(thanks, Retia)
List of changes – here
Edit: the issue with download is being solved according to Russian developers (last time there was a problem too)
I must say, that is a very constructive comment.
Is the fact that you comment first with something completely stupid, what keeps you going through the day? :)
nope just was so fast,i was really thinking it will be tomorow
The Force.
No no, Darth Woras, the Dark Side is what flows through him :D
You know what? I just come here to read about what’s going on in WoT, but haven’ve been playing since 2 months ago. No regrets
Is just the launcher …
Same here mate…
I can´t update the client. It says : Warning. The data obtained from the update service is incorrect. WG screw it up again.
Edit: Ok, problem is fixed, I´m downloading the update, ;).
Russian still have problems with that … :))) Silent just edit this topic about downloading
yep, same here dude….
Working now…shows 7 368.40 MB :)
I won’t try to download it with mobile internet. :D Civilization, 120mb/s internet I miss you! :”(
Is it live for EU too?
Anyone else having problems even getting the launcher to open ?
Yea, it kinda crashes after I open the launcher.
run as administrator compatibility mode win 7 that’s what I did. but I still cannot log on. will not accept ID and password