Meanwhile in Germany: British IFV Bumps into Garden


Thanks to Opferlamm113 and H.S., who sent me this story :) Something lighter today – while the streets of various cities in war areas across the world are littered with burned-out husks of destroyed fighting vehicles, the problems with tanks in Germany are of completely different nature.


British school vehicle (apparently a Warrior IFV) driver in Borchen (Paderborn) lost control over his vehicle and bumped into the local house’s garden. The reason for the incident was that the vehicle lost a bolt in one of its roadwheels, leading to the loss of control over the vehicle and the subsequent drift, which ended after the vehicle ran into the hedge and stopped over the small wall under it, sparing the house itself. Noone was injured in the incident.

The occupant of the house, an elderly man by the name of Ulrich Tilsner was about to leave the house to visit his granddaughter when the crash happened. His surprised family then recieved a phonecall for him, in which he announced that he’s going to be a bit late, because he has a tank in the garden.

The recovery of the vehicle took several hours.

36 thoughts on “Meanwhile in Germany: British IFV Bumps into Garden

  1. But how did the tank got in to a civilian area?? There are proving grounds for learning tank drivers!

  2. “The reason for the incident was that the vehicle lost a bolt in one of its roadwheels, leading to the loss of control over the vehicle and the subsequent drift,”

    Fuck me, PRO design, losing one bolt from one wheel causes the tank to go out of control!
    Imagine in combat, sorry Mr enemy tank I need to tighten my wheel nuts.

  3. Pingback: British armor invades German garden! (by accident) – Tank and AFV News

  4. “he announced that he’s going to be a bit late, because he has a tank in the garden. ”
    I wonder what the conversation went like…

  5. The British occupiers finally show their true face!
    Time to get them out of our country. Oh and send the bombers to London, time for a lesson again