Hello everyone,
today, several players have sent me e-mails about the difference between American and European July missions. I mean, the Americans have to have it better, since they are getting the LTP, right? Or… do they?
Random battles only, tier 4 and above vehicles
- get 5k XP once per day while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 2 gold fire extinguishers
- get 10k XP once per day while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 2 gold medkits
- get 15k XP once per day while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 2 gold repair kits
- repeat the 15k XP part 7 times: 3 days of premium (can be done only four times)
- repeat the 15k XP part 28 times (!): get the tier 3 LTP light tank
Total maximum value: 28 x 6 = 168 gold consumables (3360k credits worth), 12 days of premium, tier 3 light premium tank
- destroy 60 German tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold repair kits, once per account
- destroy 60 Soviet tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold repair kits, once per account
- destroy 60 American tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold repair kits, once per account
- destroy 40 British tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold medkits, once per account
- destroy 50 French tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold medkits, once per account
- destroy 35 Chinese tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold medkits, once per account
- destroy 35 Japanese tanks while being in top 10 of your team XP-wise: 3 gold medkits, once per account
- complete all 7 missions: Improved Ventilation Class 3
Total maximum value: 18 gold consumables (360k), 1 equipment (worth 600k)
At this point, you can probably see that my question from the first part was largely rhetorical. While the 15k XP per day requirement sounds steep, daily doubles and premium account bonus do count towards it, so at 2k daily double XP with prem account bonus, you are looking at 8 or so battles (providing you have 8 different tanks). That’s not that terrible.
And the Europeans? Yea, good luck killing 35 Chinese, 35 Japanese and 40 British tanks (random battles, so no historical battle cheating with the British). To be fair, I had a look at June missions as well, to see whether it was somehow “compensated” earlier. Americans basically had the same thing as they do now in July (the reward tank was T1E6, not LTP though and the reward for 15k XP wasn’t gold consumables, but 25k, 50k and 100k credits). And we, Europeans – 3 days of prem (Americans had 12) and maximum of 75k credits per day (Americans had 175k) along with a 500k grand prize. Yep, Americans are ahead here as well.
Plus there is that “tier 10 discount” thing the Americans have and we don’t (EU server has 30 percent discount on the top 3 of the branch, American server has discounts for the entire branch plus missions with that branch with the grand prize of gold or premium tanks).
Make no mistake, I am not complaining that there are too few missions/events/discounts in WoT. I mean… if anything, there are too many (really hard to keep track and – let’s face it – people become spoiled). But I have to wonder, why aren’t at least the monthly missions and discounts, common to all servers, unified? I can understand the difference between various events for example (like, Europe not celebrating 4th of July for example), but still…
One more thought. Hmm… WoT economy system is closed and completely under Wargaming control. However, given the fact that we know that WG is aware of ingame inflation and negative effects connected with it (overuse of gold ammo for example), does that mean that to compensate for adding so many credit missions, the income of tanks was nerfed? How else would the inflation be checked, I haven’t seen any new credit sinks lately (especially since very few new tanks are coming)…
Still, WoWP has the best missions. In July, you need 2 victories per day to get 2 pieces of equipment worth 750k and one day of premium. It’s really easy to gain premium time here with the missions.
Yea, if you want to get that 2 equipment you have find out in the top three of players with maximum damage, also you have to finish a some missions to get 1 “ONE” day of premium acc per account which for inexperienced player it’s hard. :C
Still misses previous missions where I had to do 50k damage or 25 kills per day, within a month you could easily earn credits for a X tier…
WoWp not worth of our time :)
If they made those Creds tied to my WOT account it would be well worth it.
The equipment is part of the missions which give you the premium day. The ones where you have to be among the first 3 damage dealers are separate and they give gold consumables (extra bucks, I like it when I gather 10-20 and sell them).
EU is always underestimated…
Its the 2nd server after RU by player numbers. So how you think others feel? (except China)
What NA does is either trying to get more players, or inflation there isnt big.
Hoho, I wonder how EU players feel in contrast to US and RU missions. Their prizes are much more worth.
Like shit.
50WR may feel bad, but above – we plei4fun :D
They want more players? Let us make transfers to NA. I would gladly do that myself….
Waiting on Roaming to be introduced, so I can pack up all my 60 tanks that are currently in my garage and move to the NA servers.
Will make a full platoon with my ukrainian friends and will go ”nagibat” RU randoms :D
Count me in! That is, if You platoon with mediocre 49wr bananas ;)
You will still keep EU missions if you are roaming from EU server, though…
speedphlux, you will have a HUGE facepalm, when you’ll get how roaming works 8-)
Your account and tanks are going nowhere, missions will stay from your homeserver.
Only thing what you will be able to do – play on NA server with no chat :)
Sad news for you, boy; WG’s thinking about discarding the Roaming idea altogether. Source? Here: http://ftr.wot-news.com/2014/06/27/27-6-2014/
Well fuck em.
Ru-server’s July mission is even shittier. 200 battles in 4 days for T7 Combat Car? Who’s going to do that?
Kids and bots alike.
750G for 200 battles.
50battles/day x 5min=4.1 or more hours… hmm.. 16hours play for 750g.(3 euros) :D
Them strict parents dont give kids ze moniez :D
I kinda now understand all the bot users. I would have never personaly participate in shit events like that.
its really sad the difference of aproach in events like this
in NA
-milestones are good, even if you dont get the ltp you still get nice rewards, also if you had it you get some gold.
-no changes in the gameplay.
in EU
-milestones are non existant, 3 repair kits is a joke, the final reward is the only thing worth and even then is a joke after the ammount of battles you must play.
-killing japs, chinese and brits is everything, lots of suicides and killsteals also these tanks will be unplayable since almost everyone will focus on you.
so i probably will skip this month while i would paid a month of premium with the NA month mission.
”… these tanks will be
unplayable since almost
everyone will focus on you.”
What you said here is complete bullshit.
Remember older missions? Such focus never happened and probably wont.
KS focus was extreme when there was 30kill/day with huge reward, but now…
Tomatoes dont even recognise what tank they drive and you think they will for enemy? Pft!
And even if tomatoes will recognize, then they are giving no sh*t about missions.
But there is one tank that ALL magically will focus it at the moment when he appears….
then play the japs, just to unlock t8, it cant be that hard in a month :P
And I was thinking yesterday about getting back to WoT and play my Comet and grind the Japs….Nope. 4th month without tanks it is ;D
EU has more siemas so you can get easy 2k XP games and NA has better missions. Sounds fair to me.
Is there any proof of that?
Stick has two ends.
Language barriers of EU are one of the biggest (maybe ASIA too), so its hard to coordinate your own siemkas.
”Co to kurwa jestes ”cap”?
Honestly i’m ignoring chat, it always looks like this
- Siemka
- Fuck PL
- Moin
- Nekdo CZ?
- Omg CZ/SK/PL play tetris…
- Kurwa fuck MM, what i’m supposed to do here?
- Omg 7TDs vs 7 meds again
- Omg, we have two Fattons, lost
- Fuck you OP Wtf E100 unbalanced shit
- All clickers burn in hell
- Look at that 38%wr 20eff is4 omfg
- F.. u FemaleV4gina215, totally balanced
- F.. u E100 gold noob
- Invisible sh!t tracked me and set me on fire, hacker reported, unfair plane
Maus: I’m spotted, pls help!
True story!!
I use the chat mostly for swearing, helps to relax my nerves. In some very rare occasions you can say thanks to someone for some good actions done by them, but really – it’s super rare ;)
I use chat to taunt them or distract :D
kurwa mać
jebany pierdolony kurwa… And my PL teammates go nuts.
…and me shouting at start: “Reporting for next defeat!”
[then getting reported for.. something.. but, but.. I don't have XVM..]
once a time I was in battle where idiot on RHM with over 400 WN8 said on chat “another idiots in team, another lose” (maybe because he was just too touchy with XVM) and he drowned in water XDD however we won that battle :D
But its just funy :D Especialy when I see Czechs writing in their language :D ‘szukać’ – in polish = to search, In czech means to ‘fuck’. And there is plenty more examples.
I read it as an experiment. Run different missions on each, see which is more profitable.
Because WoT is less popular in US than in EU or RU and Wargaming have to keep current playerbase and gain new players with tons of gifts.
OTOH IIRC last year we had shitty July because August was month of bonuses. Personally I can live with easy to make missions or with missions not worthy of hardcore playing in July if August will be like last year – significant amount of credits, bonuses and discounts.
I presume that’s way to keep players in – earning credits fast through missions, so they’re eager to buy that next shiny good looking tank from the branch
If them WG really wants, should introduce cosmetics for gold. Like in Warframe.
income control ?
1. i did see my t-28 prototype even during mission was earning much less then before (i used to earn on it 50k with premium .. now it was approx only 20k per battle with premium+30% tank of month)
2. no matter what they say, i feel ammo rack, injuries etc. are much often … since i started using big tools and med kit.
3. OT : does anybody have any info on where RNG is calculated? I have VERY VERY VERY strong suspicion RNG is part of “balancing” mechanism. Especially about ~50% WR. If your WR is higher, RNG is not so random at all. (shots rolls out of circle middle, penetration values lowered etc..)
If I play crap – battle results show it (0 WN8 :D), no point blaming RNG.
[note: my WR is 54%+ after 20k battles - all solo, mostly no premium in over 3 years]
my WR is 55,4, after 12k games.
if i ding 5 times in row, or hit 4 times for 0 dmg … well, i’m suspicious.
(when i was writing, i did have game with tiger – 12 missed shots, 8 with no dmg.
i can provide replay – it was really weird – shots got even “lost” in air ..
To Silentstalker. You said
But I have to wonder, why aren’t at least the monthly missions and discounts, common to all servers, unified? I can understand the difference between various events for example (like, Europe not celebrating 4th of July for example), but still…
You forgot about sales and missions from RU. Do you know what mission have we? We know that what will we get, but dont know how))) It’s not a joke! Information will be soon and partly by weeks. Now we know about mission only for the first week. For getting final prize (3 slots+T7 Combat car) need to make whole 4 mission. The first is 200 times complete mission to have at least 100 damage per battle. It must be done from 30/06 till 04/07!!! 200 battles per 5 days. What do you think about?)))
And about your question about the same missions. SerB (ex-main producer of WoT) wrote several times that sales and special events on RU and EU servers always will be different. Main reason is different amount of players. RU is the biggest and that is why we always will have less sales and harder mission.
If someone starts to look at server’s differences – let him look at gold prices – gold prices are like we have 1 euro = 1 US dollar. Therefore in fact there is ~30% price difference.
By the true I didn’t do it. I only try to show you that difference is. And it between all servers. And I think the best offer on that server which producers want to promote.
US actually gets fucked though with this mission shit 28 fucking times? that’s 420,000 XP 15 x 28 That’s half the T34 mission but for a Tier 1 gift tank? that’s soo fucking stupid
Uh do you realise you can do it with every tank right? 15k/day for 28days. I just X2 my 5favorite high dmg high XP earning tanks or so and can easily complete 15k/day.
That’s of course if you get Good games I had 7 losses in a row on my M103 my best tank all from fucking failure teamates
Have you been born yesterday?
It’s obvious – EU is a milking cow, so players will take anything, while WoT@NA aren’t, so they give NA blowjob with swallowing.
Haven’t bothered playing WoT since the end of May after finishing the SP mission; still see no reason to log on and the EU monthly missions are SHIT compared to NA.
Whatever happened to having the same specials and missions across both servers? More lies from the WG EU office.
when i saw the eu missions, i only told to my self: ahhhh f*ck it!
I understand that EU players are mad.
But look on the bright side:
less credit income = less bad players in high tiers spamming premshells.
I’m glad WG is slowly stopping to pump the insane amounts of credits into the ecosystem. It was getting ridiculous, seeing so many bad players on top tiers.
Also, it looks like the WT:GF proved NOT to be a big threat, after all.
Fascist EU makes bad against glorious motherland! Speaks bad for communist liberation of Crimea from euro-fags inbred monsters! No good missions for you European capitalists!!!!
Poor troll or challenged?
The NA missions are truly fantastic. Always so many opportunities to make money and get equipment, with a premium account as well as credit bonuses from whatever missions are going on ALL the time, you can easily make millions everyday.
From a commercial point of view, the missions are there to encourage more people to play. WG clearly feel the NA player base needs more encouragement than the EU one. Whether their assessment is correct, who can say?
It’s good that i don’t bother about these tanks, i already have them all :P . I’m waiting for gross-tank-traktor mission :P . Or, FCM50t mission :) . Or, eventually Loewe mission…
If you already have the tank, you get gold instead. Certainly not worth it to change how much you play already, but if you have all the tanks already, you probably play a lot anyway.
You know, there IS a difference between superpershing gold value and ltp gold value…
oh wow, who else from the NA server saw the title and as sure that EU was going to be better than our lame month? Very surprising.
NA server is giving us alot of free goodies lately and easy to get IMO. So far ive got 750gold compensation from T1E6 tank, 2500gold from the T110E4 on track event, and im also going to get 850gold from the LTP event. NA FTW!!
Another thing to note is that items in EU Premium shop are more expensive than in NA and RU shops. E.g. T34+slot cost 49,20$ in RU shop, 52,19$ in NA and 59,14$ in EU.
A quick comment about “good luck killing 35 Chinese, 35 Japanese and 40 British tanks”. Well, the mission lasts entire month. And it’s never mentioned that kill counters will be reset daily. So… Good luck indeed.