WG EU Cheated Tournament Winners of Their Prize

Hello everyone,

as you know, Wargaming takes e-sport very seriously and is dedicated to making the competitive part of the game fair and bal… hahahaha who are we kidding, nobody at WG EU gives a flying fuck about that and their latest fail just confirms that.

So sit down kids and hear the story, as explained by H311fi5h (from clan IDEAL, ranked 4th in that tournament) and confirmed by Kyrahihi (clan LGEND). By H311fi5h’s words:

“The last two weeks the “Clan Wars Winter Tournament” took place on EU server. The tournament was full of fail from the very beginning, but the most notable is the following.

The teams progressing from the group stage to the final stage (8 teams) were promised 25.000 gold each. The prizes were transfered to the teams today, but the 25.000 gold for winning the group stage is missing for all teams. When reporting the issue, WG employee Azkolek (French Community Manager) states this prize was not supposed to be part of the tournament (followed by some bullshit with translation issues and other excuses).


At first this was displayed in every language, but not in English. This was fixed, but the line somehow re-appeared in the English rules only, but was still correct in the news article. We’re sorry for the people who got confused.

Fact is: At the very moment I am writing this email, the 25.000 gold is still listed on the official tournament page. I added a screenshot in case they remove it:


But that’s not all. The tournament rules also promise a bonus of 25% on top of the winnings from the final stage for teams with all players from the same clan. The rules state: “In the Final Stage, if the team has only members from the same clan, they will receive a +25% boost to their prize gold!”

Two teams, “The Legendary Peasants” and “KARP Alliance Please Ignore” moved all their players in the same clan before the final stage started. WG is refusing to pay the 25% bonus to those teams. This means WG is robbing the winners of another 100.000 and 43.750 gold. This means in total WG is cheating the top 8 teams for a total of 343.750 gold (that’s over 1100 € when bought in the gift shop).”

So, there you have it, clearly WG takes tournaments and fair play very seriously… and don’t forget to watch WGL!

57 thoughts on “WG EU Cheated Tournament Winners of Their Prize

    • WG already does this. Every once in a while, when a new patch comes out, there is a “bug” that will reset your selection to purchase gold ammo and consumable from credits to gold. So If you use automatic resupply it will spend your gold instead of credits to resupply said consumable. Its happened over a few patches now.

    • Indeed, I don’t even mind if the possible new staff sucks just as much, I just want these fuckwits fired :D

  1. WG fucks up?
    noooo waaaayyyyyy!!!!!
    that was sarcasm in case you didn’t catch it
    oh and also,

    WG doesn’t admit to making a mistake?

  2. If you connect your life too much with virtual bullshit game, you will always face shit like this.
    Very normal.

    If players are play wot just for fun, who cares gold.
    But players are which play with greedy feels, they will always make rich the developers, no more.

    If you do not enjoy the game but play because of your greediness, you will be remember these days as very empty years when you retired.

    Just calm, be cool, take distance with capital tricks end enjoy the game, feel it as pleasure.

    Dive to enemy base in frist 2sec. with your speedy tank and leave from there alive… or die there but assist your arty for counter arty, feel freedom, break your wn8 chain and enjoy the game.

    • The point is, the teams were promised of the payouts as stated on the webpage, they fought their way up to the top 8 teams, they deserve the gold reward as promised, but WG just cheated them, that is not called greediness. You work and get paid, I don’t think anyone would tell you ” OHHHH DAMNNN YOU ARE GREEDY” when you get paid.

      Edit: the 25% gold boost part was really greediness of the players, but still.

  3. “But that’s not all. The tournament rules also promise a bonus of 25% on top of the winnings from the final stage for teams with all players from the same clan. The rules state: “In the Final Stage, if the team has only members from the same clan, they will receive a +25% boost to their prize gold!””

    Honestly, I’d be very hesitant to give them the gold if they moved the members into clan before the final stage only. I took it as a thing, that they had to be in the clan throughout the whole tourney (and preferably even before, though that’s hard to demand). Doing stuff like this (moving people to clan for reward, then disbanding after tournament) sounds like going around rules, like in the first and second campaign…
    Hope I didn’t misunderstand anything.

    But I agree thoroughly that the missing 25k reward is just wrong and fail from WG EU.

  4. so how many more fuck ups on WG EU end until Minsk decides to finally fire majority of the fuck ups in paris?

    they clearly are getting really fed up with them.

  5. “Two teams, “The Legendary Peasants” and “KARP Alliance Please Ignore” moved all their players in the same clan before the final stage started.”

    *sniff sniff* that smells like bullshit mate.

  6. You forgot to mention that they scheduled matches on patchday and there wasn’t really any info whether they’ll delay by one day or not. That got our team (FAME) eliminated because people made sure they were there on Wednesday and we couldn’t field enough players due to them postponing the match without any real notice…

  7. This is not eSports, these are “for fun” tournaments… eSports(wargamin league) is much better organized ;)

  8. Who cares about shit e-sports and trash-sports team and they’r gold :d
    Very good WG EU “straday pyderasti tvoji muchenyje radajut nas” :D

  9. Pingback: WG belazerd Winter toernooi winnaars | E-BAY! DE NEDERLANDSE TOP CLAN. Leden: 54

  10. Refusing to award virtual currency from game which has 0 ingame economy, virtual currency thats just bunch of numbers that player cant resell for IRL money

    wtf wg? :D

  11. I’m far from being sympathetic towards WG, usually the more retarded their idea’s are, the more arrogant they become, however you are not right here Silentstalker.
    It’s not the case of intentionally cheating players, it’s a case of bad wording of an official info.

    the 25 000 gold part is just missing info that final rewards include the 25k for winning and it would work. Written as it is they should cough up another 200k gold for those 8 teams.

    the part with 25% bonus is more complicated.
    Rules state:
    In the Final Stage, if the team has only members from the same clan, they will receive additional 25% boost.

    people tend to understand it as
    rewards from finals tage will be boosted if team has members from 1 clan only in the final stage,
    That’s not the case
    it means only that reward from final stage will be boosted if team has people from the same clan, not defining the period of time the people should be in the same clan.
    So interpretation that to get bonus all players must be in the same clan for the entire duration of the tournament is equally valid.
    Of course it should be specified in the text but it’s definitely the case of overinterpretation of the ambiguous wording of the rules.

    It doesnt mean LGEND and 1PADX guys were doing anything wrong, they played according to how they understood the rules on the page – if rules were more clear they would move all players together before the start of the tournament

    I find this tournament retarded for completely other reason – qualifications to the group stage were done by single elimination tournament which means that some teams from the group stage were simply weak, much weaker then some who were eliminated by the winners of the tournament for example.
    There are many simple and elegant solutions that would eliminate this problem, but they would require a bit more work on WG employees part – and they made it very clearly they are not interested in it.

    • They already sent out the 25% extra money anyway, but I agree there.

      “but they would require a bit more work on WG employees part”
      Actually it’s a LOT of work (I’ve managed quite a few tournaments online). Ideally it should be managed as automatic double elimination (anything else is not viable in 500+ teams), but it’d mean redoing whole tournament system, possibly with Minsk redoing some stuff too.

  12. It is clear to me that WGs intent was to have clan teams rewarded. While moving team members to the clan prior to the tournament technically meets that criteria, it is obvious it was mot the intent of the rule.

    Look im certainly no fan of wg eu, but i would side with them on this one.

    Now as for the other gold because it “somehow” remained in the english section, that SHOULD be rewarded because it is reasonable and completely WGs fault.

  13. I play on NA, and only ever read about WG EU’s major fail’s, and thought maybe it wasn’t actually that bad, as NA WG is relatively good, and I thought maybe service would be the same across all servers. Apparently not. WG EU is fucking despicable. It’s as if they aren’t even part of WG.

  14. So, is it possible to sue them for this or is it a case of “You don’t ACTUALLY own anything in this game, even if you buy it. We can take it away any time you want, as your payment was meant to support the company and the gold is an added bonus :)” but without the payment part?

    • Funny thing is that kind of logic would never be held up if the money was exchanged for anything non-digital. The company would be charged with theft.

  15. Do you think WG staff are generally so butthurt all the time because the staff generally just barely get paid minimal wage and get none of the benefits and care and attention WG Minsk has for its stafF?

  16. Well, i give a flying shit about WGN Tournaments… in retrospective that makes sense i guess