Hello everyone,
a few bits and pieces gathered from various supertest sources, as presented by VK Ekspress community (it’s a must for every serious WoT portal to have their own supertester “agent” :) )
- it’s possible that this week (possibly today or tomorrow), videomakers will release first “official” (approved) videos with new, improved physics
- a new map (city map) was brought to supertest, pictures and minimal leak will come later. It’s possible that it will be limited to tier 1 to 8
- a completely new team will start working on World of Warplanes. Their task will be to revive the game.
- physics test will go “as planned”
- a completely new team will start working on World of Warplanes. Their task will be to revive the game.
They are trying to revive it? At this point, the reputation that they achieved won’t help to bring back any players, no matter what they do to the game.
Stronk necrophile tendencies.
This is nice example of mission impossible..
they will need a miracle, i have no idea what would make players interested in wowp!
I like WT planes but their planes arent as exotic :D
Cue the Mission Impossible theme :P
“Revive world of warplanes” you can’t revive it if it was never alive
The only way to revive WoWP is to fix the servers, get decent physics, and add in the ability to land & rearm (flying a ground striker in WoWP without the ability to reload your bombs just flat sucks, esp. when a lot of them get 1 bomb, then have to buzz around as a slow, cumbersome, non-manuverable fighter).
when it comes to gameplay quality, WoT begins to die slowly as well. IM are the first nail in the coffin.
The numbers tell otherwise though.
but if he doesnt like something, everyone else has not to like it! Dont u understand?
and what tells the numbers? that gameplay QUALITY has improved? big lol. the game is a big pile of shit at the moment. remember WoT gameplay from a few years ago and STFU.
oh yeah a few year ago, when
-a loltraktor could block a maus from moving
-tanks couldn’t fall down a cliff but hang over it and shoot down 90°
-games consisted of 25 type 59s
-U had to play with tier 3 normal rtanks (no scouts) vs tier 10 tanks
-there was only an handful of maps.
yeah, gameplay was awesome back then
Introduction of autoloaders: 1st nail in coffin
Introduction of gold ammo for credits: 1st nail in coffin
Introduction of tier 8 prem tank missions: 1st nail in coffin
Introduction of new german TD line: 1st nail in coffin
WoT gameplay just represents the average capabilities of people – so it has to suck!
That’s no where compared to the “Early” days of WoT.
- it’s possible that this week (possibly today or tomorrow), videomakers will release first “official” (approved) videos with new, improved physics
zero fuck given
Getting new team is probably the best thing that can happen to WoWp… Still, as much as I want it to be competitive with WT, I’m kinda sceptical. There’s lots of work to do to make it playable…
It’s possible though. That is, if they mean to change the ENTIRE dev team, including guys who just order people around (like Serb does for tanks).
I’m not saying it’s not possible, but trying to improve something bad is usually harder than making it from scratch. And I would rather them go the second way
- a new map (city map) was brought to supertest, pictures and minimal leak will come later. It’s possible that it will be limited to tier 1 to 8
Totally what we need: another city map [/sarcasm]
Do you prefer open maps with 3 arties and 5 TDs camping in bushes at base?
Yes, I do. Everything is better than shitty city maps like Kharkov or Stalingrad.
well way better than maps that only fit noob like heavy gameplay. Arys, tds, lights, meds all are useless on city maps. So better give us maps where noobs suffer than one that pleases em.
If you think meds are useless on city maps, you suck at meds.
More shitty maps, ahh city maps. Were is the infantry to play these maps?
C’mon, tanks fighting tanks in a city, that is BS to the max.
And turretless TDs and arties on city maps, even more BS.
I agree. About the only real combat tanks would see in cities was as follows. Some troops might come up against a place that was too difficult for them to crack without a little localized artillery support, so they’d call for a tank to come in and blast the problem building with a few rounds. The enemy, seeing a tank in their neighborhood, would call for a tank or 2 of their own to come in and deal with the enemy tank. But overall, there was, to the best of my knowledge, any tank on tank battles in serious numbers.
That said, I don’t mind a few city maps for some variety. But there’s a vast difference between some variety and having it seem like the game’s being overrun with more and more city maps, even if I happen to think that they’re pretty good. The game needs more open country maps, particularly desert maps. The game could stand 2-3 more desert maps.
I wouldn’t be so blunt, but I agree with the general sentiment that mediums actually aren’t necessarily useless on city maps. On the two new ones, Kharkov and Stalingrad, there are numerous ways to use mediums effectively. Lots of flanking opportunities. Himmelsdorf is a little more problematic. Sure, they’re good for the hill, though mostly because their speed lets them get up there faster than most heavy tanks. But overall, I don’t think that Himmelsdorf is a particularly medium tank friendly map. Oh, it’s not grossly unfriendly either. But its smaller size and its layout seems to generate more in-your-face skirmishes that favor heavy tanks. That said, if you get into a close late game situation with very few tanks on each side, that’s a great chance for mediums to use their speed on this map.
I prefer open maps that more accurately depict real tank on tank combat. Yes, I know, WoT is an “arcade” game. But I still prefer that the maps present a more accurate depiction of tank warfare than is seen on city maps, regardless of how good they may be.
And if having to deal with arty is part of the cost of getting more open country maps, so be it.
Aside from the question of another city map, I don’t much see the point of limiting maps to tier 8. Tier 6 seems like a better break point to me. By tier 8, it seems like tanks are starting to approach the level of capability of tier 10′s and I don’t see what’s gained by setting the limitation at tier 8.
Team photo for the WoWp Devs…
- a completely new team will start working on World of Warplanes. Their task will be to revive the game.
Yeah.. I even found the guys resume online: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Victor_Frankenstein
Then why not make open maps with no vegetation?
Just a flat surface with no bumps around. That would be really hilariously fun. LOL
april fool map? a child’s room? :p
reminds me of the wildly popular mod map for the original call of duty, a very large kitchen, and you basically were the size of a rodent compared to it.
Oh you silly… I remember like that from even times of UT99 and CS 1.6. Fun maps where meant to be fun, and they were. CoD is so new in comparison to those games. While Quake players are mocking me for such new games in this comparison.
I really hope they succeed in reviving it, because for all its faults, it is still a nice pick-up game.
One game lasts 3 minutes or so, great for when you want a quick break from work, or you’re waiting for a phonecall and don’t want to commit to a 5-10 minute fight in WoT.
- it’s possible that this week (possibly today or tomorrow), videomakers will release first “official” (approved) videos with new, improved physics
Yezzzzzzz!!!! :D
- a completely new team will start working on World of Warplanes. Their task will be to revive the game.
Gaijn? Nah just joking. Really hope they REWORK the entire game. Or else Gaijn really don’t have motivation to improve their god old Awful MM and BR system.
“- a completely new team will start working on World of Warplanes. Their task will be to revive the game.”
Yeah, good luck about that.
- a completely new team will start working on World of Warplanes. Their task will be to revive the game.
Well… that’s easy. Combine Tanks with Planes and upgrade the WoWp’s maps to higher definition.
Oh… and use Frostbite, give up on Havok – Obsidian did years ago.
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Yea, WoWp has only small comunity, if you compare to the WoT it is maybe “dead”, but that game is fun and there are (almost) no bugs or big problems with mechanics … The reason why people think it is shit is that – half of people played it in beta and found that it is not much fun (like me) and than said it is crap, others only heard that it is crap, so they also started to say that and now we have “dead” game. But the game is better than in beta (open/closed), and yes it is arecade, however it’s fun.
Exactly my thoughts if you looking for WoT like planes (arcade with realism elements), there is nothing better then WoWp.
NO WARGAMING,what we are not in desperate need of right now is city maps.