No More Bonus Codes from Stream


Hello everyone,

I’ll be quick: Belizarius made a query at support department, regarding the codes. The official answer is: there will be no more bonus codes from WGL stream, because the ones that got leaked were all used up last night and the organizers have no spare ones.


Well, that’s that… and the morale of the story?

Don’t trust WG EU staff:


89 thoughts on “No More Bonus Codes from Stream

  1. Well, that’s what happens when someone fails with the upload and then someone leaks the codes. The event (in most points of view) is ruined.

    • We have to start a complaint, WG HAS to take back the gold and prem days back from the people that got those codes. Either everyone gets them or no one does.

        • Im only asking what’s fair, those people used the codes before they were even supposed to be released, meanwhile people like me who watched the stream didn’t got a chance.
          Everyone or no one.

          • You know that’s called communism? Those young enterpreneurs showed a lot of skill, cunning and dedication and through hard work they fulfilled their capitalistic dreams.

              • Lol, stop crying, pathetic faggots. I was sitting on the stream on the first day and tried to enter the codes. Results? One activated out of around 5 because of bullshits messages like “TIMEOUT” or “INCORRECT CODE”. And yet some people redeemed it – do you call it “justice”? Maybe I should write a ticket and cry “HURRR SOME PLAYERS ACTIVATED THE CODE AND I DIDN’T WAAAAH WAAAAH TAKE THAT GOLD AWAY FROM THEM”? Lol, just lol. It’s nothing fair about getting those codes – either through a stream or through a leak.

          • So you were only watching the stream for the codes. The way I see it the people who got the codes did everyone a favor, the ones who were only watching for the codes don’t have to watch anymore and the ones who watched for entertainment can now enjoy the higher bandwidth and less spammers and whiners in the chat.

      • yes unfair! if someone steals credit card numbers we want them all!!
        Either everyone gets them or no one does!

      • Huehuehuehue

        I dont care, i got myself around 10k golds on 2 accounts :D

        And trust me, WG wont take that gold and premium days away :D

    • Ok, listen. These arent mistakes. Serb doenst make mistakes

      Fools, lmao. So at the end of all this their are no more codes? They were leaked…… Its WG EU fault, oh, and watch the Stream “more” and then they will be activated later.

      OMFG. You guys cant see thru this?

      Final Example of WG RU soul….. The Panther, the world Renown most advanced WWII medium tank is inferior to the ‘Never” produced KV1S.

      Im speaking of course from an in game balanced perspective.

      This is whom your waiting on for a piece of in game credit that cant even buy a cammo skin.

      Good luck! Keep watching and keep a poor RU tanker playing for FREE!

  2. So this is how they solve this stuff, eh? Sad. They could just generate new ones, and that’d be much simpler, IMO… and then they could make the URLs completely random-generated, so they don’t have another fail like this.

    Also… wtf’s up with their EU staff? Seems they’re always half asleep or something while they work, since they keep failing this hard.

  3. Well that’s a lot of bull!
    What a bunch of incompetent retards.

    How did they manage to put up pictures without some kind of obfuscation?

  4. Well they are not WG staff only players,they didn’t know anything about the codes

  5. Better that way. I stopped watching their streams because of all the idiots asking for codes. It was so annoying…

  6. Well 90% of pps are there only becaus of the codes,tomorow there won’t be more then 2 k viewers

  7. The morale of the story is make public the names of the people who stole the codes so that they can have a taste of popular justice.

  8. Why bother with watching some stupid stream, when you can just wait for someone to post the code somewhere, like on FTR? xD

  9. Clap Clap WG … you have managed to fail at failing … Why to bother with some punishing of those who used leaked codes and literally mined tons of gold and premium days, let them have it, its just perfectly fine …. And what about every1 esle ? … WG reply: ” Just go fuck yourself and try to win in some other way … its not our problem that we failed at uploading of OUR OWN codes” … right WG ? because thats what I see in that reply …

  10. fucking mother fucker idiots! the one who was lazy enough to upload them jpg should be fined and we should got new codes..

  11. actually this is the only positive thing!
    they put codes just for making people look WGL boring shit :P

    now they screwed themselves!
    finally good move from WG :DDD

  12. i play games more than 20 years(im 40).Games online and games not online.
    WG is the most amateur company i ever meet in my 20 years gaming life

  13. I wrote to CZ support and this guy TOLD me just now that code “FT7BC6VZ87″ was still active in the morning… I told him that it was not possible, give him link and still he thinks that I will believe his rumors…. He also told me that i was not fast enough and that those codes was FREE so i just cant complain… cause it was their GOOD WILL !!! :-DDD

  14. I dont know if it hasnt been said already, but the mods on the WGLEU stream are not WG employees. They are volunteers, nothing more. They report what they are told and thats about it. I wouldnt blame them for this.

  15. Becouse preventing codes from leaking is very hard work… but generating new ones even harder.

  16. The whole event has probably cost WG millions of dollars to setup and publicize and because of the actions of one lazy employee uploading all the codes too early its turned into a PR disaster.

    • 100% agree with you.
      This WG Grand Final turns in to EPIC FIASCO.
      1# That idiot who put limitation on bonus codes deserves headshot. (just 24/7 WoT lurkers manage get them).
      2# Eventually those “secret” codes leaked. ROFL

  17. the sad thing is they suck at everything…. we have the worst weekend specials anyway and now this

  18. During the live stream I and other viewers that knew about the leak warn the viewers that did not knew about the leak at twitch chat that there will be no bonus code because it got leaked out last night and already used up, before anyone ask and ask for bonus codes in ASIA Server. To be honest, I only got 500 Gold (200G+50G+50G+50G+50G+50G+50G) from leak that some posted on FB WoT Groups, but somebody said that they got a thousand of gold from leak.


    • I think he wrote a sentence that included the word “code”.
      Everyone writing the word code (even if it was not spam to ask when the new ones are given out) was banned from the chat by some stupid automated mod-bot.

  19. thats what happen in a company that by it’s own VP of BS declares that EU citizens are second rate customers

    …hire the lowest of the low to accommodate the job, those who work at WG EU are scum of the earth, i would not trust them to flip a burger at MacDonald’s.

    • Not that simple. Consider for example me – when I woke up, I checked my e-mail (even before my first coffee) and bam, it was full of AMAGAD TRY THESE CODES mails. I did, none of them worked. I was like what the fuck and it took me roughly half an hour to figure out where these codes came from and another hour to put together the story, how exactly were they leaked. By your definition I would be banned as well, even though I at first had no idea.

      • he is just mad cuz he didn’t get them on time too….fucking pity hypocrite….but his jealousy and tears tastes so see, even if WG banned everyone who used codes he still wouldn’t have any benefits from it, but at least it would calm his tits down a bit because no one else got them…

      • I saw some of the codes on Facebook and without much thought I entered them on the WoT page. To my surprise in the next few minutes i got 2300 gold and 9 days of premium more. Later i found out about the leaked codes and that people farmed an awful lot of gold with them so I got this bitter-sweet feeling “Oh god i got free gold, but god damn it if I only knew about it a little earlier I could have gotten a full month of premium!!!”

        Well this is not their first bonus code fiasco. SS you should remember the Gamestar code giveaway around 2 years ago. I know people (I am looking at you Medjed!!!! Greedy rageing bastard :* ) who farmed over 30k gold on that day and nobody was banned nor fined…good days. The point is we gonna see some whining around the forums in the next few days from people who got nothing out of it….

  20. I think they should give a chance to others by raising the code usage limit. So thouse who allready got them wouldnt be a problem because you cant use it 2x while others could still fight to the death for thouse few 50g codes . Its virtual so it wouldnt cost them shit to do that
    Problem solved.

  21. European forum subject: “You do not have permission to view this topic. ” Typical to WG to fix things this way.

  22. balanced like MM on 5x weekend these codes are…
    So frustraiting that i had a RL atm where these codes appeared .
    I hope who got the gold can keep it and WG should go in its corner and shame for itself.

  23. i think we all would have done the same that those sneaky bastards… wot gold raises the greed in the cleanest ones too.
    800gold in a week, thats fine for me :p enough for some barrack or garage sloth

  24. well i’ll be honest, i would have took the gold and ran, earlier in the evening i got about 500 gold total and 3 days prem (which i cant even use coz im working away and trying to play on a shitty laptop is ridiculous!) but, if i was in charge of wargaming i would say fuck all those whiny fuckers im never giving away free gold again!!

  25. The story that all those codes were intended for stream viewers doesn’t add up. There were no 800G+prem codes during the first stream and the greedy bastards wouldn’t have given those for sure. They are just flaming the criers.

  26. From the daily history of WG EU fails, this is still one of the biggest fails. It deserves a place in the biggest fails in the history of gaming even.

    • WG EU needs a special “hall of shame” to keep track of all the fails they are making

    • sure because it’s a WG EU event, right?
      Moron no brainers always come to say the satisfying words: WG EU FAIL, while has absolutlely NO IDEA what they are talking about.
      Sir, you deserve an uninstal from wot (at least from wot)