Hello everyone,
an interesting thing appeared in my e-mail. A member of the WHY clan, Amayii, sent me a screenie of this message, sent yesterday to the leadership of their clan by Decept1on, a WG employee. I think it is quite interesting.
The test will probably begin next week? Will check then and keep you updated. Also, nice to know that some testers are more equal than others… but I guess it makes sense, when it comes to mode that is pretty much dedicated to clans. I think we can assume that the same thing will happen on RU server as well.
raported! Using H4x to bypass queue bannable offense!
but makes sense testing new mode with non-tomatoe klenus I think
Well, you CANT ask for feedback from 80% of remaining players – they are too dumb to even realise how ignorant they are to the game they play.
*looks at forums topics* Yeaaaaah, ideas so dumb not even funny anymore, or whines not entertaining (results may vary :D).
That’s true.
When granting vip access to the test to skilled players there is much greater chance they will pick things up that should not be in the game and report it.
90 % of playerbase is made up of potatoes who wouldn’t even bother reporting stuff, even if they found something. They only log in to the test to pew pew in tanks they will never have a chance to play on the regular server.
” Also, nice to know that some testers are more equal than others… ”
This seems pretty normal to me. Stuff like this happens all the time. WoW, SW:TOR, every other MMO game invites the top players/clans to beta/stress test new raids and whatnot. Heck, some top guilds on WoW are being followed by Bjizzard employees during new raids/contet to hotfix bugs/exploits should they appear. So ofcourse WG would ask [WHY] instead of [WOTJEKSTRONKKLANUPL].
I will probably get a lot of hate for this, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with this move by WG.
Hmm…. did you finish reading the sentence?
“but I guess it makes sense, when it comes to mode that is pretty much dedicated to clans”
My apologies. I will edit it right away. But my point still stands though :p
Aye, I agree
Does it really matter what they are testing? In my opinion it is perfectly normal for good clans to have bigger testing priority than “commoners” no matter what is subjected to testing. (aside from things that are related to masses of people, then it wouldn’t make sense)
They have a higher chance to receive actual feedback from clans who actively participate in Clan Wars and have an interest for the new thingies to work correctly. With each update that affected Clan Wars, even in a small way, the feedback topic on the official forum was full of tehnical complains from clans.
You guys must understand when active top clans encounter a problem they provide full extenct of information to WG support even if most of the time they get a reply like “We know about this issue” , “Its working as itendent” or “The bug you reported its actually a new feature”.
To be honest Im glad WG is finally trying to work with their community.
Aye, I agree. I am glad I am in R1SE, gotta ask Kyra if he recieved an invitation as well. Not that there is anything much to test I guess.
You did get.
Prolly not to much to be tested but its a step forward.
I don’t se anything strange. It is nice to know they wanna test it with players who actually know how to play the game. I guess there are more clans who recieved these messages. I wonder if they will have their own slots or they will take the regular slot if they login before the slots are taken.
Test servers are swarmed with teamkilling tomatoes so it’s ok for clan members to log in first, but why not all clans with 50+ members?
because just being in a clan doesnt make u a better tester ;)
As certain clans attitudes to just about everything show…
and this is going to be a stronkhold test again? or its a normal test server?
Normal test. But the only seriously new feature of the patch is the mode, so I guess the test will revolve around it.
Hmm, I can see zillions of pubbies trying the most important changes – Waffle E-100 and DeathStar nerfs, just to check, how (un)playable they will get ;)
“new feature is the new mode” nope, old 50b aim time, thats the new feature :D
I think it is ok as long as it is for test purposes only. After all, they are a top clan, and WG expects them to be one of the primary users of Stronghold, so seems legit.
*WARNING* Conspiracy Coming….
Considering WG’s history on various subjects (both “official” and staff “doing the naughty naughty”)… what is the likelihood that this won’t be abused somewhere along the line… ??
Priority queueing can easily lead to other “assistance”…
It’s only natural that they’ll want the mode to be tested by people who can actually give feedback in coherent English, instead of shitters who won’t even bother reporting gamebreaking bugs.
Favoring the top clans in other ways wouldn’t help WG.
*cough* PR *cough* pro-gamers *cough*
wait WHY is a Top Clan? o_O
no lol, WG must have invited at least 30 clans or so before they got to [WHY]
WHY won the lottery,
after stronk klanus were all picked, one place was open so they made a lottery out of it!
mfg eXterminus
Maybe WG realized that their testers are useless?
I thought that “Soon™” came from War Thunder; I just note this because is seems strange to me to use those words by WG employee, like if War Thunder employee would say “Roll out” or one of SerBs phrases from Q&A or whatever, heh
It’s from Valve Time, google it. It’s legendary how long their “soon” can take…
That makes sense. Else it would be really strange.
Good idea, only they should make a counter limit too – like five random battles without klanu stronkhold mode and autokick.
How many clans will get queue priority?
I guess if SS could decide that, all of the polish clans with WN8 average below 1000 would be invited.
Its the majority of EU server players and they need to have decisive voice in this. Otherwise its just plain racism and elitist behaviour!
I don’t have anything against this as long as I get into the test server without waiting for four hours : 3
I want to test my buffed Leopard PTA too >_> And I don’t want you bully clans to steal my spot! Perhaps I should just join a good clan…
I think it’s a pretty good idea, ’cause of the fact that everytime you log on the test server it’s full of russian player mostly by tomatoes without even having a clan. They are just there to try tier 10 tanks, because they would never get ‘em on a normal live server.
It’s a opportunity for normal clan players to get on server without waiting for hours.
Good. I find this to be a good idea.
After all, a good player’s input is more valuable than a tomato’s imput… I don’t really trust guys who drive their ELC’s just to catch air and die to provide any worthwile imput on anything.
Well, for the 9.1 test there were no queues at all. The disaster of 9.0 and WT GF release are taking their toll on the number of users of WoT.
be careful… the fanbois will pounce on you for daring to mention anything like that…
I approve of this , not only because i’m in WHY , but because it makes sense .
Maybe they can also ask Decept1on for an M60 code now so all the 1st campaign stuff can be behind us finally since i keep getting messages from them in randoms to tell Xen to piss off and all that, mkay good luck.
Thanks for all the tears, now go back to MLP.
Always test with the dumber. Dumb peeps ask questions about every struggle. If they can do it on their on their own, everyone can do it. Test with “elite”? They will keep quiet about the flaws then workaround the problem and keep their edge above dumb.