 for several of the heavy tank missions for the same reason.

        • From what I remember (I think you can use Tier 5+):

          KV-1 – 1770
          KV-220 – 2070
          T29 – 3450
          T34 – 4500
          T32 – 4200
          ST-I – 5400

          Those are all primary reasonable heavies you can do this mission in, IMO (though if lucky, there are a few more others). Wouldn’t go for tier 10, simply because you don’t get tier higher tanks that can do extra damage, meaning you have to take too much damage. Getting 9000 with Maus? Nope. 1770 with KV-1? Doable, though it might take tens of games.

          • u gotta be fuckin’ kiddin’ me… when the last time u did somethin’ around 3k blocked with t29? omfg… this thing penetrable like nothing awadays.

            ST-I and VK B is the only ones that somehow at this days, can do the trick. but damn… that gonna take a 1k battles to get ur self in a battle without someone shootin’ u with gold etc etc etc…

            • I did this 8k damage battle once in my e-100, but lost the battle. I just left the mission going and didn’t collect my reward.

              A few days later, in an ST-I I did the mission again without even realizing it. Two jag panthers were firing at me on their base. I did about 2400 dmg, blocked 3700 and obviously took some hits, but won the game. It was very easy that game but it took me a long time to do that mission.

              Some of these are really dumb and rng dependent. You can’t rig setting someone on fire. That took forever. Base capping is dumb when your teammates all want to kill everything.

              The worst part of these missions IMHO is how many arties are now in the game. I’m at mission 14 of the Stug missions. Having fun trying to do 2000 dmg in a tier 7 arty in one game.

              Overall, these missions are doing what they intended to do: They are making us use tanks that we don’t normally use to get better overall at the game.

              (PS. Wargaming, I’ll still pay real money to play without arties)

              • For capping, play as low a tier as you can reasonably expect to meet the requirements, or platoon with people who will help you cap. I did the Stug heavy tank cap mission solo in the KV-1S using the 85mm gun. Tier 5 games often end by capping (as opposed to higher tier games), and doing 1k damage with a 85mm armed KV-1S is a good game, but not really great. I ended up doing 1200 damage and capping out on my first try on the mission.

                As for arty, my highest tier arty is the S-51, also tier seven. The game I completed the mission on was a tier 9 game. The first shot I fired one-shotted a T30 for 1650 damage, after that it was gravy. I ended up with 3.5k damage that game. Apparently that much damage in a tier 9 game is good enough for ace tanker in the S-51 also.

                • How many skills on your s-51? I can’t hit the ocean off a wharf in that.. or if I do it’s 367 dmg. :-( I guess I just need to play the RNG lottery until I get to ammo rack someone..

                • My S-51 crew is at 100% and about 70% on their first skill, but I run food. It is expensive, but when you get one shot every 45 seconds having that extra boost is worth it.

          • You know that for these “Block double your HP in damage” there is a damage dealt requirement too? For the T28C mission you have to block double AND deal 1500 damage. It’s possible in mid tiers but the planets really have to align. I can imagine the T-55A version where you have to block triple has an even higher dealt requirement. And these aren’t secondary conditions, these are part of the main requirement.

            • yeap. u’re right. but it’s not an issue… i mean it’s doable, compare to the blocked part of this lameshit mission.
              at t55a it’s 2k
              at obj260, it’s the same by blockin’, but 3k dmg needed to be done.

        • This was a tough one.

          I have the T 55A (Razavn on the NA server) and have since last Thursday.

          HT12 was the 2nd to last HT mission I needed to complete and it was a pain.

          I originally re-bought the T-150 for the mission to kill HTs a tier above myself, I originally thought this tank could pull off the 2k damage dealt + x3 HP blocked by armor but after about 30 tries I was forced to admit defeat.

          I basically said “screw it” and went for it in my Maus (so yeah..9k blocked). First try I landed on Serene Coast and had a platoon of E100s shoot HE at me till I died…so yeah, no damage blocked there.

          Second game I landed on Fiery Salient with no arty and decided to mosey down the road. Ran into a pair of E100s using the 128 and 150 (thankfully they fired AP/APCR/HEAT and not HE) and ended up blocking over 10k damage.

          The harder part was actually doing the 2k damage as the E100s were bad enough to not be able to pen me, while competent enough to angle their turret (lfp was hidden by a hill). I actually had to resort to firing HE as I was at 1960 damage with the score 13 to 3 and everyone closing in on the E100 I was dueling.

          Basically HT12 becomes essentially another version of HT15. Instead of getting your 10k/12k done via damage/HP you have to do it with your armor.

        • Yeah im ‘stuck’ on this one too. Triple is really quite difficult but it would be insane for the object where i guess you have to do 4x the hp of your tank. Had a really good game yesterday in the wz-111 where I sidescraped 8000 potential damage. However I had little support and couldnt do the 2K damage needed :s
          T29 or T32 might be the best tank for this in the right situation (i.e. defense/attack sand river, little or no arty).

    • I did the 8K combined with my IS7 on the first try and have to make another 6 rounds to get it on a battle we manage to won, because first time it was a defeat.

      Most of the IMs are purely skill based, especially this one. Tier10 Heavys have at least 2k HP, so that means you only need 6k. In a good match it is not too hard to deal above 3k DMG, so you only need 3k to get the combined wich is still not a big deal if you can use the tank.

      As a fact, I was on a round with a KV4 and almost made the 8k combined. And when I say almost it means only 400 less. So don’t tell me it’s impossible.

      With a MAUS you have 3k HP, wich means 11k combined in the final round. I myself had witnessed a MAUS on Live Oaks geting 9900 DMG eaten up by it’s armor. That means he needed only 3 penetrating shots to get the 14k combined.

      The only mission sucks is the spoting mission, because it’s not up to you, but your team. However you still can teaming up with Tier10 artillery to make your chances higher. The only problem is, that there is no way to know wich tank was spotted by you and wich is not. The second and bigger problem is that you need specific maps to do it, ‘caus it is not possible to make tonns of spot damage in small and/or city maps. You have no room…

  2. “The same system should be in action on all the servers, right?”

    That’s not true, and I think I remember Ectar saying something along those lines himself (and this is for example where name and shame differences come from). Tanitha speaks about WG Asia only, so if you are going to check EU players, you’re just wasting time.

    • Hell, they will say that even a guy that lets you get a topgun is considered statpadding, because of them thinking with whatever organ/robot/animal/buddy/blablabla thingish and will say “NO, THIS IS CHEATING!!!!! BAN!!!11111!”

    • How’s about using your armor instead of trying to cheat the system. It’s not THAT hard, you know?

      • there’s always lametards who cheats… the thing is, wg is stupid enough not to think about this and let them selfs in a position without proper counter measures for case as such.

      • “Hey guys, could NOT USE gold in this game, so I could use my armor? Or shoot my side like a total morons although you know you’d never pentrate at that angle?”


        • yes, it is. but… just point me at ONE game, where it will came true. just one. pleeeeeaaaase.

    • I have a bad habit… Sometimes when I play wot I use to fart. Is that rigging? Am I getting a ban?

  3. So basically a type of behaviour that is generally considered good sportsmanship by pretty much everyone – giving someone radleys/pools or whatever instead of driving away and hiding until the game ends, is also rigging? WG at their best, pulling random rules out of their asses once all is done and already broken, instead of creating a working system in the first place.

    • Good sportsmanship is when your team leaves you the medal – they are free to cooperate with you as the wish.

      As for the enemy, advancing to you is okay (his choice). Hiding is okay (it’s his choice). Advancing to you and letting you shoot him for free (aka not shooting back or shooting your strongpoints) is NOT okay.
      That’s pretty much the difference. Basically you can hide to save on costs. But if they find you, you should fight back.

      • So i can report all those tomatos that dont shoot back when i kill them in randoms? Just because some smartass WG guys says sth like “dont rig intentionally” you assume that everybody has to shoot for instance? WTF!
        Being bad is reportable now after all, k?

        Next time i should report all the clueless guys that shoot upper frontplates on a E-75, because they enable the E-75 to do the mission, hurr durr.

    • If someone wants a medal, they’ll have to fking work for it.

      An enemy will have to fight me, I’m not giving out freebees.

      If two enemies have the opportunity to kill me, I’ll choose the option that gives me the most chance at survival, or if survival is out of the question, the most chance of doing damage. If that screws someone out of a Radley-Walters’ medal or the likes, it sucks to be them

      A friendly begging to get the last kill for a Top Gun medal? If he can get him first, then sure. Otherwise, not likely. Unless I’ve seen the person actively rushing to the aid of a friendly in trouble, earlier in the match.

  4. It’s sad to see that people need to cheat in order to obtain something they want to have.

    We do countdowns on TS regularly, but there’s no cheating on my watch. I’d kick ‘em in the ‘nads if they’d try. But I guess I’m lucky that my clan mates are decent chaps.

    • What part of
      “Collaborating and working together with clan, mates, country mates, friends, and players that are on the enemy team, is prohibited and against our fair play principles, and considered “cheating”.

      this sentence you don’t understand?… When you intentionally do that, that you get your mates into the same match and they end up on the ENEMY team, it can already be considered cheating…

      • Don’t you start on me now, dude. Doing countdowns to get in the same battle is NOT considered cheating, and therefore NOT prohibited.

        What part of “there’s no cheating on my watch” do YOU not understand.

        I am not playing faves when I have clan mates on the enemy team. Matter of fact, I do NOT allow clan mates to give away positions of their team mates, and if clan mates on the enemy team get in front of my barrel I’ll fucking make’m regret that: I’ll shoot the snot out of them. And if they’d have the guts to ask me to bounce shells intentionally, I’d fucking kick them out of the clan!

            • wow… u should talk to saudian/iranian dudes… u sounds like a decent fuck-twisted tyrant.
              P.S. however, i do get ur sensitivity, honey :|

              • I’m no tyrant by any means, nor do I see myself as a “Mr. Tough Guy” that people should be scared of. However, Safirius says we cheat by doing countdowns on TS, which aggravates me as I pride myself being surrounded by a fine group of men who do not want cheaters in their midst. I stand for their integrity.
                You can go in a training battle to take pot shots at each other and have a chuckle, but it doesn’t earn you experience and credits. Much better to do countdowns, try to get in the same battle and earn a bit of exp/credits while shooting the snot out of each other (if you’re on opposing teams). My guys love being able to rub it in for at least the rest of the evening if they get to kill me (gotta love TS banter!), so I bloody well need to do the best i can to keep them from doing so!

  5. Thanks for the crap missions wargaming!
    The clan I am in has told everyone to stop working on the IM’s because they don’t want the whole clan to end up banned. Many clans I know of are doing this. We also have also stopped doing platoons so we don’t look like we are cheating. Guess we will only be doing clan wars till your dumb ass missions end.
    Way to ruin the game!

  6. We had a Game Master also state that further punishments will be made once he finished his “Investigation”. Again they hinted towards the results not being made public in any form.

    It’s nothing more then a joke and people need to start being held accountable for the cesspool that WG Asia is becoming.

  7. - In the mean time, the 8 caught cheating, were banned for 3-7 days.

    Truly pathetic hehe. Basically : you can try to rig, if we catch you then it’s a 7day ban. If not, well, lucky you. And you can try and rig twice lol before being perma banned. What a joke.

    Working as intended.

  8. Reworking personal missions exclusively for PvE is the only way. That way the enemy team will be entirely composed of AI and no players can rig a battle.

    • AI may be a little bit older (meaning that they just auto-aim at you and shoot even in the UPF when the LFP is a weakspot). Removing them and allowing IMs only in PvE is a bad idea, considering that AIs have a certain skill level.

      • It’s really not that hard to imagine PvE. For example, AI will only be low tier tanks for the StuG IV. But with the T28 Concept and beyond, the AI’s tier, hit points, RoF, accuracy, aim time etc will progressively get higher. Give them gold rounds as standard if it makes them more lethal.

      • As far as I know WG did state that the AI tanks would aim at weakspots.

        Which is quite hilarious if a Tiger II goes to aim for the weakspot ( flat roof ) of the IS-3 turret since the chance of hitting it isn’t fantastic while the frontplate is Cheese to the Tiger II tank.

        I can already see a T-44, T-34-2, T69 and Pershing aim for aimspots while there’s no way for them to penetrate the said weakspot because of their low penetration not meeting the requirements to make the spot a weakspot on the tank.

        Tier 7 mediums will at large be abusable too since their gun performance isn’t fantastic by average either with pretty bad chance of penetrating the weakspot on the Tiger and T-29 turrets.

        Tier 6′s have good guns for their tier all around so.

        Tier 5 heavies don’t have fantastic armour, but KV-1 hull-down could be abused. if it weren’t for the fact that the tier 5 mediums often have howitzers as best gun.

  9. WG is stupid because they did not tested the PM’s thoroughly – first they did not anticipate what it will to with random battles dynamics (everyone trying to get mission reward, no team play whatsoever). Before I saw some teamplay in nearly every battle*. And second, some of the goals are so stupid that it completely defies the principles or team game. Capping with a heavy? Insane damage done/received/bounced? Ramming? All these tasks lead to 15 personal-mission-grinders battles when everyone seeks their own goal, many times contradictionary (capping vs. killing or damage etc.). And, naturally, leads to cheat attempts. I guess no-one is surprised. That was easily predictable, even for those who did not take part in a single mission on test server.

    The only surprised are complete idiots and WG staff.

    It’s a pity that this, once quite promising game, ended up as many others before – money grabs. Or does anyone really think that new premium vehicles are almost always OP as a mistake? No. It’s not coincidence, it’s not even a mistake on devs side, it’s a business model how to get as much money as possible in shortest possible time. The fact it deform the game is secondary. To be honest, I really look forward to AW. Maybe it won’t be any better but different with, hopefully, different attitude. Not going to spent any more € on WoT. They don’t need me, I don’t need them. Fair deal.

    * you know what I mean – not proper team play but a hint of some coordination

    • I was just about to say that :D
      You cant even create a ticket for this :D

      EU is fun, one or two more nights with our clan and finally the object 260 is ours :D

    • omfg… u truly believe they gonna ban all this “over 1000 ppl with obj 260″ at ru server? ffs… get a brain. they just frighten ppl. there’s no fuckin’ mechanism to determine who were cheatin’ and who’s not. logs? well… no one gonna do it. too much of a paper work(even for QA-WG! HOORA!).
      so cut the shit out.
      btw: some lamefucks did got banned for a weak at eu server. but what the fuck does it change?! nothing.
      they don’t wanna get them reasonable punishments and they don’t wanna go publicity with even a simple warning msg… FOOK YOO WG! just… fuck, that’s sad, veri s3d onl1.
      RIP WOT

    • And this is good so. Better some guys who rig a battle once instead of trying to do those dmg blocking missions alone and failing many times. This saves us others many matches where one tank does not try to kill an opponent because he farms blocked dmg.

      This whole problem was made by wargaming. If players suffer less with rigging, ignore riggers and go on. Accept it as the better solution, just a short time nuisance.

      • Sure, and you have no chance to win a contest in a “legit way” because of all theese riggers….

        RIP WOT

        • actually, this lametards who i’m talkin’ about wasn’t published at ftr… i was just spammin’ support about them doin’ a shit about the issue and all kinda stuff about they don’t give a fuck of illegal mods(even aim-bot, ffs) and bots…

          what a damn shame… they fuckin’ this game up instead of improve it. and i’m not even talkin’ about balance…

  10. So two days ago I completed a mission HT15 for T28 HTC in my E100. At the end of the battle I was alone against e5 that was one-shot-kill but instead of killing him I got into favorable position. I’ve got house between us and I began sidescrapping and by that forcing him to bounce me a lot. Then I had to facehug him while he was shooting me with HEAT penetrating 50% of the shots. When I was almost dead I finished the job and killed him. Didn’t talk to that guy, don’t know the guy, wasn’t planned I just used random guy. Is this considered cheating aswell?

    • No it is not rigging. He did nothing to help you himself. He wasn’t trying to bounce off you. He was simply doing a poor job of penning you. You did nothing to help him or his team/harm your own team. You didn’t risk the loss(Other than possibility of ammo rack I guess) and you made sure to kill him before he could kill you.

      If anything you simply trolled him and got a mission out of it.

  11. !in a nutshell rig the IMs and you’ll never be punished, If i understood the article right :)

  12. This is total ridiculous. How the biggest cheater, rigging MM all the time (WG), can judge a single player under subjective matters. It’s my tank and I want to throw it deep in the water… Is that rigging? Maybe yes maybe no. I let someone other get the kill on purpose… Is that rigging? I help a teammate cap for his mission… Is that rigging? Does actually the definition of rigging exists in an online paid game? Is that legal?
    Guys in my opinion, in a game that you pay and especially when you pay lots of money, I demand from them to have the appropriate counter measures to avoid things that are considered -not ok-. Is like you want me to accept that there is a junkie and there is a drug dealer and you put in jail the junkie because you cannot fight against the cartel.
    Who gave the right to a company that it’s really obvious that they’re cheating and acting illegal in many ways against the players in order to make money (MM rigging, fixed -paid super accounts etc.) to suspend an accountfor 1 day or for 1 year, without compensating the player because they don’t have the right way through the software to avoid situations. If everything was crystal clear and legal then simply give back the spent money and the prepaid days of the account to the player and simply ban him permantly.

    • Who gave the right to decide if they want to ban someone. Um the company that created the game gave the right to themselves to ban accounts if they want to. Actually the players such as you yourself gave them that right. The thing you agree to at the start of every patch allows them the right to do what ever they want. In addition to the fact that its THEIR game. They can do what they want to.

      In addition to them rigging MM to make bad players such as yourself do poorly while good players do good.

      Please. Do cry more. Every tear you spill helps fill up the fuel for my rigged MM tanks and arties.

      • Mr clever, the existence of this game depends on me and on players with 0 comprehension and IQ like you. So if we both quit the game and go to AW for eg. WOT will be past. Secondly mr clever how you know what kind of player am I? Ah I forgot is your special comprehension. Anyways I am glad to see what kind of players support WG, that proves my theory.

  13. Forgot to mention, that WG accepts and forgets to punish all the cheating software in their game (War pack mod, arty s position, map damaged objects, auto aim, modules and crew auto destruction etc etc) but doesnt forget to punish rigging! Lol.

  14. I am not one to normally stand up for Tanitha and Tanitha can confirm he has perma banned my account on the forums because of sprouting abuse at him for the way the server is… However I’ve taken a different approach recently and taken the time to get to know Tan and sorta how things run… It isn’t just the ASIA server that has issues it all servers, I have an account on EU, NA and ASIA… There is the same problem every where, also mix that with morons who don’t understand cammo mechanics and you end up with everyone sprouting cheaters… Whilst I do not like cheaters and dislike them with a passion, I will stand by Tan on this one because I saw personally first hand the accounts being banned…

    • Also the players who were caught rigging were removed from COAF, Tan is doing the best job he can with what he can and can not do… How about you all just wait and see what’s to come… I am seriously starting to feel sorry for Tan, his dammed if he does and dammed if he doesn’t… This was a step forward and the issues of botting, account selling, illegal mods ect is being dealt with. Yes it’s happening slowly and fuck its frustrating I’ve had my fair share on the forums, in coaf (classical comment of sucking vpa cock and talking comes to mind) Chappo calmly after me poking him over and over for a reaction over 48 hours warning me to pipe down or be kicked… It is happening and not something that just happens over night, I am seriously starting to see a lot of self righteous morons…

  15. For everyone complaining about how hard the 3rd and 4th set of missions are. What were you expecting? WG to give you a free Tier 9 and free Tier 10 tank to average players? No a free Tier 9 and 10 are going to be almost impossible to earn. Just look at how hard/mindless grinding was required for a free Tier 8 premie when those missions were around. Meanwhile these missions are A. For higher tiers. And B. Have no time limit. Of course they will be harder.

    And the people complaining about the 8k damage Stug HT-15 mission. Stop being so bad. KV-4 can do it fairly easily. Remember its not block 8k damage its collect total of 8k damage between damage dealt(If you roll a Tier 8 game which is at least half of the KV-4 matches) you should be pulling around 2-3k if your halfway competent. If you die that is another 1.6k. So there is 4.6k. All you need to block with your armor is 3.4k damage.