Epic Artillery Counterfire

Hello everyone,

I don’t usually post various “RNG” videos, but this kinda made me giggle. It’s a video by Blubbyzor (EU) and it nicely demonstrates, why

a) artilleries shouldn’t stick together at one spot
b) artilleries shouldn’t occupy “predictable” spots
c) artilleries should move after shooting


86 thoughts on “Epic Artillery Counterfire

    • It is pointless to do it in most of the games. You are to either do it on the beginning or when you absolutely have nothing to shoot.

      Some of them waste so many shells on countering that it is ridiculous.. and they don’t even get it why is their team loosing

      • Unfortunately after nerf it became so :( . And best argument is Blubby admitting that he lost this battle…

    • Just a random luckshot from a clicker… a class that should not even exist in WoT.

      • OMG Arty!
        Whine whine whine.
        How dare anything be in the game that can damage my troll tank except another troll tank. What is the point of playing WoT if you don’t get Top Gun every game?

      • This is a careful shot, placed in a traditional artillery spot, and performed after confirmation that all three vehicles were in the same place (tracers coming from 3 different spots).
        If you still think this is a “lucky” shot, it only showcases your lack of unsderstanding os how artilery work. And that explains why you underestimate and hate them.

      • so how do you fire your gun? do you slam your fist on your mouse button?

      • Yes he used gold shells, when he fires HE, most of the times he does AP, which is way more fun.
        Check out his channel real good stuff in there.

  1. Yeah!
    GG Bonjour and thanks a lot for featuring this video SilentStalker :)

    To be honest, i think i put all my best luck in that gold round, the rest of the game was pretty bad and we lost it :/
    But, my first 3*Bombard, leaving the 4rth arty with 112 hp left or something.
    And yeah, i’d rather shoot AP shells with T92 rather than an OP HE, ammoracking and os’ing T10 is great fun, T92 my little precious thing.


    (any advice for vegas editing is appreciated :p)

  2. What custom arty reticle is that, where the splash radius is displayed on the mouse pointer?

  3. a) artilleries shouldn’t stick together at one spot
    b) artilleries shouldn’t occupy “predictable” spots
    c) artilleries should move after shooting
    d) artileries should be removed from the game

      • Map clicker detected…
        Watch the world from satellite silently… ok? :-) shhh

      • Artillery makes as much sense as submarines in world of warships… it can only be countered by a lucky suicide scout, another artillery actually looking, or finally killing it at the end of the game.

      • If there is a kind of human being worse than arty players are the people that put it on the game.
        If there is a kind of human being worse than the people that put it on the game, are the people who is stupid enought to defend it.

  4. a) artilleries shouldn’t stick together at one spot
    b) artilleries shouldn’t occupy “predictable” spots
    c) artilleries should move after shooting
    d) cancer should be removed from the game


      • So should emo faggots. Like both of you. Kellomies get on your knees fuckface. But i do understand why scrubs are always taking the cancer side. It’s the only class where they don’t suck major dicks.

        • Would it terribly discomfit you to learn I have literally never played arty, and don’t plan to in the future either?
          Owait, that’s actually not *entirely* true.
          There was the Karl-Gerät…

    • Mmmm, precious pubbie tears, so delicious.

      It’s the whining that makes playing artillery so much fun.

      • No it’s the fact you are too retarded to be effective in any other class. But keep on using that as your reason to play cancer.

  5. K, so he’s gonna get 2 kills with one shot, cool.

    WAIT, WHAAAAAAAAAAT? :D I laughed so hard :D

  6. Arty should still be adjusted somewhat, however if people cannot deal with artillery in it’s current form they are the cancer of WoT and not the artillery…

  7. Counter arty is rarely done ever since the arty nerf. Now it takes so long to reload aim and for the shell to reach there, not to mention that the satan embodiment which is RNG is even more ruthless with accuracy, that it has become incredibly time consuming and wasteful to perform counter-battery.

    On the plus side, the lack of people doing counter arty means most players have stopped bothering with moving after every shot. If u miss though they’ll remember to do so.

    • What I would have preferred, is an increase in shell speed, and reload speed pre-nerf, and just make the aiming circle twice as large and inaccurate.

        • The idea is that you’re not stuck aiming and reloading for too long at one spot for the entire match and it gives the tanks you’re shooting at a fighting chance as opposed to roflstomping them.

          But I’m mostly a brawler so I might have some bias.

          • Aiming circle is insanely RNG even now – it removes almost all skill from playing SPG. Making it bigger would make things even worse.

            There is no good solution for arty now, best way would be to remove them. At least, i don’t think there is any…

            • Agreed. There is no good solution for artillery right now.
              But it’s better than the arty-fests that we had before the nerfs.
              Maybe WG went a little too far on the nerfing….. helping a little overall +2% to +5% on everything would make artillery a lot more competitive while not making them overkill again….

              Probably a change on how the map dsplays for “arty cam”, to make it a little less “death from above” yet different from “tank cam”.

  8. nice shot blubby, those who whine about arties are the ones who never played them… it’s not just eating+clicking at a point and a tank dies… well technically yes, but it takes skill to be a good arty player.

  9. SS, I know English is a difficult language to speak when it’s not your native language. Even Americans don’t speak English, they speak Americanese. So, just so you know;

    The plural of Artillery is Artillery

    There is no such word as Artilleries this is a bastardisation of the word used by the ignorant. There is no plural as the word as it is a description (noun) of what they do.

  10. That was priceless. I never plant myself near another arty… to see that happen though fantastic.

    as to rage of the arty-haters… try to be a decent arty player you’ll see it takes more than click and shoot. Frankly I’ve noticed that some of the best battle-callers are arty players as to be good at arty you need to see how the battle developes… maybe more around to get a different shot off… etc. It is absolutely not a game of sitting in a single spot the whole time and just clicking.

    The other big skill is trying to hit tanks on the move. Yes i’ve one-shot a BatChat who was moving… good amount of luck yes… but I needed to understand where the BC was going as I have to deal with a 3 – 4 second flight time… good arty players do that a lot (i get lucky only occasionally) those people that rage.. go try to shoot a BC or anything faster than a E100 / Maus on the move… see how easy it is.

  11. SPGs in general are very insignificant these days, due to the horrible rate of fire and aiming speed. Only something like the FV304 can seriously influence a game when playing solo, thanks to good rate of fire and aiming with outstanding ballistic trajectory (due to the short max range).

  12. For those of you whining about arty, learn to use cover and stop sitting in the open then bitching cause arty hit you…simple.

    Most decent tankers know where arty can hit on any given map and adjust to it, or move when spotted.

  13. You know you’re contributing when you get the classic line appearing in the text box “Fuck off arty”.


    Kinda makes up for the long reload, RNG, immobile tanks suddenly moving, rocks, insane team-mates, aliens eating your shells, constant spawning on Himmelsdorf, etc, etc.